Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia

Amref Health Africa is an international African health organization head quartered in Nairobi, Kenya.

Amref Health Africa focuses its health priorities on the health of women and children, believing through them the health of the whole community can be improved. In 2011, Amref Health Africa launched its three year Business Plan 2011-14 that defines our health priorities under seven Amref Health Africa’s Strategic Directions (SD) namely:
SD 1: Making pregnancy safe and expanding reproductive health


Meet Estibel Walelign, a farmer in Yemekat kebele, Bahirdar Zuria woreda, and a beacon of change in his community. Known for his passionate engagement in local issues, Estibel is a trusted leader whose opinion carries weight among his neighbors.

Enter Amref's Power to You(th) project, which partnered with Estibel to identify and train local leaders, part of a broader effort to empower young people. Estibel's training focused on combating early marriage, unintended pregnancy, and female ge***al mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in his community – issues deeply rooted in harmful traditions.

Growing up hearing stories of young girls facing tragic consequences, Estibel returned from training with a newfound determination. He mobilized local authorities, religious institutions, schools, health centers, police, and government offices to form a committee addressing these critical issues.

"The training I received was an eye-opener. It deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by our youth, focusing on how we can educate, sensitize, and change our society. I became passionate about advocating against sexual and gender-based violence, child marriage, and FGM," he says.

The ripple effect was swift. Estibel directed his efforts towards the youth, bringing advocacy to schools and places where young people gather. His impact extended to young women, who trusted him to intervene and help cancel arranged marriage.

“How can I sit back without contributing after receiving such useful training?” Estibel reflects. His story embodies the power of education, empathy, and community mobilization in creating positive change. Estibel, a farmer turned advocate, is a testament to the transformative impact one individual can have on an entire community.


🌟 Introducing 'Power to You(th) Ethiopia'! 💙 Empowering adolescent girls and young women in Amhara and Afar Regions to claim their rights, challenge gender norms, and thrive. Launched in January 2021, this five-year project, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focuses on key issues like FGM/C, child marriage, and gender-based violence. Led by a consortium of Amref Health Africa, Youth Network for Sustainable Development, and Hiwot Ethiopia, we work through four pathways to create lasting change. Join us in championing youth development!


Empowering Futures: Youth Development at the Heart of Amref Health Africa Ethiopia! We have chosen to focus on nurturing the potential of Ethiopia's youth. By investing in education, skills, and health, we believe in building a resilient and empowered generation that will shape a healthier Ethiopia. Join us in paving the way for brighter tomorrows!


🌟 Vision Unveiled: Catalyzing lasting health change in Ethiopia! 🏥 Join Amref Health Africa Ethiopia on a mission to drive community-led, people-centered health systems while tackling social determinants. Together, let's empower communities, ensure quality healthcare, and build a healthier, more vibrant Ethiopia! 💙

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 19/01/2024

🏥 In the aftermath of a three-year armed conflict in Tsira'e Wenberta District, Tigray, 20-year-old Wezam Gebremedhin faced the challenges of motherhood without essential services. Living without electricity, water, and transportation, she gave birth to a preterm baby at home, unable to access medical assistance.

🚑 Enter Amref Health Africa's USAID-supported post-conflict response project. Through house-to-house visits, health workers identified Wezam and swiftly arranged medical care. The baby was transported to Wukro General Hospital with the support of an ambulance and a dedicated nurse.

🌍 After seven days of treatment, the baby's health improved, bringing immense joy to Wezam's family. Wezam is one of 21,422 women that Amref has reached in its Transform HDR Project in Tigray. This success story is a testament to the project's commitment to improving maternal and child health in Tigray by delivering integrated outreach services and strengthening the existing health system.

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 18/01/2024

The Transform HDR project, lighting up Afar, Benishangul Gumuz, Gambella, Somali, and now most recently Tigray.

✨ Since April 2023, reaching 14 woredas in Tigray, this project is a guardian during crises, preserving essential maternal and child health services.

🌍 From a rapid assessment in 44 facilities to workshops with 90 participants, we're redesigning interventions, providing post-war stress management to 452 RHB staff, and mentorship to 35 facilities and 315 healthcare workers.

🏥🤝 In 12 woredas, 766 community members learn about RMNCH services. Extending our embrace to the Tigray region, 468 outreach sessions benefit 76,823 children and 21,422 women.

🌱 Revitalizing communities through workshops in 12 woredas, our outreach service is a catalyst for increased healthcare utilization and stronger community structures. It's not just a project; it's a tale of transformation, resilience, and a commitment to a healthier future. 💪

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 17/01/2024

🕰️ Journey through time with Amref Health Africa Ethiopia! 🌍 Swipe left to explore our impactful history since the 1960s, shaping health in Ethiopia for over six decades. From humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in community-led healthcare, every moment has been a step towards lasting change. Thank you for being part of our legacy! 🙏


🌍 Join us on a journey to transform health in Africa! 🏥 Amref Health Africa, headquartered in Kenya and operating in 35+ countries, is the largest African-based NGO. Our mission: community-led health systems addressing social determinants. From empowering communities to advocating for quality healthcare, our impact spans Reproductive Health, Youth Development, Water & Sanitation, and more. 🤝 Together, let's build lasting health change in Africa.

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 05/01/2024

Our drivers are almost always in a mission. This whole week, however; they are all engaged in a ‘Defensive Training’, which is key to safely operate their vehicles in many difficult road and other geographic conditions where Amref works across Ethiopia.

A slightly modified excerpt from a blog by Betty Muriuki, ex-Amref Corporate staff, tells volumes about the tough job our drivers carry out and essential services they provide as Amref aspires and strives to achieve lasting health change in Africa.

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“…The journey to the mountainous Malle District in South Omo I will not forget in a long time. At first the ascent is gradual, but after a while the road begins to climb more steeply. It is a narrow road, carved out of the side of the mountain mostly through the efforts of the local people. As the vehicle crawls around sharp, hair-raising bends. I catch myself holding my breath and clinging onto the seat, instinctively moving away from the door of the vehicle, lest I cause it to tumble over the precipice on my side. Inside the vehicle there is silence; the only sound is the groaning of the Toyota Landcruiser as it bears us up the mountain. As the vehicle slowly makes its way up the steep, rocky incline, I fear it may give it all up and move in reverse back down the mountain. Why does Amref do this, I ask myself? Are we all crazy? Why would anyone in his right mind want to come and work in a place like this, in conditions like this? Our driver Asnake (now Transport Officer) keeps driving and gets us to the top of the mountain and makes another narrow bend, where we are suddenly confronted by a steep, almost vertical decline that is much better suited to skydiving than driving to work. I desperately wish we could go back to Jinka the way we have come, but there is no space in the road to turn the car around. As Asnake begins the descent, I screw my eyes tight, dig my fingers into the seat and knock frantically on Heaven’s door. We climbed FOUR more mountains. Any small mistake could send us all flying into that nothingness…. My fear and apprehension vanished when our arrival in Malle was announced. And it was here in the remote, neglected villages of South Omo that I found the answers to my questions - the reason we do what we do in Amref – ‘to ensure that people have access to good health services, no matter who they are or where they live.’
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This is why Amref minds our drivers' competency and equip them with critical skills that need to be translated to safe driving in whatever conditions they are in.

We thank you all for your great services!

Amref Health Africa

[Photos & video by Kenaw G. & Mesfin S.]

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 24/12/2023

Health For All - Time for Action!

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day - 2023 marked echoing Ethiopian Government’s commitment to delivering primary health care for all, the progress achieved so far and the on-going efforts put in place.

Amref as key partner of the Ministry of Health,Ethiopia supports the Government’s stride towards delivering health for all. One of our initiatives include the UHC Delivery Lab, a regional technical hub, we host to support countries across Africa in their journey toward attaining UHC.
Amref Health Africa

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 12/12/2023

Wezam Gebremedhin, a 20-year-old first-time mother, lives Tsira'e Wenberta District, Tigray Region. Like most areas in the region, the district has started recovering from the three-year armed conflict. Life aftermath of the conflict is not easy for many in the district. Essential services have been disrupted and most people live without electricity, water supply and transportation, including ambulance service.

Wezam gave birth a preterm baby at home with the assistance of her mother as she had no any chance of getting medical assistance from health workers during the conflict. Her baby was too small and weak to suck on her breast and remove milk, which made the whole family worried. It was at this difficult time that Amref Health Africa, through its USAID supported post conflict response project, came on the scene to deliver maternal and child health services in the region. That has greatly lessened Wezam’s distress. She was identified during the house-to-house visits made by health workers who immediately referred her baby first to Agulae Health Center, and then to Wukro General Hospital. With the support of the project, ambulance service was arranged, and a nurse accompanied the family to ensure the baby's safety during the transit. After seven days of treatment and recovery time at Wukiro Hospital, the baby’s condition improved and later fully recovered, bringing lots of joy in Wezam’s family.

By delivering integrated outreach services and strengthening existing health system, USAID’s Post Conflict response works towards improving maternal and child health in Tigray.
USAID Ethiopia Amref Health Africa

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 08/12/2023

Today, as we concluded our Kefeta project-led the‘16th Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence’ campaign, we have reaffirmed our commitment to preventing violence against women and girls in Ethiopia.

In solidarity with survivors of GBV, Amref staff members and WASH Flagship project have donated several packages of sanitary pads and other sanitary supplies to those who are supported at ‘one-stop centers’ that provide coordinated medical, legal, and psychosocial services to victims of gender-based violence in Addis Ababa.

As part of our today’s rally, we have awarded winners of ‘Activism Against GBV’ video contest, which was run during the campaign days by Kefeta-USAID supported Integrated Youth project.

USAID Ethiopia Amref Health Africa Amref Flying Doctors NL


We wish to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Daniel Mucui, our colleague at Amref Health Africa in Kenya for winning the Frontline Exemplar Award at COP28 UAE.

Amref’s Mobile Clinic Driver Feted at the COP28 in Dubai - Newsroom 07/12/2023

Amref’s Mobile Clinic Driver Feted at the COP28 in Dubai - Newsroom Nairobi – December 4, 2023 – Amref’s Mobile Clinic Driver honoured at COP28. Mr Daniel Kimemia, a…


Africa’s health systems are continuously crippled by climate change. The current expenditure on climate action initiatives does not reflect the urgent need to prioritize funding for health infrastructure. We are excited to be presenting ‘Common African Position on Climate and Health for negotiations at COP28! Through it, we are pushing for increased investments in climate funding and development of a treaty on climate change and health to spell out accountability mechanisms, financing, and budget prioritization. Investing in African healthcare systems and fostering collaboration between the private sector and governments is crucial in building resilience and sustainable solutions.


Violence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations.

Let us invest to end violence against women and girls.

[Image source – UN Women]

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 20/11/2023
Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 19/11/2023

Today, at the Great Run in Addis Ababa, we campaign for Universal Health Coverage , an ambitious goal, but it's one that Amref Health Africa believes can and must be achieved.

Partnering with the Ministry of Health,Ethiopia, International Institute for Primary Health Care - Ethiopia, and Ethiopia Health Insurance Agency, we used the Great Run as a platform to advocate that everyone should be able to access adequate and affordable healthcare, including medicines, vaccines, and financial risk protection (health insurance).”

Amref Health Africa, through the Lab supports African countries to accelerate their journey towards UHC and facilitates shared learning on matters UHC within the region and thereby achieve Sustainable Development Goal number three that commits the world to ensuring “healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages.

Ethiopian Health Insurance Service Amref Health Africa

Photos from USAID Ethiopia's post 17/11/2023
Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 04/11/2023

At the side event of the Ministry of Health's Annual Review Meeting this week, findings of the Amref led and supported 'Comprehensive Primary Health Care Assessment' was shared and discussed. The key findings inform the design and effective implementation of the primary health care services at national and sub-national level across Ethiopia.

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 02/11/2023

Today, at the Ministry of Health Annual Review Meeting,
health extension workers are honored for their unwavering efforts to improve access to and utilization of basic curative health services in rural Ethiopia.

Photos from Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia's post 13/10/2023

Through its ‘Improving Socio-economic Status of Young People to Tackle Irregular Migration’ project, Amref supported the training of unemployed youth in plumbing. Collaborated with Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnic College, Amref has so far trained more than 280 unemployed youths in five rounds.

As part of the project initiative to address root causes of irregular migration by addressing youth unemployment, this much-needed intervention offer opportunities for youth to create their own jobs in plumbing career, installing and maintaining water supply and sanitation facilities. The project also provides the trainees with hand tools and other supportive trainings such as financial management, entrepreneurship, business plan development and health and safety risks.

With this Italian Ministry of Interior funded initiative and other youth focused projects such as USAID Kefeta, Amref contributes towards enhancing youths’ employability, entrepreneurship and broadly economic growth.
Amref Health Africa - Italia

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Videos (show all)

🌟 Introducing 'Power to You(th) Ethiopia'! 💙 Empowering adolescent girls and young women in Amhara and Afar Regions to c...
🌍 Join us on a journey to transform health in Africa! 🏥 Amref Health Africa, headquartered in Kenya and operating in 35+...
We can all truly #EmbraceEquity. International Women's Day 2023!  #IWD2023.
Mass Drug Administration to prevent and Control Trachoma in Somali Region, Ethiopia. Amref Health Africa in collaboratio...



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