Mulugeta Woldetsadik-Infolibnet


Yohanan Yokamo is the Director for International Relations and Alumni Affairs Directorate at Hawassa University. He recently participated in the U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) “Developing University Partnerships...See More...

Photos from Book Aid International's post 16/12/2023
New ALA research: More than half of Gen Z & Millennials use the library. 14/12/2023

Why? Because library workers endeavor every day to build spaces, programs, & collections their communities want & need. NBC News spoke with the authors & library workers across the US: TAP Here

New ALA research: More than half of Gen Z & Millennials use the library. Why? Because library workers endeavor every day to build spaces, programs, & collections their communities want & need. NBC News spoke with the authors & library workers across the US: …


Dr. Mesay Hailu, MPH, PhD, General Director of Ethiopian Public Health Institute honoured as new Executive Board Member of International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) from January 2024...

ለክቡር ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ…ከቀድሞው የሰላም ሚንስትር ዴኤታ አቶ ታዬ ደንዳአ 11/12/2023

...ክቡር ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ ... አሁን ግን በተናገሩት የማይኖሩ ብቻ ሳይሆን በሰዉ ደም የሚጫወቱ አረመኔ መሆንዎን ተረድቻለሁ:: .....ለወንበርና ለመኪና በመገዛት ኦሮሞን በኦሮሞ ለማጥፋትና ኦሮሞን ከወንድሞቹ ጋር ለማጣላት የሚጫወቱትን ቁማር እያየሁ ዝም ባለማለቴ እጅግ ደስተኛ ነኝ:: ስለነበረን አጭር ቆይታ አመሰግናለሁ::...

ለክቡር ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ዐቢይ…ከቀድሞው የሰላም ሚንስትር ዴኤታ አቶ ታዬ ደንዳአ ለወንበርና ለመኪና በመገዛት ኦሮሞን በኦሮሞ ለማጥፋትና ኦሮሞን ከወንድሞቹ ጋር ለማጣላት የሚጫወቱትን ቁማር እያየሁ ዝም ባለማለቴ እጅግ ደስተኛ ነኝ:: ስለነበረን አጭር ቆይታ አመሰግ....


: Originally from Ethiopia, Mulatu Lemma, professor of mathematics at Savannah State University in Georgia, has been selected as the 2023 Top Professor of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP). The association honors professionals worldwide based on professional accomplishments, academic achievements, leadership abilities, longevity in the field, other affiliations, and community contributions. Professor Lemma earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics from Addis Ababa University. He earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from Kent State University in Ohio. He has taught mathematics for over 30 years, including the last 28 years at Savannah State University.

Via U. S. Embassy, Addis Ababa

Here are the top 15 free courses recommend to learn AI 10/12/2023

Microsoft, Google, Harvard University, DeepLearning.AI, LinkedIn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University have all released free courses on AI 👨‍🎓 Here are the top 15 free courses I'd recommend to learn AI in 2023: Foundations of Prompt Engineering This course introduces the basics of prompt engineering and progresses to advanced prompt techniques. ✔ ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers…...

Here are the top 15 free courses recommend to learn AI Microsoft, Google, Harvard University, DeepLearning.AI, LinkedIn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University have all released free courses on AI 👨‍🎓 Here are the top 15 fr…


🇪🇹’s world 10,000m silver medallist Letesenbet Gidey has been named winner of the International Fair Play Award ✨

እንኳን ለ18ተኛው የብሄር ብሄረሰቦች ቀን (ለህዳር 29) አደረሳችሁ አደረሰን!! ለሚመለከታችሁ በሙሉ 09/12/2023

ልዩነት ለሀገር ውበት፣ ጥንካሬ፣ ድምቀት እንጅ ስጋት አይሆንም!!

እንኳን ለ18ተኛው የብሄር ብሄረሰቦች ቀን (ለህዳር 29) አደረሳችሁ አደረሰን!! ለሚመለከታችሁ በሙሉ ልዩነት ለሀገር ውበት፣ ጥንካሬ፣ ድምቀት እንጅ ስጋት አይሆንም!!

Tomorrow will be here… 08/12/2023

Today's world looks like permanent. It’s filled with all sorts of evil, selfishness, and greed. These will soon be things of the past. Change is intrinsically inevitable....

Tomorrow will be here… Today’s world looks like permanent. It’s filled with all sorts of evil, selfishness, and greed. These will soon be things of the past. Change is intrinsically inevitable.


👍ለሌላው እጅግ የሚጨነቁ! 😉😁
ፈረንጅ ግን ፊደል ያባክናል? Dor ማለት ሲችል Door, Buk ማለት ሲችል Book, tich ማለት ሲችል teach, lig ማለት ሲችል league, oner ማለት ሲችል honour. ከሁሉ Effervescent ብለው ፊደላትን ከሚደራርቡ ፣psychology ብለው የማይነበብ ቃል ከሚጠቀሙ፣already ብለው የኛ ሰዎች ኦልረዲ ብለው እንዲያነቡ አድርገው ከሚያሳስቷቸው...ከአማርኛ ተምረው አጭሩን መንገድ ቢጠቀሙ አይሻልም?
ኬሚስትሪም እንደ ፈረንጅ ቃላት ማርዘም ይወዳል፣ ለምሳሌ omeprazole ለሚባል የጨጓራ በሽታ መድኃኒት 6-methoxy-2-[(4-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpyridin-2-yl)methylsulfinyl]-1H-benzimidazole የሚል ስም ነው ያወጡት።
እንግሊዝኛ ሳባ ፊደልን ቢጠቀም ኖሮ ብዙ ቃላትን ማሳጠርና ብዙ ፊደላትን ማትረፍ ይችል ነበር!
ለምሳሌ God ብሎ ሶስት ፊደላትን ከሚያባክን ጎድ/ጋድ ቢል አንድ ፊደል ያተርፍ ነበር።
እግዚአብሔር የሚለው ቃል ግን 7 ፊደል አባከነ እንጂ!
Theology ከሚል ቲዎሎጂ ብሎ በአራት ፊደላት ይገላገል ነበር። ግን ስነ-መለኮት የሚለው 6 አባከነ እንጂ!
Nausea ብሎ 6 ፊደላት ከሚያባክን ናውዢያ ብሎ ወደ አራት ማውረድ ይችል ነበር፣ ማቅለሽለሽ ራሱ 6 ፈጀ እንጂ!
Drug ብሎ 4 ፊደላት ከሚያባክን ድራግ ብሎ ወደ ሶስት ማውረድ ይችል ነበር! መድኃኒት ግን 5 ፈጀ እንጂ!
Pharmacy ብሎ 8 ፊደላትን ከሚፈጅ ፋርማሲ ብሎ ወደ 4 መመለስ ይችል ነበር፣ መድኃኒት ቤት 7 ፈጀ እንጂ!
እነዚህ ራሳቸው ሳይማሩ፣መሃይምነት በኛ ይብቃ ብለው ሌላውን ለማስተማር የሚጥሩ "አርበኞችን" ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም! 😉
ከSolomonic dynasty ግን የሰለሞን ስርወ-መንግስት ያጥራል! የፎቶኮፒው ማጠሩ ቆንጆ ነው! የሚያበሳጨኝ vacancy ከክፍት የስራ-ቦታ ማጠሩ ነው! ፈረንጅ ለስራ አጭር መንገድ ይጠቀማል መሰለኝ! እንዲያውም CV በአማርኛ እስካሁን የለም! ሰፈር ሊኖር ይችላል 😉* የስራ ቦታ ካልመጣና ካላገለገለ መኖሩ ምን ትርጉም አለው?
ለማንኛውም ቋንቋ ሁሉ የራሱ ህግ አለው። ሁሉም ቋንቋ እኩል ነው። ስለ ቋንቋ የሚያውቅ ይሄንን ይረዳል። ምላሱ እንዳመጣለት የሚናገር ግን ጊዜህን ያባክንብሃል። ራሱን አያይ፣ሌላውን አያዳምጥ! የዕውቀትን መጀመሪያ አያውቅ፣ጥጉን አያውቅ! ከበሮ ስለደለቀ ብቻ የእያንዳንዱን አዕምሮ ያሸነፈ ይመስለዋል!
ሳባ ፊደል ለአፋን ኦሮሞና ለሌላውም ኩሻዊ/ኦሞቲክ ቋንቋ አይሆንም። አንድ ቋንቋ የሚጠናበት መስፈርት አለ፣ ቋንቋ ራሱን ችሎ ይቆማል። እንጂ አማርኛን፣እንግሊዝኛን ቱምቢ አድርጎ አይንቀሳቀስም። አማርኛ ቢጠፋ፣ወላይትኛ አብሮ ሊጠፋ ነው?
ስነ-ቋንቋ በሚፈቅደው መሰረት ቋንቋ እየተጠና ማደጉ ግን ችግር የለውም ብቻ ሳይሆን ግዴታም ነው!
Stop unauthorized Prescriptions!
🙏 አሜን! Via Worku Bedada Waktola


In my perspective, I propose at the 7th stage the word 'rich' to be substituted by the word 'prosper' or P². Finally at the 9th stage the word 'hospital' to be substituted by the word 'grave'. For Further Information, see also the below pictorial representation...

AI, the Next Chapter for College Librarians 07/12/2023

Librarians have lived through the disruptions of fax machines, websites and Wikipedia, and now they are bracing to do it again as artificial intelligence tools go mainstream: “Maybe it’s our time to shine.”

AI, the Next Chapter for College Librarians Librarians have lived through the disruptions of fax machines, websites and Wikipedia, and now they are bracing to do it again as artificial intelligence tools go mainstream: “Maybe it’s our time t…


አብዮት ፊንፊኔ በሚገኘው የአሜሪካ ኤምባሲ
በፊንፊኔ የሚገኘው የአሜሪካ ኤምባሲ በዘንድሮው ዓመት ተደራሽነትን ለማስፋፋት በአፋን ኦሮሞ፣በሶማሊ እና በትግርኛ የመረጃ አገልግሎት ጀምሯል።
ታዲያ ቅኖች "እሰይ፣እልል" ሲሉ፣ የቆመ*ጨጩ፣ የደነ*ዘዙ፣ የገ*በዙ ቡድኖች "ልቅሶ" ተቀምጠው፣ሙሾ አውርደው፣ ደረታቸውን እየደቁ ነው።
በሰሜን አሜሪካ ያለው "ቀን*ጨራ" እና "ነቀርሳ" ዕድር ለአሜሪካ የውጭ ጉዳይ ቢሮ በፃፈው ደብዳቤ "ፊንፊኔ" የሚለውን ቃል መጠቀማችሁ ታሪካዊ ስህተትና ለኛ ያላችሁን ንቀት ያሳያል ብሏል። ይህ አሜሪካዊም፣ ኢትዮጵያዊም ሳይሆን "ላርቫ" ሆኖ የቀረው ዕድር ኤምባሲው ይቅርታ ጠይቆ ፊንፊኔ የሚለውን ቃል እንዲያጠፋ ጠይቋል!
በሰሜን አሜሪካ የሚገኘው የኦሮሞ ማህበረሰብም ለ*በሽተኞቹ* ደብዳቤው በላከው *መድኃኒት*፣ "ኤምባሲው ምን ያድርጋችሁ፣ በፊንፊኔ ነው የሚገኘው፣እናም የፊንፊኔን ህግ ጠብቆ ይሰራል" ብለዋል!
የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚንስቴርም ጊዜ ለተረፋቸው "ጡረተኞች" በሰጠው አጭር መልስ፣.... "የኢትዮጵያን ህግ እናከብራለን፣ለዲፕሎማሲ እንሰራለን" ብሏል።
ለዚህ አብዮት በፊንፊኔ የሚገኘውን የአሜሪካን ኤምባሲ እናመሰግናለን። አፋን ኦሮሞ በሚገባ የሚችል ባለሙያ ቀጥረው የቃላት ግድፈቱንም ያርማሉ ብለን ተስፋ እናደርጋለን።
ለምሳሌ: viizzaa ነው viizaa ነው ትክክለኛ?
Via Worku Bedada


[የዳረሰላም ድርድርን በሚመለከት አወዛጋቢ መጣጥፍ_በሰላም ሚኒስቴር ዴኤታ አቶ ታዬ ደንዳአ የቀረበ መጣጥፍ] Gaafii Erga Deebi'ee Bubbule....Dhugumaaree? /ጥያቄዉ የተመለሰ ነዉ እንዲያዉም ከተመለሰ የቆየ ወይም የሰነባበተ ነዉ…አዉነት ነዉ ወይ? ...


: Oromo community coalition urges renewed peace talks for resolution of conflict

A coalition of 23 community organizations in the has penned an open letter, pleading for the resumption of stalled peace talks between the federal government and the Oromo Liberation Army ( ) in a bid to end the prolonged conflict in the Oromia region.

The Oromo Legacy Leadership & Advocacy Association and other key groups emphasize the need for compromise and immediate humanitarian ceasefire. Expressing optimism despite past setbacks, the letter calls on international stakeholders, including and US envoy Mike Hammer, to sustain their involvement in facilitating productive discussions.

The plea comes amid ongoing clashes, civilian casualties, and economic hardships. Last month, the Global Oromo Interfaith Council echoed the call for resumed negotiations, emphasizing the vital role of rational dialogue in achieving lasting peace.

Eebba kitaaba 05/12/2023

Shamarree Barreessituu walaloo jabduu Biqiltuu Waaqasaa ..Hojiin ishee milkaa'ee Dilbata fuuldura kee Eebbaaf dhihaatee jira. Finfinnee , Hoteela Internaashinaalii Ililliitti. Irraa hin hafinaa… Jabduu keessan jabeeffadhaa..!!

Eebba kitaaba Shamarree Barreessituu walaloo jabduu Biqiltuu Waaqasaa ..Hojiin ishee milkaa’ee Dilbata fuuldura kee Eebbaaf dhihaatee jira. Finfinnee , Hoteela Internaashinaalii Ililliitti. Irraa hin hafin…

Learning about some ways that the Professional Librarian can support Researchers and Faculty Members 04/12/2023

For research support purposes and learning, professional librarians can use a variety of tools to support researchers and faculty in their teaching and research activities. Here are some essential tools: Reference Management Tools Research Databases Tools Library Catalogs and Discovery Systems Tools Interlibrary Loan Services Tools Collaboration and Communication Tools Digital Repositories and Archives Tools Open Access Resources Tools Data Management Tools Instructional Design Tools Library Analytics Tools Collaborative Writing and Editing Tools Reference Interview and Consultation Tools read more

Learning about some ways that the Professional Librarian can support Researchers and Faculty Members For research support purposes and learning, professional librarians can use a variety of tools to support researchers and faculty in their teaching and research activities. Here are some essential …

Dr. Mulatu Lemma Selected as Top Professor of the Year by IAOTP 04/12/2023

Those of us who are in the field of science and engineering know the names of giants in the likes of Isaac Newton, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, Leonhard Euler, Blaise Pascal, Pierre-Simon Laplace , Fibonacci and others with their laws, theorems, series and transforms. Here is a distinguished Oromo-Ethiopian mathematician who made his name associated with mathematical sequences. Look up the “Mulatu Numbers” (The Mulatu Sequences) named after the Presidential Awards recipients for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) and just this year has been selected as the 2023 Top Professor of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).

Dr. Mulatu Lemma Selected as Top Professor of the Year by IAOTP Those of us who are in the field of science and engineering know the names of giants in the likes of Isaac Newton, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, Leonhard Euler, Blaise Pascal, Pierre-Simon Laplace ,…

Very Usefull Videos for Librarians / LIS professionals 03/12/2023

Digitize a Book from Mobile | Best Digitization & PDF, OCR Converter App- A Librarian Must Know Transform Bookends into Display Stand | Journal Display Stand | Book Display Stand | Bookends Create a Library Accession Form in MS Excel | Convert Accession Register to Form | Data Entry Form Create Library Offline Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in MS Excel-...

Very Usefull Videos for Librarians / LIS professionals Digitize a Book from Mobile | Best Digitization & PDF, OCR Converter App- A Librarian Must Know Transform Bookends into Display Stand | Journal Display Stand | Book Display Stand | Bookends Cre…


Coming Soon! "ብዙዎች " የቢኒያም ሀይለማሪያም (የበላይ ዘለቀ የልጅ ልጅንመጽሀፍ) ከየት እናገኛለን" የሚል ጥያቄ አንስታቹሀል። ከታች የምንመለከተው በደራሲው መኖሪያ ቤት ውስጥ የሚገኝ መፅሀፍት ነው ። ወደ 900,000ሺ ብር አውጥቶ ታትሞ ከተረከቡ በዋላ እንዴት የሀጫሉን ስም ጠቀስክ ብለው የመለሱበት መፅሀፍት በAfaan Oromoo እና በአማረኛ ቋንቋ የተዘጋጀ መፅሃፍ ማተሚያ ቤትም አለ በብድር የተያዘም አለ።የታሪካችን ጉዳይ ነውና መፅሀፉንም መግዛት የምትፈልጉ #ጥር...

How to Delegate 28/11/2023

How to Delegate

How to Delegate Visit the post for more.


Coming Soon

OCLC named ‘Best Place to Work in IT’ by Computerworld 28/11/2023

Global library technology leader takes first place among midsize organizations for the second consecutive year...

OCLC named ‘Best Place to Work in IT’ by Computerworld Global library technology leader takes first place among midsize organizations for the second consecutive year


This Giving Tuesday make space for reading.​

​Just £2 allows us to send a brand-new book. These books are used by our partners to transform empty classrooms and shipping containers into warm, welcoming spaces where reading and learning can thrive and children can flourish.​

​Every donation allows us to send brand-new books. So, this Giving Tuesday why not make space for reading because with the right books, any place can become a haven where reading and learning thrive.​

Donate now:

10 lessons from The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations 27/11/2023

Leaders should put the needs of their people and their organizations above their own. They should be servant-leaders who are committed to making a difference in the world....

10 lessons from The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations Leaders should put the needs of their people and their organizations above their own. They should be servant-leaders who are committed to making a difference in the world.


BookTrust's Associate Director of Research & Impact Ruthann Hughes said: "This research draws attention to the role of enjoyment of not just children but also of people who share books and stories with them as a key factor in creating the next generation of readers and storytellers." Explore the findings here...

21st Century INFORMATION & LIBRARY NETWORK [Infolibnet] 26/11/2023

21st Century INFORMATION & LIBRARY NETWORK [Infolibnet] [21st CENTURY INFOLIBNET] Information-Knowledge Retrieval & Dissemination Platform_Since 2017

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#mariocoffaA short promotional spot video for the Library World Tour project, a virtual journey between libraries and li...
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