WiseDigi Oy

WiseDigi Oy

Lähellä tietokone- ja elektroniikkapalvelut

Mediascope Agency
Mediascope Agency

Solutions of the Digital Era – Guided by The Years of Experience and Wisdom.

We offer Advisory, Best Practices, Planning and Implementation on

• Business advisory and Data strategy
• Defining and refining Business requirements
• Conceptual modelling and Process consulting
• Data platform and data warehouse architecture planning
• Data Vault modelling
• Data Warehouse Automation (DWA)
• Analytics and reporting

We approach each case with open eyes and our goals are purposeful and practical solutions for You – our Customer.


12. lokakuuta 2023 Oy täytti 2 vuotta.
Viikonloppuna juhlistimme tätä upeaa taivalta mukavalla risteilyllä.
Mukana matkalla oli koko WiseDigin mahtava henkilöstö puolisoineen.
Iloinen päivä parhaassa porukassa. Suuret kiitokset kaikille osallistujille!

12 October 2023 Oy turned 2 years.
Last weekend we celebrated this wonderful trip with a nice cruise.
The entire WiseDigi staff and their spouses accompanied us.
A happy day in the best Company. Many thanks to all participants!


Eilinen Data Collaboration Day oli täynnä mielenkiintoisia esityksiä ja hyviä keskusteluja. Erityiskiitokset vielä seuraaville henkilöille: Jens Wintzer, Simon Spring , Johannes Hovi ja Malgorzata Juvonen!

Great Data Collaboration Day yesterday!
Many interesting presentations and good discussions! Special thanks to Jens Wintzer, Simon Spring, Johannes Hovi and Malgorzata Juvonen!


Mahtava uutinen!

Voimme iloksemme ilmoittaa, että voitimme kilpailutuksen ja olemme solmineet Porvoon kaupungin kanssa sopimuksen pilviympäristön auditoinnista. Kiitämme luottamuksesta, on hienoa lähteä tekemään tätä projektia heidän kanssaan.

Great news!

We are happy to announce that we won the competition and have signed an agreement with the city of Porvoo for the audit of the cloud data warehouse environment. We thank you for the trust, it's great to start this project.


We are thrilled to announce that WiseDigi Oy is now authorized Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider.
Microsoft itself defines it like this:
“A cloud service provider is a third-party company offering a cloud-based platform, infrastructure, application, or storage services. Much like a homeowner would pay for a utility such as electricity or gas, companies typically have to pay only for the amount of cloud services they use, as business demands require.”


Co-operation between WiseDigi and WhereScape is on solid ground, and we are proud to announce being the first certified WhereScape Implementation Partner in Finland. This was achieved by Antti Kajala completing the WhereScape Partner Accreditation Masterclass in September.


Amazing news!
Tuure Karppimaa started working in WiseDigi today.
As a Senior Consultant he will work with data and analytics and
take care of our Qlik offering.
Tuure brings extensive experience for Our Customers' needs.
Warm Welcome to Tuure!!


Olisitko sinä seuraava WiseDigger?

WiseDigi kasvaa nopeasti ja kaipaamme joukkoomme lisää tiedolla johtamisen asiantuntijoita.
Ovatko seuraavat teknologiat sinulle tuttuja?
• WhereScape
• Qlik
• Microsoft-analytiikkastackki
• Ellie
• Snowflake

Arvostamme kovasti konsultointikokemusta ja reipasta asennetta, BI-välineiden tuntemusta ja aitoa kiinnostusta löytää Asiakkaalle parhaat ratkaisut datan hyödyntämiselle. Ja kyllä, meillä Asiakas kirjoitetaan isolla.

Ota yhteyttä, mikäli haluat mukaan dynaamiseen, helposti lähestyttävään ja hauskaan porukkaan tekemään tulevaisuutta jo tänään.


Exciting news!!!
WiseDigi proudly presents our very first employee Terhi Kajala!
Terhi started working as a Consultant in WiseDigi in May and her responsibilities will be on data and analytics services.
A warm welcome to Terhi!


We are very pleased to announce that WiseDigi Oy is now also registered Snowflake-partner.
As Snowflake itself tells:
”Companies in every industry acknowledge that data is one of their most important assets.

But, companies are falling short of realizing the potential of data because of the proliferation of data silos. They are expensive and time-consuming to extract value from, and governance and collaboration are nearly impossible across multiple technologies and clouds.
The Data Cloud is one global, unified system connecting companies and data providers to the most relevant data for their business.”

Please contact us, when You want superior Data Cloud services!


We are very pleased to announce that WiseDigi Oy is now an official WhereScape Implementation Partner.

As WhereScape itself summarizes:
“Design. Develop. Deploy. Operate. Fast.
From data warehouses and vaults to data lakes and marts, deliver data infrastructure and big data integration fast.”

“When was the last time you measured time to production in days?”

In our experience, with WhereScape Data Warehouse Automation (DWA) you can:
•Speed up data modelling and model generation process
•Create smaller and larger scale DW solutions
•Increase developer productivity significantly
•Receive highly important Data Lineage documentation automatically
•Generate Data Vault 2.0 models with speed
•Support DevOps and agile approaches

Contact us when You are in need of a solid DWA solution leveraged with WhereScape!


We are very excited to inform that WiseDigi Oy is now also authorized Qlik-partner.

As Qlik itself tells:
”Unlike many popular data analytics tools that only offer focused point solutions, Qlik Sense provides the most complete data analytics capability set in the industry. It supports the full range of analytics use cases – from self-service visualization and associative exploration to dashboards, embedded analytics, reporting, mobile, augmented analytics (AI), and more.”

Please contact us, when You need Powerful Analytics and Qlik-related services!

Wisedigi - Solutions of the Digital Era – Guided by the Years of Experience and Wisdom. 03/12/2021

Web pages open, take a look! More interesting information coming soon!

Wisedigi - Solutions of the Digital Era – Guided by the Years of Experience and Wisdom. Wisedigi - Solutions of the Digital Era – Guided by the Years of Experience and Wisdom.


We are proud to announce a partnership with Ellie Technologies Inc.

Ellie is a highly powerful browser-based conceptual modelling tool developed by Ellie Technologies Inc. It is used to develop the first top-level conceptual models, based on which you can start modelling in more detail level and create firm basis e.g. for Data warehousing projects.

Ellie speeds up and clarifies conceptual modelling and thus makes modelling work much more efficient. And what’s even more important, Ellie is a way to build common language and understanding between business and technical people, thus bringing cost-effective transparency
to the modelling work and defining business requirements.

Conceptual models developed with Ellie are possible and easy to distribute within a company to a wider group of users.

Contact us if you need state-of-the-art conceptual modeling.

Oma Yritys listan huipulle Tietokone- Ja Elektroniikkapalvelut Turku :ssa?
Klikkaa tästä saadaaksesi sponsoroidun listauksen.





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PormestarinKatu 2 G 74
Turku, 20750

خدمات فنی کامپیوتر و گرافیکی تورکو 0400378599 : Mobile www.turkutietokone.fi

Tietopartio Oy Tietopartio Oy
TykistöKatu 2-4 A
Turku, 20520