

Tastefully vegan, mostly organic, lovingly homemade! Plant gourmet burgers, smoothies & cakes

We believe in simple beautiful living

We make original patties & cakes that are a joy to look at and to eat

We adore crafting the finest plant fare using fresh, natural wholefood ingredients

Everything is made by nature and then hand-prepped in one tiny kitchen!


💁🏼‍♀️ Relatable


Here we grow again!
We're back after some interesting travel adventures, ready to resume part deux ✌️
OPENING 23/02/2023
TUES - SUN 11h30-16h (to start with), then extending hours in the summertime..😄

48 Hours in Nice - HiP Paris Blog 03/02/2023


48 Hours in Nice - HiP Paris Blog Nice is great whether you’re visiting for the Carnaval or planning a trip during the warmer months. Here's how to spend 48 hours in the City.




Homemade goodness to go 👩🏻‍🍳😘


plant burger street 🌱


Introducing our new cakes selection (that are secretly healthy! ;)
Almond-banana, pear ginger, carrot apple, choco-medjool, & a rather addictive protein brownie 🤸🏻‍♂️🧘🏼‍♂️😋


Spring blooms 🌸👩🏻‍🍳








🎼🎤Puff the magic songbird ~

Le photographe Mikhail Kalinin a immortalisé cette mésange bleue en chantant ,
le froid a rendu son chant visible.


I never knew, or could even imagine?! that a 'bait dog' exists? How can people stand by this?! It never ceases to amaze what some people are capable of - there's greatness and then there's psycho. Psychos dangerous to society..but first they start with animals 🥺 Delete them off this planet before they can do more damage!! Just look at this dog, I'd adopt him in a heartbeat. 💔🙏🖤❤️

Era un cane da esca.. Vengono usati per far sì che altri cani lo attacchino e imparino a combattere.

Questa è una foto di un cagnolino che è stato adottato e prima era stato usato come esca, allenando altri cani per combattere.

Guarda da vicino, guarda la sconfitta negli occhi di questo animale, guarda le cicatrici e immagina cosa è successo.
Ora capisci cosa può accadere quando un cane viene consegnato in adozione e nessuno controlla le persone che lo adottano, nessuno chiede un riferimento, nessuno fa visita al luogo in cui vivrà.... ogni cane può finire così!! Questo è il motivo per cui esiste un iter di adozione e si chiedono riferimenti.

A volte pensi che siano troppe procedure per dare un cane in adozione. Ma non è così.
PUBBLICHIAMO QUESTO QUANDO CI ACCUSATE DI ESSERE TROPPO SEVERI NELL’AFFIDARE UN CANE. Purtroppo nessuno si rende conto del giro e traffico di animali che c’è, tra combattimenti, vivisezione e contrabbando.

Fate sempre attenzione
Fate i controlli pre affido
Fate i controlli black list
Informatevi sempre
Non basta affidare un cane !
Controlla, indaga.....
E non consegnare mai in un qualsiasi posto come se fosse un semplice prodotto, perché è una vita innocente.
Purtroppo molti "volontari" li consegnano senza visitare le case e con superficialità.
Non avete nemmeno idea di quanti animali ogni giorno vengono rubati o fatti sparire per essere venduti alla vivisezione al nord Europa o vengono usati come pasto per altri animali da circo o combattimento, o anche solo per l’elemosina. (Questo cane è stato salvato, ma molti non hanno la stessa fortuna)

Photos from PETA UK's post 14/08/2020

No words only so much emotion I can't even explain.
Why?????? What's wrong with men! And why are people just standing in the background under the shading tree?

When I see any animal today, I actually WILL them to run faaar away from any human to avoid suffering.
.But then we occupy all the space.. 😞🥺

Every day I encounter (& intervene) with some form of animal abuse. It's seriously hard to be happy in today's world. A meaningful life with purpose is the only solution. That, and fewer people.



Love this explainer. ❤️
Via Instagram


These mean beans 😂


Bon Vendredi!




If you were the spider, would you want mercy? I thought this scene from The Twilight Zone was very fitting for this post.

Photos from Beautiful & Amazing World's post 31/03/2020
Photographer Tiptoed Through The Flowers To Capture Harvest Mice, And The Result Is Amazing 08/03/2020

Beauties 🤗😂

Photographer Tiptoed Through The Flowers To Capture Harvest Mice, And The Result Is Amazing These super cute pictures were done by Miles Herbert, a British photographer who runs Captivelight, holding workshops and photography tuition for anyone interested in capturing “birds of prey, reptiles, frogs and other beasties.”

These 18 Solar-Powered Pets Are Almost Fully Charged | Cuteness 04/03/2020


These 18 Solar-Powered Pets Are Almost Fully Charged | Cuteness These cats and dogs are very energy efficient. Just pop them in a patch of sun, and they'll be charged up in no time!

30 Animals That Look Like They’re About To Drop The Hottest Albums Of The Year 27/02/2020


30 Animals That Look Like They’re About To Drop The Hottest Albums Of The Year The Grammys may have come and gone, but these animals are already putting their game faces on for next year. Hold on to your seat, Adele.

Spanish hunters leave 50,000 greyhounds to die thrown down WELLS 25/02/2020

This is atrocious. This is why corona needs to wash (most of us) away

Spanish hunters leave 50,000 greyhounds to die thrown down WELLS THOUSANDS of greyhounds face being left to die agonising deaths abandoned down wells or tied to railway tracks as Spain’s hunting season ends. Cruel hunters discard the working dogs – k…


We the people
Oh the shame.



😓 I didn’t know this.. did you? Go vegan.

Supermärkte und Discounter werben mit Lammfilets aus Neuseeland. War Ihnen bekannt, dass nur wenige Wochen nach ihrer Geburt den Lämmern die Schwänze abgeschnitten werden? 😭 Ohne Betäubung! 😭
Während Europa das Fleisch von Lämmern aus Neuseeland importiert, exportiert Europa die Lämmer und Schafe in die arabischen Länder. Erst werden sie mit einem LKW eingesammelt, dann kommen sie auf ein Schiff, und wenn ein Tier krank wird, wirft man dieses einfach über Bord!
Ein Wahnsinn - Das Ausmaß tierischen Leidens auf der Erde hat kaum fassbare Dimensionen angenommen.

Elephant skin for Chinese “medicine”? Stop the killing in Myanmar! 11/02/2020

I kinda think corona is comeuppance...

Elephant skin for Chinese “medicine”? Stop the killing in Myanmar! It’s an evil business: Asia’s elephants are being poached for the latest Chinese quack cure: elephant-skin ointments to treat eczema, acne and digestive problems. Speak out for a ban on trade in elephant skin and other body parts!

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Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 11:30 - 16:00
Mardi 11:30 - 15:30
17:00 - 19:30
Mercredi 11:30 - 15:30
17:00 - 19:30
Jeudi 11:30 - 15:30
17:00 - 19:30
Vendredi 11:30 - 16:00
Samedi 11:30 - 16:00
Dimanche 11:30 - 16:00