Katalin Száraz

Hungarian photographer and filmmaker based in Paris


Van egy jó hírünk: a kiállításunk Maria Siorbaval meg lett hosszabbítva, és még egy hónapig látogatható a Foton Galériaban !
Fontos infó: Ha szeretnétek megnézni a kiállítást, írjatok nekem a [email protected] és egyeztessünk időpontot!


We have some good news: our exhibition with Maria Siorba has been extended and can be visited for another month at Foton Galéria!

Important info: If you would like to see the show write to me at [email protected] and we will arrange an appointment!

Photos from Fisheye Magazine's post 21/06/2024

Take a look at the first publication of my ongoing project in this beautiful article at Fisheye Magazine!

I think, no one has ever written such a perceptive and expressive article about my work before. Thank you so much, Lou Tsatsas.
This means a lot to me, as I've been working on this personal project for years, it's still in progress, and it's the first time it's being published. Fisheye Magazine is one of my main sources for contemporary photography, so seeing my pictures on their site is a true honor.

Kapcsolatteremtés, identitás, otthon – Maria Siorba és Száraz Katalin kiállítása a Foton Galériában - PUNKT 15/06/2024

Cikk a közös kiállításunkról Maria Siorbaval a Foton Galériaban ✨ Köszönjük Punkt.hu! ✨

Kapcsolatteremtés, identitás, otthon – Maria Siorba és Száraz Katalin kiállítása a Foton Galériában - PUNKT Maria Siorba és Száraz Katalin munkái a kapcsolatteremtés, az identitás és az otthon fogalmaival foglalkoznak. A két fotóművész 2017-ben találkozott Párizsban és azóta is mély barátság fűzi össze őket. Ez a kötelék, valamint felvetéseik és vizsgálódásuk párhuzamos pályá...

Photos from Foton Galéria's post 13/06/2024

Megnyitós képek 🙂 Ha lemaradtatok, pénteken (június 14) este 7-től megtaláltok a galériában!


Opening photos 🙂 If you missed it, you can find me at the gallery on friday, (14th june) from 19:00!

📸 Tóth Emese


Köszönjük, hogy ennyien jöttetek tegnap, nagyon jó este volt!
Ma még itt vagyunk pár órát mielőtt Maria visszautazik, írjatok ha jönnétek✨

Thank you for coming yesterday, it was a blast!
Today we are here for a few hours before Maria goes back to Greece, drop us a message if you would pass by! ✨


Ma nyílik a FotóFalu első 15 évét ünneplő kiállítás a Fuga - Budapesti Építészeti Központ-ban, és nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy a részese lehettem ennek, már az első 5 évben és most is ezen a kiállításon ❤
Mindenkinek ajánlom, aki a fotográfia szerelmese, nem csak a kiállítás de a tábor látogatását is, menjetek és éljétek át amit Balázs Telek - Artist megálmodott 🖤

Today is the opening of the exhibition at Fuga - Budapesti Építészeti Központ what celebrates the first 15 years of FotóFalu, and I am really happy that I have been the part of this already at the first 5 years, and also now at this exhibition ❤
I recommend to every photography lover to visit not only this exhibition, but the photography camp itself, to experience the dream of Balázs Telek - Artist 🖤


The new album of Frenk is out with my photo on the cover! I really loved this shooting with him and Dorottya Banki 🤍
Special thanks to Hutvágner Anna Panni and András Vízvári!
Makeup by Rikk Agi


Finally I can share with you, that I got invited to take part in the exhibition “New Eyes” organised by ImageNation in Paris!
Dear friends, come and celebrate with us next week at the big opening!

Friday, May 27th, 6pm
Galerie Joseph Le Palais, 5 Rue Saint-merri, Paris

“From 27 to 29 May 2022, New Eyes is proud to exhibit the work of 50 talented photographers from 16 countries in Paris, at Galerie Joseph Le Palais. ImageNation Paris invites you to discover photographers from the former Eastern Bloc countries, each with a personal focus, who explore the relationship between their own identity and the globally connected modern world.”
Join our event here: ImageNation Paris 2022
Discover more about the exhibition here: https://www.imagenation.paris/neweyes


I am very happy, because this year my work will be showcased at several exhibitions in Hungary ❤️ I got the chance at the Budapest Photo Festival not only to exhibit at the Fresh Meat Exhibition, but also at the EXPERIMENT exhibition at Kiscelli Múzeum! Thank you BPF!

A Budapest FotóFesztivál évente meghirdetett kortárs alkotóknak szóló pályázatán idén a kísérleti fotográfia keresztmetszetét vizsgáltuk.
A pályázatra ismét izgalmas és remek munkák érkeztek, kurátoraink Somosi Rita a fesztivál egyik alapítója és kurátora és Csizek Gabriella a Robert Capa Központ kurátora válogatása alapján 36 alkotó munkái láthatók a május 6-án nyíló kiállításon.
Az EXPERIMENT - Kísérleti fotográfia a kortárs magyar fotóművészetben című a kiállítás, a Robert Capa Kortárs Fotográfiai Központ együttműködésében valósul meg a Kiscelli Múzeumban.
Gratulálunk a kiállítóknak! 🥳

A. FEHÉR Vera, BUDAVÁRI Csaba, CSIZIK Balázs, DEIM Balázs, DIÓSi Máté, DRÉGELY Imre, EITER Tamás, FEDOR Ilka, FEJÉR János, GERGELY Dóra, GOMBOS Lajos, KOMÁR Sabrina, KUSNYÁR Eveline, MARTINKÓ Márk, MEZŐSI Ágnes, MIGLÉCZI Hanna, MUCSI Ágota, NAGY Zopán, NÉMETH Domonkos Tamás, PÁTKAI Rozina, RÉDLING Hanna, RIZMAYER Péter, RUMANN Gábor, SEBESTYÉN Sára, SPRENC Balázs, SZÁRAZ Katalin, SZIGLIGETI Balázs, UJVÁRI Gábor, ÜVEGES Mónika, VACHTER János, VADÁSZI Zoltán, VARGA Tamás, VÉKÁS Magdolna, WALTON Eszter, Syporca WHANDAL, ZELLEI Boglárka Éva

Kép: Pátkai Rozina: Búcsúlevelek


My work got chosen to be exhibited at Budapest Photo Festival🎉

Izgatottan készülünk a Budapest FotóFesztivál 6. évére!
A 35 év alatti fotográfusok számára kiírt Fresh Meat pályázat eredménye megszületett. Április 4-én nyílnak a kiállítások, gratulálunk a kiállító alkotóknak!

A Budapest FotóFesztivál az Erzsébetvárossal együttműködésben meghirdetett pályázatának nyertesei:

DÓKA Gábor, ILLYÉS Bence, ILYÉS Zalán, Dora KONTHA , Billy LAVIERE, SZÁRAZ Katalin, K.TAKÁCS Márton, TÓTH Emese

Fotó: K.TAKÁCS Márton: Mémoire Poétique


I wish you happy new year with one of the best moments of last year🥂
It was an amazing experience to exhibit my work in Paris and to be able to share my story with so many people who are in the same shoes. I hope this year will bring me more opportunities like this, and I can connect with even more people through my work - not only here, but in person.✨


I am happy to tell you that I got the opportunity to celebrate the photography month in a special way: my work will be showcased in the company of amazing artists in Paris at a group exhibition in the Marais!

During the 2 weeks there will be 2 groups of artists showing their works, and both weeks will finish with a nice event, so come to cheer with us!
You can find more details in the facebook event: 

We are an independent artist community, so we raise funds to help cover the costs of the show and we need your support.
We are offering all kinds of exciting perks as a thank you, including original artworks. If you would like to support us, you can donate here:
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/layers-in-paris?fbclid=IwAR1YWqEfFVd0Fc5sD2AWXf9IcAU_dQ1LCZy0PC-fzGz3SENYoT9ODpMDYls #/


Au revoir l'été☀️

Photos from Katalin Száraz's post 24/09/2020

📸Memories from 2 weeks ago📸

(I was not the official photographer, just this happens when my cousin get's married☺️)


Throwback at our session with Nadeah in Paris 🖤

Make up Richard Fazekas Make-up artist

Perspective | A photography contest shows the spread of a virus does not stop the spread of creativity 25/05/2020

I am proud to share with you that a picture of my new lockdown series has been published in The Washington Post! 🖤😊

Update: Thank you for all your nice messages, you are great.😊
The published picture is part of a bigger project I am still working on, you can see the rest of the photos here: http://www.katalinszaraz.com/phases
New pictures are coming soon :)

Perspective | A photography contest shows the spread of a virus does not stop the spread of creativity The Inner Outlook contest received over 800 entries from over 25 countries, showing on-the-ground views of the coronavirus pandemic.

Hungarian photographers during the pandemic (V.) | CAPA BLOG | A Capa Központ blogja 04/05/2020

My work at the blog of Capa Központ🖤

Hungarian photographers during the pandemic (V.) | CAPA BLOG | A Capa Központ blogja The pandemic in Hungary, which has been going on since March, also has a significant impact on the lives of photographers: some stay at home and keep a visual quarantine diary, while others still go out to capture the changed living conditions and cityscape. We have selected images from Hungarian ph...

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

Merci International Photography Awards and Lucie Foundation! 🖤

Lucie Foundation is the sister organization to IPA. Working together in the time of COVID-19. ⁣

An image from 's / Share with the Lucie Foundation by tagging and using the hashtag . Thank you for sharing your images. Please do not take any unnecessary risks in capturing images that might compromise your safety. Your health and following the isolation recommendations are the primary concern. ⁣

Image by - Paris, France

Reposting Caption: "Phases"

I have contradictory feelings about being in quarantine. I wish to leave, and to be able to walk outside freely,but every time I Ieave my apartment the anxious and stressful atmosphere makes me feel escaping back into my "cage". To create the illusion of being able to experience what is outside I have turned my room into a camera obscura, and projected the outside world inside my walls - for now it is untouchable anyway. .


Today is the day of Hungarian Poetry. I did this project in collaboration with Peter Závada in 2013. I’ve created analogue enlargements with the contact print of his handwriting of the photographs which has been inspired by his poems. This one is my favourite.

Ma van a magyar költészet napja. Ezt a projektet még 2013-ban csináltam Závada Péterreé. Analóg nagyításokat készítettem Péter kéziratával a versei által inspirált fotókból.
Ez itt az egyik kedvencem tőle az “Ahol megszakad” című kötetből:

Jövőre harminc

„…én vagyok a vesék és szívek vizsgálója;
és mindeniteknek megfizetek a ti cselekedeteitek szerint.”

Vesémbe látsz, Istenem, mint a röntgen.
Viharlámpásod csontig átvilágít.
Jövőre harminc – szívem visszadöbben.
Ellátni innét már a másvilágig.

Felelj dübörgő, fémes tapsaiddal,
valómban járjon át az égi szólam!
Nézd, félrever a szív, remeg a pitvar
-defibrillálj, ma még ne mondj le rólam!

Závada Péter


This week I will show my projects at the Fast Forward: women in photography instagram page, in with Heather Rattay, Pauline Rowan and Georgie White.
Follow us here: https://www.instagram.com/womeninphoto/

Katalin Száraz (@katalin_szaraz) • Instagram photos and videos 28/03/2020

I have launched a new instagram page for my art projects a few months ago. Follow, if you are interested in my upcoming works! 🖤😊📷

Katalin Száraz (@katalin_szaraz) • Instagram photos and videos 236 Followers, 450 Following, 121 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Katalin Száraz ()


Working on new projects 🖤


Wild like the sea🌊
Our editorial from Melbourne✨
model Sidney Isabel Urban
stylist Simona Boušová
muah Amber Qin
corset Adela Zemanova / La decadente




Polaroid of Imola Füzi for Irk Magazine
Make up Denise Bazaar
Hair Jc Lebeau
Styling Renée Karameti



Some werk photos from my latest production 📸❤️


Make up: Richard Fazekas Make-up artist


I have been choosen to present my new ongoing project at the event of Fototreff Berlin in Mai Manó Ház, and I would like to say thank you for this experience! :)

This is the first time when I gave a public presentation and had an open discussion about an unfinished project of mine. It took some courage and was a very new kind of experience, but it was very interesting to see what impression people have looking at my photographs during the process. I would like to say thank you for all the feedbacks and ideas you gave me. Sometimes other opinions help you look at your work in a different perspective.


It was a honour to photograph the magical show of Daalarna - Benes Anita ♥
Secret Stories

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Farkas Róbert és Ökrös Károly - Szomorú vasárnap Finisszázs



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14 Rue Planchat
Paris, 75020

V2B STUDIO est là pour donner vie à vos idées, capturez l'instant, créez l'émotion.