Simran Sondhi

Psychic * Healer * Holistic Health* Astro Hacks
PM for readings/bookings Intuitive energy worker, psychic and mindset specialist.

I work with the fate changers of the world to empower them towards radical self love, clarity and impact. By taking responsibility for everything - anything becomes possible. A life of more ease, joy and flow is possible. Book a session and see for yourself! The Journey To Self
Simran is an advanced Theta Healing practitioner, teacher and Holistic Health Coach. She has spent the past twenty years


The recent escalation of war in the Middle East and the surge of propaganda are not just political conflicts—they are assaults on our collective consciousness. As someone deeply rooted in decolonial education, I see this as a critical moment in our global destiny. The constant barrage of violent imagery and biased narratives is taking a toll on our nervous systems and psyche, leaving us in a perpetual state of anxiety and division.

This is more than just a physical war; it’s a war on our minds and spirits. The propaganda machine works tirelessly to distort our perceptions, creating a reality where aggression is normalized and critical thinking is suppressed. This summer promises to be even more chaotic, and it’s crucial that we recognize how intertwined our destinies are. We must not rely on government propaganda, but instead, learn critical sovereign thinking.

I’ve personally felt the sting of this conflict. I lost my best friend when I discovered she was a staunch Zionist, and her attack on me was heart-wrenching. I’ve also lost friends who supported violence against innocent Palestinians. These experiences have been soul-crushing, but they’ve also fueled my commitment to decolonial education and social justice. Indeed my life’s work centres around these concepts.

In these turbulent times, it’s essential to find ways to ease both inner and outer tensions. My 1.1 sessions are designed to help you navigate these complexities, offering tools to create a semblance of peace in a chaotic world, to allow you to process heavy emotions and still function in life. Together, we can work towards a more harmonious and just future.

If you’re feeling the weight of these global events and are looking for ways to find balance, I invite you to book a session with me. Let’s reclaim our consciousness and build resilience in the face of adversity.

How have these recent events impacted your sense of peace? What help do you need to navigate through this turmoil?


In these times, I don't believe in being politically correct. To me, it's merely whitewashing what's really going on. As a spiritual being, I feel it's my duty to call out injustice, evil, and hypocrisy wherever I see it.

As someone with individual circuitry in human design and a Projector, my unique view and perspective are meant to bring about mutation in the collective. This means I catalyze change for those who are ready for my medicine. I understand that my approach isn't for everyone, and that's perfectly okay.

My work revolves around sovereignty, which I aim to embody, teach, and spread. I'm here to decolonize minds, systems, and spirits. Being in the 7th year of my human design experiment, I'm diving deeper into my self-truth rather than seeking external guidance.

Political correctness isn't my path. Instead, I choose authenticity and truth, even if it ruffles feathers. Because on the other side of discomfort lies real transformation.


Trump and my predictions June 2020. I do sense collective events. I get things wrong of course. The timing can be off. But I see trends and patterns. It doesn’t always make sense. I won’t get every single detail - but the general theme is undeniable.

These are my personal musings. They are opinions and for pure entertainment. What I see doesn’t always reflect my beliefs. It’s just what I see.

The full chanelling is in my biz FB page:

Photos from Simran Sondhi's post 08/04/2024

Eclipse Energy: a time of cosmic direction

As ancient wisdom teaches us, eclipses are profound moments not for action, but for stillness. These events usher in changes that are beyond our control, a reminder from the cosmos that not all is for us to command. The Maya, Indian, and Toltec cultures saw eclipses as times to bow to the unknown, to the unexpected shifts that shape our journey in ways we may not yet understand. It's a sacred tradition, a period for letting go of the noise and the haste, to honor the mystery that we're part of something far grander. This upcoming solar eclipse isn't a spectacle to stir up hysteria; it’s a powerful invitation to sit with change, to let it unfold and to trust in the celestial order. Let's respect this time as our ancestors did — with reverence and a willing heart to the eventful change that's guided by the divine, not by our hands.


Ancestral Healing & Decolonization: Reclaiming Our Roots for True Liberation

War is not just a modern-day calamity; it is deeply rooted in the history of colonization. The ongoing struggle in Gaza and the Palestinian fight for independence remind us of the enduring impact of colonization—a mechanism of Western supremacy that has exploited and divided us for centuries.

Colonization has severed us from our indigenous roots, leading to a disconnection that manifests as the mental health crises, stress, illness, and wars we see today. This separation from our ancestral heritage and inner selves breeds external disarray and conflict.

It's a strategic separation used as a means of control, a way to subjugate by keeping us from our collective power. Healing begins within, but it's incomplete without integrating the Shadow—both individual and collective.
Western therapy often overlooks our connection to the land, our collective history, and our ancestry, focusing instead on the individual over the collective. But how can we access the gifts of our lineage if we're unaware of our roots, if we haven't addressed the pain of this profound disconnection?

Join me tomorrow on Instagram (link in comments) for a live talk with where we will delve deeper into these themes. And keep an eye out for our upcoming course on ancestral healing starting March 23. DM for more information.

It's time to heal the wounds of the past and embrace the wisdom of our ancestors for a more connected and liberated future.
Join the movement towards wholeness and reclaim the legacy that is rightfully ours.


Redefining Productivity: Embrace Your Unique Pace

✨ Let's talk about 'productivity' and the guilt that often accompanies it. You know the narrative: if you're not hustling, you're not succeeding. But here's a gentle reminder that this isn't the only path to success. 🌱

Coaches often preach consistency as the key to growth. While there's truth in routine, there's also power in honoring your rhythm. Here are 5 ways going at your own pace can actually win you the long game:

1. Deep Work Over Busy Work: When you move with intention, you create space for deep, meaningful work that resonates with your core values. This isn't about ticking boxes; it's about making impactful strides in your journey.

2. Sustainable Growth: Ever heard of burnout? Pacing yourself ensures that you're in this for the long haul, cultivating a business and lifestyle that's sustainable and enjoyable.

3. Authentic Connections: Slow and steady allows you to build relationships with intention, fostering genuine connections that go beyond surface-level interactions.

4. Personal Well-being: Your health and happiness are paramount. Moving at a pace that honors your needs means you're at your best - and so is your work.

5. Room for Creativity: Creativity can't be forced. It flourishes in the spaciousness of a calm mind. Give yourself the grace to breathe and watch your creativity soar.

🔥 If you're ready to carve out the right way to do life and business YOUR way, let's talk. Book a session with me, and together we'll craft a path to success that feels natural to you. The benefit? You get to succeed on your terms, with sovereignty and self-empowerment at the heart of it all.

Remember, my work is about empowering you to claim your independence and thrive. 🌟 Let's embrace your unique journey to sovereignty. DM me or hit the link in bio to book a session. Your path awaits.


Have you ever noticed your follower count go down and felt... relieved? 🤔 It's a curious feeling, isn't it? For me, it's become a symbol of alignment—of shedding what no longer serves my journey and making room for those who truly belong in my circle. 🌿

When someone chooses to unfollow, it's not a loss. It's a clarification. It means that my message, my essence, is becoming so potent that it repels anyone who isn't in tune with my values or vision. And that's a good thing. 🙌

Think of it like pruning a tree; we cut away the dead branches so the healthy ones have more room to thrive. So, when I see that number drop, I imagine I'm letting go of the leaves that are ready to fall, making space for new growth that resonates with who I am in this very moment. 🍃

To those of you who are boldly unapologetic about who you are and what you stand for, I say: Keep ruffling those feathers. Be willing to be disliked. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Because beyond the veil of conformity lies the beauty of authentic relating—a real depiction of who you are. And isn't that worth so much more than a mere count of followers? 💖

I invite you to share your experiences. Have you ever felt a sense of freedom when someone unfollowed you? Or maybe you've had a moment where standing in your truth cost you a connection, but it felt right nonetheless? Let's talk about it. Share your stories in the comments below and let's celebrate the power of authenticity together! ✨

And remember, it's not about being liked by everyone; it's about being loved for who you truly are.


Last year, I found myself in a place I never expected. Overwhelmed, burnt out, and hustling towards goals that weren't truly mine. I was so caught up in chasing someone else's definition of success that I nearly crashed my business... and my nervous system took the hit too. I lost my spark, the drive to share my magic online.

But this year, everything's changed. I've taken a step back from all the noise. I stopped seeking guidance from every coach, healer, and mentor out there. Why? To hear my own voice. To reconnect with what's truly important to me.

And here's the truth I've uncovered: my business isn't about hitting that next 10k month, amassing a huge Instagram following, or being fully booked. No, it's about supporting the life I dream of. A life where my business aligns with my deepest values—authenticity, independence, and taking the time to truly live.

Success isn't about the hustle. It's about enjoying a beautiful steak frites with my partner and our dog, savoring the simplicity and abundance in my life. It's this gratitude that fuels me now, to share, to grow, and to serve in a way that feels right to me.





As a collective we are in a time of so much drama, trauma and shock. If you are feeling disassociated, grieving, stuck, angry, numb know you are not alone. Also know that it is possible to move though these feelings without losing compassion for those suffering.

If you want to look forward to a time of more clarity, more hope and more light then this powerful meditation may be for you. It is called “Meeting your Future Self”

We will come together and I will guide you into a deep theta brainwave frequency where more of you subconscious mind gets activated. From this space you will receive wisdom, insights and advice from your own Higher Self in the future. You will leave the session feeling lighter, more focused and clearer on the next steps forward.

No prior experience is required. The session will last around 30 minutes and you will receive the recording.

We will meet via Zoom on October 26 at 6pm CET. Please DM for details.


What I wish my 22 year old self had known working in banking

I started my career at one of the top blue chip investment banks. I had hustled thorough school to get the grades, be on every committee, volunteer, be on the tennis the, swim team and also be a Girl Scout. I experienced my first adult life “failure” when I didn’t get into Oxford University. Like my Dad had done.

When I landed the job at this prestigious bank - it was against all odds. No one thought I could do it. They said my maths wasn’t good enough, that I wasn’t technical, that I wouldn’t last in the cut throat environment.

That was fuel for me. To prove everyone wrong. To actually do what family, peers, others believed I couldn’t.

The next ten + years of my life this motivation of proving myself fuelled me. I put myself through the hoops physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually (though the latter I had no concept about till my late thirties). There were times I would cry in the cubicles at work because my boss at the time was such a bully. I just didn’t have any outlet for my pain at the time that could help. I felt I had no choice but to push through.

When I look back at the 12 years I spent in finance and then the 5 more years in and out of corporate gigs, I wish I had more compassion for myself.

Here are some of my most important lessons and what I would say to myself back then, knowing what I know now:

If any boss doesn’t have your back as a woman in the industry, having to handle sleazy clients, s*xism and inappropriate behaviour in the work place- that’s on them. It’s not because you are weak and can’t “handle the heat” - he’s just an a**hole. Moreover if you are ever coerced into dinner or drinks or anything else that makes you feel pretty much stripped bare and vulnerable- you are not too sensitive and nor is it in your imagination. This is misuse of power and chauvinism. You did your best and I’m sorry you went through that. (This was way before the whole Me Too movement)

If a company or boss hire you under contract for one particular role, but they change that role once you have signed and accepted that job - that’s unethical. It doesn’t mean you are difficult, it doesn’t mean you are not a team player if you stand up for yourself. You learnt hard lessons about who is really in your corner when the chips are down, but you were right in feeling the injustice of the situation. Your sense of justice and ethics is one of the great things about you. Don’t change for people or institutions that don’t value their word.

On the subject of trust, it’s totally normal to think people will stick to promises. Let them put that on paper. If they don’t- it’s not real. Be prepared to have your own back because unless something is on paper, the promise didn’t exist.

Speaking up for yourself doesn’t make you a trouble maker. You were learning how to have healthy boundaries in the face of corporate bullying. It is scary. But you survived and are wiser for it.

Just because a head hunter or recruiter doesn’t understand your career path, because you moved products, companies and jobs when it was time to go - doesn’t make you “unemployable.” You learnt that people in your network: your bosses, co-workers, clients know what you’re capable of. And that’s your super power. Your network is golden because it’s personal and that’s where your opportunities come from.

You don’t need to put in face time to be successful. Sadly many companies still operate this way, and you did your 16 hour days like a boss. Well not really like a boss, more like a co**se walking through Hades at times, but you are RESILIENT AF. You survived all of that and still remember the many good times.

In my mid 40s, through delving deep into my Human Design and doing a LOT of healing and self development, I now have so much love and compassion for my younger hustler self. I am not made to work like a robot. Being a motorless Projector (a human design archetype) I don’t have the sacral energy to keep relentlessly putting in the hours. I see things to be corrected and how to guide people and resources before even the manager/boss realises. Being a Projector and highly intuitive I see things before they happen: I can see when things will work or not. I just need to be around people who recognise my skills and shouldn’t waste my time conforming. Finally, I’m not there to prove myself. All that fuel for motivation was not coming from a healthy place. It was coming from lack. From feeling I am not good enough so wanting to “prove myself.”

I can see how for many people reading this it may sound like I am complaining or not relating to the “real world”. I’m not here to convince anyone. I am writing this for myself and for the thousands of women who may resonate with similar experiences. I don’t believe in proving one’s self worth. I believe trust goes both ways and an employee is a value to the company when doing the role they are naturally suited to. This doesn’t apply to people who slack off or don’t fulfil their job function. That was not my case.

My purpose in sharing this is to remind those of you who have experineced something similar, to have grace and love for the journey you have been on. Don’t let anyone dampen your fire, don’t let anyone tell you - you can’t. Also don’t feel you have to suffer to prove your worth.

As I enter another chapter of my own career evolution, I am keeping these lessons very close to my heart. If they don’t see your value. Move on. Find something better. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, speak up. If they still don’t make amends - leave. Nothing is worth your self respect and health. Look in the mirror: be able to hold your head up high. That’s all that counts. The right opportunity is there. With the people who share your values. Because you are more than WORTHY.

I had plenty of amazing times in my finance and corporate life. I cherish the relationships I built. The skills I learnt. The mandates I delivered on. It just didn’t have to be that hard. And given my experience and what I know now - I won’t repeat the same lessons.

I help people navigate scenarios like this all the time. Because I have been there.

✅How to stay in a tricky situation, without losing your mind and your health -because you choose that.
✅How to see your inherent value and communicate that with grace and a solid grounding in your self worth.
✅How to know when to transition careers and how to even discover what it is you really want to do.
✅How to set up a passion side hustle that can turn into your main career while you ease out of your current gig.

There is help out there. If you feel resonance with these words, drop me a line or check out my packages. Link in comments.


People often ask me how my “woo” and esoteric side can have practical applications in the corporate world.

It is literally my north node to be of service: in making the esoteric - very practical and down to Earth. This means using concepts that may appear “airy fairy”, very concrete, so it gets you results. The tools change your life. They get you that job. They show you where you have been playing small so that you get that raise, ditch the toxic boyfriend, upgrade your social circle.

Let’s take my client J who is a successful C suite banker. She kicks a** in her career but still she was playing small. She gave everything to building her career, excelling in each and every task and going beyond the call of service to her employer( a blue chip investment bank). She was passed up for promotion a few times for partnership despite doing better than her peers, who got the promotion in front of her.

When we started working together we uncovered some deep seated beliefs about people pleasing, appeasing people to her own detriment - never really seeing how precious she was. By using some of my excavation tools for uncovering what lay underneath these tendencies, she discovered that as a child she was petrifed of letting her mother down for fear of reprisal: being ignored, shunned, punished. This little girl grew up to succeed, be a hard worker and team player. She always put other people first, was a great manager and delivered results.

What was the issue? Her motivation. How she saw herself. Even though she had the clippings of success - she was being taken advantage of. This was not an isolated incident just at work. It permeated every aspect of her life. The men she dated, her friends, her general overgiving nature. The motivation of people pleasing and being “the good girl”” never complainging, working harder, doing better - came at the expense of her boundaries and self worth. She was motivated by fear of not belonging, of being outcast, of being unloved. As a child she learned to get these things by allowing her own needs to be secondary to geting her mother’s love. As an adult though this behaviour was not serving her: she was not speaking up for herself, she was allowing people to stample over her boundaries, take advantage of her and leave her feeling angry, frustrated and confused.

When J understood where this behaviour was coming from, we set upon building up her self image and releasing these old patterns. The result? She left the job that didn’t recognise her contribution and found one where she is valued for who she is. She left a very narcissistic partner who also took advantage of her generosity and kind heart. She noticed who in her friends circle was really there for her vs what she could give to them. Usually in life there is a spilllover. How you do one thing is how you do everything. The “good girl” syndrome had repercussions not just at work but in other areas too.

J worked with me for 3 months. She came to me at a time when she realised she just could not continue the way she was going. The therapy wasn’t helping. The meditations were not shifting the needle. The pain of going round in circles was enough to get her to try something radical. That is when she came to me.

This is often the case with many of my clients. They come to me when others things they have tried have not worked. A last resort of sorts. These are the clients ripe for my containers. J was ready. She knew she had to change because she realised she was the only one who could make the change (life was not happening TO her) When she took responsibility for her life, when she was willing to see herself deeply and do some repair work, she released the behavior and beliefs that were keeping her in a looping cycle of frustration and being the under dog.

She is now a valued member of a another huge top tier bank, she has another job offer on the board of an exciting related business, she has moved on from the toxic partner and also newly redecorated her home. She has friends around her who love her and support her and she can keep at arms length those that drain her life energy.

Valuing who you are, speaking up for what you deserve and being willing to release eveything that is dragging you down is the secret sauce you need to uplevel your life. I don’t have conventional tools. I don’t speak to conventional people. I am not conventional. But if you want radical change in a way that fits your unique personality, style and aspirations - I may just have that secret sauce for you too.

Let’s chat and see if my kind of magic fits your particular needs. If you already know this feels right for you - go ahead and book in link comments below.

Above all, remember you get what you allow. If you want something to change, it starts with you.

Sign up to my mailing list on

I will share mostly from my own mailing list from now on.


This is becoming a masterclass soon as the group will go into Archive in a week. If you want in now DM me to access the Creation webinar and past group sessions in The Waitlist


Catch the replay of yesterday’s Creation webinar
in the group. Link in comments


Who’s coming to the Creation session tonight? Drop an emoji below to let me know. This is an act of service from me to you. I’ll be there if you are. This will be my final free session of it’s kind. 💫


Last Waitlist session tomorrow!
Details in comment.


The link between Love,Sex, & Money

Our beliefs around love, s*x, and money are deeply interconnected and can impact our ability to attract abundance and be successful in these areas.

Have you noticed any of themes below?

Feeling flawed or difficulty finding a partner in love will reflect in a scarcity mindset around money and feeling like there's never enough.

Believing that money is hard to come and also finding it hard to attracting a loving and fulfilling relationship

Struggling with s*xual power and magnetism and weakness attracting both love and money.

This plays out differently in everyone but a lot of my clients have come with these complaints:

“I always seem to attract unavailable men”
“ Money is never consistent in my life”

“If I earn more than my partner I will lose him”
“ There is no s*xual spark in our relationship anymore”

“Money is the roof of all evil”
“I can’t climax”

“Men with money are s*xy, powerful”
“He’s no good for me but the s*x is off the charts”

“If I have more money I will be alone”
“ It’s safer to be alone than be betrayed all the time”

The root of these issues are linked to first chakra (survival) and second chakra (creativity, receptivity, s*xuality) distortions. The core underlying theme is the sense of worthiness both around money and around love & s*xuality.

The link between worthiness and love is that your sense of self-worth will reflect your ability to give and receive love. If you believe that you are unworthy of love, somehow flawed or unlucky you will struggle to attract healthy relationships and may even sabotage them. On the other hand, if you have a strong sense of self worth and believe that they are great men/women everywhere, you will be more likely to attract healthy relationships and maintain them.

Similarly, the link between worthiness and money is that your sense of self-worth can also impact your ability to attract abundance and financial success. If you believe money is hard to come buy, thats its inconsistent or scarce, you will struggle to attract financial abundance. However, if you believe money is always available to you and that you have the power to create it, you will more be able likely to attract wealth and abundance.

Worthiness is a key factor in your ability to attract and receive what you desire. Whether it's love or money, having a strong sense of self-worth and belief in your deservingness can greatly increase your chances of success.

Sexual power and magnetism are linked to attraction in both love and finances because they are expressions of our creative life force energy. When we are in alignment with this energy, we are able to attract abundance in all areas of our lives.

Understanding and addressing these limiting beliefs is crucial in order to attract abundance in both love and money, and create a more positive and fulfilling life. Do you notice common threads in your love story and your money story?

Click the link in my bio for a free webinar “If money was your lover” Receive energy clearings and an understanding of some common themes around this subject. Awareness is the first step towards clearing these blocks and having more abundance in your life.


💫The Path of Courage💫
It takes courage to buck the trend. To go against what you have been brought up to do, be, have. It takes courage to start things and then realise it’s not for you. It takes courage to end a relationship that’s not in integrity to either party. It takes courage to go against what your coach, mentor, guide says because it doesn’t feel good to you. It takes courage to make mistakes and then get back in the saddle. It takes courage to put yourself out there and fear the rejection that may come along with it. It takes courage to trust yourself and your path. And yet, it’s the only way.

The journey of self love and self discovery is not for the faint hearted. It comes with facing all the parts of yourself you wanted to hide, to shame, to abandon. This journey will force you to be vulnerable to yourself and to others. It will crack you open, it will make your doubt your sanity. It may have you crawling on the ground because you feel you can’t stand the confusion, the darkness, the pain.

And yet, it’s the only way.

The path of self love is also the path to liberation. Liberation from self doubt to fully backing yourself no matter what. It’s the path of the Renegade, the Heretic, the Witch because you came here to do life and this reality free of bo***ge. It’s the path of seeing through the Veil to what’s true for you - so that you give others permission to be themselves completely. Its the path of acceptance and celebration for each person’s journey. It’s the path of Power because no-one and nothing has a hold over you. You can dance with the shadows and swim with the mermaids.

If you are ready for this path of self discovery and self liberation let’s talk. Drop me a DM and we will together discover if this is the right journey, the right time, and if I am the right Guide for you.


I wrote a post yesterday about Valentine’s Day. About being single on this day - a letter to my past self who WAS single from my coupled self NOW.

Oh boy! I learnt a lot about human perspectives from that post.

More than half of the people who saw the first slide of the carousel:Letter to my single Self on V Day thought that meant I am now single.

Some actually read the whole thing and still thought I was single now and sharing from being freshly broken up.

Some actually got what I mean: that it was me writing to my FORMER self, sharing what I know NOW.

The point of this is that it showed me how we can see the same things and make a completely different story out of it.

Some can the cover and see not want to read to the end because they think they know the point already.

Some feel they only want to go to the surface and its enough for them.

Some actually see the whole situation and still make a completely different story about what they just saw/read.

I didn’t want to go amend my post to explain on the cover (that this is from my current coupled self).

Some may say I was not clear enough. Maybe.

Or maybe it just shows that the people who get your message - get it without having to overexplain. In HD terms they are on the same fractal. They just “get me.”

What the post definitely made clear is that we all make stories about wat we see, hear, experience from our own prism. Our own lense of the world. Some like to dig deep, some like to skirt the surface, some don’t really care but are just passing by, some actually see the whole story but make a different conclusion.

This is life guys. We don’t approach it the same way. We come from different places. We attach different meanings to things.

That is precisely why I believe so much in 1.1 deep dive guidance.

I am deep, so surface level quick results people won’t come to me (cos they won’t want to keep scrolling to the end - get to the bottom of things)

Some people want to know from the outset where the story ends, rather than take the journey and discover along the way.

Others just won’t get you because their view of the world is so different. That’s also perfect.

And the beauty of it it - noone is right or wrong. Those that get activated, triggered, motivated, it’s actually out of my control. My job is to show up and share what is alive for me. And witness the effect it has. None of the reactions make my story any less real or poignant for me. I just get to see humanity in is diversity. And I love every shade of grey. My work is as individual as you are.

Tomorrow is the last day to book single sessions or a package from me.

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The Journey to Self

Simran is an advanced Theta Healing practitioner, teacher and Holistic Health Coach. She has spent the past twenty years in the area of self-development, whilst working full time in the corporate world. Her life has been about transformation in every sense of the word. Her purpose in the world has thus unfolded with her own journey, one of self discovery and radical self acceptance. Simran is devoted to helping others shift from an old limiting paradigm, to a more fulfilled, aligned and expansive view of themselves, and therefore their lives. She uses a blend of healing modalities including Theta Healing and Access Consciousness, as well as her own unique intuitive gifts to create a safe and transformative container for her clients. For more please visit:

Vidéos (voir toutes)

Feeling the feels
Why Political Correctness Isn't For Me: Embracing True Sovereignty
Trump Prediction June 2020
Free Meditation Offer for Challenging Times
Catch the replay of yesterday’s Creation webinar in the group. Link in comments
Just because it’s not here yet doesn’t mean it’s not coming. Things are happening beyond your line of vision. Trust. #ke...
Master your energy, master your reality. It all starts with the energy you put out. Aligned action is a by product of yo...
Release people without the drama. Not everyone deserves an explanation. Not every ending has to have conflict. #release ...
What does #wealth mean to you? For me its being able to travel when I want 👇🏽
Money is not an obstacle to growth
Clients come first, not the sale. I do amazing work in the world AND there is the right time and right client for my con...
No matter how hard it’s been NEVER GIVE UP



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Paris, 75015

guérisons spirituelles , chamanisme, Rituels de passage.

Biofeedback Quantique Biorésonance SCIO Eductor Quest9 France Biofeedback Quantique Biorésonance SCIO Eductor Quest9 France
Paris, 75010

Bienvenue sur cette page de présentation et de promotion des matériels de biofeedback quantique SCIO / Eductor / Quest9. Ils visent à améliorer la santé, le bien-être et la beauté ...

Physique Mental Sophrologie Physique Mental Sophrologie
1 Rue Sophie Germain
Paris, 75014

Je suis Agnès ANQUETIL Sophrologue diplômée et certifiée RNCP. J'accompagne les personnes ave...

Victorine Marquant - Ostéopathe D.O. Victorine Marquant - Ostéopathe D.O.
56 Rue Catherine De La Rochefoucauld
Paris, 75009

Ostéopathe D.O. agréée par le Ministère de la Santé, je vous reçois au sein de mon cabinet à

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Mbole Evina Silvie Mbole Evina Silvie
49 Bis Boulevard De Montmorency
Paris, 75016

Mbole Evina Silvie vous propose ses services en sophrologie et en hypnothérapie. L'hypnose Erick...