French sheep breed Videos

Videos by French sheep breed. Blanche du Massif Central (BMC) breed is adapted to the breeding conditions found in Eastern Europe

BMC in Armenia !

Recently Partnersheep sold a second truckload to Armenia of ewe lambs and rams of the Blanche du Massif Central breed.
The first batch, which arrived in March, is expected to have lambings soon. The first births have already taken place and everything is going well! We will keep you informed.
The BMC breed is showing its interest for regions such as the Caucasus as well as NME and Esatern Europe !

Contact: François Tahon (0033 647 068 061 or [email protected])

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Other French sheep breed videos

BMC in Armenia ! Recently Partnersheep sold a second truckload to Armenia of ewe lambs and rams of the Blanche du Massif Central breed. The first batch, which arrived in March, is expected to have lambings soon. The first births have already taken place and everything is going well! We will keep you informed. The BMC breed is showing its interest for regions such as the Caucasus as well as NME and Esatern Europe ! Contact: François Tahon (0033 647 068 061 or [email protected])