Nutritionist & chef; supporting cancer patients using diet & lifestyle to increase energy, relieve n


Sign up to the Embracing Nutrition page for regular informative posts; far more regularly than mine!!

Are you deficient in any nutrients? If you were, how would you know? Did you know that even if you eat a healthy diet, the odds are increasingly stacked against you obtaining enough nutrients from your food? The last meaningful worldwide study of nutrient status dated from over 30 years ago. In any case, it only looked at levels of anaemia, reflecting deficiency in iron or certain B vitamins.

Nutritional surveys typically look only at certain nutrients in isolation. However, one recent study found, over twenty countries including the UK, 56% of preschool children were deficient in at least one nutrient out of iron, zinc and vitamin A. Not only that, but 69% of adult women were deficient in either iron, zinc, or folate. In the UK, over one-third of preschool children were low in iron, with one in ten women lacking in zinc and twice this number deficient in either iron or folate.

To find out why nutrient deficiencies are so common, read our latest blog:


A few weeks ago I spoke at the IPM Congress 2023 about the terrain of cancer and I wanted to bring just some of that discussion to my live with Susie tonight.

Join us as we discuss how we can use functional medicine practises to treat and change the terrain of cancer for optimal outcomes and why the terrain is such a key element to focus on.

We are also going live at the slightly earlier time of 5:30 today.

See you there


I always encourage my clients to really look after themselves mentally and mindfully. Here is part 2 of my previous video on some tips on how to deal with receiving a cancer diagnosis. 💜


February is all about love and who better to love than ourselves. 💚

There are few things more shocking than a cancer diagnosis, so I always I always encourage my clients to to really look after themselves mentally and mindfully too.

Stay tuned for part 2... 💜


Cervical cancer is predominantly caused by the HPV virus. 🙈

Now, these days it’s easily screened for. A lot of teenage girls and boys are getting vaccinated against HPV, and they are screening for it more and more.

If you have a negative HPV screen, then you don’t have to go for your pap smears quite so regularly as HPV is supposed to be the most common cause of cervical cancer. So get HPV screened, get cervically screened and then you’ll pick up on any changes in your cervix. ☝️

Learn how people are healing cancer naturally 09/02/2023

Chris is great to listen to if you or anyone you know is affected by cancer - it's going online for free soon so check it out xx

Learn how people are healing cancer naturally Chris Wark shares the exact methods he and many others used to heal cancer in this "tell all" series, airing FEE October 29th - 30th, 2022!


If you haven’t downloaded my FREE E-book, now’s your chance! 🤩

In the E-book, you’ll find 5 good mood food breakfast recipes to start 2023 off on a good note.

Head to the link in my bio to download your free copy now. 😉


Ovarian cancer is possibly the hardest to diagnose as the symptoms can be really diverse.

So you could suffer from bloating, changes in bowel habits or peeing habits, you can feel full, swollen in the pelvic area. Now, all of these can be confused with indigestion or even PMS and PMT.

So if you’re suffering from any of these for more than a couple of weeks and it’s unusual for you, it’s a good idea to go and get tested. A simple ultrasound can put your mind at rest with ovarian cancer and there are blood test available. 💛

But, if unfortunately you’ve had a cancer diagnosis, please come and see me and I will help to support you and your health, from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. 🙌

Take care. 💛


Let’s talk about , a topic which is not spoken about much.

There are multiple factors contributing to hormonal imbalance, the main factors are estrogen excess, stress, lack of sleep, blood sugar imbalance and compromised thyroid.

Now, what can we do about this? 🤔 We should: ⬇️

👉 Get at least 8 hrs of sleep each night

👉 De-stress. Try meditation, belly breathing or magnesium baths.

👉 Reduce toxic load. Eat organic, ditch plastics, use natural cosmetics & cleaning products and drink filtered water.

👉 Detox. Reduce alcohol, ni****ne & caffeine intake. Try kombucha, kefir, antioxidant rich berries and drink 2l of water daily.

👉 Eat for a healthy gut. Eliminate excess and used hormones by eating probiotic foods (miso, yoghurt, pickles, kefir), raw vegetables & salad for enzymes, linseeds & psyllium husks to enhance bowel function.

👉 Balance blood sugar. Eat low sugar and low glycemic load foods.

👉 Eat anti-inflammatory foods.

I am here to help you if you are struggling with hormone imbalance. To book a free 15 min discovery call you can click the link below.💚


It has long been thought that it is a disease of the post-menopausal woman again reducing diagnosis, but I learned this not to be the case when my 26-year-old aunt died of ovarian cancer after 4 years of battling the disease – the doctors didn’t pick it up for a long time dismissing the possibility due to her age.

All in all, it’s a tricky disease to find but there are some functional tests which might help us keep an eye on our hormones and health as a whole.

So prevention is always better than cure, having a healthy diet and lifestyle are key to remaining healthy for longer and reducing our need for medications, and also watching what we eat can help. ☝️

Please get in touch if you feel you may be at risk and would like to better understand how functional medicine and testing can help you. 💚

Photos from's post 17/01/2023

**What is Nutritional Therapy and how can it help you? 🤔**

Nutritional therapy uses the science of nutrition to optimise our health, performance and wellbeing.

I will assess possible nutritional imbalances and explain why these may be contributing to your symptoms then together, we devise an individualised plan to support you towards optimum health.

Personalised nutrition can be used to support our body’s systems- digestive, hormonal, immune, detoxification and reproductive systems to work together in harmony creating ‘balance’ within. 🙌

If you are experiencing symptoms and don’t understand why or how to manage them, please get in touch. 💌


How are you feeling today?

If the answer is a bit lower than usual - you aren't alone. Today is Blue Monday.

What does that mean? Blue Monday, the third weekend in January, is officially recognised as the most depressing day of the year. And no wonder, with bills from the festive season, miserable weather, long dark evenings and the aftereffects of Christmas overindulgence.

Here are our 8 top tips for battling Blue Monday Gloom:

1. Get outside if you can. Exposure to natural light boosts serotonin production and helps you sleep better.

2. Don’t neglect exercise – it can be really hard to persuade yourself to exercise when you’re feeling low, but try to remember the energised, contented feeling you have after exercising, and use it as motivation.

3. Congratulate yourself when you do exercise, even if it’s only for a short period because exercise is positively connected with good mental health.

4. Connection with others can be a great mood booster. People with a social support network not only suffer less frequently from depression but also have lower levels of inflammation. Who haven't you spoken to get this year? Give them a call or pop round. They might be feeling blue today too.

5. Avoid sugar! Even though it may make you feel good in the short term, sugar can suppress BDNF as well as encouraging chronic inflammation.

6. Don’t neglect protein, the raw material you need to manufacture brain chemicals. Foods rich in tryptophan including avocado, chicken, eggs, turkey, pumpkin and sesame seeds enable serotonin to be made, while tyrosine from chicken, fish and almonds forms the building blocks of dopamine.

7. Environmental toxins like food additives, pollutants, pesticides and heavy metals can irritate and damage brain cell receptors, so switch to natural personal care and cleaning products, and eat organic when you can.

8. Certain nutrients are needed to make and use brain chemicals, including magnesium, vitamin D, Omega 3 and B vitamins. The herb Ashwagandha can support your stress glands, while turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory. Harness the positive power of blue by enjoying blueberries and blackcurrants, both brimming with natural plant nutrients.

I hope these tips help you feel a bit sunnier today. Do you have tips for cheering yourself up? Share them in the comments below. x


I thought it would be helpful to talk about gynecological cancers and how we can spot the signs and symptoms earlier, rather than later.

Over 20 000 women a year are diagnosed with gynecological cancer in the UK, and often it’s late, so, unfortunately 20 plus women die every day from these types of cancers. 🙈

The symptoms can be diverse and often confused with menstrual symptoms, PMS or PMT or hormone fluctuations.

It’s important to be aware of anything unusual and see the doctor if you’re concerned. Regular smear tests and scans are advised to reduce the risk of developing cancer. If unfortunately, you’ve had a cancer diagnosis, please come and see me and I will help to support you from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. 🙌

Take care. 💛


During the festive season, it is easy to slip out of healthy eating habits and indulge in that double chocolate brownie with copious amounts of champagne. Here are some of my top tips that improve your diet (even when you’re devouring that chocolate brownie). 🥂🍫

📌 Drink a glass of warm lemon water on waking, to start cleansing. Continue by drinking 2 litres water a day to help flush the kidneys and colon.

📌 Get your body moving! Try go for walks and exercise a few times a week. Try cardio, strength and stretching to circulate blood and lymph. Sweating profusely 3 times a week through the sauna, steam or detox bath to eliminate toxins.

📌 Try to eat plenty soluble fibre (from fruits and vegetables) 30g/day, which bind to toxins before elimination. Aim for 2 bowel movements a day to keep faeces moving along.

📌 Try to relax/meditate daily to detox your mind.

What are some of your key nutrition tips this festive season? Let me know in the comments below. ⬇️


Pomecco!! My go-to cocktail this festive season to help hormone balancing. ✨

Alcohol unfortunately affects hormone balancing so why not add some pomegranate juice and seeds into your booze, et voilà! The Pomecco! 😉

Cheers. 🥂

(Go for organic Prosecco if you can find it!)


I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for a healthy and happy 2023. 💚


Tis’ the season for delicious Christmas mince pie pinwheels. 🎄🥧


▪️Any pastry, bought or made as long as it is puff pastry (I used gluten free).
▪️Christmas pudding
▪️ A jar of bought mince meat
▪️ Cinnamon

1. Spread a jar of bought mince meat over the puff pastry.
2. Then crumble some bought Christmas pudding over it and sprinkled some cinnamon … so not really a recipe, more a hack!
3. Bake in an oven at 200 degrees celsius for 15-20 minutes.
4. Allow to cool and dust with some cinnamon or icing sugar.

Serve and enjoy ✨


We want to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies, as well as onto our bodies. 🤔

So try to eat organically where possible. Now it’s not always easy to find everything organic, but there are certain foods to prioritise as these are horribly treated with chemicals.

There’s a really good list called the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15. Now this list slightly changes from year to year, but it’s a really good guide as to what to prioritise. 👌


A winter take on my peach and berry summer cake. The great thing about this recipe is that it can be modified to what fruits are in season. 🍎🍂

(Options for dairy free, refined free, reduced gluten & lower sugar content) 😉

▪️125g butter (or coconut oil)
▪️150g sugar (coconut, rapudra, raw cane, caster)
▪️1 teaspoon vanilla extract
▪️3 eggs
▪️200g self-raising flour (or half-half ground almonds)
▪️2 apples wedged
▪️50g flaked almonds

1. Heat oven to 160*C
2. Line a cake tin with baking paper
3. Cream butter & sugar together, add vanilla extract and eggs and whisk
4. Fold in flour and pour batter into cake tin.
5. Top the batter with the apple slices pushing them in slightly.
6. Bake for around 40 minutes, remove from oven and top with flaked almonds.Return to oven for 10-15 minutes until cooked - skewer to test.

Serve and enjoy. ✨


Following my previous video on ‘What are Xenoestrogens and how can we avoid them?’, it’s good to have a look at some of the sources of Xenoestrogens, like personal care products that we use daily. 🤔

So any skin creams, makeup, shampoos, conditioners… really anything that we’re putting on our skins are going to pass through into our bodies.

Our skin’s a carrier and not a barrier after all, and these products have the potential to upset our hormone balance, possibly raising our estrogen levels and all the problems that come with that. 🙈


How can you enhance your detox? 🤔

There are some simple and easy tips we can do reduce our intake by eating as much organic foods as possible to reduce toxins, pesticides and other pollutants.

Some easy tips include eating:

🫒 Healthy fats like olives, olive oil, avocados, coconuts nuts & seeds to support good bile flow.

🥦 Cruciferous vegetables daily like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage as they are needed for liver detoxification processes.

🧄 Onions & garlic which provide much-needed sulfur for liver detoxification.

🫘 Good quality lean proteins like wild fish (not farmed salmon), organic chicken, pulses, and sprouted beans & legumes, which are low in pollutants and chemicals.

Photos from's post 08/12/2022

Today’s top tip is ‘Prehabilitation’, it is the new buzz word in integrative cancer care. 🤔

Get yourself as fit and healthy before cancer treatment and you’ll have a better all round prognosis. A healthy diet and lifestyle including exercise and stress management will support you through your cancer journey. 🙌

Get in touch with me for more information and a personalised programme. 💌


What are Xenoestrogens and how can we avoid them? 🤔

We probably can’t avoid them, but we can try to minimise our exposure if we try.

So Xenoestrogens, xeno just means foreign, so they’re not actually estrogen but foreign particles in our environment that have roughly the same shape or structure as estrogen and act like estrogen causing a similar effect in the body. 🙈

So where do we find Xenoestrogens, or where do they find us?
Xenoestrogens are pollutants and are found practically everywhere in modern life, so air pollution, second hand smoke, exhaust fumes, plastics and even our new sofa. 💨

They’re upsetting our hormone balance and possibly exaggerating any PMS or PMT symptoms we have as we’re pushed into an estrogen excess state. 🙈

Photos from's post 02/12/2022

It is important to get rid of toxins we have accumulated over the years but also to reduce the amount of toxins we are exposed to.

There are some simple little changes we can make and we all like simple changes right? 🤔

So think inside and out when planning a detox of your life, think about the whole picture – are there things we eat and drink that might be causing toxicity and importantly, we might have to delve a little deeper and re-evaluate our relationships and perhaps have a clean out there too? 💚


I want to talk a little about detox today.

When we’re talking detox, we like to think holistically, sure we want to encourage organic foods where possible but we want to go a little deeper. 🙌

Yes, it is important to think about the purity of the air we breathe and the water we drink but also let’s take it a little further and think of our environment, our home, our home life, our family and friends and the relationships we have with each person in our life.

Cancer takes time to occur, it is not an overnight disease. ☝️

It can actually take up to 20 years for disease to happen and we may have lived in a lot of different places in that time, worked different jobs, eaten a lot of different foods but the likelihood is there have been some people constantly in our lives, family probably, friends possibly and our relationships can be great and healthy but they can also be toxic and we’ve all heard about the environmental aspect or stress that can be part of the aetiology of your disease , a trigger and a moderator.

So let’s have a think about how to detox our lives a little. 💭


There is a degree of individuality, where certain diets are more beneficial in certain cancers but I find the best place to start and where I base most of my protocols is the Mediterranean diet, which is very ANTI-inflammatory thus ANTI-cancer. ☝️

The Mediterranean diet is based around whole unprocessed foods, lots of veggies and a diverse range of fruits usually bought locally and eaten in season with some good quality animal products, including a lot of oily fish, nuts and seeds. 🥬

Everything in moderation does seem a little 'passé' but we should eat a wide variety of foods to get a wide variety of nutrients and the Mediterranean countries do that pretty well. 👍


21,000 women are diagnosed with gynae cancers each year in the UK, and on average, 21 women sadly die every day as a result.

One problem is symptoms from gynae cancers may be missed because we aren’t always aware of the differences between our ‘normal’ monthly symptoms and and something more sinister. 💓

Many women are unaware of the workings of their intimate anatomy, with gynecological and healthy menstrual awareness education not compulsory on the school curriculum until last year. 🙈


Let’s talk about what it means by living anti-cancer.

In this PART 1, the first thing to think about is food. There is a lot of controversy around diets for cancer, from vegan, paleo to ketogenic… but there isn’t really one perfect all round anti-cancer diet. 🤔

We all agree on reducing refined carbs and processed foods, but eliminating one or more food groups completely can restrict the diet and nutrient intake, and we can miss out on vital vitamins and minerals that we need. ✨

Get your quality of life back!

I work with cancer patients who need help getting through their treatment. My clients feel less tired, less sick and often less anxious after integrating basic nutrition & lifestyle changes personalised to them & their illness. Let’s get you feeling more like YOU!

Videos (show all)

I always encourage my clients to really look after themselves mentally and mindfully. Here is part 2 of my previous vide...
February is all about love and who better to love than ourselves. 💚There are few things more shocking than a cancer diag...
Cervical cancer is predominantly caused by the HPV virus. 🙈Now, these days it’s easily screened for. A lot of teenage gi...
Ovarian cancer is possibly the hardest to diagnose as the symptoms can be really diverse. So you could suffer from bloat...
I thought it would be helpful to talk about gynecological cancers and how we can spot the signs and symptoms earlier, ra...
I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for a healthy and happy 2023. 💚
We want to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies, as well as onto our bodies. 🤔So try to eat organically where...
Following my previous video on ‘What are Xenoestrogens and how can we avoid them?’, it’s good to have a look at some of ...
What are Xenoestrogens and how can we avoid them? 🤔We probably can’t avoid them, but we can try to minimise our exposure...
There is a degree of individuality, where certain diets are more beneficial in certain cancers but I find the best place...
Let’s talk about what it means by living anti-cancer. In this PART 1, the first thing to think about is food. There is a...
Fudgy gluten-free dark chocolate raspberry food processor cake 🍫(This is not an overly sweet cake as there is no added s...


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Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
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Friday 09:00 - 18:00