
Videos by Nutritionist & chef; supporting cancer patients using diet & lifestyle to increase energy, relieve n

I always encourage my clients to really look after themselves mentally and mindfully. Here is part 2 of my previous video on some tips on how to deal with receiving a cancer diagnosis. 💜

#integrativehealthcoach #cancercommunity #breastcancerjourney #cancerfight #healfromwithin

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I always encourage my clients to really look after themselves mentally and mindfully. Here is part 2 of my previous video on some tips on how to deal with receiving a cancer diagnosis. 💜 #integrativehealthcoach #cancercommunity #breastcancerjourney #cancerfight #healfromwithin

February is all about love and who better to love than ourselves. 💚 There are few things more shocking than a cancer diagnosis, so I always I always encourage my clients to to really look after themselves mentally and mindfully too. Stay tuned for part 2... 💜 #integrativehealthcoach #cancercommunity #breastcancerjourney #cancerfight #healfromwithin #breastcancer #cancer #wellnessadvocate #cancerawareness #nutritionist

Cervical cancer is predominantly caused by the HPV virus. 🙈 Now, these days it’s easily screened for. A lot of teenage girls and boys are getting vaccinated against HPV, and they are screening for it more and more. If you have a negative HPV screen, then you don’t have to go for your pap smears quite so regularly as HPV is supposed to be the most common cause of cervical cancer. So get HPV screened, get cervically screened and then you’ll pick up on any changes in your cervix. ☝️ #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionist #healthcoach #femalehealth #cancerawareness

Ovarian cancer is possibly the hardest to diagnose as the symptoms can be really diverse. So you could suffer from bloating, changes in bowel habits or peeing habits, you can feel full, swollen in the pelvic area. Now, all of these can be confused with indigestion or even PMS and PMT. So if you’re suffering from any of these for more than a couple of weeks and it’s unusual for you, it’s a good idea to go and get tested. A simple ultrasound can put your mind at rest with ovarian cancer and there are blood test available. 💛 But, if unfortunately you’ve had a cancer diagnosis, please come and see me and I will help to support you and your health, from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. 🙌 Take care. 💛 #nutrition #cancerawareness #femalehealth #nutritionaltherapy

I thought it would be helpful to talk about gynecological cancers and how we can spot the signs and symptoms earlier, rather than later. Over 20 000 women a year are diagnosed with gynecological cancer in the UK, and often it’s late, so, unfortunately 20 plus women die every day from these types of cancers. 🙈 The symptoms can be diverse and often confused with menstrual symptoms, PMS or PMT or hormone fluctuations. It’s important to be aware of anything unusual and see the doctor if you’re concerned. Regular smear tests and scans are advised to reduce the risk of developing cancer. If unfortunately, you’ve had a cancer diagnosis, please come and see me and I will help to support you from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. 🙌 Take care. 💛 . . . . #nutrition #healthylifestyle #wellness #nutritiontips #healthcare #nutritionaltherapy #nutritionist #healthcoach #nutritioncoach #clinicalnutritionist #femalehealth #cancerawareness #womenswellness

I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for a healthy and happy 2023. 💚

We want to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies, as well as onto our bodies. 🤔 So try to eat organically where possible. Now it’s not always easy to find everything organic, but there are certain foods to prioritise as these are horribly treated with chemicals. There’s a really good list called the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15. Now this list slightly changes from year to year, but it’s a really good guide as to what to prioritise. 👌 #nutrition #femalehealth #cancerawareness #womenswellness

Following my previous video on ‘What are Xenoestrogens and how can we avoid them?’, it’s good to have a look at some of the sources of Xenoestrogens, like personal care products that we use daily. 🤔 So any skin creams, makeup, shampoos, conditioners… really anything that we’re putting on our skins are going to pass through into our bodies. Our skin’s a carrier and not a barrier after all, and these products have the potential to upset our hormone balance, possibly raising our estrogen levels and all the problems that come with that. 🙈 #clinicalnutritionist #femalehealth #cancerawareness #womenswellness

What are Xenoestrogens and how can we avoid them? 🤔 We probably can’t avoid them, but we can try to minimise our exposure if we try. So Xenoestrogens, xeno just means foreign, so they’re not actually estrogen but foreign particles in our environment that have roughly the same shape or structure as estrogen and act like estrogen causing a similar effect in the body. 🙈 So where do we find Xenoestrogens, or where do they find us? Xenoestrogens are pollutants and are found practically everywhere in modern life, so air pollution, second hand smoke, exhaust fumes, plastics and even our new sofa. 💨 They’re upsetting our hormone balance and possibly exaggerating any PMS or PMT symptoms we have as we’re pushed into an estrogen excess state. 🙈 #nutritionist #healthcoach #nutritioncoach #clinicalnutritionist

There is a degree of individuality, where certain diets are more beneficial in certain cancers but I find the best place to start and where I base most of my protocols is the Mediterranean diet, which is very ANTI-inflammatory thus ANTI-cancer. ☝️ The Mediterranean diet is based around whole unprocessed foods, lots of veggies and a diverse range of fruits usually bought locally and eaten in season with some good quality animal products, including a lot of oily fish, nuts and seeds. 🥬 Everything in moderation does seem a little 'passé' but we should eat a wide variety of foods to get a wide variety of nutrients and the Mediterranean countries do that pretty well. 👍 #clinicalnutritionist #femalehealth #cancerawareness #womenswellness

Let’s talk about what it means by living anti-cancer. In this PART 1, the first thing to think about is food. There is a lot of controversy around diets for cancer, from vegan, paleo to ketogenic… but there isn’t really one perfect all round anti-cancer diet. 🤔 We all agree on reducing refined carbs and processed foods, but eliminating one or more food groups completely can restrict the diet and nutrient intake, and we can miss out on vital vitamins and minerals that we need. ✨ #nutrition #healthylifestyle #wellness #nutritiontips

Fudgy gluten-free dark chocolate raspberry food processor cake 🍫 (This is not an overly sweet cake as there is no added sugar, although I have included options to sweeten it up - if you prefer) 🙌🏼 WHAT YOU'LL NEED: ⬇️ ▪️100g softened pitted dates (soak in boiling water for 10 minutes then discard water) ▪️80g cup softened butter ▪️3 eggs ▪️250g almond flour ▪️Pinch of salt ▪️2 tsp baking powder ▪️100g cocoa powder (can be 100% or ‘nesquik’ if you want it sweeter) ▪️250ml milk – cow, goat, sheep, nut ▪️80g dark chocolate chips (less % cocoa if you want it sweeter) ▪️½ teaspoon stevia to sweeten (if desired) ▪️75g of both chocolate chips and raspberries to top LET'S GET BAKING: 👩🏼‍🍳 ▪️In a food processor blend dates until pasty. ▪️Then add everything else except toppers (extra choc chips and raspberries). ▪️Pour this mixture into a lined cake tin and then top with the extra chips and berries. ▪️Bake it at 220°C for 20 mins. ▪️A skewer should still come out a bit wet but the cake should look cooked on top. ▪️Enjoy! [Thanks to the Nutritional Network for the recipe I based this on.]

For those toffee pud lovers out there, here is my healthy version: a ‘caramelized' date cake that is gluten free, dairy free, and refined sugar free. 👌🏼 WHAT YOU'LL NEED: ⬇️ ▫️100g coconut oil (or butter) at room temp ▫️250g pitted dates (around 300g dates with stones) ▫️200g ground almonds ▫️20g coconut flour ▫️Pinch of salt ▫️1 1⁄4 tsp bicarb soda ▫️1⁄2 tsp ground nutmeg ▫️3 eggs ▫️Crème fraiche or yoghurt ‘brassé’ to serve LET'S GET BAKING: ▪️Oven 170*C, line a brownie pan with greaseproof paper ▪️Soak dates in 200ml boiling water for 10 minutes. ▪️Put in food processor and blend till smooth. Add in all other ingredients and blend till well combined. ▪️Spread evenly in brownie pan. ▪️Bake for 35 minutes and then cover with baking paper to prevent it going too brown and cook for another 20 minutes till skewer comes out clean. Enjoy!🤗 Thanks to the Hemsley goddesses for the inspiration.