Lifesparkz Consult

Lifesparkz Consult

Lifesparkz Consults companies on how to do business and contribute to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Events, workshops, direct consulting.

Lifesparkz Consults others in working with the framework of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals to help companies and individual professionals to do sustainable business. Lifesparkz Consults organises events, workshops and consults companies directly in one-one meetings.


Your Cocoa, Kissed By Deforestation - Mighty New research shows that cocoa is driving ongoing deforestation in other regions of the world, from Asia to the Amazon. Mighty Earth undertook mapping of cocoa-producing regions in four countries outside of West Africa and found a high risk of deforestation in various cocoa-producing areas.


Words to heartful action

A few tips on how to how to integrate the SDG indicators to your business in an easy and straightforward manner. Did you know that the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals have 169 indicators linked to them for you to use as markers for your initiatives to contribute to sustainable development by 2030? They do not have to be complicated to transfer to your activities. Lifesparkz Bike Tours' blog about cycling love and sustainable business city life.


Talks & Workshops

Den 14. og 15. marts holder InnovationsBørsen og jeg workshops i København: Bæredygtighed som løftestang til innovation og forretning! Du kan være med i en enkelt eller begge dage. Jeg lover at tale dansk fremfor fransk og hiver jer kun ud på en cykel undervejs efter særlig efterspørgsel :-)


Lifesparkz Consult's cover photo


Unique experience creator – @Lifesparkz Tina Baltzer – Medium

Met with the French AirBnB Experience team this evening in Nice - the platform that helps me to reach visitors coming to Nice from late March onwards. They have got something good going... disruption of the travel industry, for the greater experiences and connection of people - yes please! Did you ever think of this as your job titel? I can tell you – it is an available position and in high demand on the global market.


Diamonds are build through pressure - Fun premier of Lifesparkz Bike & Talk at the Côte d'Azur yesterday

Diamonds are build through pressure! Have a read about the fun premier of Lifesparkz Bike & Talk concept at the Côte d'Azur on Monday - and a glimpse into the Lifesparkz Diamond of the 17 SDGs concept. Cooperate cycling is an action to build strong relations and win a challenge even when the road seems too steep.

A cooperate culture that embraces curiosity for a challenge and caring for one another is needed to reach targets of sustainability. : Partnership and cooperation for the goals ​Yesterday I guided a European team of a company that supplies digital solutions for supply chains worldwide. They booked me for a few hours bike excursion to do something fun together as a group...


I was a child of a future generation too – @Lifesparkz Tina Baltzer – Medium Sustainability does not have to be neither rocket science nor science fiction


2018 : The year I will become an author

Happy New Year to everyone of you. 2018 is going to be the year, where I will write history! :-)..... Did you set a goal or two for your year to come? Well, I did. 2018 is going to be the year, where I will become the writer I always wanted to be! So


The Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World - United Nations Sustainable Development

How to save the world from your sofa...: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Time for Global Action for People and Planet


Partnering with the People Who Make Our Clothing - The Cleanest Line

These days I am digging into how the Supply Chain is a key element when businesses pursue the Sustainable Development Goals. Patagonia is in many ways a frontrunning company - the company has recently teamed up with Fair Trade USA to create a Fair Trade Apparel line. Patagonia has introduced a premium system at their factories to promote worker's rights to have a say in creating good working conditions, Fair Trade USA is monitoring it: "Brands have a lot of power. Factory workers don’t. Being able to work in safe conditions and to have a voice in the workplace is hugely empowering." Read and get inspired! We started developing our social responsibility program in the mid-1990s, working side by side with factory partners. In 2001, we became a founding member


After the Dust has Settled The following is an article by Lise Kingo, CEO & Executive Director, UN Global Compact published on 6 October 2017 on Huffington Post. The UN General


What is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals all about?

: The UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals - A quick intro

September 2015 by the UN General Assembly and supported world wide by 193 nations

17 Global Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (short SDGs) comprise of 17 Global Goals - each having a thematic approach to target measures for a global sustainable development by 2030.
​The goals are interconnected.

169 target-goals
A number of target-goals have been set for each Global Goal. They function as guidelines for focus areas and measures in order to reach the thematic Global Goals.

"A universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity" (Source: UNDP)


United Nation's agency for development - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) is the overall driver of communicating the SDGs. The SDGs guide the policies and funding of UNDP until 2030.

HOWEVER, a key aspect of the framework is to engage nations, companies, organisations and civil societies world-wide to take part in making the SDGs into actions and concrete initiatives. Create partnerships to reach the goals (Global Goal 17). In other words: Everyone can take action to reach a sustainable development.

Learn more at UNDPs site - or just contact me... :-) :


United Nations

Live from the United Nations General Assembly with United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Goodwill Ambassador and Game of Thrones star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, discussing his work to promote climate action and gender equality.


Only by putting action to words about sustainability - we can sustain well-being

I am on a mission to meet others, who is working to make a sustainable change. I want to share stories about the HOWs and spread the word to make sustainable actions - into the new normal ways of doing 'business as usual'.

Let the UNs framework of the Sustainable Development Goals guide us, so we through our common actions can be the change.

Please get in touch to take part in the journey: One month ago I attended this super informative 5 day summer course at Copenhagen University: "UN's 17 Sustainable Developement Goals (SDGs) - Strategic possibilities and implementation in practise"....


Clémentine is a woman with a big heart and passion to create encounters and relations between senior citizens as well as between generations to fight loneliness and to make awareness of others grow. You who know some French, can read more about her in this article. NB! She is inviting seniors to join a tea tasting workshop in Nice on 26. September! Visit her page for details.

[On parle du Cercle des Olives] => dans la presse locale

Merci pour cette présentation du Cercle des Olives dans l’hebdomadaire de qualité Pays Des Alpes-Maritimes Journal

Merci à Marjorie Biran, avec qui j'ai pu partager mon projet et mes réflexions sur le besoin de créer du lien social.
L’art de tisser du lien, j’adore le titre !


Are you in charge of choosing suppliers or choosing between bids in your international supplychain? Or you are a curious consumer: Here is a good read for you to become better at buying responsibly:


La Fête des Possibles

Lifesparkz Bike Tours est ravi d'annoncer notre participation à la Fête des Possibles!

Du 18 au 30 septembre, elle rassemblera aux quatre coins de la France et de la Belgique des milliers de Créateurs de possibles qui donnent rendez-vous aux habitants près de chez eux à venir découvrir leur initiative.

Nous, en tant que créateur de possibles, allons organiser un rendez-vous le 21. Septembre: Aller à vélo à Nice avec nous!

Voyez les détailles pour le rendez-vous à la semaine prochaine.

Venez nous rencontrer et parlez-en autour de vous ! Ca va être un grand rendez-vous citoyen de la rentrée 2017 plein d’espoir et de bonnes énergies.


Lifesparkz Bike Tours is happy to announce that we will take part in la Fête des Possibles!

La Fête des Possibles is a long range of events taking place 18. - 30. September all over France and Belgium, where thousands of local Creators of possibilities invite local habitants to discover their initiatives.

As one of the Creators of possibilites, Lifesparkz Bike Tours will organise a free event on 21. September: Come bike with us in Nice!

Details will follow in the week to come.

Come and meet us and spread the word! La Fête des Possibles will be a great citizen meeting of a 2017 full of hope and good energies.

La Fête des Possibles ! Quelle belle initiative pour prolonger l’été tout en allant rencontrer les acteurs qui créent demain près de chez nous.
Prenez vos agendas, et choisissez quel atelier expérimenter, quelle visite faire, ou encore quel film voir entre le 18 et le 30 septembre. Embarquez dans l’aventure des Possibles !


Thank you all for liking Lifesparkz Consult page! You help me to build a community of people, who want to work for sustainable business. Today I met with one of them. Clémentine Claudon founder of Le Cercle des Olives (The circle of olives). She is a brave entrepréneuse now setting up a magasine for elderly people in Nice "Le Bulletin des Olives" as a part of her aim to generate activities to make people meet and relate between generations. In that way improving well-being of people in a world, where relations are being more and more digitalised - and more people feel lonely. The first edition of the imidiate in-hands product, the magazine, I saw today. It is brilliant! As we said our goodbuys for today, Clémentine continued to distribute Le Bulletin des Olives to local hairdressers, pet shops and health stores: The shops where senior people in Nice come. I am proud to follow Clémentine in the development of her business - you are awesome!


Lifesparkz Consult events, workshops, direct consultancy on sustainable business Lifesparkz Consult is your partner for articles, events and workshops, direct consultancy on how to work with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals in you company


Lifesparkz Consult

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