Delyth Williams Aromatherapi Holistig

I am qualified to National Occupational Standards in aromatherapy. I use essential oils during a massage to restore harmony of body, mind and spirit.

I live in Aberystwyth and have had an interest in complementary medicine since my teens. I am a qualified aromatherapist and use essential oils during a massage to restore harmony of body, mind and spirit. Please allow 48 hours for cancellation of appointments, otherwise a fee may be charged.


😊Angen ymlacio'r cyhyrau a'r meddwl? Apwyntiad ar gael 9.15 bore Mawrth (17/9).😊
Need some time out? An appointment has become available at 9.15am next Tuesday (17/9). Please get in contact if you'd like to book. 🙂


Angen ymlacio ac adfywio? Apwyntiad 9.15 bore fory (dydd Iau 25/04) Cysylltwch i bwcio. 🙂
Need time out to relax and revive? Last minute appointment available at 9.15am tomorrow (Thursday 25th).
Please message if you'd like to book it. 🙂


Olew 'Ylang Extra' newydd o Oshadi.

As some of you know Quinessence aren't supplying Ylang Extra at the moment, so I've been trying out other suppliers.

This organic Ylang Extra from Oshadi is very powerful, it almost knocks me out at bedtime. 😆 It will be interesting to see what effects materialise when we use it in the aromatherapy room! 🙂

Ylang Extra has been found in research to boost mood, alleviate anxiety, lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate and reduce depression. A good tonic on a windy, rainy, autumnal day!


🌼 Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus i chi gyd! 🌼
🌼 Happy St David's Day to you all! 🌼


Archeb bach ond drud o Quinessence wedi cyrraedd - Rhosyn, Thus, Sandalwood a hydrosol blodau orennau. Dros £90 i gyd ond mae'r cynnyrch o'r ansawdd gorau! 🙂

A small delivery of products from Quinessence today - Rose, Frankincense, Sandalwood and Orange blossom hydrosol.
Over £90 🙈 - Quality not quantity, only the best for you! 😁


🌼 Apwyntment bore fory am 11.30!! (Bore Gwener 27/1) 🌼

⚘️Last minute appointment available tomorrow at 11.30am (Friday 27/1)⚘️


🌲 Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd! 🌲
Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi pob un ohonoch sy'n dod ataf ac yn edrych ymlaen at eich gweld y flwyddyn nesaf. 😊

🎅 Merry Christmas to you all! 🎅
I really appreciate what a loyal bunch of clients I have and look forward to seeing you next year. 😊


🐣 Pasg Hapus i chi gyd. Mwynhewch y penwythnos! 🐣
🐥 Happy Easter to you all. Enjoy the weekend! 🐥


Benefits of Black Pepper- Piper Nigrum
Buddion Pupur Du

This article, in the latest edition of the FHT journal, confirms what many of you who choose to have black pepper in your blend know - it helps ease an aching back, sore muscles and fatigue.


I have recently completed the Butterfly Touch Therapies course in Oncology Massage.

It covered adaptations to safely massage cancer patients.

The training enables me to perform safe and nurturing treatments to those being treated for, living with or in remission of cancer.

A gentle, aromatherapy massage can help bring about feelings of calm and balance, helping clients relax and access their inner stillness.


Archeb bach, o olewau hanfodol drud y tro yma! Mae sawl un wedi bod yn dewis Jasmine Sambac a Rhosyn i godi'r hywliau ym mis Ionawr. Rwy hefyd nawr yn hoff o Ylang Ylang Extra, mae'n fwy blodeuog na'r fersiwn arferol. Yuzu yw'r olew newydd - rwy bob amser yn hoffi arbrofi!

We've been using a lot of Jasmine Sambac, Rose Otto and Ylang Ylang Extra in the treatment room this January, transporting ourselves to sunnier climes.

I've also purchase Yuzu oil this time, so let me know if you would like to smell it at your next appointment.

Jasmine Sambac - a little less sweet than J. Officinale, it has a deep, green floral, rich and slightly fruity fragrance. It relaxes the body whilst stimulating the senses, promoting feelings of peace and tranquillity.

Rose Otto - rejuvenating, relaxing and balancing, the fragrance of this essential oil is pure, unabashed luxury.

Ylang Ylang Extra - Normally reserved for the world of high-class perfumery, aromatherapists consider it more therapeutically active and therefore even more relaxing and soothing. It has a floral aroma with a slightly fruity character.

Yuzu - From the citrus family, this oil is reminiscent of grapefruit and mandarin, with subtle tones of both lime and bergamot. It excels when used in cases of stress or burn out.


🎅Nadolig LLawen!🎅
🌲Merry Christmas!🌲

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth y flwyddyn yma eto. Rwy wedi gwerthfawrogi eich cwmni a'ch caredigrwydd (yn enwedig pan oeddwn yn sâl).

Edrychaf ymlaen at eich gweld i gyd y flwyddyn nesaf!

Dymuniadau gorau ar gyfer 2022!

Thank you for your continued support, it has been another challenging year with the Covid restrictions. I've appreciated your company and kindness (especially when I was ill).

Looking forward to seeing you all next year.
Let's hope we all have a happy and healthy 2022!

Timeline photos 14/12/2021

Gemwaith i'w ddefnyddio gyda olewau hanfodol - £12 yr un.

Aromatherapy DiffuserJewellery - Wear your favourite essential oil wherever you go, while also experiencing the positive health benefits they provide. Each locket contains a tiny piece of pad which holds a few drops of oil that slowly diffuses through the ventilation holes on the front. The scent of your oil can last for several days, but you can always top up more oil to the pad after the oil has completely diffused (you can also wash the pads).
I have sweet orange, lavender, rosemary or rose geranium essential oils that you can use with the jewellery.

Timeline photos 10/12/2021

Bomb bath i'r cawod! £1.50 yr un. Olewau hanfodol i'ch deffro a codi'r hwyliau yn y bore.

Like a bathbomb for the shower. Simply place in the base of your shower to create a spa like aromatic environment.

Timeline photos 04/12/2021

An eye Pillow is the ideal accessory to help relax, relieve tension and enjoy more restful sleep. Eye pillows are often used for yoga and meditation.

This eye pillow rests comfortably over your forehead and gently moulds to the shape of your face, blocking out light and enveloping your senses with calming fragrance.

Timeline photos 03/12/2021

Cyhyrau tyn yn y tywydd oer yma? Beth am trio sach gwenith a lafant? Rhowch e yn y meicrodon i gynhesu ac yna ymlaciwch!

Relax and unwind with a Luxury Lavender Wheat Bag in a Gift Box - possible Christmas present? 😃

Wheat bags have been used in alternative therapy for many years. Wheat has a unique cellular structure which can absorb heat or cold quickly and then release it evenly. Can help conditions such as arthritis, menstrual pains, aching joints etc. As for Lavender, well its renowned for helping to relieve tension and pain so you can imagine how relaxing these are combined. An excellent and safe alternative to hot water bottles.

Timeline photos 19/11/2021

Canhwyllau aromatherapi: lafant a geranium, gyda chwyr soy, sy'n llosgi am tua 40 awr. Mae geranium yn dod a chydbwysedd i'r meddwl a'r corff a lafant yn ysgogi’r unigolyn i ymlacio.

Aromatherapy soy wax candle, with lavender and geranium essential oils to create a peaceful atmosphere in your home. Last up to 40 hours burn time - £8.

Timeline photos 19/11/2021

Angen syniadau ar gyfer anrhegion Nadolig?
Mae'r olewau aromatherapi wedi eu cymysgu yn barod yn y poteli "roll on" yma.
£5 yr un.
Aromatherapy Roll on blends, £5 each: - "Don't Worry"- Bergamot, Geranium, Frankincense.
"Just Chill" - Lavender, Rose, Vetiver.
"Fall Asleep" - Lavender, Chamomile, Neroli.
I'm sure the names of these essential oils are familiar to those of you who come for aromatherapy treatments with me! They're all oils which create feelings of relaxation and wellbeing, also they smell divine.


I've had fun hanging out with this little one this Summer, but now the schools are back there's more availability for appointments again. So if you need to take a deep breathe, lie down and get those muscles to relax, please get in contact to make an appointment.

Gyda diwedd y gwyliau hâf, mae mwy o apwyntiadau ar gael eto. Os hoffech ddod i adfywio ac ymlacio, cofiwch i gysylltu â mi. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at eich gweld i gyd eto.

Photos from Delyth Williams Aromatherapi Holistig's post 13/07/2021

Mwynhau'r rhosod yn yr ardd eleni!
Taking time out to smell the roses in the garden this year!

Rose otto is steam distilled, the oil has an affinity for the female reproductive system. It is especially beneficial to dry, ageing and sensitive skin and has a balancing effect on the emotions.

It takes about 30 rose blossoms to create one drop of rose otto essential oil, no wonder it is so expensive! A 2.5ml bottle of this oil from Quinessence costs £45.99, but is worth every penny! Many of you enjoy the benefits of this oil during your treatments.

Photos from Delyth Williams Aromatherapi Holistig's post 26/06/2021

Mae poteli o Solubiliser wedi cyrraedd heddiw, dyma rwy’n ei ddefnyddio i greu swigod bath aromatherapi.

Bottles of Solubiliser have arrived today, I use this to create my own aromatherapy bubble bath blends and now you can too! For information about how to use essential oils safely, please follow this link:
Here is a blend I often create for myself : 5ml of solubiliser + 1 drop Bergamot FCF + 1 drop geranium + 1 drop rose = a luxurious, balancing, relaxing bath!

Rwy wedi bod yn defnyddio'r “Solubiliser” yma o Quinessence am nifer o flynyddoedd. Nid yw olewau hanfodol yn medru cymysgu gyda dŵr, felly mae’n rhad eu gwasgaru wrth eu defnyddio mewn bath. Heb wanhau’r olewau maent yn medru llosgi’r croen, nid ydych eisiau olewau hanfodol cryno ar eith croen sensitif!

Rydych angen tua 5ml o’r solubiliser a tri diferyn o olew hanfodol. Mae’n bosib rhoi’r olewau hanfodol mewn “carrier oil” fel jojoba, ond yn bersonol nid wyf yn hoffi defnyddio olew yn y bath.

Cyngor y Tisserand Institute yw i wanhau’r olewau i rhwng 1% i 4% cyn eu hychwanegu i’r bath..Mewn 10ml o solubiliser byddai 6 diferyn o olewau hanfodol yn rhoi gwanhad o 3%.

Nid yw rheolau cosmetig yn caniatáu i “bubble bath” aromatherapi fod gyda chryfder mwy na 2%, felly wrth gymysgu’r olewau eich hunan mae’n bosib defnyddio lefelau mwy therapiwtig. Wrth gwrs rhaid gwirio bod yr olewau rydych yn defnyddio yn addas ac yn saff i chi.

Photos from Delyth Williams Aromatherapi Holistig's post 16/06/2021

Rwy nôl yn gweitho, a rwy nawr yn gwerthu nwyddau medrwch eu defnyddio adre.

I'm well enough to work again and am excited to be stocking some carefully selected aromatherapy products.

I'm aware that it can be quite time consuming for you to try to buy aromatherapy products, so I'm stocking oils and blends which I use regularly with you. Also I'm hoping that items such as the eye pillows will help you switch off at home and the wheat bags can ease those aching muscles between treatments.


SALWCH. Yr wythnos hon bu raid i mi ganslo apwyntiadau, gan i mi angen llawdriniaeth brys ar fy llygad yn ysbyty Glangwili. Rwy'n gorffwys ar hyn o bryd a braidd yn simsan gan fod y golwg yn fy llygad chwith wedi ei amharu.

Ni fyddaf yn gweithio eto tan fy mod wedi cael fy archwiliad gan y meddyg a wnaeth fy llawdriniaeth.

Rhaid i mi ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi edrych ar fy ôl y diwrnodau diwethaf:
Staff Siop Optegydd Boots,
Jill's Taxi, wnaeth fy ngyrru i yn syth i'r clinig llygaid yn Aberteifi,
Staff Canolfan Iechyd Aberteifi, oedd yn fodlon aros ar ôl oriau gwaith,
Tîm Ysbyty Glangwili ble gefais y llawdriniaeth brys,
Mam a Richard am edrych ar fy ôl i ac Elgan.
Diolch i bawb hefyd sydd wedi cynnig cymorth, dymuniadau da (a'r blodau a'r siocled!).

Mae’n flin gen i, ond bydd raid i mi ail-drefnu llawer o’ch apwyntiadau.

As some of you already know, this week I’ve had to cancel appointments. I needed emergency eye surgery on Wednesday at Glangwili hospital. I owe a huge thanks to the staff at Boots Opticians, Cardigan Eye Clinic and Glangwili Hospital for all the care I received, thank goodness for the NHS (and the dedicated, kind hearted staff that are its backbone).
I’m resting at home now and Elgan and I are being well looked after by my Mum and Elgan’s Dad, Richard.
Thank you to everyone who has been in contact to offer best wishes, help (and the flowers and chocolates).
Unfortunately I will have to rearrange appointments as I’m unsure how soon I will be able to work again.


Essential oils such as rose, ylang ylang and frankincense can increase serotonin levels. Bergamot, neroli, geranium and sweet orange essential oils can decrease glucocorticoid levels therefore producing a calming effect.

Mae'n siwr fod pawb wedi cael hwb o'r tywydd braf yn ddiweddar a'r rheolau cyfnod clo yn llacio rhywfaint. Dyma rhai syniadau ar sut i gynyddu lefelau cemegion hapusrwydd yn y corff.


Mae'n edrych yn debyg fy mod yn medru gweithio eto ar Ebrill 12fed! Byddaf yn cysylltu gyda phawb sydd wedi colli apwyntiadau i drefnu amser/dydd sy'n gyfleus i chi.
Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at eich gweld i gyd eto ac yn ddiolchgar i bawb am eu cefnogaeth.
It looks like April the 12th is the day I can re-open! I will be in contact with those who've missed their pre-booked appointments, to find a date/time you can re-commence your treatments.
It's been a long time and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Thank you for your continued support.


Coming soon! New aromatherapy products for home use.

Prosiect newydd cyfnod clo - i ddarparu cynnyrch aromatherapi hunan-ofal i chi!

I am super excited to be developing a range of aromatherapy products to support you at home. I’ve been using my essential oils more often this lockdown for self-care. I currently have two favourite blends, the first I have named “Home Schooling Rescue”. I use it on days when technical glitches and timetable changes have left my son fraught and needing to calm down (and I need to take deep breaths!). The second is “Lockdown Boost”, which I have been using in the bath on cold, dark mornings in order to lift my spirits.

Updates will follow shortly giving information on how you can win some free samples. 🙂


Nadolig Llawen i chi gyd! Mae Nadolig cyfnod clo yn mynd i fod yn dra gwahanol, ond gobeithio bydd Siôn Corn bach tŷ ni yn codi gwên!

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you all find a way of enjoying your lockdown Christmas. My little Santa is getting very excited!


Rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn ymwybodol fy mod yn gorfod cau ar 24ain o Ragfyr. Bydd arolwg o'r cyfnod clo ar ôl tair wythnos (o'r 28/12/20) Erbyn hyn rwy'n credu ein bod yn gyfarwydd â'r drefn, wnâi gysylltu â chi pan fyddaf y cael gweithio eto a cheisio ail-drefnu apwyntiadau. Diolch o galon i chi gyd sydd wedi cadw i ddod dros y misoedd diwethaf. Byddaf yn eich colli i gyd fel gwnes i dros y cyfnod clo diwethaf ac yn edrych ymlaen at gael ail-agor.
Sadly we're in a position again where we need another lockdown and therefore I have to cancel your appointments. I think we're all getting pretty good at the routine now! Once I'm given the go ahead to work again I shall contact you to reschedule your appointments. I'm so grateful to all of you who have continued to visit over the past few months and that you haven't grumbled about the paired down service/comforts and mask wearing! I really missed you all during the last lockdown! I look forward to catching up with you all next year.🙂

Timeline photos 11/12/2020

Mwy o olewau wedi cyrraedd heddiw, llawer o'r ffefrynnau drud fel rhosyn a jasmine sambac, ond hefyd un neu ddau newydd!
I always look forward to receiving a delivery of essential oils. This time there's a different version of geranium, Geranium Bourbon and a rather festive bottle of pine needle oil. I think a bath with a festive mix of sweet orange, pine needle and frankincense is on the cards!!

Timeline photos 19/10/2020

Cyfnod clo - rwy yn gorfod newid apwyntiadau'r rheiny ohonoch sydd wedi bwcio i ddod ataf yn ystod wythnos hanner tymor a'r wythnos ganlynol (2 o Dachwedd) oherwydd rwy'n gorfod cau. Byddaf mewn cysylltiad a gobeithio medraf eich gweld eto cyn bo hir! Gobeithio bydd y cyfnod yma o gymorth i gadw lefelau Covid-19 dan reolaeth yma yng Ngheredigion.

Firebreak Covid-19 Lockdown – I’ll be contacting those of you who have appointments booked with me during half term and the following week, in order to reschedule your aromatherapy massage treatment. I hope I will be able to see you soon and that you manage to keep safe and well during this period.

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Nadolig LLawen
Wedi cael canslad ar gyfer dydd Llun nesaf, cysylltwch fan hyn neu ffoniwch os hoffech yr apwyntment.  DiolchI've had a ...


68 Rhoshendre, Waunfawr

Opening Hours

Monday 9:15am - 1pm
Tuesday 9:15am - 1pm
Wednesday 9:15am - 1pm
Thursday 9:15am - 1pm
Friday 9:15am - 1pm

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