Videos by Spirit of Sound in Aylesbury. Helping you to heal yourself from within ✨
Thank you to everyone who came to the ‘Take Back Your Power’ Guided Meditation and Sound Bath on Sunday. I’m so grateful to every one of you for being there 🩷🥰As always I was completely useless at taking any photos or videos whatsoever, so thank you so much to @millieedenlouise for sending me a some beautiful snippets that she took of the evening ✨Thank you @mother_cuppatea for the amazing herbal teas that are so greatly received at my sessions. They are incredibly delicious and what we all look forward to 🤤#guidedmeditation #meditation #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #takebackyourpower #cuttingcords #relaxation #herbalteas #mothercuppa #soundhealing #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #mindbodysoul #crystalbowls #gong #oceandrum #tibetanbowls #drumming #selfcare #healingvibrations #healingfrequencies #soundhealer #grateful #bucklandvillagehall #buckinghamshire
Thank you to everyone who came to the ‘Take Back Your Power’ Guided Meditation and Sound Bath on Sunday. I’m so grateful to every one of you for being there 🩷🥰As always I was completely useless at taking any photos or videos whatsoever, so thank you so much to @millieedenlouise for sending me a some beautiful snippets that she took of the evening ✨Thank you @mother_cuppatea for the amazing herbal teas that are so greatly received at my sessions. They are incredibly delicious and what we all look forward to 🤤#guidedmeditation #meditation #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #takebackyourpower #cuttingcords #relaxation #herbalteas #mothercuppa #soundhealing #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #mindbodysoul #crystalbowls #gong #oceandrum #tibetanbowls #drumming #selfcare #healingvibrations #healingfrequencies #soundhealer #grateful #bucklandvillagehall #buckinghamshire
Private Sound Bath for two
I’m so incredibly grateful to be receiving lots of enquiries for private Sound Baths, so I thought I’d pop some info on here which will hopefully answer everyone’s questions 🩷
Private Sound Baths are a lot more intense as the energy is focused on 1-2 people rather than a larger group. It also gives me the opportunity to play the Himalayan bowls on the body, allowing you to feel the vibrations and frequencies throughout your entire being.
Where do they take place?
I hold all my private sessions in my beautiful therapy space at home in Aylesbury. Full details are given once a booking has been made.🏡
How long is the session?
Just like my group Sound Baths, they are 1.15hrs. I always allow for that 15 minutes afterwards to fully ground and hold space for any questions and to talk about your experience. ✨
How much do you charge?
The total investment is £50 whether there is one person or two. It takes the same about of time and energy to setup, regardless of how many people are attending, therefore the energy exchange remains the same. 🙏🏻
What’s your availability?
I generally tend to work evenings and some weekends as I’m with my youngest during the daytime. (Although I can sometimes offer adhoc daytime appointments during the week). 📆
How can I book?
The best way to book is to DM or email me ~ [email protected] ~ with your enquiry and then I can send over all of the details to book you in. ✅
#soundhealing #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #privatesoundbath #soundhealer #energyhealing #vibrationalhealing #healingfrequencies #energyheals #mindbodysoul #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #aylesbury #buckinghamshire
Please DM or email to book - [email protected]. #soundhealingtherapy #gongbath #gongbathmeditation #soundhealing #healing #relaxation #oceandrum #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #crystalbowls #tibetansingingbowls #healingsounds #vibrationalhealing #wellness #selfcare #soundheals #healingfrequencies #soundhealer #spirituality #meditation #buckinghamshire #aylesbury #mindbodysoul #holdingspace #immersive #healingenergy #groupsoundbath #healfromwithin #chakras #chakracleanse
M A M A C I T A • C A C A O #cacao #mamacacao #mamacitacacao #loveinamug #plantmedicine #livefromtheheart #dailydose #spirituality #soundhealer #soundhealersjourney #soundhealing #soundhealersofinstagram #selfcare #mindfulness #meditation #reiki #reikihealer #spiritualjourney #dailypractice #healing #healingjourney #healingfromtheheart #healingfromwithin
On Friday, I had the pleasure of holding a private Sound Bath for the staff at Potter Paws Dog Training🩷 Being in the middle of nowhere, we had some beautiful nature sounds added to the sound journey, including a combine harvester 🫣 It was a delight to hold space for you all and I hope you all felt relaxed but rejuvenated and had a good nights sleep. 🙏🏻 Thank you for having me. 🤍 I am available for private and corporate events. It’s a great way to introduce some mindfulness and wellbeing to your day. Please get in touch via DM or email 🫶🏼 #soundhealing #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingbowls #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #energyhealing #frequencies #vibrationalhealing #soundhealersjourney #soundhealersofinstagram #soundhealer #soundhealers #energyhealer #energywork #energyworker #chakrahealing #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #wellbeing #mindbodysoul #aylesbury #buckinghamshire #privatesoundbath #corporateevents #privateevents #potterpaws
The power of frequency and sound! Sound has a profound effect on our bodies. 🤍 #soundhealing #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingbowls #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #energyhealing #frequencies #vibrationalhealing #soundhealersjourney #soundhealersofinstagram #soundhealer #soundhealers #energyhealer #energywork #energyworker #chakrahealing #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #cymatics #frequencies #cymatic #wellbeing #mindbodysoul #aylesbury #buckinghamshire #bierton
How someone acts is a reflection of them, how you RESPOND is a reflection of YOU. 💫 We all lose our patience, get annoyed, want to give up on things when they don’t go our way… it’s all part of our human experience. But next time you go to react, quit, get angry, hate on someone/something, just PAUSE……… A few seconds of ‘stillness’ can make for a very different outcome. 💛 . . . . #mindfulness #pause #bestill #breathe #reflect #wellbeing #wordsofwisdom #positivity #wellness #reflection #healing #happiness #motivation
I had the pleasure of holding a Sound Bath in my therapy room this afternoon, for two very lovely ladies. 🩷 They both had a 1-1 Reiki session first; both were amazing and I’m always grateful when my psychic gifts are validated by the client. 🙏🏻 Having the confidence not to doubt myself when information comes through is a huge thing for me and something I plan to work on over the coming months. (Watch this space). ✨ #soundhealing #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingbowls #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #energyhealing #frequencies #vibrationalhealing #soundhealersjourney #soundhealersofinstagram #soundhealer #soundhealers #energyhealer #energywork #energyworker #chakrahealing #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #psychic #psychicabilities #wellbeing #mindbodysoul #aylesbury #buckinghamshire #bierton
🩷 T H A N K Y O U 🩷 Somehow ‘thank you’ doesn’t quite seem enough. 🫶🏼To everyone who came to my Sound Bath last night…Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for putting me at ease. Thank you for the amazing feedback and thank you for being an amazing group of people… even the guy that snored all the way through, I must of been doing something right 😜😴.....#soundhealing #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingbowls #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #energyhealing #frequencies #vibrationalhealing #soundhealersjourney #soundhealersofinstagram #soundhealer #soundhealers #energyhealer #energywork #energyworker #chakrahealing #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #wellbeing #mindbodysoul #aylesbury #buckinghamshire #astonclinton
I cannot wait to play these at Thursday’s Sound Bath Meditation 🤎 . . . . . #soundhealing #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealingbowls #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #energyhealing #frequencies #vibrationalhealing #soundhealersjourney #soundhealersofinstagram #soundhealer #soundhealers #energyhealer #energywork #energyworker #chakrahealing #soundheals #soundhealsthesoul #gratitude #grateful #wellbeing #mindbodysoul #aylesbury #buckinghamshire #astonclinton
When I started my sound journey, I was surprised at how many people didn’t know what Sound Healing was. I actually found this quite difficult at first, as I couldn’t really discuss my experiences with any of my friends or family. Now I realise it isn’t a bad thing at all, it just means that my role as a Sound Healing Practitioner is even more important. I get to do something I love, whilst bringing people’s awareness to a practice that can be so beneficial to everyone on a physical, emotional, spiritual and social level ✨ A lot of people think Sound Healing is a bit ‘hippie’ or ‘woo woo’, but in reality it’s the use of sound frequencies to rebalance ourselves. Research and studies have proven that sound can have a profound effect on our mind, body and wellbeing 🫶🏼 #ayleaburysoundhealing #soundhealingjourney #SoundTherapy #soundhealingmeditation #soundhealer #wellbeing #soundheals #soundhealing #soundbath #selfcare #himalayanbowls #crystalbowls #mindbodysoul