Lisa Walker - White Apple Thinking

At White Apple Thinking it's all about helping people to reach their true potential. Become the best version of you.


Perfectly put, as always.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. 😊

If you wish people to better understand you,
understand people better

If you wish people to behave more compassionately,
behave with compassion to all people

If you want to see peace restored,
be the peace you wish to see

If you want love to outweigh anger in this world,
let your love outweigh your anger first

If you want to help, be helpful
if you want to make things better, strive to be better
if you want to be heard, listen hard
and if you want to be good, think good thoughts.

Change starts within
and everything you radiate out
has a ripple effect
which can create great change, in mass.

It all matters.

Every message you type
every deed you carry out
every person you affect
it all matters.

Before you can try to change the world
you must check the air within your little corner

if everyone did this
it would change everything.


Art by Gaya Popova


A little bit of help with overwhelm…


Where are you stuck right now?
Where might I be able to help you?

Let me know in the comments or send me a DM 😊


Fact: You don’t have to change everything at once but remember; you have to make a change for things to be different!

Tag someone who needs to read this 😊


What a great outlook on a saying that I know often grates on people…

An important distinction


My website is undergoing a bit of a face lift but if anyone is interested in working with me please take a look at the link to my Work With Me page in the comments below ⬇️ ⬇️


I wish I had known that bouncing from one mindset change to another in the early days of my personal development journey was actually holding me back rather than setting me up for success.

I was like a sponge and wanted to learn from everyone. I joined every possible coaching course, downloaded every freebie and followed everyone on social media that I thought could make me more confident. Unfortunately the amount of overwhelm I then felt meant that many of these courses and downloads remained untouched and just added to my feeling of never being able to make the positive changes I wanted and needed for myself.

Not only that, I also got so confused about which direction to go after so much conflicting advice, that I just stopped because I lost all my clarity. And then I started the comparison game - never a good thing to do!

If I was starting over on this amazing journey of personal development I’d tell myself to stick to my original plan, which was really quite simple and good, and just keep my blinkers on. Keeping myself and what I know I need at the forefront of my mind is what enables me to begin and sustain a new way of being. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, just keep going.

Has anyone else gone through this or is it just me?’

(Credit to Jen Sincero for the great quote)


Who do you know that is struggling with overwhelm, who are maybe spinning too many plates right now? Tag them in the comments below ⬇️ ⬇️


21 Things I’d tell my 30 year old self:

1. Your inner critic does not know everything, in fact she can be positively evil when it comes to talking about you! Treat her with some respect but respectfully tell her to shut up when she’s being nasty to you

2. Your relationships will all get better with more acceptance and greater awareness on your part, be that your relationship with food, family and even yourself

3. Don’t run away from being a victim, it only serves to make you more of one

4. Own your story - it’s what makes you the woman you are, the good, the bad and the ugly of life

5. Happiness can be found in a chocolate bar - but it’s fleeting and not the only place to find it

6. It’s not your responsibility to make everyone happy - some people will never allow themselves to be, so move on and leave them to it

7. All of your experiences (the afore mentioned good, bad & ugly) will prove to be your super power, the very thing that helps you to help others

8. Continue to read all the books

9. Walk more, enjoy the feeling of moving without it being a task

10. Learn to laugh at yourself, give yourself permission to have more fun

11. Your size/weight doesn’t define who you are but your unhealthy relationship with food may just linger for longer than you ever thought possible, so work on that now

12. Continue to be you but not the paired back, must fit in you, search for the real you, the one hidden underneath all the layers of expectation and emotion

13. Accept that you won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and that equally you won’t like everyone yourself - and that’s ok

14. Use your voice, to fight injustice, to speak up on the things that matter, to tell your story and to empower others

15. Ditch the black and grey clothes

16. Don’t worry about your hair going ‘brown’ by the time you’re 50 it will be back to being white!

17. Learn to listen to your intuition it will always serve you well

18. Forget the diets - they don’t work!

19. Believe in yourself even when it feels like no one else does

20. Embrace those accessories- they are so you

21. Find joy in every day


I wrote this some time ago but it feels the right time to share it again…

FAQ #3

How do you choose the right coach for you?

This question is a big one, you have decided to invest in yourself, you have made the steps to look into a number of different coaches but then the stumbling block is often 'how do I know which is the best for me?'.

Finding the right coach doesn't have to be an ordeal but I understand why for some people it can feel like hard work.

A few things to consider when looking to work with a coach:
* Can you get to speak with the coach long enough, before you commit to a programme, to get an idea of whether the two of you will hit it off? The relationship between the two of you is the foundation for the success of the work you will do. If you don't feel like they 'get you' or they don't seem to understand your challenges then I would say they are not the right fit.

* Can you see testimonials from other clients and do those clients have some similarities to you i.e. are they in the same age group, similar work roles or with similar challenges? Social proof is one of the best ways to see the potential outcome for working with a coach - just make sure that the testimonials are real, this is easy to do, just ask if its possible to speak to those people or at least ask if they can contact you.

* Do you know of anyone that has used a coach and would they be happy to recommend them? Most of my clients come from referrals, Word of mouth is very powerful. I find that my client's want to share their transformations and their amazing shifts in behaviour so are only too glad to pass my details on.

* Lastly, coaching comes in very many different shapes, sizes and costs. As difficult as it might be don't base your decision on price alone. Get to know your coach, make use of their discovery call/free intro chat etc. If they don't offer something like that then ask them if its possible to meet up either in person or remotely to find out if you're a good fit.

Remember this is a big investment in yourself in terms of time, effort and money - you are worth it and you deserve to be happy with the person you put your trust in.

Any questions please let me know! 😊


Have you ever read a book that just changed things for you? Maybe it spoke to you in a way like no other. Perhaps it opened your eyes to new ways of thinking or being - that’s what this book did for me a few years ago and I still love it!

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero is a book I have read many times and each time I reach for it I take something else away from it. Jen Sincero most definitely speaks to me, she has a no nonsense approach laced with lots of humour and relatability. I have recommended and bought this book many times for friends and clients. Have you read it? What were your takeaways from it?

What book do you find yourself reaching for when you need a bit of a lift or motivation?

I’m always on the look out for new reading so please feel free to share any recommendations you have in the comments 😊


Are you seeing more of me in your feed? I’m trying to be more visible even on the tricky days 😊


Do you ever wake up on a Monday morning feeling like you have to take on the world, figure out all of life’s problems, rescue every person that needs it, answer all of the world’s woes, plan a healthy menu for the week, sort out your mindset as well as your physical health, look for new opportunities and work out how you’re going to fit in a little ‘me time’ in your already packed diary, and that’s before your feet have touched the floor beside your bed!?

Here’s the thing - you don’t have to!

When we are already juggling a number of balls whilst spinning a multitude of plates our state of overwhelm can become so familiar that we fail to notice when we begin to expect the ridiculous from ourselves. We fail to see that we were never able to sort out all of the above (well, maybe we could do a couple but let’s draw the line at world peace being our sole responsibility!).

In order to overcome the constant state of overwhelm we must take a step back, breathe, get some clarity on what we can control and begin with those things and even then we might not be able to tackle them all. The idea that we are great multi taskers is one of the modern myths that trips us up time and time again. We literally set ourselves up to fail as we continue to peddle the idea that spinning so many plates is our forte!

So, what 3 things would you like to prioritise this week?

Me? I will aim for the meal plan, the new opportunity that’s waiting for me and the continued visibility on here 😊


Anyone else feel this, it’s a real thing! 😃


My ideal client is a busy, professional woman that may be feeling a little lost and overwhelmed with the plates she is spinning. She may be looking for direction and in need of more confidence despite the successes she has in her life - she needs help to work out what’s important to her, be that personally or professionally.

I help women just like her find clarity in the overwhelm and the confidence to live a life she loves.

Does this resonate with you?


After receiving so much love and comments for my recent (long) post about how I was spending last weekend I thought it only right to give you an update on how things went…

The reason for going to Kefalonia was to see mum back in her ‘happy place’ and I’m pleased to say that that was done and my sister and I were able to reminisce and reflect on the good times we’d had on the island in the past.

Unfortunately 24hrs later I came down with a terrible bout of Noro Virus that has meant that I was unable fly back on Tuesday and am still awaiting clearance from the Dr to fly tomorrow 🤦‍♀️ There’s nothing quite like a sudden and violent attack on the stomach to knock you for six, sun or no sun involved!

As I sit now and reflect on the last couple of days I can honestly say that having good people around you really does make the difference when you’re not in a great place, be that physically (as I was), mentally or emotionally. From the care from my sister, nephew and his girlfriend to the Dr that was no nonsense about “hooking up to a drip there and then or hospital”, the taxi driver that moved me 1/2 mile from one hotel to another, as mine was now fully booked, to the wonderful hosts in my new place - people’s kindness is what makes such a difference to how we feel, it’s what makes tough situations bearable and is always a reminder to administer our own kindness whenever and wherever we can.

As for me, I’m feeling heaps better and am looking forward to a last evening out albeit on a diet of ‘plain’ food and water but I’ll take that thank you. 😊


Just a few things that may help, let me know if you try them 😊


I hope you get to ‘unplug’ for just a short period of time over the weekend - if it’s good enough for your computer it’s certainly good enough for you! 😊

We can share a life hack that IT technicians have known all along…

Photos from Lisa Walker - White Apple Thinking's post 04/05/2024

Long post alert but worth it I think 😉

This was my view this afternoon - the perfect way to spend an afternoon on a bank holiday weekend, I’m sure many of you would agree. I feel extremely fortunate that I’m on a whistle stop visit to the beautiful island of Kefalonia, although there is a poignant reason for my visit and that is to join my sister as she brings Mums ashes over tomorrow, for them to be a scattered on the island, her happy place for the 8 years she lived here.

Why am I sharing this with you? Well the trip so far has already brought me so many similarities, examples and analogies for the things I’m certain you may be thinking or going through.

Just the idea of coming over here as a solo traveller was new to me, I wasn’t scared but I did have a few apprehensions (definitely not helped by sitting next to the very drunk bloke in the 1st class carriage on the train over to the airport last night, especially as he decided to square up to a group of teenagers and then the conductor 🙄) however, I digress… doing things for the first time can be scary, it can be exciting and it can also be a mixture of the two.
Unfortunately though we often only feel the fear!

Over the years I’ve learnt to balance the fears with a little bit of logic (said drunk was no threat to anyone as he couldn’t even stand up straight!) a little bit of ‘what if’ insert worse case scenario - what if the emotion is just too much on this trip, what if I can’t remember how to board a plane, what if I don’t get up in time for my flight - you get the picture!

More importantly what I have also learnt to include is a huge dose of WHAT IF, insert ‘best’ case scenario - in other words, what if it’s fabulous, what if I find some peace from the trip, what if I love going back to a place that held many memories for me too, what if I have a few days of sunshine instead of the relentless rain we’ve had forever at home!?

Which way of thinking do you think would leave me feeling better, more confident and more willing to take an opportunity when it appears?

Looking towards the negatives of any given situation that involves us feeling fear is perfectly normal, it’s our brains way of keeping us safe, however, playing safe often leads to playing small, restricting what we want to do, limiting our actions and not allowing us to become who we truly have the capability of being.

Leaning into the opportunities of a best case scenario enables us to weigh things up, gives us balance and clarity on what we really want from something. We may still decide to be cautious but at least we have thought about both sides of it and not just allowed our fear and lack of confidence to hold us back - in the meantime I’m so pleased that I made the decision to come out here for a few days, it is an emotional trip but emotions that I shouldn’t be frightened of, it’s going to be a time of mixed feelings but again, that’s not a bad thing - without the sadness we would never know happiness 😊

Have a fabulous bank holiday weekend, whatever and wherever you may be. ❤️


Acceptance - the word that, when practised, brings peace, clarity and understanding 🥰

It’s my birthday today and as always, I like to share my thoughts on getting older and how things change from year to year.

Today I am 49.
I have more years behind me than ahead, so things are starting to get real.

I’m choosier now; on what I let into my mind and what I choose to let go…
who I let into my soul circle and who will remain, respectfully and kindly, on the outside.

I am well practised at ‘letting them’.
Without allowing it to alter the air within my lungs or affect my self-worth.
And finally, I have figured out how to stop ‘only being as happy as the least happy person in the room’, a formula which took me this long to work out (fellow sensitives may resonate highly here).

A year without alcohol has further solidified my ‘learning’ of who I am, without masks and tools and facades. It’s uncomfortable, I would be lying to say otherwise, but it is enlightening. It unpauses what was stagnant, allows your growth catch up to where it truly wants to be.

I am far more accepting now, of myself and of others…
Life is hard. Even when it is easy, it is still hard.

And I think, really, we are all just trying to be good. Trying to be better. Trying to survive with the hand we were dealt. We need one another.

As for ongoing, I only have a few ‘wants’… I want to be more easily pleased, to see more magic in the moments and to slow down even further. I know now that if you want more of the wonderful stuff life has to offer you have to do less, in order to be able to see it.

And yes, ageing is hard to handle. No doubt about that.
The wrinkles and the sagging and the physical changes do shout to be corrected and reversed to stay relevant and attractive in this world of ours.

But, we have already been that younger version of us, there is a new one ahead patiently waiting to come in with her wisdom and her light.

Acceptance is the word here. Removing pressure wherever you possibly can.

Whatever you choose to do, however you wish to age, acceptance is everything.
Of your own choices and of the choices everyone else makes too.

Thank you for another year of you! Means so much.

Donna xx


Does this resonate with you?

After a few months of grief, illness, brain fog and general feelings of doubt and mediocrity it certainly hit a chord with me as I was scrolling through IG today.

One thing I remain confident in, is that if something strikes a chord with me then it almost certainly will with many of my fabulous followers on social media.

Whatever life may have thrown your way in recent months knowing that this is the way of the world, it’s how we grow, how we learn and how we develop even further into the person we are meant to be, helps just a little. Don’t get me wrong, the whole ‘what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger’ idea can feel like a real drag at the time and I for one know that being strong isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, however, the more we are able to accept and roll with the hands that life deals us the more liklehood there is in each of us surviving and thriving, leaving us in a position to help others and be the shining light we perhaps wished we’d had.

So, if you are feeling a little out of sorts, a little battle scarred and bruised please know that you are not alone, I see you, you matter and you will rise again in whatever capacity now works for you and the world will be a better place for it! 🥰



Enough money within her control to move out...
And rent a place of her own
even if she never wants to
or needs to...
Something perfect to wear if the employer
or date of her dreams wants to See Her in an hour...

A youth she's content to leave behind....
A past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her Old Age....

A set of screwdrivers,
a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
One friend who always makes her laugh...
And one Who lets her cry...

A good piece of furniture not previously owned
by anyone else in her Family...
Eight matching plates,
wine glasses with stems,
And a recipe for a meal that will make
her guests feel Honored...
A feeling of control over her destiny...

How to fall in love without losing herself..
When to try harder...

That she can't change the length of her calves,
The width of her hips,
or the nature of her parents..
That her childhood may not have been perfect...
But it's over...

What she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
How to live alone...
Even if she doesn't like it...

Whom she can trust,
Whom she can't,
And why she shouldn't take it personally...

Where to go...
Be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
Or a charming inn in the woods...
When her soul needs soothing...

What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
A month...
And a year... ॐ

Written By: Pamela Redmond Satran
Image By Margaret Kopp


I talk about this topic often, who we surround ourselves with is so important in how we live, feel, love and develop.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with 3 amazing women who started out as clients many years ago, and are very much fabulous friends now.

Sharing stories, catching up on life, supporting each other, celebrating all of our wins and even our losses whilst eating a lovely brunch and drinking copious cups of coffee was the perfect reminder of the power of those connections and relationships - thanks ladies!

So my question for you today is:

Are you surrounding yourself with the people that lift you up, that support and celebrate you, that empower you and basically bring you joy? If you aren’t, where can you find those people?

Have a fabulous Sunday xx


This great question has just been posed to me via an email - have a think about it for yourself for a moment.. 🤔

“What do you want that you haven’t yet asked for?”

It certainly got my cogs turning on a Saturday afternoon.

Feel free to share anything in the comments that pops into your head as you ask it to yourself ⬇️⬇️

In the meantime I will give it a bit more thought and possibly add mine in the comments too 😊


And just in case you need the reminder as we head into the weekend 💕


Joy does not arrive with a fanfare,
on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.

Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee,
watching the sun hit your favourite tree, just right.

And you usher joy away,
because you are not ready for it.
Your house is not as it must be,
for such a distinguished guest.

But joy cares nothing for your messy home,
or your bank-balance,
or your waistline, you see.

Joy is supposed to slither through the cracks of your imperfect life,
that’s how joy works.

You cannot truly invite her, you can only be ready when she appears.

And hug her with meaning,

because in this very moment,

joy chose you.

Donna Ashworth

From WILD HOPE: healing words to find light on dark days ♥️


Happy weekend to you all!
What are your plans for the next couple of days?

I intend to chill out and enjoy a bit of walking (possibly with a pub and/or cafe involved 😇) whilst spending some time by the sea 😊

Photos from FirehouseNo1's post 12/03/2024
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