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👑3Deity3👑, Spiritual Leader 👑 sent here to help you beautiful souls on your spiritual,mental,emotional,physical & energetical journeys towards your true souls path & to help you remember your divine essence 🌈🌼⭐️


Divine message for today my beautys 🪬⭐️🪬

If you need this message it will find you 🪬⭐️🪬

This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🪬⭐️🪬


Moon in libra spell with light language & sound healing 🌕♓️🪬

On the night of September 17, the Earth, sun and moon will align to create three celestial events. In many places, depending on the time zones, people will have the opportunity to witness a harvest moon, a supermoon, and a lunar eclipse as the full moon rises

Moon in Pisces has the greatest sensitivity and perceptiveness of surroundings. You can experience feelings of insecurity, be passive and only wait and see what happens in your life. If you engage in creative or spiritual search, you will benefit from great imagination of Pisces.🌞

Organs most effected
Feet, toes, hypophysis, pineal gland, endorphin, melatonin 🌕

Whoever needs to see this it will find you for your highest good,this spell is wokred with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🌕♓️🪬


Divine message for today for my beautiful collective 🌞

Whoever needs to see this it will find you 🌞

This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🪬🌞


Divine message for today (this one is for my witches & wizards)🧙🪬🧙‍♀️Whoever needs to see this it will find you,this spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🧙‍♀️🪬🧙


Divine message for today 💐

Whoever needs to see this it will find you 💐

This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🪬💐


Divine love spell 🌹⭐️🌹

Remember that you are divine love,as you are the universe experiencing itself over and over in different bodies,planets,stars,dimensions & realms 🌹⭐️🌹

You sre a pieace of the universe so again you are divine love and this can be found within you at all times 🌹⭐️🌹

Divine love is an energy that you can connect to by forgetting what you hate and focusing on everything that you love in your life and keep going (make a list) 🌹⭐️

Making space to breathe and connect to your heart chakra,breathing and releasing all negstice enrgies and focusing on whats postive in your life 🌹⭐️🌹

Doing activities that you love to do (ones that light you up) spending time in nature,catching up with loved ones etc 🌹⭐️🌹

Having gratitude for the things you love and being able to do the physical activities you love to do again wright and list of what your greatful for 🌹⭐️🌹

Giving to self first and make sure your cup is full on all levels before you begin to help others but when you have the overflow remember to give back,without the thought of what you might gain by simply giving and being kind for no reason 🌹⭐️🌹

Whoever needs to see this it will find you🌹⭐️🌹

This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🪬🌹⭐️🌹


Guided meditation 🌹💗💜⭐️🌈🪬

This is a simple meditation trick to meet anyone you want to in the astral 🌹⭐️🌈💗💜

A little walk through with me to help you meet your spiritual team & family (this can be anyone you work with or just see who pops up) 💗⭐️🌈💜🌹

You are neber alone and have never been alone we have so much spiritual support around us 24/7 amd we can connect to them whenever we need guidance,love,support or just to see a friendly face (as they will always be there for us) ⭐️🌈💗💜🌹

Make sure you get into a meditative state before doing this overwise this will not work 🌈💗💜🌹⭐️

Dont judge just allow everything to flow if you move about to palce to palce thats fine flow with it,remember you sre safe and pretoected have no fear my lovelys ⭐️💗🌹💜🌈🪬

This will find who it needs to,this spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done ⭐️🪬🌈💜💗🌹




Divine message for today 🌈⭐️🌈

Whoever needs to hear this it will find you my darlings 🌈⭐️🌈

This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🪬🌈⭐️🌈


Peace & freedom spell 🪄

This spell will bring peace into your energy field and bring visions of how you can find peace in your own life

Will grant you freedom to express yourself in the highest form & allow your soul to feel freedom from all external chains ⛓️‍💥

This spell will find you if its for you 🪬
Only the pure of hearts this shall work for,this spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🪬🪄⛓️‍💥


Divine message for today 🌹

Whoever needs to see this it will find you for your highest good 🌹

This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🌹


Love reading for my divine collective 💗

Divine counterparts & souls mates that needs to see this message it will find you 💗

This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 💗


Divine message for my divine collective 🌹

To the souls that need this message it will find you 🌹

This spell is worked with harm to none to so mote it be there it is done 🌹


Gaia (Mother Earth connecting to her to help you with your divine feminine energies)

Divine Feminine energy is the life force associated with heart-soul wisdom, harmony, nurturance, love, compassion, intuition, patience, creativity, and respect for all of life. It is associated with the earth and the moon, with flowing energy, receptiveness, inward reflection, and intuitive wisdom. “Her” power is fueled by emotions, and the wisdom of the heart. Her nature is to love, guide, honor, and nurture you. You just need to be open to receive it. We connect to our inner goddess/divine feminine aspects by connecting to earth energy and the elements of air, fire, water, and earth, and their harmony – ether, and your divine feminine within.🌎🌹

We find today’s world is a result of repressed divine feminine energy. The Great Central Sun has been infusing the planet with high vibrational energy, especially since 2012, to raise the frequencies on the planet to aid evolution, and Venus as well. Every eight years Venus dances with the Earth around the sun forming a perfect geometric pattern that portrays a five-petalled rose. The pattern is made up of five Venus cycles which take approximately eighteen months each. The designs of the rose (heart) reveals Venus’ role as celestial guardian of love and beauty. The cycles between 2004-2012 have particularly infused Divine Feminine energy onto the planet from this pattern. Many beings from Venus are members of the Sisterhood of the Rose. They, along with angels and other star beings and ascended masters, have been assisting the mission of the Sisterhood of the Rose in bringing the feminine aspect of the Divine to the earth, and into our collective consciousness, to bring balance, harmony, and healing, so that humanity and the Earth move into their higher potential.🌎🌹


🌹💐Sisters & Brothers of the Rose 💐🌹

The Sisterhood of the Rose is a lineage of priestesses and mystics,healers,gods & goddesses,guilds,star seeds & ascend masters who devoted their lives to serving humanity and seeding light consciousness all over the Earth. A cross-section of ancient lineages, it is the path of devotion and beauty🌹

At the heart of the Sisterhood's teachings lies the profound symbolism of the rose. Its petals, unfolding in perfect symmetry, represent the layers of the soul's journey towards enlightenment. The thorns, a reminder of the trials and tribulations one must endure on this path, serve to emphasize that growth and beauty often arise from challenges.💐

The core of the Sisterhood's teachings is the wisdom of the divine feminine—a concept that transcends gender and encompasses the nurturing, intuitive, and creative forces of the universe. In a world that has long been dominated by patriarchal structures, the Sisterhood of the Rose seeks to restore balance by honoring and empowering the feminine aspects of spirituality🌹

The rose's colours, too, carry deep significance. Red roses symbolize passionate love and sacrifice, white roses denote purity and spiritual enlightenment, and pink roses embody the gentle,Blue roses symbolize mystery, aspiration, orange rose symbolism fascination, enthusiasm, desire, and energy Yellow roses symbolize friendship and joy and admiration nurturing aspects of the divine feminine. Through these symbols, the Sisterhood teaches its initiates to decode the language of the soul and connect with the universal energies that shape our existence.💐

There are many collectives and different groups of souls in the Sisterhood & Brotherhood to the rose (each colour of the rose will have different meanings & roles to play)in each groups there are many different deity’s and ascended masters also🌹

Sophia is the goddess force present at the time of creation and is often presented as a woman,she represents divine feminine in all her aspects 💐



Connecting you to Uranus

The frequency of Uranus is 207.36 Hz

Uranus provides the macro lens, representing big-picture, long-term, radical change. Rejecting conformity at all costs, it's not afraid to choose chaos over structure. Ultimately, though, it prioritizes what is for the greater good of humanity

Uranus helps us connect to our creativity,intuition,inspiration,conects deep to your psyche

Uranus is associated with extremes, breakthroughs and breakdowns, limitlessness, and being an outsider. While Saturn is the planet of limitations, Uranus is the planet that seeks to push past them—it's the inventor or “mad scientist” of the solar system

Uranus is the father of electricity.

Crystals that connect you to uranus
Amazonite,Turquoise,Sodalite & Labradorite


Divine message for today 🦗Whoever needs to see this it will find you,this spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🦗 ゚viralシ (Crickets symbolize focus, self-expression, intuition and sensitivity. Crickets are also signs of good luck, good fortune, wealth and abundance, and communication. As it relates to good fortune)


👑🪽Healing from me & Isis 🪽👑

This healing will assit you with seeing through the veils of your healing jounrey & to inable healing on multidimensions,help you to observe all timlines and verisons of yourself that need extra care and light ⭐️

surrounding you with calm,gentle yet powerful energy (imagine both isis & my wings convering you in a cricle of golden light to help activate this transmission 🪽⭐️)

👑goddess of healing and magic 👑

Great mother Isis, the goddess of healing and magic, was crucial to ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She is known today by her Greek name Isis; however, the ancient Egyptians called her Aset. Her name translates to “Queen of the Throne” which is reflected in her headdress, which is typically a throne 🪽

Isis is the goddess of life and magick, and is considered a powerful magician and healer. She was also a role model for women and protected children and women

Always blessed to work with such beautiful soul thank you always love you 🪽💜🪽


🌕Full moon in Aquarius🌕

Your relationship with your emotions might be more complicated, because Moon in Aquarius has a strong need for emotional freedom. However, when you are in a group of people, it is easier for you to understand your feelings and free yourself from negative emotions such as fear, anger and jealousy. 🌕

Organs influenced by AquariusAquarius Moon Sign:
Organs: Calf, ankle, shin, Achilles, forearm muscles, thyroid hormones.🌕

These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.🌕

Spiritually speaking, that opposition — between yin and yang, light and dark — makes for a potent time for surrender and a heightened sense of emotionality. As such, full moons are synonymous with closure and endings; of cycles, habits, relationships🌕

Things to do on full moons 🌕

Take a moon bath. Tell everyone you're busy for a while
Charge crystals.
Reach out to your family.
Honor your ancestors.
Make a moon circle.
Treat yourself.
Eat healthy meals
Don’t rush anything
Take time to work through your heightened emotions 🌕




⭐️Connecting you to the planet Pluto ⭐️

Pluto’s frequency is 140.25 Hz

Pluto beckons us to explore the depths of transformation — it's associated with secrets, clandestine information, and monumental metamorphoses experienced over a lifetime. Pluto's influence is intense, life-altering, and profound

Pluto represents our journey into the dark depths of our mind and soul, as well as our rebirth into a new life

Pluto is one of the more intense and foreboding planets in astrology, acting as a representation of death, destruction, and the underworld. It packs a serious punch when active overhead, clearing away dead weight from our personal and collective lives, whether we're ready for it or not

Some crystals associated with Pluto include Proustite, Spodumene, Hematite, Mayanite, and Lava Stone.


💗Love Spell💗
This spell will assist you with infusing you with divine love,attracting realtionships & self love to you & to help bring the love you uniquely need at this present momemt 💗

Love is the highest frequency that eliminates any darkness (loves opposite is fear)Love is an energy not an emotion so connect to this by following your heart,choosing yourself,being open to giving & receiving love,doing this that light you up and bring you happiness & keeping your heart chakra open and balanced💗

Write a list of everything that you love about your self and this world to fill you with love 💗

Embrace love in every situation and i promise you will always be lead from darkness into the light 💗

Speak love and light out into the world rather than soraking negative about the world & speak love and light into your energy everyday to shift your frequency (postive affrimations) 💗

Whatever love you have been mainfesting for and this spell finds you then your very lucky ✨and it will be brought into your reality as you deserve it 💗

Whoever need this the universe will bring this to you 💗,this spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 💗


🧚🏼🪶Cleansing Spell🪶🧚🏼

This will clear your energy field of anyone’s energy you have picked up through out your day & will gently lift your energy to a higher frequency 🧚🏼

Will clear your mind,body & spirit of anything unwanted 🧚🏼

Helps connect you to your creative talents also 🧚🏼

Enjoy 🪶


Divine message for today 🌟whoever need to see this it will find you,this spell is worked with harm to none so mote it be there it is done 🌟

Videos (show all)

Divine message for today my beautys 🪬⭐️🪬If you need this message it will find you 🪬⭐️🪬This spell is worked with harm to ...
Moon in libra spell with light language & sound healing 🌕♓️🪬On the night of September 17, the Earth, sun and moon will a...
Divine message for today for my beautiful collective 🌞Whoever needs to see this it will find you 🌞This spell is worked w...
Divine message for today (this one is for my witches & wizards)🧙🪬🧙‍♀️Whoever needs to see this it will find you,this spe...
Divine message for today 💐Whoever needs to see this it will find you 💐This spell is worked with harm to none so mote it ...
Divine love spell 🌹⭐️🌹Remember that you are divine love,as you are the universe experiencing itself over and over in dif...
Guided meditation 🌹💗💜⭐️🌈🪬This is a simple meditation trick to meet anyone you want to in the astral 🌹⭐️🌈💗💜A little walk ...
Divine message for today 🌈⭐️🌈Whoever needs to hear this it will find you my darlings 🌈⭐️🌈This spell is worked with harm ...
Peace & freedom spell 🪄This spell will bring peace into your energy field and bring visions of how you can find peace in...




Opening Hours

Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00