AKB Aesthetics

Lip Fillers
Dermal Fillers
Anti-wrinkle Injections
DIBI Milano
Advanced Nutrition Programme

In Bedford, Dr Amrita K Bhogal provides tweakments to enhance and rejuvenate; using injectables, Profhilo, SkinPen and skincare from AlumierMD and DIBI Milano to help a multitude of skin conditions and concerns such as ageing, pigmentation and acne.

Photos from AKB Aesthetics's post 17/07/2024



To enter:

1️⃣ follow both .akbaesthetics and
2️⃣ Share this post on your stories and tag and .akbaesthetics
3️⃣ Tag your BFF in the comments of THIS post

You can enter as many times as you want but MUST complete all three of the above!

Competition closes 31st Jan at midnight. Winner will be announced live on Thursday 1st Feb at 9pm.

Treatment will be subject to a medical check and treatment must be booked by 31st March 2024.


✨Hello 2024!

🙋🏽‍♀️I’ve been AWOL for a few weeks so I thought I’d start this year off with a reintroduction especially for my new followers.

👩🏽My name is Amrita (Ams/Am/Mummy/Babe) and I have put my heart and soul into AKB Aesthetics now for over 8 years.

🏠I was born and raised in Wolverhampton but now I live in Bedford with my husband and 3 energetic boys!

👩🏽‍🎓I graduated as a Dentist from The University of Birmingham way back in 2006 but decided to hang up my drill in 2020 and I haven’t looked back. My vocation of wanting to make a difference is being fulfilled through my passion of aesthetics and skin 💕

🩷My loves;
- My 4 boys at home (and my close family and friends - I’d be lost without you)
- FOOD (a guaranteed way into my heart)
- Tea (all day)
- Chocolate (Twirl if you want to bring me anything!)
- Music (the radio is on constantly at home, work and in the car. It has to be old skool RNB or Bhangra)
- Travelling (I intend on doing loads more of this and a new venture awaits)
- Shopping (Amazon loves me!)
- Just chilling (we have a basket of blankets in each living space so we can snuggle up on the sofa and veg out)
- My own company (sometimes, just sometimes, I don’t want to see or talk to anyone!)

😫My Icks
- Dirty potatoes (I HATE black bits/eyes on my chips or crisps)
- The bottom crust of bread (no idea why)
- Food in the plug hole (I have to call my husband to empty it 🤢)
- A dirty floor (We love being bare foot at home and I can’t stand any crumbs or bits. My Dyson is like a third arm and out about 10 x a day)
- People watching videos loudly on their phones (just grates on me!)
I’ll stop there (there’s loads more 🤦🏽‍♀️)

If you decide to come and visit me, expects to hear lots about me and my family as well as being able to share what’s on your mind. It’s a safe place and informal yet I pride myself in being extremely professional and ethical.

My patients are my AKB Family and I will do all I can to help and support you on your journeys.

If you like the sound of me, like this post! And if you don’t, please like it anyway!

My intention for 2024 - to make it the best one yet. Full of love, self care, prosperity and positivity. 💕


That’s a wrap for 2023! 🎁🎄

My biggest and best year for AKB Aesthetics to date… definitely ending the year on a high!

Thank you all for your support, trust and recommendations. It all means so much to me and I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you guys.

Next year, I am spreading my wings a little further so I can reach and help more of you (more details in 2024)and continue to be the best I can.

The reason I left Dentistry was to give myself a better work/life balance and to be more available to my boys. I want them to see that if you really want something you can go get it and it doesn’t need to be at the expense of your mental health.

And it’s on that note that I’m happy to say I am finished for 2023 and will be returning to clinic for an already fully booked evening on 3rd January 2024!

Have a wonderful time with family and friends and look after each other and yourselves!

Love Amrita # # #


Have you been good this year?

I’ve been guilty of a couple of these the past - but now I know better!

I’m hoping Santa has something special for me this year 🎁

Photos from AKB Aesthetics's post 08/12/2023

Want fuller and thicker brows and lashes, for free? 👀

We have an ‘cracking’ product landing in clinic this December, that we can’t wait for you to try!

AnteAGE overnight growth serum and lash serum is the ONLY safe serum in the UK for use on brows and lashes.

Unlike other serums on the market which claim to be safe, AnteAGE is tried, and tested and is proven to be THE only safe serum out there. It’s prostaglandin free, paraben free, fragrance free and hypoallergenic!

With 12 growth factors, it works to target and awaken each hair follicle to promote healthier, stronger and fuller hair.

Now, I don’t want you to just take my word for it.

That’s why this December, when you spend £200 or more on retail products either in clinic or on my online store, you’ll get both serums absolutely FREE!

They come in a lovely Christmas cracker, making it a perfect Christmas gift or stocking for someone or yourself!

Head to our website to shop your favourite skincare brands, DM me your order or message if you want to know more!


🪔Happy Diwali from my family to yours🪔

In a world full of evil right now, today is a reminder of the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.

You don’t have to Hindu or Sikh to celebrate the path to overcoming the ‘darkness of ignorance.’

Good ultimately triumphs over evil.

Be happy, be kind, be grateful, enjoy this time with your loved ones and light up the world 🎆🎇🕯️🕯️🪔🪔


When patients travel over an hour to see you 💕

Photos from AKB Aesthetics's post 26/10/2023

Do you have a good skin care routine?

Are you just winging it as you don’t really know what your skin needs and go for products you like the look of?

Are you seeing any real changes with your skin?

Stop guessing and let me help you with your home care routine.

For me, this is the most important part of your your skin health along with lifestyle. In Clinic Treatments will then boost all that hard work you have been doing at home.

Book yourself a Get Harley Virtual Consultation and we can go through it all. You will leave the conversation feeling educated and excited to try some of the products recommended to you.

Never have to guess again.
Never run out of products again.

Klarna payments available.

If you would like to book a consultation, send me a message or head to the Get Harley link in my bio


‘Skin feels amazing’
‘Wrinkles have softened’

Just a few of my favourite words…😊

I specialise in offering bespoke plans to help you tick off all those concerns from your list. I can give you the results you want so when you look in the mirror, you smile right back 🥰

Do you need my help? If yes, just reply to this post ‘HELP’ and let me take care of the rest 😊

Photos from AKB Aesthetics's post 23/10/2023

Menopause Support here at

I am so fortunate to be working in such a welcoming environment, where we have a plethora of experienced and specialised therapists to help you not only during the menopause but in all times of your life should you need support.

I can offer you a skin care plan to help adjust to hormonal changes and offer collagen stimulating treatments to help inject some life back into your skin.

We have and Sam, the wonderful ladies who started this amazing project. Both will help you with exercise and fitness during these times. Julie can help with massage therapy.

We also have the following ladies to help with gut, hormonal health and overall health.

Helen from Women’s Health Hub
Jo from Primary Care Acupuncture

I wanted to mention everyone but with over 40 therapists, it would have taken me all day!

I have included the link of our specialist team in my bio, so you can all have a peruse at the wonderful team Julie and Sam have put together for you.

Like I said, the services here are not just for women going through the menopause, there is something to support everyone, no matter what they are going through.

If you don’t know who in the team is best for you, drop anyone of us a message and we can help direct you.


It’s Friday! 🎉🎉🎉

What does your day look like?

As a mum and business owner, I’m always thinking ahead - what do I need to get ready, what do the kids need, do I need to order anything for my patients, sometimes the mind is in overdrive, juggling all those balls!

So even if I’m home, I thinking about work, if I’m at work, I’m thinking about home!

I didn’t do my 6am wake this morning - I just couldn’t!

But I have some time before clinic which is a short, jam packed day before the kids activities tonight, so I think I’m just going to sit and do nothing.

Anyone else with me?????


✨Menopause and Skin✨

With the decreasing levels of oestrogen and unopposed testosterone levels, we see changes in the skin during the peri-menopausal and menopausal periods.

Did you know you can loose 30% of your collagen reserve in the first 5 years of menopause?

Skin can be affected in the following ways;
👉🏼with decreased collagen, it can be drier, crepey with more visible signs of accelerated ageing (wrinkles, sagging)
👉🏼menopausal acne
👉🏼loss of radiation and hydration
👉🏼increases in age posts and hyperpigmentation
👉🏼loss of hair but increased chin hairs

What can you do?
👉🏼Keep Hydrated
👉🏼Eat a nutritional diet (omega 3s, zinc, Vit C and A) Reduce sugar and caffeine
👉🏼Balance hormones with herbs, nutrition, exercise and if you wish, explore HRT (always seek medical advice)
👉🏼Add collagen in your diet - I can advise you on collagen stimulating treatments here in clinic to help boost your collagen reserve and leave your skin looking more plump and radiant
👉🏼Adjust your skin routine - I can advise you on how to switch up your moisturiser, use melanin suppressing products and introduce retinol in to your routine.
👉🏼If you are suffering with hair loss, I can offer your PRP treatments and biotin supplements as well as recommend a chemical free shampoo and conditioner to help thicken hair.

Don’t suffer in silence, if you are noticing changes in your skin, it’s time to reach out and ask for help.

An in clinic consultation will include a skin analysis and taste facial to help get you back on track 😊

Booking link in the bio


💕World Menopause Day💕

Today, I’d like to show my support in helping provide options to improve skin health, well-being and overall health during this time.

Something that is close to my heart as I am already battling with certain changes. I want to tell you that I’m here with you as Menopause IS a BIG deal!

👉🏼Peri-menopause precedes menopause by 2-8 years but could be as long as 15.
👉🏼Ovarian function changes lead to irregular bleeding
👉🏼Average onset age 47.5

👉🏼Menopause is the decline is ovarian function and hormone deficiency
👉🏼Diagnosed after 12 months without menstruation
👉🏼Average onset age 51

Common symptoms;
- hot flushes
- night sweats
- UTIs
- Incontinence
- No sexual function
- Depression

Even up to 7 years post menopause, some symptoms, like the difficulty in concentrating and insomnia, can persist.

Hormonal changes especially oestrogen can;
- increase risk of heart disease
- weaken bones leading to osteoporosis
- increase in inflammation levels
- altered immune response leading to accelerated ageing

Every woman will experience these changes very differently. Some will be mild but for others, symptoms can be so severe that affects their professional and personal life.

Sometimes the support isn’t there or takes a long time to even get heard. But Menopause is a Big Deal and we need to raise awareness.

Here at AKB Aesthetics, we offer a lot of options to help support your skin health leading up to and during this time. I will spend some time over the next few days sharing these with you.

Most importantly, I am proud to part of a team here at where there are a number of therapists who are specialised in helping ladies before, during and after the menopause. I am excited to share these details with you over the coming days.

In the meantime, if you are struggling or know someone who is, reach out for help whether it’s your GP, here at the centre or just talking to someone you know to share what you are going through.


What helps you unwind and destress?

I like to listen to music and have a dance in our kitchen whilst Ishaan rolls his eyes at me! I can always count on Kiyaan and Ayaan to join in 💃🏻🕺

Share what works for you in the comments below 👇🏽



Following on from yesterday, World Mental Health Day, I’d like to remind everyone about real skin.

Real skin has texture, pores, can breakout, can pigment and blemish. There is no such thing as perfect skin.

Yet for some, their skin can really affect their mental health. It can stop them feeling comfortable to go out or socialise, they may feel they need to wear a lot of make up to cover up or they may hate to have their photo taken.

We always strive towards Healthy Skin not perfect skin here at AKB Aesthetics.

It’s important to know it’s ok to have good and bad skin days.

If you are struggling with your mental health, it’s ok to ask for help. Share your feelings with your friends, family, GP or a therapist.

If you are struggling with your skin, please get in touch. I would love to help you feel more secure in your skin.

I can work with therapists at The Happy Body Project like or who will help you with gut health. Improving your gut health can help calm skin conditions such as acne as well as having many other benefits.


Today is World Mental Health Day.

We all need to be mindful of our mental health and recognise our triggers and seek out ways to manage/cope.

Mental Health will affect people in different ways and unfortunately there is an inequality for help for those who are sometimes in most need. This is the theme for this year about awareness and bringing communities together to help those in need.

Here at we have a whole range of holitisic therapies (many of which I am so intrigued to try) and councillors who can provide support or point you in the right direction. Please give our Wellness Centre a follow - there are over 40 therapists here all waiting to help!

Prioritising yourself is important because then you are the in best place to support those around you.

As a mum, this isn’t always so easy but I’m recognising I need to do ‘me’ more and then I can be the best version of myself for my family. I’m taking slow steps as this is something I struggling but the early wake ups and calm before the brood awakes, is really helping me prepare for my day.

Next on my list is exercise and I’d like to learn to play the piano. 🎶

What helps you when you are feeling anxious or mentally stressed?

Remember it’s ok to not be ok and it’s ok to ask for help. Everyone’s mental health matters.

Photos from AKB Aesthetics's post 09/10/2023

💉PRP for Hair Restoration💉

Using you own blood, we can separate the platelet-rich plasma and inject it into your scalp.

A safe, effective treatment to help promote healing and stimulate the follicle.

Great for patients who have thinning hair, those who have had a hair transplant or for those who wish to maintain the health of their hair.

All treatments include LED therapy to boost results and a Home Hair System to use in between your treatments.

PRP is not only suitable for the scalp but can be injected under the eyes to improve dark circles or face for rejuvenation.

If you have worries with your hair, get in touch to speak to us about the number of treatment options we have available to you.



With lots of new treatments at AKB Aesthetics, I thought it was time to have a revamp of the treatment menu.

Whilst the new menu does come with a price increase for some treatments (costs are up everywhere unfortunately), I have created treatments to give you MORE for your money.

Most treatments will include LED Therapy and Ice Globe Lymphatic Drainage as standard. Others will have some extra special bits thrown in for free!

Most importantly, I hope our new menu showcases all our treatments more easily and well… makes you want try them all!!!

✨Launching 1st November 2023✨

Those on our mailing list look out for an email with the full menu available to view before it goes live! (If you wish to join our mailing list DM me)

Anyone already booked for November will be given the option of new or old treatment and all future bookings from December will be updated.

Anyone on an existing VIP Skin Gym Plan will have their existing treatments (and prices) honoured for the remaining term of their plan. New VIP Skin Gym Plans are available to join from now 😊

Any questions, please shout and if you are looking to book in for after November and would like to know what you will be getting, you can message me and I give you a heads up 😊


Need help fixing your crown?

Drop us a message 😊

for hair


Did you know today is National Hair Day?

Is a good hair day or a bad hair day for you? Mine is scraped back in a ‘mum bun’ but I’d love to have my hair back the way it was in this pic.

So many things can affect our hair growth/loss.

Did you know, here at AKB Aesthetics, we offer a few treatments that are clinically proven to improve hair growth and thickness.

DM to find out more 😊


What are friends for?

When you make a booking, remember to mention your buddy who recommended us!

You will get £30 off your first treatment and your buddy will get £30 credited to their account for them to use at their next appointment.

You both get to experience the luxury yet results driven treatments at AKB Aesthetics.

Friends that share their skin care secrets, glow together!

To book follow link in bio or DM us


In a world where anyone can pick up a needle after a one day course, I thought I’d remind you of why you should choose me…

Dr Amrita K Bhogal BDS (Birm) MFDS RCSEd PgCert PgDip (Aes)

✨I qualified with a Bachelors in Dental Surgery in 2006 and practised dentistry until September 2023. I am still registered with the GDC and this makes me accountable so patient safety is an absolute must.

✨I completely a Post Graduate Course in Dental Education as I wanted to help train newly qualified dentists. Mentoring and training in aesthetics is on my wish list so let’s see what the future has in store 😊

✨Since starting Aesthetics in 2017, I have kept on top of courses and further training to add to my skill set and to keep up to date with the latest, safest techniques.

✨I have done numerous complications training courses and I’m a member of ACE and CMAC .collaborative. If ever I needed support, I have contact with a group of expert practitioners who are there to help and advise.

✨Earlier this year, I completed my Level 7 Diploma in Clinical Aesthetics . This was a huge achievement for me as it’s been a while since I’ve sat an exam and the juggles of every day life made it so much harder. So super proud about this one 🥰

✨My rule is Less is More, with the emphasis on natural, discreet enhancements with the most effective results. It’s a journey and every one has their own and I’m here to help you from start to the point where you have reached your goals (and beyond!)

So it’s safe to say you are in safe hands.

Equally, if I don’t feel comfortable treating you and it’s not in your best interest, I will say NO!

Choose Carefully
Choose Wisely
If it’s cheap, there’s a reason
If you are being treated in a non clinical environment…think twice!


Skin Tag Removal - just one week after removal. No more catching on jewellery and clothing 👍🏼

Do you have something that bothered you and would like it assessed for removal with Advanced Electrolysis or Cryotherapy? Please get in touch to find out more 😊


Patients are loving the results from our later addition into clinic ✨



✨Saturday Offer with choice of massage!✨

✨Deluxe Hydr02facial (7 step facial)
✨LED Therapy Add On
✨Choice of a neck and shoulder or scalp massage

For only £100! (Usually £135)

Available every Saturday 9-5pm.

Choose Kristina on booking link and ‘Saturday Offer’

Appointments available this Saturday if you need a pick me up! 💕

To book head to the clinic booking link in Bio or send us a DM x

Want your business to be the top-listed Beauty Salon in Bedford?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Dr Amrita K Bhogal

Dr Amrita K Bhogal offers non-surgical facial treatments in Leighton Buzzard, Bedford and St Neots. She works as a private dentist in Leighton Buzzard Tuesday to Friday, Since 2013, she has taken a keen interest in non-surgical facial enhancements, training with highly recognised mentors within the industry, she has a vast knowledge of facial anatomy, treatments available and most importantly, management of complications.

Amrita offers bespoke treatments, individually tailored to each individual as we are all unique.

Amrita takes pride in being able to offer all her clients;

  • Complimentary, no obligation face to face consultations
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    AKB Aesthetics


    Happy Body Project, West Park Farm, Wilstead Hill

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    Wednesday 2pm - 9pm
    Thursday 9:30am - 4pm

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