Kalm Kidz

Kalm Kidz

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Emotional health and wellbeing for children

Photos from Sharon Murray Wellbeing's post 04/11/2022

Kalm Kidz Mindfulness Workshop was great fun. Looking forward to the next one πŸ’šπŸŒˆπŸ˜ƒ


It was great to meet the local councillor Danny Baker MLA the kalm Kidz workshop will be a lot of fun and extremely beneficial for the parents and children who are attending. Anyone wishing to book in please contact me to book for Friday's event

This morning I met with Sharon Murray, who runs the β€˜Kalm Kidz’ programme.

Sharon is working alongside Colin Glen trust to develop a Mindfulness trail funded by The National Lotto Community fund which will be open for everyone to visit in the spring.

This is a very exciting project for our community.

If you’d like more information on the work Sharon does check out her page: https://www.facebook.com/sharonmurraywellbeing


Finger print monsters.

Why not have some creative fun and teach the little monster creations how to use the calm breath together.

Stamp your finger print onto paint then draw one of the funky characters below. Focus your intention toward mindfully breathing while you draw πŸ˜ƒ

Photos from Kalm Kidz's post 12/10/2022

Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity and was invited to bring Mindfulness to the Royal Children's Hospital for sick children. It's the first time mindfulness has been explored for the patients but what a privilege to be part of the beginning of journeying into the heart, mind and body and exploring feelings, sensations and also teaching the children how to be aware of their environment through the senses. We explored being brave and resilient and practiced lots of different breathing techniques in a fun way. The mystery bag was a delight 😍

It was a pleasure to bring positive creative energy and most importantly an array of mindfulness resources, techniques,tools and practices for the children of the hematology ward as well as more.

Kalm Kidz will be bringing more interactive fun for the children. Learning Mindfulness is the way forward for everyone I believe to bring self awareness and help people feel more empowered and connected within

If you would have a wish to avail of a workshop contact me please


Photos from Kalm Kidz's post 04/10/2022


Mindfulness is not just for adults it's for children too and as they each equally need to relax and integrate mindfulness into their every day in order to center and balance their little emotions especially when feeling anxiety. Sometimes what seems little to adults may be huge for a child who is experiencing new emotions for the first time. Connecting with your child to help them achieve relaxation in a mindful way can develop trust and help communication skills improve greatly. Understanding big and small emotions can lessen the worry.

My last post I Invited you to try out the star breath. Working with this several times throughout the day in between any routines or activities will help children stay calm.

Here below is the rainbow grounding technique.
Take a see breath and identify all of these colours in the room.
Take a look around. How many items would you find?

Kalm Kidz will be coming together very soon to learn more about mindful breathing exercises, finding ways to improve resilience and learning how to be calm through Mindfulness practices.

Maybe you would like to join me with your child and help the become Kalm Kidz

Workshop date to be confirmed soon



A great big hello to all the parents and children

Here we have the star breath. Let's try to focus on our breathing for a moment and find some stillness and calm.

We can learn to relax our nervous system and get into a restful state when we take slow deep breaths


Calm parents = kalm kidz πŸ’š

Chakras are energy vortexes. They are known to spin like a wheel when in balance allowing the energy to freely flow through to each one keeping us healthy.

When clear we feel vibrantly energised as well as uplifted, strong enough for anything that life presents for our own awareness .

When in a balanced state we can easily & positively move forward with no fear. We feel strong minded and able.
We become confident and driven as well as successful.
Our passion for life flows.
We move forward creating our best version.

As life is a journey in itself there may be obstacles that can present themselves in the form of fear blocks. These times of uncertainty can create our energy flow to slow down & become sluggish, as we over think, over analyse the hell out of things this could potentially cause fear which sends us into fight, freight, freeze or flop episodes.
The 4 F's hinder us from having the strength or will power to move forward in different areas of life and may cause you to accumulate stress.

Relaxation therapies can help your nervous system to calm down, breathing more naturally, restoring the balance and hormonising your life.

Reiki energy healing can help to shift heavy energy that then accumulates & builds causing energy blocks leaving heavy feeling & unease. Sometimes this may be an added factor for causing disease of you continue to not take care and self care... ( dis-at - ease) discomfort like something poking at you so you can shift and move this way πŸ‘‰

Learning to handle life's problems, feeling capable and strong enough to cope is something each one of us must learn.
Life teaches us how to be resilient. "YES"

Mental wellness, emotional wellness and physical wellness is what we are aiming for!

With all life lessons we gain wisdom as we learn and progress forward.


Meditation, any form of breath work, Reiki, Reflexology, Mindfulness, Massage Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage are all relaxating ways to enhance, calm and promote better wellbeing as well as good hormone release & balance.

We can begin to feel healthier of mind body and soul. We may even decide to eat better, drink clean and begin to love ourselves more. Practicing self love habits are a beautiful way to become comfortable through life.

Allow me to help you find balance through one of my treatments I offer.
You will feel more alive, energised and ready to cope with life in a better way.
I will encourage & teach you techniques to find more balance.

Which treatment speaks to you?

Radiate and glow

πŸ”΄πŸŸ πŸŸ‘πŸŸ’πŸ”΅πŸŸ£βšͺ



Part of the work I do is helping people on an emotional level to understand what's going on for them. Also learning how to have emotional intelligence, the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. We can all benefit from learning about social awareness

Check out the Feeling Wheel to get to the core of how you truly feel. Listening within can have extremly effective results to improving how you feel

Ask yourself:

What feelings am I aware of having?

What is the most prominent? Try to describe it to yourself. Also, don’t be afraid to push yourself past answers like "fine" or "okay." Continue by asking what "fine" means. We often resist even our own probing.

When did I become aware of this feeling?

I recommend having a notebook to record your questions and answers. Don’t rush through it. Describe each feeling thoroughly, and be sure to include pleasurable ones. It’s important to know what enhances your life; these are vital in providing some measure of balance when life is difficult.

These questions will lead to others and likely take you to different placesβ€”perhaps ones you haven’t traveled before. You may surprise yourself with details or memories that haven’t been available before.

Identify your stressors.

Ask yourself:

What might be triggering this feeling?

What’s happening (or not happening) in my daily life? It helps to deconstruct one’s day, week, month. Pay particular attention to events, thoughts, or dreams that you have no control of and perhaps have decided β€˜not to pay attention to’ because you cannot change them. This is a common pitfall. The fact that we have no control itself brings an emotional reaction.

Perhaps your answer is, "I don’t even know how I feel." One direction to take in that situation is to examine your behavior and daily life. This can help to tease out feelings not recognized initially. So, ask:

How is my home life?

Am I getting along with my partner? My children? My parents and siblings?

How am I doing at work? Am I enjoying my work? Am I getting along with my co-workers? My boss? What are they telling me about me and their feelings about me? Can I see validity in what they’re saying?

Look for patterns that may be forming. Explore them. What do they tell you?

Notice if you start judging what you feel.

"I don’t have any reason to feel bad, anxious, ddpressed," you may say. Wait for an outcome before assuming the worst. We tend to chastise ourselves (as if feelings follow reason!). The reality is that life events generate feelings.
Simple fact!

It is best to accept & understand everyday feelings


If the parent is broken the child will be affected.

Do you try to hide your pain from your children. You may want to look to see where it is being projected or even reflected back to you.

If you have hidden trauma or are dealing with life's problems it may be affecting you in fofferent ways. It may come out through emotional outbursts, crying or even be seen through your expressions. Children pick up even on the most subtle of things by observing their parents. They learn from the behaviours of their caregivers and those within their environment. They are like sponges obsorbing the all.

When adults tune in to themselves and face their own demons/ pain take care to be aware and tend to what's within them they begin to change. By using different tools and being mindful you can change how your children grow and learn from you.

Many adults now are suffering from pain passed down from the generations past.

Change you and change the inner world for your children also.

Inner pain will always be reflected outside of you. Stay calm, observe and have awareness

If you need help moving inside and connecting to your heart contact me

Taking better care, having self worth and self love for many is long overdue πŸ’—


A parents job is not always easy and taking time for you can at times seem impossible in a fast paced world however committing to giving to you can have a good impact upon not just yourself but also your children.

Happy parents = happy kids πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§

How many times as a parent do you say the words.

"I need more time"

What exactly we may be saying is this

I need to commit to being a parent that is connected

Within yourself is an energy that moves and flows and in order to connect to that energy you need to feel. So many choose to run from feelings as it means there is more time needed to be present.

Presence in the moment is what is needed

When we create more space for ourselves to fulfill our needs we then feel more content and happy.

This reflects back to our children and they feed of that same energy.

Getting the balance can be tricky though and in a fast paced world that expects so much of each person, to be responsible in so many ways.
Commiting to yourself firstly creates a peaceful energy that ripples out

Regardless of the age of your children they need you in good spirits, in a balanced way, so take care and be aware

Love for self is important. Commitment to self means you can begin to feel good

My feel good is yoga and I find peace in the breath, in the moment. When we get back to doing what we love we expand heart. It's easy to let go of your loves living a busy life but it's a power in itself to take back that time and space to create an inner happy as well as, finding your inner joy through doing what you love.

By giving to ourselves what we need helps us to share more with our children. It most definitely teaches them how they can be kind as well as loving to themselves.
By giving time to rest as well as to be at ease, to reflect and to share moments together.
Use these free moments doing what fulfills you together. Children learn from parents.
Invite them into your daily practice or show them how to self care by giving back to you.

Don't forget to add a dash of have fun into whatever magic you create in your life. Don't take life to seriously. Be silly at times 😜

Remember there is a child of every age in all us. Never deny yourself what you need!

Happy families thrive together while they learn together.

Whatever you are passionate about you can extend that to your children by showing them how to be present. By doing what you love they will love seeing you happy!

They may even pick up new talents along the way or become inspired.

The more you give the more you receive back of that same energy.

You know what you enjoy the most so connect to that good feeling and let go of all resistance by breathing into your own heart, mind and soul

Magic comes from inspiration from the heart πŸ’«

Tap into what you love as often as you can ❀️


Finding time for you in these recent strange times has been neither available nor even always top priority while there's been so much to focus on with work and family life so why not make a point to really take care of yourself & your mental health & Wellbeing now!

Join me for a fabulous day of connecting with others on the lovely Mourne Mountains and enjoy learning different mindfulness techniques along the way while we walk, talk, connect with nature we shall also have reflection time to absorb the moment

This full day is being offered for Β£45 per person ending the day at Carricklittle Cottage with tea & tray bakes

Fully insured as well as guided by mountain leader . This mountain track will be lower level to accommodate all levels however a moderate amount of fitness is expected

Take time for you and join in the fun, feel the freedom of the outdoors, the high energy of nature and enjoy a new way of being

Look forward to hearing from you all
DM for more info & booking

Photos from Sharon Murray Wellbeing's post 05/06/2021

Affirm now πŸ’œ


A child will remember the moments that make them laugh as well as cry. We all get the most from the laughter and joy. We thrive best from sharing and we trust most through the love we feel so gather your pictures and memories by showing them how to feel the fun in life.

For every sad moment make sure they understand the meaning of tripling up on laughter. Be their best teacher by practicing how to laugh, practice being silly, practice being in the moment and practice practice practice how to smile just for the sake of smiling. Live happier by seeing and feeling the joy in your own heart.

Remember the happy moments, reminisce about what made you laugh and smile with them as you remind them about the silly stuff that gave you the most laughter

Joy comes from within you

Happy children are a perfect reflection of happy content & heart centred parents

In the heart of you there is always more joy, more fun, more laughter and more love to be shared πŸ’—πŸ˜€


πŸ’₯20% OFF πŸ’₯

Have you considered the benefits of having a holistic treatment. I will be offering 20% off all treatments for next week bookings

Just to remind you of all the wonderful ways you can selfcare either energetically or with physical touch easing muscles, flushing out toxins, one to one connection stimulating the mind, body & soulfully lifting your vibe to re-energise physically, emotionally as well as mentally.

Having a treatment not only will help you to feel wonderfully relaxed but will give you that sense where you are truly being pampered

If you are ready to say YES to that then DM and we can arrange your treatment of choice

Based at Bliss Wellness Centre 39 Malone Road


Freedom right here. When you forgive you not just free yourselves but you free the children in this world

THE ART OF FORGIVENESS BY DR. JOE DISPENZA Thank you so much for watching this video.You can support the artist here:https://www.patreon.com/idrawmypassionFor more videos please subscribe to my channe...


You can change the health of your brain. Did you know that meditation increases blood flow and helps the brain function better. Studies have shown that the health of your brain can be changed.

Trauma can change brain chemistry as well as the structure of the brain

Trauma can lead to all kinds of mental health and behavioural issues including depression, anxiety and substance abuse. Many of the effects on the brain that influence a person's behavior can be reversed and minimized

Brain health can be improved. Reaching the deeper levels of the brain can help improve brain function and help with affects that trauma has left on the brain

Meditation & listening to music to relax reach deeper levels where as talk therapy alone only works on the frontal cortex. To create real change and re-engage other parts of the brain it is important to try other methods.

As trauma affects different parts of the brain which can contribute to memory loss. Studies have shown that meditation can increase blood flow in the brain and improve memory, according to researchers who tested a specific kind of meditation and found the improvement after just eight weeks. ... The technique, he says, "reverses memory loss in people with memory problems."

I believe the more we understand about our bodies and brain function, mind & body balance ect the more we take back our own power to create the necessary changes for healthier life balance as well as improving performance in all areas of mental, emotional and physical health & Wellbeing

All info shared can spark off a little curiousity where we can gain more knowledge and wisdom for our inherent growth πŸ’œ


Delighted that the first week of my 4 week mindfulness programme

Taking Charge Of Your Health & Wellbeing

went so well. This is something I've always dreamed to do, is to help people within my community. I have worked so much to transform myself over the years and to give that knowledge to others is wonderful and to share what I have learnt over the years. It really shows us that positive focus works,. Putting your energy in the right place really does pay off

Never doubt your own power to create change in your life. You can do anything you put your mind to!!!

Live the life you want because you deserve to thrive in every way possible

We were all kidz at one time in our lives and we must remember that within us is an inner child that needs nurtured, loved and compassion should always be held every step of the way πŸ’š

Photos from Kalm Kidz's post 21/03/2021

Children love connection more than anything. Nature has a beautiful way of bringing presence to the moment

Mindfulness for children can begin.....

By drawing attention to the input from our senses we are bringing into conscious awareness the process by which we experience the world and those within our presence


May the tune of your heart sing many happy songs today. May you feel light and bright, may you shine while you remember the land you walk upon is blessed by the native hearts that feel & see its beauty

Happy St Patrick's day ☘️☘️☘️


What does being mindful mean to you?

To be mindful of our experience brings introspection and clarity in the present moment where we can fully become immersed in the flow of life

It is with our breath that we are pulled deeper into a relaxed state

Being with the flow of nature naturally zincs us to that natural relaxed rhythm and as we become more present we begin to centre ourselves and can feel and sense peace within

Go deeper and follow the breath


Make the most of your time and enjoy the little things you have with your children. They mean the most.

Love them ❀️ hug them πŸ€— tell them why they mean so much to you. You are as worthy of that love as they are

How to Respond to An Emotional Meltdown to Raise Strong Kids - A Fine Parent 17/02/2021

Parents.... Remind yourself emotions are complex like layers of an onion πŸ§…

Beneath layers of sadness are anger, frustration ect.

Under that lie more, each harder to peel, each bring out tears

How to Respond to An Emotional Meltdown to Raise Strong Kids - A Fine Parent When kids have an emotional meltdown, it's a cry for help. Our response can squash them or build them into strong human beings. Here's how to do the latter.


This kind of love can transform a child's internal world and help them to feel secure in your love πŸ’š


Every child has needs. If a child suffers the loss of having their needs met this can look like a child having a tantrum or withdrawing internally.

Never label your children in ways that may make them feel more vulnerable. Instead see and understand the need they are reaching out to you for.

What must be recognised is that children are not bad in any way. When they get angry or upset. They are innocent and vulnerable and much of what they need to feel is to be safe and secure in their world.

Just like adults need safety and security. The child that feels lost and alone can carry this pain and insecurity into their adulthood and should triggers show up again they may suffer the same pain.

You may think that clothing your child, feeding them, providing for them in a materialistic way is loving and soothing for them and that this is enough to keep them happy but that is just some of the needs you can give to your child.

Children are totally dependant on their Mothers to keep them safe and secure, to nurture their need to be understood and comforted when they are upset or emotional. When a child is wronged for being emotional they may suffer more. If they are punished in any way for crying out this may indicate to them that there is something wrong with them, when they feel rejected or abandoned this can become a pattern of blame they instill within and upon themselves. "its my fault" attitude. Because of me this happened. Because I'm bold. Children that cry are not bad. They are trying to comprehend their sense of angst and they need a parent or care giver to help them understand what is happening for them.

Think kindly about your child's needs. Question why they are so upset. Maybe they need to feel safe and secure and to know they are worthy and important. Safety and security isn't about having a warm bed or a roof over your head. It can be knowing you are understood and gaining that sense of trust to feel safe in mind body and soul. Feeling emotionally secure.

Should they become fearful, upset and feel insecure at any time listen to how they feel and nurture their need to feel safe again.

This is love ❀️

Your child needs an adult to reassure them they are loved, supported as well as important and that they are not wrong in any way for feeling as they do. .

Each child needs to know their valuable and worthy. They should be seen, heard and understood.

There is a child of every age in all of us. It's called the inner child. Should that child within you need nurtured still then it is your job as an adult to accept the innocence and need that was not met growing up.

Give to your child the respect, the love and the nurture they need in the best way you can. Look out for them like you would have wanted someone to look out for you as a child.

The love and compassion you radiate outward goes far beyond the heart of a child. It ripples out to the world β™₯️


I try to live by this and remind myself often about the importance of teaching my children respect and value. I make changes for myself to indicate to them the importance of selfcare

I watch my actions and reponses toward them like I watch how much effort I give to showing up for myself and I make promises that I will be the best mum and the best person I possibly can be.

If my children have an attitude with me I look at my own attitude. I feel blessed & proud to have them

Deep care and responsibility should always be taken for those we love.

Children are precious and so are you!

If you want bright and vibrant children, caring loving compassionate individuals then show them in the best possible way by giving this to yourself πŸ’—

Taste only the finest brew. Sip only on what you love and give what you wish to recieve. If you want beautifully clear reflections that signal peace and calm then look to yourself and demand your own respect and love.

Give yourself the care and attention you deserve

No one is perfect we can accept our flaws. We can begin a new day each day. Isnt that amazing. You get to be better in each moment and you get to have a fresh start. What you do now matters. Yesterday has passed.

Empower yourself and equally empower your children. Love is finite. Keep giving what you want to recieve and show them how to truly love and they will blossom wonderfully

Children will replicate you in more ways than you know. Don't forget to often show them how deserving they are of your love and appreciation. Present the magic and see more abundant magic unfold ✨


Celebrate you child by telling them how amazing they are. Remnd them of all the little things they do that make them unique and special

Children are magnetic and fun to be around, they are so carefree. Let their little talents shine through. Let them get creative. Make a den, help them to imagine they are a pirate on a ship or on a treasure island. Let the pretend, step into a character they find funny or someone that makes them feel good or empowered

By creating space for fun interactions we learn together, be mindful that each little person has an incredible effect that can uplift, inspire and their imagination can grow πŸ˜ƒ

Get creative and aspire to inspire, give appreciation in the best way you can and encourage your children to be amazing in different ways 🌈


Affirmations to help your kalm kidz feel strong πŸ’š


What does it mean to you to be spiritual?

It may mean different things to different people. We are all one in the the same pool of consciousness living in alignment with our best self. Recognising that you are not just a physical body, that you are a muti-dimensional being that works best when in balance and aligned with you souls truth and whilst here this truth may take you to places that are much brighter. Here you have more joy, this allows you to see the beauty in all things.

Moving into your centre, into your heart knows that love and spiritual insights and awakenings open up doors that offer more of this light.

Being at your lowest point and accepting what has settled within you can awaken you to rise up and become even better than you were before. Don't be afraid of change that occurs within you! Change happens for you, love comes in many different ways and in many forms so that you can recognise who you truly are without the masks of deception covering up your real authentic self

Take a look at yourself and see clearly the soul that resides within the physical body. See through the eyes that your soul is pure. That you are worthy, that you are ready to further the spiritual aspect of your own consciousness to rise up, to awaken to the beauty that is inside of you, your soul and all that you touch

Have a beautiful blessed day
Sharon πŸ’œ


Children may not fully understand the effects of feelings and sensations. Helping them become aware of their bodies reactions to their thoughts or their external environment will help them further understand themselves as well as the needs and when they need to change how they need be in their state

Anxiety can cause children or adults to freeze, fight or flight which is run. We can alliviate stress by becoming mindful of our thoughts and releasing our worries. Help you child to check into their feeling body to become aware of the tensions, sensations and feelings they hold in the moment

Simple awareness can be enough to bring calm to your child


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Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm

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