Religious Studies at Stranmillis University College

A page for past and present students of Religious Studies & RE at Stranmillis UC - with updates and news on Religious Education more generally.


ADVANCE NOTICE - INTERFAITH WEEK 2019: Sunday 10th to 17th November

Interfaith Week is a programme of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, and this year's theme is GROWING INTER FAITH UNDERSTANDING AND CO-OPERATION. You can view the Interfaith Week website at
The Northern Ireland Inter-Faith Forum is organising some events to mark the week and details of these will be sent out within the next few days via this mailing and our Facebook Group page. In the meantime, can you contribute to the Week's key aim of strengthening good inter faith relations at all levels? Perhaps you can give a short talk in your own faith community, or write a short article for a community news sheet, or organise an event where people can visit your community or organisation? If you are an RE teacher, perhaps you could focus on inter faith issues in your classes during the week. If you have any other contact with a school, perhaps as a parent, could you offer to talk about inter faith relations to an RE class or in an assembly? For lots more practical ideas, see the Interfaith Week website.
Look out for more information about local events in Northern Ireland - coming soon!

Stranmillis to offer Catholic qualification 09/06/2019

This is an interesting development after many years of trying to accommodate those students (not only those from a Catholic background) who wish to have the qualification that will enable them to teach in a Catholic primary school. The 'mixed' reality of Stranmillis University College is now certainly recognised in this; we have always been a non-denominational institution, open to all, but we have been publicly perceived, incorrectly, as 'the protestant college'. Until now students who wanted to do the Catholic RE Certificate have had to take a distance-learning course; now they will be able to opt to do it alongside their other studies in Stranmillis.
But it does raise the question of the validity of a system that enables teaching to be exempted from equal employment legislation. Should one sector be allowed to dictate that teachers need an 'extra' qualification in order to teach in a Catholic school? Is it a barrier to greater integration in education in Northern Ireland? Why can Religious Education not be taught to everyone together (and let the churches or other faith communities do any religious instruction or faith-formation in their own premises)?
What do you think?

Stranmillis to offer Catholic qualification It opens up jobs in Catholic primary schools to teachers who study at Stranmillis.

Conference 2019 03/04/2019


28-31 August 2019 - Dublin City University

Registration is now open for the 2019 EFTRE Conference, which will take place at the St Patrick's Campus of Dublin City University from 28th to 31st August 2019, on the theme of Reconciling Realities in Religious Education.
Keynote speakers will include Dr Anne Looney (Executive Dean of the DCU Institute of Education), Pádraig Ó Tuama (Leader of the Corrymeela Community), Dr Abdullah Trevathan (Director of Al-Akhawayn School, Morocco) and Professor Manfred Pirner (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany).
Full details can be found in the EFTRE website:
Please make this event known to your RE colleagues and networks by sharing this post.

Conference 2019


The UK Inter Faith Network has released this statement on the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Terrorist attack on in NZ - Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Inter Faith Network for the UK and Moderators of the IFN Faith Communities Forum - Please share

Dealing with requests to withdraw from religious education 08/01/2019

In light of recent concerns about the misuse of legislation that permits parents to withdraw their children from RE in schools, a document has been produced clarifying the nature of these legal rights. In the past few months there has been evidence of some parents using this option as an expression of personal prejudice, for example because they do not wish their children to learn about religions to which they personally object. The new document explores in detail the background to the legislation and offers practical guidance on scenarios when withdrawal should or should not be permitted.
It has been issued jointly by the National Association of Teachers of RE (NATRE) and the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) and can be accessed via:

Dealing with requests to withdraw from religious education Free guidance from NATRE and NAHT.

Religious Education: Time for a rethink? 28/09/2018

This is a useful panel discussion on the recent Report by the Commission on Religious Education. RE teachers and others should find it worth a look!

Religious Education: Time for a rethink? In an increasingly diverse world, religion no longer has the hold on us it once had. Is it time there was a rethink on how religion is taught in our schools?...

Commission on Religious Education | A New Vision for Religious Education in Schools 23/09/2018

An item on Radio Ulster's "Sunday Sequence" programme this morning included somewhat dismissive remarks by the Bishop of Derry, Donal McKeown, about the recent report of the Independent Commission on Religious Education in England. He seemed to imply that this was justifying a watering-down of RE by those with secular sympathies, and that it would not be at all helpful for RE in Northern Ireland. This gave a very poor and limited impression of a highly singificant report. [It would be worth listening to the "Sunday Sequence" clip on the BBC iplayer (coming within the first 10-15 minutes of the start of the programme).] The bishop did not address the key issue in Northern Ireland, namely that the Religious Education Core Syllabus here is entirely and exclusively defined and written by four Christian denominations (Catholic, Presbyterian, Anglican and Methodist) without any involvement from other faith and belief communities or other interested parties; the Churches have defined it as "essentially Christian". This is surely grossly inadequate in our plural society. We need a much fuller open discussion on this, based not on the preferences of Churches but on sound educational principles! (The Commission Report can be accessed via

Commission on Religious Education | A New Vision for Religious Education in Schools We are a high-profile independent Commission working to improve the quality and rigour of RE, and its capacity to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain

Commission on Religious Education | A New Vision for Religious Education in Schools 09/09/2018

The independent Commission on Religious Education's long-anticipated final report has been published and will be launched formally at Westminster on Wednesday 12th September. While the report relates specifically to England, many of the issues are relevant to RE throughout the UK and further afield, not least Northern Ireland. Some of the significant issues dealt with relate to the right of withdrawal from RE, the inclusion of diverse non-religious beliefs and worldviews, the name of the subject and how to ensure a strong academic base for the subject in schools. The report can be downloaded from, where much more information about the process can also be found. Serving RE teachers and students preparing for this role should find this an interesting and challenging read!

Commission on Religious Education | A New Vision for Religious Education in Schools We are a high-profile independent Commission working to improve the quality and rigour of RE, and its capacity to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain

Catholic schools warn Minister that religion opt-out may breach law 08/09/2018

Catholic schools warn Minister that religion opt-out may breach law Trustees respond to plan for pupils who do not want to take part in religious instruction


David Armstrong will be retiring after 13 years of service to Religious Studies at Stranmillis University College. Since the move of James Nelson to Queen's University and Norman Richardson's semi-retirement (both in 2014), David has carried major responsibility for all the post-primary Religious Studies modules at Stranmillis. A fuller appreciation of David's work will appear in a forthcoming post on this page.
In the new academic year David's RS modules will be taken by two existing members of staff with a strong background in these areas: Dr. Anita Gracie and Dr. Barbara McDade. Anita will continue to work with some of the primary RE specialists, while other specialist and non-specialist aspects of Primary RE and PDMU will be led by Jill Magennis, a former RE/RS student who has been working for the past two years in the College's PGCE and Early Years departments. Norman Richardson, now part-time, will continue to contribute to some areas.
In the photo, taken at the 2018 Graduation: (l-r) Jill Magennis; Anita Gracie; Norman Richardson; David Armstrong; Barbara McDade.


Criticism of Religious Education (RE) in schools is often based on a misperception of its purpose. This letter to The Times newspaper by Rudi Elliott-Lockhart of the RE Council for England & Wales, published on 12:06:18, responds to a recent critique and offers a soundly educational rationale for the inclusion of RE.

Religious Voices - a documentary by the students of Shimna Integrated College 11/05/2018

Well done to the students and teachers at Shimna Integrated College for this super piece of work on world faiths in Northern Ireland.

Religious Voices - a documentary by the students of Shimna Integrated College The idea for the Religious Voices project began when a group of students from the college wrote a letter of support and solidarity to the Muslim community of...

ATL: 'Keep parents from selectively withdrawing pupils from RE' | Schools Week 12/04/2018

This is very interesting and very worrying too. It is good to have this issue highlighted, despite the inaccuracies in the article (for example, the reference to 1998 as the date when withdrawal from RE was first permitted; it goes back much further than that). The issue of parental religious prejudice is not unfamiliar to those of us who live in Northern Ireland, albeit more usually in relation to Protestant-Catholic sectarianism ("We don't want our children learning about them'uns!"). The whole issue of withdrawal is a serious disadvantage to professionalism in RE, and we should certainly not allow it to support the prejudices of those who are anti-semitic, islamophobic or those who just don't like people who are different in any way. We did a study on this a few years ago in Northern Ireland, and while it was particularly related to that region it has resonances for other places:,485911,en.pdf

ATL: 'Keep parents from selectively withdrawing pupils from RE' | Schools Week ATL has voted to stop parents “selectively” withdrawing their children from religious education lessons, claiming the practice is increasingly fuelled by antisemitism and Islamaphobia. Members of the union warned today that prejudiced parents are selectively using their right to withdraw to “i...

Young demonstrate appetite to learn about religion in schools 12/03/2018

A very useful and challenging article from a Dublin-based colleague, Sandra Cullen, on the need for a more informed debate about the nature of RE in the Republic of Ireland. Many of the issues are close to those in Northern Ireland; one of the main obstacles to this debate is the public perception of RE as closely or even totally dominated by the Churches.
We need to have an educational debate about RE, not a Churches-dominated one!

Young demonstrate appetite to learn about religion in schools Students should not be denied a valuable opportunity to reflect on their convictions

Is there a future for RE in schools? | Expert comment 25/09/2017

The Commission on Religious Education in England and Wales has just issued its interim report, and Prof. Trevor Cooling of Canterbury Christ Church University has issued this reponse. The issues are much more widely relevant than just to England and Wales, of course!

Is there a future for RE in schools? | Expert comment Professor Trevor Cooling looks at today's report on RE in schools by the Commission on Religious Education and asks: is it a game changer? Religious education (RE) has occupied a unique position in schools since the 1944 Education Act when it was made a statutory requirement for all pupils of compul...

'Religious education needs a rebrand – it should be fascinating, challenging and hard' 20/09/2017

An interesting and thoughtful article by Geoff Teece for the TES, notwithstanding the oddly traditional image (presumably selected by a sub-editor who had not read the article)!

'Religious education needs a rebrand – it should be fascinating, challenging and hard' The complex nature of religious and non-religious world views cannot be packaged up into neat boxes, writes Dr Geoff Teece

Schools 'break law' on religious education 18/09/2017

This report relates primarily to England and Wales, but many of the issues are relevant to other regions, incuding Northern Ireland. It deserves the attention of all who value good quality, holistic, inclusive education in a diverse society.

Schools 'break law' on religious education RE teachers fear that pupils who do not study the subject will be left unprepared for modern life.

Timeline photos 05/09/2017

INFORMATION FROM NATRE (National Association of Teachers of RE):

New RE programmes from BBC for 11-14s
26 short films for 11-14s in the ‘A-Z of Religion’

BBC have made new secondary RE programmes to address both a gap in current teacher resource provision and also to respond to teachers’ feedback about the type of resources they need to deliver RE. The secondary programmes are an A-Z of world religions and belief, covering subjects as diverse as religious clothing, extremism, the distribution of wealth and more philosophical themes.
Teachers will value these new RE resources: there is a wide representation of the UK’s different faith groups. They have had input from faith leaders and teachers during the production process to ensure they will be of maximum benefit in the classroom and meet the different curriculum requirements of RE teaching. The programming will enable some fun RE. The secondary clips use a contemporary animation style, and a light tone to cover some deep stuff. think the chosen subject matter will provide a great springboard to learning about different faiths and beliefs, as well as a stimulus for engaging classroom debate.
These new films are now available on BBC Teach.
Lat Blaylock, RE Today Adviser has been involved as a consultant in making the series, he comments:
'I’m really glad BBC have made these new programmes, and hope teachers will use them widely. I’m pleased with the content and style. We are currently making 26 lesson ideas, so watch this space. You could use them for a whole term’s homework of supported self study!'

More than half in UK are non-religious, suggests survey - BBC News 04/09/2017

This survey was not specific to Northern Ireland, and therefore the percentage is almost certainly higher in the UK as a whole than NI specifically, but I suspect that the trends are fairly similar over time.

More than half in UK are non-religious, suggests survey - BBC News The proportion is highest among those aged between 18 and 25, a survey suggests.

Timeline photos 08/07/2017

David Armstrong (Senior Lecturer, Religious Studies) and Norman Richardson (semi-retired RS/RE tutor) at the 2017 Graduation events.

Photos from Religious Studies at Stranmillis University College's post 08/07/2017

A selection of photos of the graduating post-primary Religious Studies students (2013-2017), with their main lecturer David Armstrong.

Photos from Religious Studies at Stranmillis University College's post 07/07/2017

Warmest congratulations to all Stranmillis graduating students who have specialised in Religious Studies (post-primary) and Religious Education (primary)! Here is a sample of photos from the ceremonies on Tuesday July 4th - at Stranmillis in the morning and at Queen's University in the afternoon. Included here is the now traditional Graduation RE leap!


A recent off-campus occasion provided an excellent and unique opportunity for Lecturers in Religious Studies and RE to find themselves together in one place. They are, from left to right: Rev. Maurice Ryan (from the 1970s to 1997); David Armstrong (current from 2005); James Nelson (2000-2014 - now in QUB); Anita Gracie (current from 2015); and Norman Richardson (1997-2014, now part-time).

Belfast rabbi hopes to educate with ‘beginner’s guide’ to Judaism 19/02/2017

Rabbi David Singer of the Belfast Synagogue has just launched a new booklet on the background to the Northern Ireland Jewish Community and to the beliefs and practices of Judaism. It is available from the Belfast Jewish community and will hopefully soon be available online.

Belfast rabbi hopes to educate with ‘beginner’s guide’ to Judaism Belfast Synagogue is launching a book about basic Judaism to help educate the many visitors that regularly tour their centre of worship.

Timeline photos 17/12/2016

A timely reminder to support work for the improvement and maintenance of good relations between people of differing faiths and beliefs!


The Inter Faith Network for the UK has worked for three decades to strengthen inter faith relations, and to promote mutual respect, cooperation and understanding. 2017 will be our 30th year and, following the launch of a special Anniversary Appeal this week, we are asking for your support to continue this vital work at a time when it has never been more relevant.

To make a donation to support our work, visit: or use the Paypal donation button on this FB page

Thank you and please do share!

Timeline photos 18/07/2016

Professor Bob Jackson, one of Europe's leading experts on Religious Education (that is inclusive and human-rights-based), has written some very thoughtful and pertinent reflections on BREXIT from the perspective of how RE in schools can respond to some of the significant concerns raised by the situation. The article can be found on the website of the European Forum for Teachers of RE (EFTRE): It's well worth a read!

Healing division in schools: the lessons from Ireland 12/07/2016

A better way forward?

Healing division in schools: the lessons from Ireland As racism rears its head after the EU referendum, a chain set up to counter sectarian education is offering solutions for the UK

Commission on Religious Education homepage | Religious Education Council 10/07/2016

This is an interesting and important development from the Religious Education Council (REC) for England and Wales. We urgently need a process of this kind in Northern Ireland too, but at this point in time we lack a body with the capacity to do it.

Commission on Religious Education homepage | Religious Education Council 1234

Timeline photos 06/07/2016

An ageing leaper demonstrates to the novices!

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