Tall Paul Marketing - Freelance Copywriter

Freelance NI Copywriter | Website Copywriting | B2B Copywriter | Blog Writer | About Page Writer | Advertising and Marketing Agencies. Charities. Big Businesses.

As a Freelance Belfast Copywriter, clients come to me for several main reasons:

✔ "I know the value of great website content, but writing isn't my strong point."

✔ "I have blogs that need to be written, page content that needs creating and brochures that need to be rewritten, but I don't have the time."

✔ "I know that regular blog content can massively improve my ranking on Google Search result


My copywriting and blog writing services are used by companies throughout Northern Ireland and the UK.

And... they're all delighted with how I help them!

Here's what they've said: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/testimonials/

Five reasons to start exporting today: Tap into Europe's €14.5 trillion market 13/02/2024

Northern Ireland offers unique dual-market access to GB and EU markets, simplifying entry and maximising your growth potential.

Read more >> https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/ad-features/five-reasons-to-start-exporting-today-tap-into-europes-145-trillion-market/a1447870126.html

Belfast Telegraph Invest Northern Ireland

Five reasons to start exporting today: Tap into Europe's €14.5 trillion market .

Copywriting: Focus on What You Do Best, Outsource the Rest 12/02/2024

In the ever-changing digital marketing landscape, understanding where your strengths lie and recognising when to seek external expertise has never been more critical.

For marketing managers and business owners alike, the pressure to excel in every facet of online marketing — from SEO and content creation to social media management — can be overwhelming.

Read my latest blog: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/copywriting-services-ni-content-marketing/

Copywriting: Focus on What You Do Best, Outsource the Rest Tired of writing website copy and blog content? I get it. Freelance Copywriters offer powerful copywriting services that engage and convert.

Timeline photos 12/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #8 / 8. 🤬

Mistake #8: “We’re passionate.” 😔

We’d like to think so if you’ve built a business around something.

It’d be a bit odd if you had a business selling something you despised.

Explain how you’re passionate about the industry.

Do you constantly enrol in high-quality training and certifications to improve?

Are your services or products making a real-life impact?

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 10/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #7 / 8. 🧐

Mistake #7: “We are experts.” 🥱

Well, we’d all like to think so if you’ve built a business around your products or services.

Instead, showcase why you are experts.

You could include qualifications, experience, industry knowledge, awards, media mentions and much more.

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 09/02/2024

Use testimonials / social proof to help website visitors make up their minds about your product or service. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Did you know that 92% of consumers read online reviews or testimonials before they make a buying decision?

First, they must trust you.

Then, they will buy from you. 🤝

“My sister was saying we should watch Line of Duty on BBC. She said it’s brilliant.”

“My ones get all their cars from Charles Hurst, and they’ve always found them to be great.”

Sound familiar? 🤔

Well, as humans, we’ve evolved to take social proof seriously.

Your customers want (and need!) to see reviews before they purchase from you. ⚡

In another piece of research, 9 out of 10 consumers say that they trust customer’s reviews about business than what that business says about itself.

Real testimonials with real names from recognisable companies are worth their weight in gold.

When someone tells us of their great experience, we’re more likely to buy something. 📲

Find out what else visitors to your website expect to see: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/increase-traffic-website-what-customers-expect-on-your-site/

Timeline photos 08/02/2024

Wanna start dominating search results for your company like I'm doing for mine? 🔥

The secret?

Write engaging web and blog content regularly. 📲

Not got the time? ⌚

I can help.

Here's my portfolio >>https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Online-Portfolio-Tall-Paul-Marketing-2021.pdf

Timeline photos 08/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #6 / 8. 🤐

Mistake #6: “We’re proud of our outstanding service.” 🤷🤷‍♂️

That’s like saying, “I’m good-looking”.

Let others be the judge of that.

Again, good service should be an absolute minimum expectation from most customers.

What makes your level of service stand out from your competitors?

Do you offer free, 24/7 customer service?

Are you going above and beyond what’s expected of you?

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 07/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #5 / 8. 🫵

Mistake #5: “We’re a forward-thinking company.” 😱

Unless you’ve created genuinely revolutionary products or solutions, then it’s likely you’re not as forward-thinking as you might think.

And besides, would the words ‘forward-thinking company’ make you choose to buy a product or service from them?

Probably not.

Instead, beef out what you mean by forward-thinking; are you a net-zero company that’s committed to the environment?

Are you creating solutions to age-old problems?

Is your company setting the tech world alight with a brand new way of working?

Be specific about why someone should choose your company over every other.

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 06/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #4 / 8. ⚠

Mistake #4: “Professional and reliable service.” 🤢

Being professional and reliable should be your default setting and isn’t something to boast about.

Nearly every company has some variation of this on their website.

However, nobody likes a boaster.

So, instead of proclaiming that you’re professional and reliable, why not link your website’s visitors directly to your 5-star reviews on Google and let your customers talk about how they found your service to be professional and reliable?

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 05/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #3 / 8. 👇

Mistake #3: “We’re number one.”

If you use number one, then your website probably smells of number two. 💩

Unless you’ve gone up against every single competitor in a prestigious awards ceremony and won, then this boast is empty.

Besides, readers will assume that you’re not number one if you have to say it.

So let other customers explain why you’re number one.

Instead of using empty, factless phrases like this, why not say, “Customers like John from Ballymena and Susan from Newtownards say things like…” and then add in a glowing review from a customer?

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 04/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #2 / 8. ❌

Mistake #2: “We’re fair.” 🤔

Hmmm, that’s great to hear.

Not being corrupt or shady isn’t exactly a unique selling point.

Instead, try using a phrase such as, “If you’re not happy with our product/service, we’ll refund you your money. No hassle. No drama."

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 03/02/2024

8 AWFUL phrases you should never use on your website: #1 / 8. 📲

Mistake #1: “We’re transparent.” 🪟

Oh really?

A window is transparent too….

So, your company allows light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen?

Meaningless, vague and a piece of jargon that should be banned from every single website.

Instead, when you’re writing website content, try explaining the benefit to the customer.

Use a phrase like, “Nobody likes hidden charges. That’s why the quote we give you is the price you’ll pay. No nasty surprises.”

Here are the other 7 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Freelance Copywriters: Why They're a Smart Business Investment 31/01/2024

Are you feeling the squeeze of a million tasks vying for your precious time?

Is crafting compelling copy languishing at the bottom of your to-do list, eclipsed by urgent emails and client calls?

Let’s face it: even the most creative mind can get bogged down in the daily grind.

That’s where the magic of freelance copywriters like Tall Paul Marketing comes in.

Read more >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/why-hire-freelance-copywriters-for-business/

Freelance Copywriters: Why They're a Smart Business Investment Feeling overwhelmed by content creation? Here's why hiring freelance copywriters in 2024 is a game-changer for your business.

Timeline photos 30/01/2024

Tips for writing a memorable About page for your website. 💥

Don't forget; people buy from people.

And we love seeing people that are passionate about what they do.

You don’t go on to a website, read their mission statement and think to yourself, “Wow, I need to buy from that company!”. 🤣

Nor do website visitors buy from cheesy stock images.

We’re hardwired to do business with people we know and trust. 👥

Use your About page to show people why they should love you and your business.

When writing your About page, think about these questions and then begin to answer them:

“What’s so good about my company?”

“Why should my customers buy from me?”

“What makes my company unique?”

“What makes my background and story interesting?”

Find out what else visitors to your website expect to see: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/increase-traffic-website-what-customers-expect-on-your-site/

Timeline photos 29/01/2024

What do smartphones 📲 and rats 🐀 have in common?

Do you remember the creepy saying that we’re never further than a few feet away from a rat?

I guess the modern equivalent is that we’re never further than a foot away from our smartphones.

It’s with that in mind that making sure your website is mobile-optimised should dominate your planning.

Got a great desktop website?

Happy days, you’ll impress about half of your potential customers.

But what about the other 50% who visit your site on their phone?

You’ll want to make sure your website is optimised for each of those devices and run tests regularly to nip any issues in the bud.

Find out what visitors to your website expect to see: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/increase-traffic-website-what-customers-expect-on-your-site/

Timeline photos 28/01/2024

Writing a memorable About page for your website. 🔥

In a recent study, 52% of people said the first thing they want to see on a website is a company’s About Us page.

People want to buy from people. 🤝

Here's two examples of how I – as a freelance copywriter – might write an About page.

Option 1:
Paul Malone is a freelance copywriter who writes web content for NI businesses.

Option 2:
You’re probably wondering how tall I am?

Well, you’ll have to Google ‘how tall is Tall Paul from Tall Paul Marketing?’ to find out.

I create fresh, engaging, shareable web content so that busy NI business owners, CEOs, marketing managers and communications directors don’t have to spend a second worrying about how to get traffic to their websites.

Which do you prefer? 🤔

Option 1 is to the point. A wee bit boring though.

You don’t see my personality, the type of people I work with or why I’m called Tall Paul.

Option 2 shows a little tongue-in-cheek humour and tells you what I do, why I do it, and the types of clients I usually work alongside.

Tell site visitors a story. 💥

Find out what else visitors to your website expect: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/increase-traffic-website-what-customers-expect-on-your-site/

Timeline photos 26/01/2024

When describing your business online and writing web content, we all seem to look at what our competitors write and follow a similar path. Are you guilty of using these awful phrases on your website? ❌

Read more >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 23/01/2024

If you had one shot. 📣

Or one opportunity.

To seize everything you ever wanted. 👑

In one moment.

Would you capture it? 🤔

Or just let it slip?

Oh, sorry, I just lost myself in an Eminem song. 🤦‍♂️

But your About page is that important.

Customers expect to see an About Us page on your website.

In fact, according to a recent poll, an About Us page is the second-highest rated element.

31% said an About Us page is the most essential element — overshadowing live chat, product images/video, and even case studies. 😲

Think of it as your one shot to tell your company’s story.

And that doesn’t matter if you’re a company with a million-pound turnover or a sole trader.

It’s an opportunity for you to add personality to your company. 🤩

The take-home message: A cool About Us page can increase traffic to your website.

PS: What I lack in Canva graphic design skills, I more than make up for in Eminem-themed analogies. 🤭

Find out what else visitors to your website expect to see: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/increase-traffic-website-what-customers-expect-on-your-site/

Timeline photos 20/01/2024

Write web content that customers understand. 🔥

There’s no easy answer to the question ‘how to write content for your website’.

Ultimately, it’s about avoiding all the usual cliches and boring website copy.

Instead, be specific.

If you think you’re the best, tell your potential customers why you think that.

Or if your company is a genuine leader, prove it with facts, statistics and customer reviews.

Here are 8 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/

Timeline photos 18/01/2024

Have you got any of these awful phrases on your website? Delete them. 👎

When describing your business online, we all seem to look at what our competitors write and follow a similar path.

However, just because you’ve had a look at your competitor’s website content, that doesn’t mean they’re doing things right.

Writing content for websites isn’t difficult, but using tired, boring cliches and empty boasts won’t turn a click into a sale.

When you visit a showroom to buy a car, are you wowed by the brake horsepower and the fact that it’s a four-wheel drive?

I’m sure some of you are.

Or would the decision to purchase be easier if you knew how economical the car was with fuel?

And how it was independently verified as one of the safest cars on the market?

If you haven’t hired someone like me for website content writing and you fancy doing it yourself, then there are some things you should change on your website ASAP.

You see, most of us don’t like jargon and empty boasts that are meaningless, unverified and a carbon copy of every other website.

When you’re writing web content, avoid useless phrases.

Instead, by choosing smarter copy, websites can showcase to customers why they’re the best company to choose.

So, avoid these phrases when you are creating website content and social media bios.

Here are the 8 phrases to avoid >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/website-content-writing-8-awful-phrases-seo-writing-service-belfast/


No, I don't play basketball.
Yes, the weather is cold up here.
No, my parents aren't tall.
Yes, I do have to fold my body into airplanes to go on holiday.

And yes, I do write engaging blog content for business websites.

Check out my website: www.tallpaulmarketing.com

Timeline photos 14/01/2024

Wondering what to include in your website's About page? 🤔

The best piece of advice I can give you?

Make it relatable.

Consider using humour (like I have in mine).

Make it personal about you and your company.

Add in some interesting behind-the-scenes facts, why your company is unique etc.

Check out mine for ideas and inspiration: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/about/

Timeline photos 12/01/2024

Writing for the web Myth #1: "You should never start a sentence with 'and', 'but' or 'because'. ❌

Reality: There's no such thing as 'rules' in English; instead, it's stylistic preferences. ✍️

And in fact, you can use all three at the start of a sentence, and people won't judge you harshly.

The truth is all three words help make your digital content flow better.

We like reading content the same way we talk.

As a result, the use of 'and', 'but' and 'because' is a handy way of condensing content and linking sentences.

Here are 5 other popular myths you were taught at school >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/writing-for-the-web-greatest-myths-english-teachers-copy-writer-belfast/

Timeline photos 04/01/2024

⚡ The impressive benefits of regularly blogging ⚡

1. Improves your Google search results ranking.

2. Increases traffic to your website.

3. Builds a relationship with current and prospective customers.

4. Increases brand awareness and reaches new customers.

5. Educates, informs and entertains your customers.

6. You can use paragraphs of your blog post for several social media posts (works great if you write listicle blogs like, ‘7 ways to rank number 1 on Google’.

And don’t hide your blog away in some wee sub-category that’s hard to find. 🧐

It should be visible in the top navigation of your website, for example:

Homepage | About | Shop | Blog | Testimonials | Contact

In addition, make sure it’s easy to type. ⌨

If the website URL for your blog looks like this – www.mycompany.com/news23929/archive/2021 – then ask your web developer to simplify it.

Go for something similar to mine: www.tallpaulmarketing.com/blog. 🔗

Find out what else visitors to your website expect to see: https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/increase-traffic-website-what-customers-expect-on-your-site/

Timeline photos 29/12/2023

Running a business, marketing or communications department is challenging, but luckily Northern Ireland has many talented marketing freelancers who can help you grow your business online.

Read more >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/8-best-northern-ireland-content-marketing-freelancers-for-business/

Timeline photos 28/12/2023

For £577.88 a year, Northern Ireland businesses can transform their marketing and increase sales using these four highly-rated, low-cost marketing tools.

Read more >> https://www.tallpaulmarketing.com/577-88-per-year-how-these-4-incredible-low-cost-marketing-tools-will-turbo-charge-your-online-marketing

Want your business to be the top-listed Advertising & Marketing Company in Belfast?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Tall Paul Marketing - Copywriter │Blog Writer │ Content Writer

My name is Paul Malone (a.k.a. "Tall Paul") due to the fact that I am 6 foot 6 inches tall, as you can see from the below picture from my wedding day.

I was announced as a finalist in FOUR categories at the Northern Ireland Social Media Awards:

🏆 Social Media Freelancer Of The Year

🏆 Social Media Marketer Of The Year

Videos (show all)

No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...
No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is cold up here.No, my parents aren't tall.Yes, I do have to fold my body ...



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