LMC FootCare

Professional Podiatry/Chiropody treatment available in the comfort of your own home or in a clinic


Good luck to everyone taking part in the Belfast Marathon today 🤞🏻
I did Bangor Park run yesterday morning and that will probably be my maximum distance so far play to you all 😅
Keep safe, keep hydrated and enjoy it (if that’s possible)


.F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Surely the most anticipated Free Time Friday ever? The amount of people asking me for photos this week, I’m seriously considering starting an OnlyFans. Why do yous not care what I look like any other week? Nosey Rosie’s the lot of you.

Well, I decided to give the people what they want and post my favourite photo I have (so far) of our Wedding Day. *OUR WEDDING DAY* absolutely mental. A child Bride.
I’ll not lie, I have been on quite the emotional rollercoaster these last few months and I’m very glad to have finally got off of it. A trip to Italy for Pope and Pizza will sort me right out.

We had a lovely day which went ridiculously fast. And the sunshine just proved that Child (of Prague) labour officially works.
As a surprise to Liam, I had secretly organised for to attend the drinks reception for a meet and greet. Fortunately the dry weather meant that the donkeys could stay hidden until we arrived. Unfortunately, it was very hard to watch your very new husband be more emotional about seeing Donkeys than seeing you walk up the aisle. Ow my feelings.
But we did manage to get some great photos and the behind the scene shots gave us a good chuckle.

Anywho, my HUSBAND and I would like to thank you all for your well wishes. We were truly blessed to spend the day with our loved ones in sunshine and smiles, as well as being borderline verbally abusive to the photographer and videographer- Christine and Claire who, against all odds managed 1) to get me into my dress when the bridesmaids failed and 2) to get images of us that we don’t hate. What a day. Now I’m off to relax 👋🏻

Mr and Mrs send their kisses,


.M.A.R.R.I.A.G.E. .M.A.Y.H.E.M. .M.O.N.D.A.Y.

Not too much to be said about tomorrow. Just wanted to send a quick message to thank everyone for their well wishes and support and also to tell you that I am away to get married and the first person to text me looking their feet done will be black listed 😅

I’m not too worried about getting cold feet as I need my something blue 👀

Mrs Clarke to Be,


Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!


.F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.

FTF is brought to you live from frosty Fermanagh this week as we are down to Lough Erne for our menu tasting.
Thank God we drove down last night because we would have had to hitch a husky to the car and I don’t think Conan would be fit. We weren’t expecting to wake up to a winter wonderland but mama needs her 10,000 steps so out we strolled through the golf course, following a pair of large foot prints that we couldn’t decide were man or beast’s. On our hunt for the Yeti, we did manage to catch some nice photos of the Resort. We are one month away from D-day now so the pressure is on and I’m currently juggling Hen parties with haemorrhagic callus because you can’t take a secondment for planning your wedding 🙄 Hen party wise- the less said the better. But only because I’ve lost my voice. They haven’t made a filter strong enough to post some of those photos so they can stay in the archives until I write my autobiography or need an alibi.

So I’m enjoying my first free time Friday in a long time, sampling starters and trying out the spa- it’s hard work but someone has to do it.

Snow and Sauvignon,


Merry Christmas everyone!
We are currently watching The Grinch but Conan won’t stop whining at Max the dog 🙄

With work being so busy the last wee while, I haven’t had the opportunity to have my free time Fridays but such is life. Thankfully Groot managed to appear in time to remind me to post a Christmas message and to also join me for our annual work do. Staffing issues like everyone else 😅

Just wanted to thank you all for your continued support in 2023.
2024 is set to be an emotional rollercoaster what with me becoming a child Bride and also turning 30 in the same year (scientific fact)
Today marks 99 days until our big day so I have decided to not take on any new home visit patients until after April. Please feel free to continue messaging me if you need any podiatry related advice and I will do my best to assist.
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas break and we will be back on it in 2024 (how is it 2024???)

Mrs LC to be,


Christmas season is starting!

🔔Please remember to book your appointment early to avoid disappointment.

🔔Please remember to cancel if you no longer require an appointment!! We have a 24 hour cancellation policy and a waiting list in place. “No shows” may result in you being declined a future appointment.

🐶 Don’t forget about our annual Avalon Shoebox appeal for - closing date is 14th December!


🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃

Halloween is my favourite holiday due to the fact it’s the one night of the year were it was acceptable to go out and not wear heels 😅 also fireworks and people looking like eejits, what’s not to like!
And of course, the Halloween tradition of making Purdy Pudding which I can take no credit for (only in the eating part)And then there is the Halloween tradition of explaining what Purdy pudding is 😅 if you know, you know.

A new tradition for us is dressing Conan up for greeting children at the door. And after attending Slimming world, he now can fit back into his Superman costume successfully.

Hope yous stay warm when yous are out trick and/or treating. And keep those feet dry- ain’t nobody got time for trench foot.

Trick or feet (usually both)



Yes I know it’s early and I don’t like mentioning the ‘C word’ before Halloween but by letting people know now it means when they are next in clinic they will have had a chance to grab a donation. So wheesht ya humbugs 🧑🏻‍🎄

🎁Avalon Christmas Appeal 2023🎁

We are back to that time of year again everyone- the annual Avalon shoebox appeal!
This year, our chosen charity is Assisi Animal Sanctuary who have kindly provided us with a wish list of items. Feel free to make up a shoebox/bag with products from the list. We will also be able to accept cash donations that will be delivered along with the other donations just before Christmas.

The closing date for donations will be Friday 15th December 🎅🏻


.F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.

This Friday is all about Asics and Appliances. We had to say so long farewell to our old dishwasher last week after a blown fuse caused some issues, leaving us with a dishwasher shaped hole in our hearts and in our kitchen.
But I’m at that age now were picking out appliances is fun (but also sad and expensive).
A better delivery came in the shape of my new Asics. Working with feet, I get asked a lot about what to put on said feet. Honestly it depends on the user and their need. I use to be a big Nike fan. So much so I bought six pairs one summer when I was working in New York but it wasn’t my fault the Nike Outlet was so close 👀 Nike seemed to move from function to fashion and then I moved to Asics. A few months ago, I decided to try something new and bought a pair of Hoka Clifton 8’s but honestly I was that disappointed with their durability in comparison to the Asics that I emailed the store who took the Hoka back and let me exchange for these bad boys instead. So they are in the Honeymoon stage of me trying to not get them dirty. This will last approximately two weeks and then they will get wet, I will get sad and then it’s all down hill from there. Hopefully I won’t have to send them back. What I would like to send back is Conan because he failed to kill a big spider tonight and if he isn’t here to protect the house from intruders then what is he here for? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Want a GSD?
Contact LMC


.F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.

I’ve been very quiet on social media this summer due to being busy with work and weddings so apologies if anyone missed me. I thought that with the good weather and being off today that I would take some free time (👀) and write a post! Its also the Anniversary of a Queen’s death and I wanted to share my experience that could have ended in this Queen’s death 👼🏻
We spent a Sunday afternoon up in Nutt’s corner at the super car driving experience. Although this was a gift for the other half, I decided since it was a one off, that I would treat us to a ride along race in Ariel Atoms race cars . Now, I knew they weren’t going to be like the bumping cars in Bundoran but I also wasn’t ready for the corners at 120mph. Safe to say that the first three seconds were filled with regret while the next several were filled with thoughts and prayers 😅But we were in good hands and with it being Boys Vs Girls I advised my driver we had to win in the name of feminism, and also that I had a bet on. My stomach may have been doing flips like a gymnast on steroids but the main thing is I won. I’d highly recommend the experience but I would not recommend wearing a dress while doing it. Definitely a one off 😅
Looking forward to the Rugby World Cup starting this weekend because I think my chances at a formula one career would be short lived. To be fair, Ireland still hasn’t called so I am open to offers. I even went swimming this week in a 2M deep pool. Fun fact- I am not 2M tall so that’s impressive for me but you gotta celebrate the little wins. Basically I’m less Ariel atom and more Ariel Mermaid🧜‍♀️
Another wedding this weekend so looking forward to celebrating in the sunshine.
Hope you have a lovely weekend and make the most of the dry weather.

Lou(is) Hamilton ,


Good luck to all the A-level students receiving results today!
Although exam results are not the end of the world,I know how important they mean to some people so please be kind to yourselves and others getting results this week and next.
As someone who did some serious Sunday journeys to Belfast on the 273, I learnt a few things:

1. University isn’t the answer for everyone.
2. Holylands living isn’t as appealing as it seems unless you like slugs and have no issues with damp (are you a frog?)
3. Freshers 15 is real. As is the postgraduate 20. 👀
4. Just because someone goes to University, it does not mean they have common sense.
5. Be proud of what you do achieve. I got a ‘C’ in my chemistry A-level and it’s still the proudest result I’ve ever gotten. (Not sure what bribery or witchcraft was involved but I didn’t ask).

Whether you are celebrating or commiserating this week, look out for each other. Also, the Podiatry profession is very short staffed so please consider it. We’re actually dead on and the sooner you join, the sooner I can retire 😂

Good vibes only,



Happy Father’s Day to all the father figures out there👨‍👦


Good luck to everyone running the Belfast City Marathon today!

RCPod and HOKA announce 1-year endorsement partnership 12/04/2023

I’m not saying I’m an influencer BUT two weeks after I buy a pair of Hoka*, the Royal College of Podiatry announce a one year partnership with the shoe brand 🤷🏼‍♀️ My only question is: when do I get my discount?

*For anyone wondering: Yes they were very comfortable but no, they didn’t seem to make me run any faster. Will have to see what brand Sonic wears.

RCPod and HOKA announce 1-year endorsement partnership The Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) and HOKA have today announced a one-year partnership that will see the College endorse 10 categories of the brand's running and trail shoes in the UK


.F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Yes technically it’s Saturday morning but half of you are still sleeping so don’t start on me.
I was busy touring yesterday so didn’t have time to post.
FTF is live from Manchester this weekend as we are over here celebrating the other half’s 30th birthday(need that life insurance sorted asap).
Now I will always prefer rugby or GAA (or quidditch once we sort out the logistics) but my football knowledge has a direct correlation with how long we’ve been together and I have to say the old Trafford stadium tour was very enjoyable even for non fans/ reluctant partners of fans. Was one of my personal highlights of the tour watching someone fall down the final three steps of stairs? Yes, yes it was but it’s ok to laugh when they are young and able to walk it off. And I waited until he couldn’t see me before I started laughing so I’m basically a saint. Speaking of, Easter weekend this weekend meaning a long weekend and the end of Lent so I’m back on the meat and chocolate. Any chocolate turkeys out there better beware…
Heading to my first Man Utd match today. It’s on at 12.30 on BT sports and I’ll be at the Stretford end incase anyone tries to spot me. I will be the one chuckling as I remember that boy from yesterday 😅
The sun is shining on us all this weekend so have a brilliant Easter, wear sun cream and stay safe.

And that’s the tea,


The Irish Mirror had an article this weekend saying that “Mum” is the most used word that Irish people use when referring to their mother. Pretty sure they haven’t been asking the right people because it’s 100% “Ma” and that’s a fact.
Another fact is that Dumbo’s mother makes me cry but that’s a story for another day.
Hope all those in mothering roles get shown some well deserved appreciation today and every day 💐
As always, a special shout out to Ma™️ for all the love, support and Chip Thursdays (if you know, you know).

Always Ma to me,


.F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.

I was about to start writing a St. Patrick’s day post when I remembered that it was a Friday and I am off work so it officially makes this a Free Time Friday post! What a day.
No exciting plans today as I have two more masters modules to finish up before the end of this semester so I’m using the free time when I can. By procrastinating as much as possible (hence the post). To be fair, I’ve had plenty of St. Paddy’s celebrations, my most interesting one probably being the one I spent in Boston that ended up on a US Navy ship that was hosting some party with a crowd of well dressed navy wives and the mayor of Boston while I was dressed in a heap of plastic paddy paraphernalia 🙈 it’s probably best that social media wasn’t as massive then but it would have been nice to have solid proof of this to show people when I’m institutionalised.
No other craic- completed my first ever park run last week after graduating from the Bangor Couch 2 5k programme, so I am hoping to keep the momentum up by running more regularly. I’d say I’m doing it for fitness but really it’s a great excuse to have to buy more trainers. I’ve always been one for recommending ASICs but I’m hoping to test out a pair of HOKA very shortly. This would be a great time to be an influencer to get free stuff or to have a sugar daddy (or both) but until then I think I’ll just keep on trying to live my best life.
Our daffodils are in full bloom which is a good sign that the garden is going to start looking decent again. Reminder-17th March is when you’re meant to plant your spuds for all you green thumb folks out there. And if you’re green toed…I’d probably recommend a course of antibiotics and a visit to your local Podiatry Department 👀

Have a safe St.Paddy’s!

Make mine a cup of tea,


Valentine’s Day is a day to acknowledge all that you love.

Things I love to see:
Ireland winning the rugby at the weekend ❤️‍🔥

Things I don’t love to see:
Conan eating the steak pie that was left out for my dinner 🫣

Happy Valentine’s Day folks.
Anyone want a dog?


This is an old News article but still very relevant to the work Podiatry departments work with today. It’s not just cutting nails 😬


Smile if you finished your module assignment in time for NYE! 😁

Well to be honest I think Conan is more excited because he thought I'd disappeared into the study forever and so did I for the last few days 😅 But every night has a dawn and I managed to get it finished up with three days left of the holiday. So ofcourse I spent today doing some DIY and tidying the house to get some good feng shui going for 2023.

No crazy plans tonight except relaxing by the fire and recapping on the year. I just want to thank everyone who got in touch this year looking advice or offering advice or who just wanted more free time Fridays 😅
So I will leave yous all tonight to enjoy your festivities and please if you are out and about, please watch out for each other 🙏

Happy 2023,


. F. R. E. E. T. I. M. E. F. E. S. T. I. V. I. T. I. E. S.

Time to breath...
Happy holidays friends 🤶
I don't know about you all but it definitely felt like this Christmas has came at us very quickly but also we are all ready for a break so God knows what is happening with the world.

Starting the festivities meeting old friends as well as getting back in to the kitchen for whipping up some mulled wine and egg nogg-it's important to stay hydrated after all 👀

It has been a busy few weeks at work as well as getting Covid for the first time and trying to finish one of my Masters modules (still not done but such is life). On top of that, my phone has decided to give up the ghost so apologies to any messages I may have missed.
And then there was the week of slipping around on ice. So it might not be a white Christmas but to be honest I'm happy enough not to be out driving on roads that make me feel like a bowling ball going down a lane with no barriers up 🙈
But as one of my neighbours pointed out when I was walking Conan one very frosty morning: "At least his poo will be easier to lift on the ice". So remember - there is ALWAYS a silver lining 😅😅

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas break and a very prosperous New Year. Stay safe🙏

See you in 2023,


Happy Halloween everyone! It’s a wet one out there so if you’re out trick or treating, or watching fireworks make sure to bring a brolly ☂️
Although we planted a pumpkin this year(Paisley), unfortunately he didn’t make the journey from green to orange in time and so we had to import. But I’m quite proud of them so I don’t mind too much. And poor Paisley will meet his maker some day as he is being eyed up for a pie and soup. I’ll also replant some of his seeds so his dynasty will live on.
So Pamela and Pedro will guard the house tonight as well as Conan who is feeling sorry for himself as his Superman costume from last year no longer fits (know the feeling son). But he has his cape on and has so far gave candy to 3 witches,1 Harry Potter, 1 skeleton and a Podiatrist…. That last one may have been me 👀

Hocus Pocus, I have no focus


Hate mentioning Christmas so early but it’s for charity so you can’t @ us!
Our chosen charity this year is The Barn Animal rescue in Newtonards which is great because I’m basically bribing them to let me pet the dogs.
Please feel free to get in touch if you’ve any items to donate.

❄️ Avalon Christmas Appeal 2022 ❄️

It might not even be Christmas yet but we are already organising our annual charity appeal. This year, we are asking for donations for The Barn animal rescue in newtonards with 16th December being your last chance to drop off items. We know everyone is feeling the pinch this year so please do not feel pressure into filling your own shoe box (our usual tradition)- we will gladly take single/bag of items and gather them together for delivery. We will also provide the option this year to accept cash donations and deliver the amount along with the other donations just in time for Christmas.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch ☺️


Happy International Podiatry Day to all Podiatrists from all over the world. Be proud of this unique and vital profession. Lets work together for a better future for this profession. Be part of FIP. Join us to harmonize Podiatry in Europe and beyond. Together we achieve more 🥰🦶


Good luck to everyone receiving their A-Level results today!

Photos from LMC FootCare's post 30/07/2022

🌈 Happy Belfast Pride! 🥳

I had a lovely time watching the Belfast Pride parade today with all the fantastic floats and outfits.Of course I had to check out some of the footwear as well- I don’t think I could handle some of them heels 😅

I hope everyone out celebrating tonight have a safe but memorable time!


Decided to have a wee nose around Real Madrid stadium when I spotted this golden boot.
An example of form over function. Would not recommend wearing this shoe. Still better than Primark uggs though so will award it 3/10 because it is shiny.
Too harsh?
Let me know your thoughts.


.F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Today is LMC FootCare’s official three year anniversary and what better way to celebrate than a FTF! I mean, cake is definitely the better way but beggars can’t be choosers. So instead of a nice piece of cake please enjoy some peas in a pod to celebrate three years with this pod 🙋🏼‍♀️ Thank you all for your continuing support over the years 👏🏻 👏🏻

The hot but wet weather has meant our vegetables are really going places these days and I’m very proud of the peas as it’s our first time growing them. Praying they survive a week on their own next week when we are off partying in Madrid. I’m also praying I survive. Now taking bets on who is going to wither and dry up first 😂
Spoiler: it’s me.

Here’s to another three,



Happy Father’s Day!

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Videos (show all)

Happy New Year!We sang Auld Lang Syne while celebrating a friend’s wedding last night so just like a Shetland pony, I’m ...
No house calls this evening so managed to get a few laps done of the pitches after work. Great seeing more of the public...
(Not so) .F.R.E.E. .T.I.M.E. .F.R.I.D.A.Y.The unthinkable happened today as I had to actually do some work 😱 Being on a ...






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Avalon Foot Care Avalon Foot Care
87 Loopland Drive
Belfast, BT69DW

Podiatry/Chiropody clinic in East Belfast treating foot pain through manual therapy aswell as routine podiatry. Part of the Avalon Chiropractor Clinic.

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