Zoe Ellen Fox

Heart Healing and Soul Growth | Intuitive, Writer, Creator, Thinker, Feeler, Energy Healer, Wife, Mother and Spirit Led Facilitator of Self Healing.



A year of wild possibilities and high energy. Serving as a strong invitation to take empowered accountability over our actions.

In numerology it’s a powerful year 8.

2+0+2+4 = 8

A year for walking deep in both our spirit and earthly realms and it holds the energy for powerful manifestations.

It’s a year for really manoeuvring with intention.

Be intentional in your actions, creations and be intentional about your rest and reflection.

Self awareness will enable you to be intentional about your manifestations.

Energy flows where your attention goes. What’s got your attention? A question to come back to often.

It’s a year to buckle up and behold just how magnetic we are.

When less than idea circumstances manifest use them as a guide for deep reflection and take the wisdom forward on your path.

Envision the collective power of our heart lead, intentional action and how that will manifest in our collective experience.

Have a beautiful year ahead. ✨

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 13/12/2023

Small acts of love to grow an enlightened world is the name of this weeks blog post and it illuminates some ways that we can contribute to a more loving and healed world.

These were some of the key points…

What other things can we all offer for a more loving and compassionate world? Let me know in the comments ❤️✨


So much heaviness in the world, so many of us feeling powerless. After a nudge from spirit I posted a free mini meditation to help you connect to feelings of love that you can then push out to cloak our planet and all that live on her. I find it helpful, I hope you will too.

I know life is busy for so many of us, so it’s less then 15 minutes long. In that short time it will help you feel the frequency of love and expand it out to the planet so that we can contribute our personal energy field in a loving way to the collective. 🙏🏾✨🌍 ☮️

Link below…


Hey beautiful one, I’ve just published a new blog post opening up about my decades-long journey of healing, awakening and connection to something bigger.

I truly believe in the power of sharing our personal stories with courage... Even when societal programming urges us to restrain our full authenticity. Which can leave us feeling stuck, alone and unfulfilled.

Courageous vulnerability not only heals us individually but also connects us to others who feel the same or share the same experiences, helping us to feel more connected and less alone.

I am leaning into putting the ego aside, caring less about what people think and honouring the unconventional parts within me so that others might feel empowered to do the same.

In my blog “Through Hell and Back Again, How Trauma Led Me to Spiritual Awakening” I share pivotal moments along my path - like enduring a spinal cord injury in 2020 that became an initiation, awakening my commitment to spiritual service.

If you feel drawn I invite you to read more on my website link below.

Do you feel any nudges inside that now is the time to give breath and light to unseen pieces of who you are becoming? I'd love for this to be a safe, nurturing space for our shared evolution and community growth.

Let me know in the comments if you can relate.

Big Love



With everything happening in the world, I know so many of us are hurting. When we see people suffering, we suffer too. The trauma feels intensely personal like it's happening to our own family. Many of us feel powerless questioning how can this happen in 2023.

As empaths and highly sensitive people, feeling this collective pain so deeply connects us all, but it can also feel heavy and overwhelming. My heart grieves over the devastating loss of innocent lives. The lack of conflict resolution feels barbaric.

I believe we all have the power to shape the world with our energy. So we can turn our focus on lifting up our community, donating to organisations helping facilitate peace and humanitarian aid, and creating art and writing from a heart-centered place of love.

Darkness thrives on division and pain. Our light thrives through compassion and unity. If we turn our empathy into action - no matter how small - we can drive out darkness together.

The world needs your light.

Big love


Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 05/10/2023

I had the privilege of speaking at a Black History Month event today at Yahoo

Thanks to Lou Nylander for her awesome moderation skills and for inviting me on to the panel.

Such a honour sit alongside these amazing women to discuss life as thriving Black women in a modern world.

Black women are often unjustly undervalued, underappreciated, and underrepresented, yet they consistently extend a hand to those in need.

I am deeply fortunate to have an abundance of exceptional Black women in my life, women radiating power, love, passion, creativity and empowerment. My heart holds deep gratitude for each one that has taken my hand and propelled me forward.

In a world that can often appear oblivious to our struggles, these incredible women see me, just as I see them. They shine brilliantly, like guiding stars amidst the challenges of racism, sexism, misogyny, and misogynoir. They declare, “I see you, my sister; come, let me hold your hand.” Yet in a world where recognition and worthiness are battles we constantly fight, who else is there on hand to grasp our hands and elevate us?

A special salute to the trailblazers, the pioneers, and the change-makers who became activists by virtue of the skin they were born in. This Black History Month, let us celebrate and honour my sisters who illuminate the way. 🙌🏾

In the comments tag or shout out a black woman that you want to salute this Black History Month 🖤


I love heading into Autumn 🍂 being an equinox baby it’s defo one of my fave seasons. Full of heart, depth richness, metaphor and seasonal wisdom.

Like a proud farmer at harvest assessing the accomplishments of the year so far, I’ve been reflecting on the seeds I planted earlier in the year.

It’s been a year that’s taken me out of my comfort zone and helped me to confront some limiting beliefs that dwelled deep within, fossilised by the trauma of my past.

So many of us are playing small, limited by patterns that have formed as a result of what we’ve been through and the stories that we tell ourselves.

Who could we be if we decided to take a chance to move beyond these patterns?

This year I pushed my comfort zone even further and expanded my possibilities. It’s way surpassed my expectations.

One of my fave moments from this year was speaking at to around 130 people. Old me would never! Old me is proud.

Autumn is an opportunity for us to lose the leaves that were once vibrant and green but have now served their purpose, so that we can make way for new growth to emerge come spring.

This time next year you could be reaping an abundant harvest and surprising yourself at what you’ve experienced. What would an epic year look like for you?

Share one thing that made you proud so far this year? Something you overcame, something you did outside the norm? Let’s inspire one another.

Shout to and to for the 📸

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 03/10/2023

September was a beautiful month filled with love, connection, gratitude and celebration.

I’m usually very low key on my birthday but this year it only felt right to honour my big 40 and what I’ve overcome to be standing here today.

My beloveds went all out to make it feel like a truly special solar return. 🌞

Big love to all the beautiful souls that have contributed to a magical month. So grateful for all the special people in my life.

Happy October pumpkins🍁

#40 ♍️

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 15/09/2023

In pictures: Huge thank you to and the incredible for having me speak last night at BT Group to an audience of around 130 people.

Such great energy and so many wonderful people in the room.

So many inspiring and empowering stories were shared last night in celebration of the achievements of people like us in media, comms and marcoms.

It was great to talk about my podcast HER Power and share my journey of overcoming challenges and trauma, finding purpose and connecting to my potential.

Shout out to for creating the vibe and happy birthday fellow Virgo!

Big love to and for connecting me with People Like Us and always supporting me ❤️


I’ve got a big birthday coming up next month. I’ve been reflecting a lot. I’m so excited about this decade. I’m walking in to it with so much clarity, so little anxiety and fear and I have a beautiful and empowering sisterhood surrounding me.

It’s funny, I’ve been grafting for a decade forging a new path a way from corporate banking, attempting to walk a path that is authentic and aligned with me. I’ve had hiccups, fertility challenges, dead ends, failures, false starts, realisations and spinal cord injury!

I’ve pushed through the comfort zone time and time again. Every challenge leading me closer to be exactly where I meant to be. I’ve had a sense that I’m working up to a crescendo, only to realise that I wasn’t at some peak end point, I was actually at the beginning. Life can be like that, if my years have taught me anything it’s that we think we know everything and have everything sussed, when in actual fact we know very little at all. We can gain so much by assuming the position of being a student of life. Being willing to learn from every less than ideal situation or circumstance.

My healing journey has been long, layered and arduous, starting really with the death of my boyfriend when I was just 18. There haven’t been any short cuts. No big budgets no retreats, no healers, it’s been healing on a shoe string. No doubt the healing journey is that bit easier when you have the resources to invest, but it’s not impossible if you lack resources. Trust in your own power and possibilities.

The universe is capable of surprising us in unimaginable ways. If we can learn to trust, surrender, quieten the noise of the outside world enough to fine tune our inner guidance system it’s astonishing what is waiting to evolve. Zone out and tune in, the power and answers live within.

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 22/08/2023

Nice little feature on about our trip to with thanks to

The asked us about why the trip was important and what changes we hope to see in the industry. Swipe to read my thoughts on being a disabled woman of colour in Cannes. I might have said super a few times. Lol. Big love lollipop for a Super time ❤️

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 04/08/2023

It's natural to avoid danger, but are we unknowingly holding ourselves back from reaching our true potential due to outdated patterns and shadow aspects?

Fears from our past can embed themselves in our subconscious, limiting our growth. The healing journey requires courage to explore what lies beyond our shadows.

Are unseen barriers hindering your connection to your potential? Check out latest episode as we explore this topic.

Catch the latest episode of Her Power the podcast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Full article summary in on my website. Links to website comments.

Oracle card from Goddesses, Gods and Guardians deck by the wonderful Sophie Bashford

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 27/07/2023

So grateful for the incredible experience at the 'A Colourful View From The Top' Mutual Mentoring Event.

Thanks to lollipop mentoring I had the privilege of connecting with pioneering leaders of colour from diverse industries, thanks to the book 'A Colourful View From The Top,' curated by Jonathan Mildenhall

The insights and guidance received during this event were truly invaluable. I feel more inspired and empowered than ever on my purpose led mission to help women connect to their potential despite the challenges they may face.

The support and affirmation from these accomplished leaders has given me the confidence to aim higher and keep going

Thank you to Twenty First Century Brand and the mentors who made this event possible.

It's incredible to be part of a community that celebrates diversity and mentorship. I’m so grateful to be at a stage of my life where this access is possible. It’s been a lonely road as an underrepresented woman making my way.

Excited for the possibilities ahead!

Here’s to everyone uplifting and empowering each other for a more inspired and representative future 🙌🏾✨

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 20/07/2023

Last night was epic! Speaking to the Wildflowers of London HQ community on Flourishing Through Challenges, The Road to Resilience.

When you've lived your life, you don't necessarily realise the potential you have to empower others through your own story. Because it's just your life, right?

When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and authentic, we connect on a human level in a deep and transformative way. When we share our experiences, others can see themselves in those stories and say, "yeah, me too."

Feeling less alone and more connected increases our capacity to embrace our true potential. Seeing what's possible in others helps us visualise what might be possible for ourselves too.

There's power in you. There's power in your story.

Big love to all the beautiful humans in attendance 🙏🏾

Thank you to the fabulous Lou Nylander for the opportunity. 🙌🏾

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 17/07/2023

I’m so looking forward to sharing with the beautiful Wildflowers of London HQ community.

I’ll be sharing my road to resilience and how we can flourish despite our challenges.

I’ll be sharing my 5 stage Inner World Alchemy framework to help you turn your wounds into wisdom and get you connecting to your potential regardless of what the world throws your way.

There are 10 more tickets available until we’re at capacity.

I’d love to see you there.

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 30/06/2023

What a privilege it was to represent this year as a part of

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to for creating . It has genuinely transformed my life. This incredible platform has provided me with the network and mentorship I've always dreamed of. It arrived precisely when I was navigating yet another pivot in my journey as I began to rebuild my life after my injury and in-line with my purpose and mission to help other women to connect to their potential despite the adversity they face.

Thanks to lollipop I’ve been fortunate enough to meet all powerful and inspiring women who have all gone above and beyond to lend support, wisdom, opportunities, time and encouragement. 🙏🏾

Let’s hope people catch wind of the magic of and proudly invest in supporting the cause. It’s a sad world that they do such life changing work and yet received no funding for their running since last year. If anyone knows anyone that can help please get in touch.

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 29/06/2023

Exciting News! I'm excited to be speaking at the next Wildflowers of London HQ event on my specialist subject "Flourishing Through Challenges: The Road to Resilience"

I'll be joining this incredible gathering, sharing my insights and guiding women on turning our wounds into wisdom.

As the Founder of the "Inner World Alchemy" framework and a host of Her Power Podcast, I engage in therapeutic conversations, sharing my own experiences as a woman navigating traumas and challenges while striving to connect with my potential.

Here are the event details:
🗓 Date: Wednesday, 19th July 2023
⏰ Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
📍 Address: St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace - The Nave, 78 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4AG

Your ticket will grant you access to an heart centred evening at St Ethelburga's Centre, where you'll be welcomed with drinks and nibbles. You'll also secure a front-row seat to hear me share my insights on how to flourish through challenges and navigate the path to transformation after trauma. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to connect with a warm and inspiring community of women through friendly networking.

Wildflowers of London, take pride in their commitment to making a positive impact. By purchasing a ticket for this event, you'll not only experience an incredible evening but also contribute to Spinal Injuries Association. They are a charity close to my heart, dedicated to helping individuals with spinal cord injuries lead more fulfilled lives. ♿️

I can't wait to meet you all and share this transformative journey together. Let's flourish through challenges and embrace the power of resilience! 🙌🏾

Link to tickets in the comments


What an 8 months it has been. A series of synchronistic events connected me to the Hay House Diverse Wisdom Programme and it’s has been positively life changing.

For the past 8 months, I’ve poured my heart and soul into a book proposal that has the power to ignite inspiration in women who have faced life’s challenges, experienced setbacks, and struggled to tap into their true potential. It’s a project driven by my belief that we all deserve to overcome obstacles, regain confidence, and unlock our limitless capabilities. I can’t wait to share this transformative journey with you!

We have heard from powerful authors and mentors such as David R Hamilton PhD Sonia Choquette Suzy Ashworth to name a few. And a special mention to Dr Deborah Egerton

I have been guided in mentorship by the phenomenal Sophie Bashford who has provided the perfect divine feminine space to contain us through this evolution ✨

Formed forever friendships within the cohort and had the pleasure to create alongside powerful diverse voices from across the world. From UK 🇬🇧 to JA 🇯🇲 to USA 🇺🇸 and DR 🇩🇴

All thanks to Jessica Huie MBE who spoke up when she felt a lack of representation and created the programme to address that. Jessica built the table that I now sit 🙏🏾❤️

Big love to Hay House team for sharing your knowledge, resources and walking the talk to amplifying diverse voices.

Truly grateful.

Are you ready to embark transformative journey of self-discovery, where you can turn your wounds into wisdom and step into your true power? ✨


Last week in Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity I had the privilege of sharing my story with the Cannes audience.

Photos from Zoe Ellen Fox's post 21/06/2023

Day 1 at with was amazing.

I had a breakfast meeting on a yacht discussing the impact of AI on creativity, data and the work place.

I was also invited to film a segment with the Cannes Lions team. I was interviewed by the lovely on my life, experience and creativity.

Grabbed a cooling drink Manifestival on the beach and my love for Pinterest grew with their consideration for people’s accessibility requirements.

Closed up the afternoon with with drinks and canapés on the terrace.

It’s fair to say it is a challenge for me physically to navigate the scale of the event so I am having to submit to my FOMO and sit some stuff out.

So grateful to for bringing me out here! Such powerful work this organisation is doing yet they have received no funding since last year! So if you’re connected to any organisations that are looking for a great project to invest in please let them know about Lollipop who and helping to change the lives of black women.


Excited to be heading to Festival of Creativity next week, surrounded by a powerhouse of talented individuals and inspiring organisations!

Joining forces with amazing partners like , , , and , we're heading on this adventure starting Monday. I cannot contain my excitement!

The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is a annual event dedicated to celebrating creativity and innovation. The place to be for all the visionaries out there. ✨

I'm this trip marks my first one as a disabled traveler. I want to thank for their unwavering support and advocacy. They've gone above and beyond to ensure my peace of mind.

While at the festival, I'm looking forward to:

🎙️ Inspiring Talks and Panels: Cannes Lions attracts influential speakers, industry leaders, and creative visionaries who share their insights and experiences.

🤝 Networking Opportunities: The event brings together professionals from diverse backgrounds, including advertising agencies, brands, media companies, and technology firms. Countless opportunities for fruitful connections await!

🌟 Creative Inspiration: Cannes Lions offers the most innovative and captivating works from around the globe.

I can't wait to soak up all the inspiration and knowledge while also having the chance to share my own creative journey. As a podcaster, I'm especially hype to catch the incredible speaking on 'Authenticity, Bravery, and Creativity: How Audio Drives Connection.'

And that's not all! Will I Am and Spike Lee, as well as exciting brands such as Meta, Vaynermedia, Pinterest, Spotify, TikTok, and more will be there.

I can’t wait to share my trip with you 🎉✨



Really looking forward to have the opportunity to speak to the Wildflowers community.

Tickets available at lnkd.in/ekZPYBi9

🔊🔊🔊Tickets are out for our next event - in July with the amazing .e.fox!

So excited as we will be at fabulous and beautiful venue called and have great snacks from - link in comments! 🌷⚡🎉


🌟 Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day 🌟

Today is Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day and today also marks two years since I was admitted to the London Spinal Cord Injury Centre to begin my rehab after a long and challenging 13 month wait due to being injured at the beginning of the pandemic, when the country went into lockdown.

My spinal cord injury has had such an impact on my life and led me on an incredible journey.

It catapulted me into a purpose-driven mission to support and uplift other women on their healing journeys.

In adversity I found the strength and resilience to transform my own pain into purpose.

Through my personal experiences and deep inner work, I developed the Inner World Alchemy framework, a transformative guide designed to help women navigate through trauma and challenges and reclaim their power.

Living with a spinal cord injury comes with its unique set of challenges, but I have discovered that having a strong sense of purpose is a powerful force that keeps me motivated and excited about life.

It fuels my determination to create positive change and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others. 💫❤️

By sharing my story and offering support through the Inner World Alchemy framework, I aim to inspire and empower women to embrace their own healing journeys, transcend their pain, and create a life full of self-confidence, inspiration, and possibilities.

Together, we can rise above the limitations that disability and trauma may present and cultivate a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. 🌟

On this let us raise awareness about spinal cord injury and the incredible resilience of those living with them.

I am celebrating the strength and determination of people who continue to find purpose and meaning in their lives, despite the challenges they face. 🙌🏾

If you or someone you know has been impacted by a spinal cord injury, know that there is hope, support, and a community ready to embrace you. Together, we can turn our pain into power and transform our lives in unimaginable ways. 💖🦋

*Picture at the London Spinal Cord Injury Centre in the beautiful Horatio's Garden 2021


Really looking forward to having the opportunity to speak with and her wonderful Facebook community of empowered women tomorrow.


🎉 Happy Graduation Anniversary to me! 🎉

7 years ago today, I graduated from with a counselling qualification that completely changed my life and perspective. When I started the course, I didn't know what to expect, but it quickly became something I was deeply passionate about. After seeing the amazing benefits of healing my own mind, I knew I had to learn as much as I could to help others do the same.

As I'm writing my book proposal, I've been reflecting on my journey, especially the most challenging aspects of my experience. Did you know that 64% of people in the UK have experienced at least one form of trauma? It's a staggering statistic, but I hope I can add a little contribution to the potential for collective healing by sharing my own experiences and the framework I've built so we can work together to heal.

I've spent the last few years building a framework and testing it with women who have their own experiences of emotional pain, and seeing them generate their own transformation has been encouraging and put a fire in my belly to connect with more women who feel stuck after trauma. I can't wait to share more details with you soon!

If you're on a journey of healing from trauma, know that you're not alone. Let's support each other and heal together with love and solidarity. In the comments below, I'd love to hear about your most challenging experiences with healing. Whether it's financial resources, not knowing where to start, or simply feeling discomfort in your day-to-day life, let's discuss and support each other. 💛

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Videos (show all)

8 months in the making and my book proposal has been submitted to the publisher 🙌🏾
Healing isn’t easy
Healing isn’t easy, but it’s worth it
Be gentle with yourself
HER Power Podcast 2023 Themes





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Chelsey Fray Reiki & Healing Therapy Chelsey Fray Reiki & Healing Therapy
Coles Lane, Sutton Coldfield
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DrAyurveda DrAyurveda
145 High Street West Bromwich
Birmingham, B706NY

Want to know anything about Ayurveda, we will provide all the information here, stay connected.