
Helping busy individuals achieve a happier healthier lifestyle by providing online fitness coaching.

The advances of technology and various training methods brings you new, fun and exciting ways to become fitter and healthier than ever before. Having the freedom to exercise from home, in a gym or at the park has never been so easy. Online training helps fitness become a part of your daily routine – no matter how busy you are! Whether on your laptop or your phone, our digital fitness coaching provides flexibility and expert knowledge at an affordable price.


When it comes to working out, you know that what you do in the gym is important. But what you do outside the gym — what you eat, what you drink, and especially how you sleep, is just as crucial. In fact, you must sleep in order for exercise to actually work.

We exercise for a purpose: for cardiovascular health, to increase lean muscle mass, to improve endurance, and more. All of these ‘goals’ require sleep. Without sleep, exercise does not deliver those benefits.

“If you don’t sleep, you undermine your body.”

Sleep gives your body time to recover, conserve energy, and repair and build up the muscles worked during exercise. When we get enough good quality sleep, the body produces growth hormone. During childhood and adolescence, growth hormone makes us grow — as the name implies. When we are older, it helps us build lean muscle and helps our body repair when we have torn ourselves up during a hard workout. Growth hormone is essential for athletic recovery.

The problem is that we have a major issue when it comes to sleep: More than 30 percent of us are sleep-deprived, which means we’re not getting the recommended seven to eight hours a night required for adults. And that means more than 20 million are sabotaging their own fitness goals too.

Exercise has a chemical effect on the brain. Physical activity creates more adenosine in the brain, and adenosine makes us feel sleepy. (Fun fact: Adenosine is the chemical that caffeine blocks to make you feel more alert.)

“The harder we work out, the more driven we are by this chemical to sleep.”

So next time you’re up watching your favourite series on Netflix, think about how much this is holding you back!

Photos from Academy5ive's post 27/11/2023


Working with my client in the build up to her summer holiday. Like most clients, it was a little bit of a last minute decision but none the less the results were pretty amazing.

The agenda to get her weight down before the holiday included training 3 times a week, keeping activity levels high by getting the steps in (10k a day) and carefully planning meals to ensure she was keeping to a calorie deficit.

The hardest part to keeping to the diet was reducing the cups of tea. Often having 6-8 cups a day with 3 sugars in each was bit of an addiction. Danni’s calorie intake on cups of tea alone each week was 2,688cals. That was the equivalent of more than an extra days worth of food.

There was a few hiccups along the way but with perseverance 9 weeks later and she had lost a total of 6kg and went from a dress size 12 to a 10.

If you need help with with dropping a dress size, losing weight and toning up… I deliver the results you deserve.

Take the first step and contact me by either direct message or click the link in my bio.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 20/11/2023


How to lose over 33kg and get into the best shape of your life! My client Luqman did.

Luqman first came to me desperate for help on how he could get back into shape and starting regaining control of his life again. His very busy lifestyle lead to poor choices with food and failing to prioritise what was important.

Luqman started a new business venture that required lots of time and dedication in order to see his new found plans through. The sheer amount and time he dedicated to his work was admirable and all his time and efforts were paying off.

Unfortunately this wasn’t the same for his health or family life. During the months of getting his business started, Luqman was choosing convenient meal options that he could eat on the move. Sometimes this included take aways, syrup rich coffees and the comfort of a cake every now and again. Due to Luqman dedication to his work, he failed to notice how unhealthy he was becoming and was putting on quite significant amounts of weight in a very short period of time.

9 months later and Mohammed had over 30kg to loose to get back to any type of normal weight for his age, height and build.

This is when he turned to me for help… After assessing the obstacles that Luqman was facing; not enough time, food choices and not enough activity throughout the day. I put a plan in place that helped he regain some structure and this was the result…

Luqman lost over 33kg whilst with me and dropped 10” off his waist line in an 18 month period.

If you can relate to this and you’re suffering like Luqman was, then send me a DM with the word “HEALTHY”.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 15/11/2023


A slice of almond butter toast gets topped with roasted grapes for a sweet, nutty bite. This three-ingredient twist on a classic peanut butter and jelly makes for a quick and tasty breakfast or snack.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 04/11/2023


Lisa came to me in desperation after she gained excess weight and she was finding it increasingly difficult to shift it!

Lisa didn’t have very much free time due to juggling a young child and running her own business. She’s had done some exercise at home before but had had very little idea of what to do to get the results that she wanted and minimal kit to perform the exercises.

After prescribing home workouts for Lisa for the first couple of months, we then introduce gym workouts to maximise the benefits, build confidence and speed up the results. Just under 12 months later, Lisa was looking and feeling a lot different.

She was…

• physically fitter
• increased energy levels
• in better health
• slim and more defined physique
• more body confident

Reach out and get in touch by sending me a DM or click the link in my bio for a free consultation with no obligation to sign up!

⇩Click the Link⇩

Photos from Academy5ive's post 04/11/2023

There are so many dimensions to consider when you think about how eating influences our health. Food nourishes our bodies, but it also plays a role in our social lives, our emotional health, and our overall happiness. Nutrition books explore these things and help us better understand how food affects us, without giving one-size-fits-all advice.

Diet and recipe books, on the other hand, often tend to ignore the complexities of food. They typically follow the trope of identifying a problem and prescribing the reader a clearly defined solution. There’s no shortage of these books out there, so I’ve compiled my top five choices that I feel will be suitable for most individuals.

Nutrition books often seem less appealing than diet and recipe books at face value—they don’t promise to solve all your problems—but they’re far more worthwhile in the long term.

These carefully selected 5 books will help get you into some healthy eating habits but nutrition books will give you a better grasp of how food affects your physical, mental, and emotional health. From that understanding, you can then determine what the best way of eating might be for you. However it will need you to commit to a level of ownership to establish what works best for you.

These following five books are a great place to start. They don’t try to sell you on the supposed virtues or evils of certain foods or nutrients, nor do they suggest that you overhaul your own lifestyle to mimic one from another culture, time, or circumstance. These diet and recipe books literally map everything out for you, all you have to do is following the recipe. There’s literally no thinking involved.

So my ultimate recommendation is “Nutrition for Dummies” on the very first slide. But if you’ve not got the time to invest then my five other choices are better than getting all wrong.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 01/11/2023


Some say my online training packages are “as cheap as chips”. Prices start from as little as £3.61/per day, which is cheaper than a bag of chips and cheaper than a coffee.

So what more could you ask for? An expert trainer on hand 24/7 to guide you through every step of the way. Whether you’re wanting to lose weight; tone up, build muscle or just generally improve your fitness levels. I have a HUGE 96% success rate of delivering results - so start working towards the results you want and deserve.

For more information, send me a direct message or click the link in my bio.




Most of us know the important benefits of exercising on a regular basis, as not only is it great physically but also mentally. The NHS states ‘do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week’. For some, this is easily achieved but others not so much. We know how good exercising regularly is for us, but why can it be so difficult?

Despite our best intentions it can be hard to stick new fitness plan. It is easy to come up with excuses not to exercise and can be hard to motivate yourself at times. Below are my top 10 excuses for not exercising and solutions on how to overcome them.

If you haven’t found your activity yet take some time to try new things and find out what exercise you enjoy. If you don’t like the gym, maybe you would like classes or taking up a new sport.

Being busy can be stressful, we all have a lot on our plate and it can be hard to fit in exercise. But for an effective workout, you don’t need to exercise for hours. A 20-30 min session can be just as effective. Instead of trying to find time to work out, try to think: how can I make time. Any activity is better than none. Even the busiest of people find time to do activities that are important, so it’s about making exercise a priority. Try booking some time in your schedule to break from revision, meetings and daily life. How much television do you watch or how long are you on social media for? Why not set yourself a goal to not watch tv or go on social media until you have done your workout?

I know when you are tired there is nothing more you want to do than relax. However, exercising actually reduces fatigue and can boost energy levels. By completing regular exercise you will feel a lot more energised. On days you feel less energy you could go for a walk or try some yoga. Exercise when you feel most energised during the day, this can help.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 23/10/2023

Bananas are healthy, delicious, and versatile fruits. They’re full of nutrients that could help prevent constipation, improve digestive and gut health, and promote recovery from intense activity.

Eating one banana per day will provide:

12% of the DV for vitamin C
10% of the DV for potassium
8% of the DV for magnesium

Eating one banana per day is a healthy option. But since most of the calories in bananas come from carbs, eating too many bananas may result in high sugar intake, which could lead to high blood pressure.


Bananas are a nutritious, low calorie fruit that may help:

• Improve blood sugar levels
• Prevent constipation
• Improve gut, kidney, and heart health
• Aid in weight loss
• Keep you feeling full
• Support post-exercise recovery

Bananas are a common breakfast food because they are nutritious, filling, and easy to eat.

Bananas are high in carbs, they may increase blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Pairing a banana with a food that’s high in protein and fat, such as Greek yogurt, may be more beneficial.

Bananas are a popular fruit with many potential health benefits.

They may improve your digestion and heart health, thanks to their fiber and antioxidant content. Plus, they may support weight loss because they’re relatively low in calories, nutrient-dense, and filling.

Both ripe (yellow) bananas and unripe (green) bananas can satisfy your sweet tooth and help keep you healthy.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 20/10/2023


How to achieve results whilst working alongside injuries…

After a series of bouts with I’ll health, my client Emma came to me wanting to shape up. Emma’s main concerns was how she could lose any excess weight and tone up whilst working around her illness. Some of the usual elements of working out and particular exercises had to be put aside due to the inability to jump around.

A carefully planned workout regime and nutrition plan was put into place for Emma which included an independent workout regime for inside the gym and alternatives for home for the days when she didn’t feel quite as good.

As you can see, Emma went from 36% body fat down to 22% in 6 months. Emma’s new found confidence and energy levels means that we can now move forward to a more progressive plan whilst working on more specific areas of development.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 19/10/2023


Driving a Ferrari or wearing a Rolex doesn’t even come close to the feeling of body confidence - own it!

Adeel came to me with a clear set of personal goals he wanted to achieve. He wanted to bench heavier, run faster, look more muscular… and guess what? We achieved it!

Adeel increased muscle mass from 39% to 51%, he gained 11kg of body weight and felt and looked better than ever.

If you have some personal goals you would like to achieve, before holiday, before a landmark birthday, before your wedding… then reach out and make it happen.

Drop me a direct message or click the link in my bio.

⇩ Your journey starts right here ⇩

Photos from Academy5ive's post 17/10/2023


Have you ever stopped to consider the benefits of online personal training? For a lot of people, going to the gym can be an intimidating process. For others, exercising at home is simply more convenient.


Before we discuss the benefits of an online personal trainer, we will first discuss how said training actually works. 
Online personal training is a rapidly growing type of training as it allows the budget-conscious individual a convenient way to work out with certified personal trainers via the internet. Since it is a relatively new method of training, we’ll run you through how it works.


When you sign up for online personal training, an initial consultation between you and your potential personal trainer will take place. This can take place over the phone, via video call, text, or email. The benefits of an online personal fitness coach conducting initial consultations is that you’ll be able to discuss:

* Health and Fitness Goals
* Your Fitness Background
* Your Workout Preferences
* Desired Length of The Program
* Medical History

The benefits of online personal training is that your trainer will take all of the personal information that you have given in the consultations and begin to curate a personalised exercise plan, tailored specifically to you and your exercise goals. 

During training, your plan may be adapted and changed to what has initially been agreed upon. For example, after 5-weeks of consistently improving your PT may find ways to make things slightly more challenging for you. This is only done for your benefit and will allow you to continue growing and progress towards your goals.


Once all of the technical side of planning is out of the way, you’ll finally be able to put this personalised workout plan into action! As you can probably tell, one of the main benefits of an online fitness coach is that their information and guidance is readily available at your fingertips at no additional cost.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 16/10/2023


When Roger first made contact with me, he was severely over weight and lacked confidence… Not any more!

When we first started out, Roger weighed in at 121kg and had very little confidence in his ability and the way that he looked. He was quiet, didn’t say that much and wore a lot of clothing.

3 months in and Roger had dropped just under 10kg and I could see him gradually coming out of his shell. The further we went into our journey the more progression he was making. Roger wasn’t only making dramatic physical changes but his confidence was growing by the day.

Now 2yrs on and Roger has lost over 30kg and is cheekier than ever. Constantly cracking jokes, wearing less whilst training (always a sign of progress) and he always gives 100% effort on training days.

If you can relate to Roger’s journey and you want results too, then drop me a message or click the link in my bio and sign up today.

Seriously, go on! What are you waiting for, you’ve got a lot to gain.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 15/10/2023


Protein powders are a quick way to help ensure that your body is nourished and satisfied. People use them for a variety of reasons — to lose weight, to improve sports performance, build muscle mass and for overall wellness.

It’s important to know the difference between available protein powders as well as how they stack up against whole food protein sources.


You can meet your body’s daily protein requirements whether you drink shakes or eat only whole foods. However, they don’t offer equal nutrition. What you may find surprising is that shakes generally contain fewer nutrients than whole foods. For that reason, shakes may help you lose weight, but whole foods can offer bigger nutritional value.


Whey protein is one of the most commonly used proteins and is best for day-to-day use. It contains all of the essential amino acids and is easily digested. It helps boost energy and can reduce stress levels.

Whey isolates and concentrates are best to use after a workout. Soy protein is another common choice. It helps reduce high cholesterol and can ease symptoms of menopause for some women. It can also help with osteoporosis by helping build bone mass.


• Egg protein, released more slowly than whey, can be taken throughout the day.

• Milk proteins help support immune function and enhance muscle growth.

• Brown Rice protein, which is 100% plant-based, is a good choice for vegetarians or for people who don’t consume dairy products. It’s also gluten-free.

• Pea protein is highly digestible, hypo-allergenic and economical.

• H**p protein is also 100% plant-based. It’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.


To recover after exercise, an avid exerciser should consume protein within 60 minutes of a workout. That’s when your muscles are most responsive to the use of protein for the repair and growth process.

To control your weight, it’s best to consume a steady supply of protein at each meal and snack to help keep you feeling full.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 14/10/2023


University life was a big attraction for Sam and she found nothing better than having a good binge drinking session with friends after a long hard week studying. Unfortunately once we are under the influence of just a few glasses of Prosecco, it takes its toll on our ability to make wise choices. 5 or 6 cocktails later, then followed by some convenient food on the way home and before you know it… a casual evening turns into the best part of about 2500 calories later… then in the morning the reality sets in. Not only do you feel and look like you’ve been hit by a bus but you’ve potentially consumed the equivalent of 8 days worth of food in one week.

So, for Sam it was time for change. With careful planning and the introduction of new habits, more educated lifestyle choices and a prescribed exercise plan that met all her needs… we started to see some progress.

Sam went from being a size 16 to a dress size 8 and reduced her body fat to an amazing 21% in just under 16 months.

If this all sounds way too familiar, then it’s time to make that change.

Send me a direct message with the word “CHANGE” or click the link in my bio.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 10/10/2023


If you’re fed up of not growing in size and strength despite countless hours each week in the gym, read on…

Tarvez came to me after hitting a plateau with his progression and he was finding it increasingly hard to gain strength and build muscle.

After a long conversation with Tarvez, where we looked at both food and his existing exercise regime. I soon established it was purely down to to main factors; his workouts had not been changed or updated for the past 9 months and his food intake just wasn’t enough to grow. Because of this, Taz was purely maintaining and not progressing.

I prescribed a variation of different exercises specifically designed to fit inline with his goal of gaining size and strength. I equally adjusted his diet to include the right ratio of macros and increased his calorie intake to help the growth of his muscles.

This was the outcome… Tarvez gained 9kg of size and increased his muscle mass percentage from 44% to 59%.

If you’ve experienced the same issues as Taz, drop me a DM with the word “TANK”

Photos from Academy5ive's post 09/10/2023


So, you’re trying to lose some weight. You’ve been following a nutrition plan and training regularly, everything is going well and you are starting to look and feel great.


Someone asks you out for dinner and you’re worried about being able to stay on track.

This is a regular scenario and I’ve had to help hundreds of clients, so don’t stress. This my area of expertise and I can help!

It is perfectly feasible to eat out 7 nights a week and still lose weight, it just requires a little bit of planning.


If you have any say in where you eat, then choose a restaurant where you know you can eat something that will fit your needs. For example, you’ll find it difficult to find lower calorie options in a pizza restaurant where as there will probably be lots in a fish restaurant. Most restaurants these days have the calorie amounts for the menu on their website, particularly your lower budget chain type (like… Nando’s!). This will enable you to scan the menu and work out exactly what to order.


Your could order this…

Half chicken (Hot), with regular chips and coleslaw = 1331 calories.


Chicken butterfly (Hot), with regular chips and a side salad = 841 calories.

A few small changes and you could save yourself 490 calories in one small decision.


Chicken Katsu Curry = 1145 calories
Chicken Ramen Noodles = 476 calories

Calabrese Pizza = 1346 calories.
Classic Margarita Pizza = 729 calories.

On the next pics you’ll see some of our favourite take away meals from our most popular fast food restaurants.

I have put together a few meals which are low calorie options along with the last one (KFC) which is considerably higher in calories, I’d like you to look at the restaurants menu and see what adjustments can be made to this meal to reduce the overall calories down. Drop your comments and suggestions below!

If you need help with meal planning and you feel this is your biggest hurdle, all you need to do is drop me a direct message.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 06/10/2023


Pizza can be a healthy choice for many people. And yes, you can lose weight by eating pizza as long as you're eating it right! As surprising as it may sound, it's, in fact, true. You will need to portion control, use selectively healthy vegetable toppings and make your pizza healthy.

If you love pizza and balance, a slice each week with vegetables like a salad won’t be detrimental. It can actually form part of a healthy diet. However, if you start eating three or four slices (or more!) on a regular basis that is where your diet can have serious health consequences.

So, the key to keeping pizza in your diet is to eat approx quarter of the pizza and keep it to under 300cals.

An average man wanting to lose weight has a daily calorie allowance of 1900cals and an average woman wanting to lose weight has a daily calorie allowance of 1400cal.

If you keep the pizza slice to under 300cals, it would still then leave you enough calories to get you through the day and still lose weight by your next check-in.

It’s all about making healthy choices with food types and the quantities in which you consume it.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 05/10/2023


We all know how hard it can be to kick the sugar habits. We know full well that our body doesn’t need it, so why does it crave it so badly and why is it so hard kick the addiction… some would say it’s like a drug addiction that makes it impossible to function without it.

During my years as an elite coach and sports nutritionist the biggest hurdle to get over in most people was always beating the sugar cravings.


Vanilla extracts that is commonly used for baking is a great way to help you beat the addiction. You can buy it from most supermarkets and it’s usually around £1.50

Here’s how to use it… when you’re going about your day and those cravings start to creep in, especially mid afternoon when you’re starting to feel fatigued. All you need to do is simply unscrew the cap and take 2-3 really big sniffs. The vanilla extracts are so sweet, you can literally almost taste it. This is often enough to aid your fix without actually consuming sugar. Just make sure you don’t drink it! This is a great convenient way whilst at work or on the move because the bottles are usually around 36ml which is small enough to fit into pockets and handbags as and when needed.

Here are some signs you have too much sugar in the body:

• Headaches
• Irritability
• Fatigue and difficulty concentrating
• Feeling jittery or anxious
• Feeling shaky or dizzy
• Hunger.
• Bloating (which can result in stomach and chest pain in severe cases)

Here’s how to detox SUGAR from you body:

• Cut out sugary beverages like soda and fruit juices

• Choose natural sugars in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins

• Increase fiber intake with legumes and whole grains

• Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water

• Engage in regular exercise to boost metabolism

I hope this helps? If it does, simply like, share and comment. Should you need further guidance, drop me a direct message.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 04/10/2023


85% of women surveyed said that if their partner become overweight then they would consider leaving.

Let’s be honest, a little bit of weight won’t be enough to damage any strong relationship. However, the likelihood is that if you’re not keeping up with your own health and well-being, you’re probably not keeping on track with a whole lot of other things too. The more important things.

They will leave if you display signs of laziness. FACT!

One of the greatest struggles with modern society is the abundance of lazy men. While a healthy work-ethic isn’t enough to guarantee a strong relationship, it is a good prerequisite.


When a man is lazy, he often is characterized by several of the following:

1. He makes everything about him.

2. He demands the benefits but takes no responsibilities.

3. He doesn’t know your wants, desires, needs, or fears.

4. He refuses to compromise.

5. He never goes the extra mile for you even if he does for others.

6. He is full of excuses but not changes.

7. He doesn’t take his health seriously.

For more in depth information regarding these seven hot topics and how to ensure you don’t become one of them, simply message me direct.


Training your chest is great, but having a ripped back is a great way to show off to the people you leave behind.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 02/10/2023

Everyone… I want you to meet the absolute adorable bundle of fluff called Rupert. He’ll be home with us in just over 2wks. We literally cannot wait…

I’ve got a feeling you’ll be seeing him appear in some of my stories.

Photos from Academy5ive's post 08/09/2023


1. Uncomfortable back fat around the bra strap area
2. Excess weight around the abdominal area
3. Soft and sometimes wobbly inner thighs
4. Annoying fat on the backs of arms

Over the past decade I have worked with hundreds of women who all share common problem areas when it comes to losing weight and reducing body fat.

I always applaud individuals who take to the gym themselves and find the internal motivation to make a difference and work on themselves. However, it’s not always easy.

There’s nothing worse than adopting a new fitness regime; finding ways to fit it into your ever difficult daily routine, working aimlessly in the gym two or three times a week and not seeing the results that you deserve. Sometimes it’s not about how hard you work, it’s more about getting the exercises right.

Often people are drawn to the exercises which they like or have seen people perform on social media but this doesn’t mean they are the right ones to include for reaching your goals.

I wanna get you back into those sleeveless tops, make you feel confident in fitted dresses and feel comfortable with everyone looking at you as your stroll the beach in a skimpy bikini. Imagine the feeling when fellow women look at you with body envy and pass comment on how great you look!

With specialist help and direction from my online coaching - I can guarantee your journey to be a successful one. All you have to do is sign up and stick to the plan!

For more information please send me a DM (direct message) saying “Help”, or click the link below.


What are you waiting for… get in touch,
It’s free to enquire!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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This young lady Neelum, has recently joined me and is already demonstrating her sheer determination to get the results s...
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