Grandma's Pudding Co

Grandma's Pudding Co

A specialist tea room, supporting learning disabled adults. PE22 8PQ Manor bungalow, Howgarth Lane, Friskney. Lincs. No need to book apart from afternoon teas.

Our tea room is non for profit, self funded, and serves high quality teas, coffee and cake by our Assistants. we need at least 24 hours notice. The menu's change daily, but in the winter, its soups, goulash, stews, panini. In the summer the menus are lighter with an unusual range of salads, such as charred lamb and carrot salad, Shredded venison and green salad with raspberry vinaigrette drizzle,


Final reveal at 12.15. itv


If you've been watching ITV this morning, you will understand why the tearoom is closed. Back on about 11.14...i think

Photos from Grandma's Pudding Co's post 13/08/2024

Good morning. pheww.. what weather that was yesterday! The evening was as warm. We went out late at 9pm and it was still 25C so bloomin hot! Trying to keep Hope cool all night, so i opted to take her out in the car, all windows down and blow some air for her as nothing seemed to be working. She eventually settled for the night, after demolishing yet another indestructible dog toy!

As you are aware, we are closed Wednesday through to Friday, reopening on Monday. I'm away in London from Wednesday and I've made a silly mistake.. as usual. I bought myself a return train ticket... great, booked seats, straight through train, but must have some how have bought myself two! Two returns..

So, if anyone wants a trip to London on Wednesday afternoon through to Friday Afternoon, let me know. Its a free ticket. the only proviso, is that you have to sit next to me, both journeys as they are booked seats. Apart from that.. my bag will have the other seat! I've been doing that a lot lately. Checking some of my orders.. I've thought.. ooo that's a bit expensive.. gone through it and ordered two or even 3 of something... either that or its a ploy to buy more.

Anyhow, if you want the ticket, let me know.. you have to travel with me as its an E ticket, but your free to go wherever you want once we leave the train. I'm travelling to Shepherds bush.. great shopping centre there as well as lots of things to do in and around London.. you cant share my room, unless I know you very well,!!! but i can tell you where I'm staying as you may be able to get a room there too. I'm hoping to take in a show or two and eat out.. I'm travelling from Peterborough. If your impulsive.. like me.. come along! My bag will enjoy the ride, but it will travel free otherwise!!

Sam cant come with me, for all those that say, take Sam. I have to leave her alone on Thursday morning, so there is no way I would do that in London. Besides, she's with Jamie for the week.

Yesterday the assistants decided that some of the props, we had at the Skegness parade, could be used in the tearoom, so they set about changing the seating area outside.. they didn't do a bad job but haven't finished.. But it was great to see them all working together, coming up with different ideas. Emma was the lead and did very well with her ideas... not keen on the rings hanging though.. sorry guys... I'm sure we can find a better place for them!!!

So there we go.. our final day of the week has begun. Hopefully a cooler day, as it was sooooo hot yesterday.. but saying that, its hot already. All doors are open, fans going, lets just hope, things are more bearable. If not, we will have to open at nights, when the weather is cooler..... now there's an idea!!!

So that's it for now... I will update you about my London trip as it goes along. More likely Thursday afternoon.. I will see.

Don't forget the free train tickets.. let me know .. first come first serve as it were.. who is gutsy!!

See you later.

Photos from Grandma's Pudding Co's post 12/08/2024

Good morning.. .im late.. im late for a very important date!!! sorry im late this morning with all the exciting things going on yesterday, I also had to take my campervan into the garage this morning, so its been busy.

Pleasantly brought back by Kian, who has been practicing driving since he turned 17. I must admit, at first, when he turned up driving, (Angus by his side), I'm thinking.. ooppss.. but I wasn't scared and it was a pleasant drive back. Thanks Kian, wont be long before you pass that test.

The Skegness carnival was a lot of fun. Now we've done it, we know what to expect. If we had fathomed it out before, when the parade stops at North Shore, you have to get off. I think if we had known that, we would have had a car up there, waiting for us. All of us, had to walk back, to Tesco's car park.. not great, especially in the heat! Even Hope, but we took her through the back streets, where there was some shade by the trees. Sam got a little bit burnt on her back, which is disturbing her this morning. She's a little sore, so hopefully that will die down. She doesn't usually get herself in the sun.

Angus and I had to go back to Hoopers Transport, to unload the lorry. Thanks to the driver and his wife, it was quickly done and back in the car and van. Jamie and Sam are just sorting that out now. Putting the tearoom back together.

After the excitement of the day and of course coming 2nd in the float competition, that I didn't even know they did, until last Wednesday, it was a great feeling to have us recognised. Perhaps next year, we will take the gauntlet again, and get even better.

Hope and I went for a walk last night, to take ourselves away from the busy day. It was peaceful, the wind was cooling but not cold. Hope decided to jump across the marsh.. frolicking like a lamp, in and out, up and down. Her only problem, is her sight...

As she jumps with confidence, she forgets there are possible, creeks from tidal streams, which hide themselves. As she jumps.. the odd time, she ends up in to one.. and last night, that happened. She jumped, expecting some ground, but landed head first into the creek. She didn't bother, she got her footing and off she went, into the next one!! she does make me giggle at times.

The breeze was warm, birds, twittered, we strolled along and the tide was far out. It was wonderous standing there, slowly turning around, watching the sun set over the village, no traffic noise, no other noise but nature. I stood there, and compared it to the hustle and bustle of the day, we had. How lucky are we that there are still places to escape with peace.

Its going to be hot today, apparently. We will try and keep the assistants cool and keep the ovens off for the day. Cake wise, we have have toffee and apple crumble pie, Rocky road and, pear and toffee cake. Cold drinks a plenty and of course, teas and coffees. I can do cold sandwiches today, if your feeling peckish, but but want something light. The fans are on!

Please remember, we are closed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. Cant tell you why, but TV watch perhaps on Thursday. Life changes everyday, so there are no guarantee's in the world at the moment.

Apologies for those that like a coffee and a read this morning.. but needs must and I needed to get my campervan in. Its great, driving it and pretending I'm off on my hollybobs!

Right, time to finish the tearoom before the assistants arrive.

See you later.

Photos from Grandma's Pudding Co's post 11/08/2024

Thank you everyone who helped us on our first ever float at Skegness carnival today.
Mentions go to, Jayne, Trish, Steve, Sue addelesse, Sue & Sue, lady Val and Baz. The caterpillar enjoyed it.....Angus, Henk,
And our assistants, Harry, Gabby, Mary, Jamie,& Sam, (Not forgetting Hope who was so well behaved and sat with Tweedledum all the way) who kept going throughout the parade. Especially mention Hooper's Transport who provided the lorry free and were very patient with us especially the driver, his wife and little daughter, who came with us.
Special thanks to Chrissie journalist at the Skegness Standard who gave us an extra plug as she noticed on the parade.

We came second and was presented our award by the Skegness Mayor and his wife. Brilliant..for such a little tearoom, how amazing was that.

Photos from Grandma's Pudding Co's post 11/08/2024

And so we are here. Alice in wonderland is going to the seaside. Kick off at 1pm.


Good afternoon, sorry its a bit late and thank you to Richard Tice for coming out of his busy schedule to visit us.

100 club numbers are.

3rd no 39 MW
2nd no 20 RC
1st no 96 JW

Envelopes will be in the tearoom safe.


Good morning.. well the sky watered all the flowers last night.. so thats a job less to do today.

We do have something going on at 1pm ish.. so be aware, I may be slightly busy, but the assistants, will always be serving Cake and drinks throughout the day as usual.

Ive put new cakes on today, as we sold out somewhat, yesterday.

So additions to the rocky road and raspberry Victoria are toffee and pear cake, (has a nut topping) and an apple and toffee crumble pie.

Ive had a busy morning so far, collating all the props and costumers for the Skegness carnival parade on Sunday.. bit more to put together and hopefully we are set... I think! Never done this before, so this is all new to me. I kept toying with the idea of a Ho**ah as the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland does have one.. and yes, I did get one.. but we used it as education for the assistants and cultural awareness and will continue to use it just as a prop for our theme.. It is quite pretty but we found it quite eye opening for the assistants and will continue with them all, so they have some understanding of the cultural element behind them. Of course, it will never be used.. not like the caterpillar!

Just to reconfirm, we will be closed on 14th, (next Wednesday) through to 16th inclusive (Friday} It is that time for me, to head off to London! a new experience for me again, but hopefully a fun one. I'm going to go exploring too.. not something I've done on my own before.. even may take the tube to go and see a show at the west end.. taking the bull by the horns.. Hopefully no riots that way.. seems to be in Walthamstow rather than where I;m going, Fingers crossed!

Short one today, as have a bit of work to do for the weekend.

100 club will be drawn later, or as soon as I can.. so keep an eye out on the page. Also, Will let you know about what we are doing today, later on. That seems all a bit vague, doesn't it!!!?

As i haven't asked permission, I cannot tell you, yet.

Right, off to put somethings away in the kitchen, then its time for a coffee.

See you later.


Good morning. Another lovely day in the tearoom yesterday. The plum frangipane was the was the most popular.... I think it might be time for more summer fruits in cakes.

Have you ever had one of those days, when you constantly injure yourself!!! ?

I was in a bit of a pickle, last night, trying to get things sorted.. and on a timescale. So naturally, you go quicker.

Wearing trainers is not such a good thing, with laces.. three times I went over!!! luckily.. not in front of anyone. but... twice.. twice.. I revealed all!

So first.. rushing around., was in the boot of my car, putting things in.. when I saw what looked like a piece of my dress, in the boot, mixed up with some of the things I had put in there.. As I had an arm full.. there was nothing I could do with it.. until I looked down.. Wearing a wrap around dress, is not good, when its only tied with a belt.. so I couldn't do much about it.. and am pretty sure, i was exposed.. Not on this occasion, I am not going to say where I was.. as Im sure, that the people that could see, will read this and take the P out of me.. even if they didn't see anything.

The second time, was a little worse.. as I was picking up a Chinese with Sam and Jamie for the evenings entertainment. Same dress.. I came out with three bags and left Jamie and Sam in the car with Hope, so no extra hands. In with the order, they had given me a free bottle of pop.. but as I left the shop, to cross the road on the level crossing.. the bag broke and to avoid dropping it.. i grabbed it qu**ky and toddled across.. only realising at the point, that said dress was caught up in the bottle, untied it self and goodness knows, what I was exposing to all and sundry on Roman Bank.

I couldn't do anything.. so I just giggled.. thought.. oh heck.. and sort of crouched down, huddled three bags, all ready to break with a full meal for 4 weighting me down and a bottle of pop, ready to escape and explode as it would hit the floor. I walked as If i was doing the ministry of funny walks.. as I shouted at Sam to open the door, before i lost the lot. I have no idea, who got the full eye shot.. but I jumped into the car and drove off quickly, hoping no one noticed..

The evening after that, was the most relaxing I've had in a long time, so I had my smile back and again, this morning.

I can ow confirm that we will be closed on the 14th to 16th inclusively. It is time for Lights, Camera and Action! Keep an eye out on ITV Thursday morning!

Thank you to Sue for picking up our bright coloured umbrella's for our float on Sunday. Morison's are doing a great range of bright colours and the prices have just gone down. Im hoping to use them around the tearoom. I also picked up some bubble tubes so we can use those on Sunday and Sue came up with the idea of some kites.. brilliant idea.. I also picked up some rubber rings which were brightly coloured and it all looks like we ready to go.

Dressing the float Sunday morning. so if your in Skegness, then don't forget the beginning of the carnival week with the parade kicking off at 1pm.

Bit late on the post, as I had to take a phone call.

Tomorrow, we also have a special day.. tell you about that after the day.

Right.. see you later.

Photos from Grandma's Pudding Co's post 07/08/2024

Good's taken me 20 minutes just to load our page so I can write this blog. I'm down to using the phone as it has a slightly better signal than the laptop. For some unknown reason the 4g signal has become significantly worse in the last 6 months and the internet is so unreliable now. To complain to the provider I need a speed test, but how do you do that, when you can't get a signal! I've had Ee/bt out several times over the last week. Was doing well, until it rains, then we are back to square one! Apparently, last time our connection in the village box was wet, so they changed it, I'm guessing that's happened again!

So first of all, thank you for your support. I'm on the verge everyday, so your words lifted me no end yesterday and gave the strength to carry on through the day.

It was a lovely day, full of lovely customers who were gentle and kind and of course lots of chats going on throughout the day. That's how I like to see the tearoom. Everyone making friends and supporting each other. It's so wonderful to see.

Mary held the fort well, kept everything going whilst I did the cooking in the kitchen. She is quite a marvel. Jamie supported her well and remembered how people take their coffees. (Regulars).

I will still take the week off, bank holiday week. I have appointments and people to see, so it will be good for me. I'm hoping my camper will be up and ready by then, so I can take Hope with me in-between the appointments

Yet to mend my mower and yet to sort out the boiler, but I'm on it!

Unfortunately the headache remains, but as usual, I will bounce through it..not much sleep last night, so guessing that's why.

I started painting some things for our float last night. Unfortunately my dress wore a lot of it as did my hands. I'm such a mucky painter. 🤣

Just a bit of blue material and sandy coloured to find and I've spotted some bright coloured umbrellas at Morrisons for £5. If your passing, can you pick up a couple and I will refund you? Times running out for the carnival on Sunday. Gosh, I hope it looks ok! (Different colours)

Just need to sort out the music. We do have a music license, but not for YouTube, so we are going to rethink that. I'm sure I will come up with something.

The risk assessment is done, all other paperwork completed, so we are all set.

Hoopers are supplying the lorry, so grateful to them and we've just got to take something's up on Saturday and the rest I will move on Sunday..busy weekend I think.

Hopefully today I get to hear a little more about, lights, camera, action! Will be different if it goes ahead. That will keep some guessing. As you know, I never believe it, until I see it and it happens, so I'm cautious as I've learnt to be.

Time to have a coffee and see if I can do something about the internet.

Sam has new carpets being fitted today, so she's excited. (It flooded in there a couple of months ago, but all sorted)!

Right, see you later. Got to get some work done to keepyind occupied.

Photos from Grandma's Pudding Co's post 06/08/2024

Good morning. I'm going to be perfectly honest with you.... I did not want to even get out of bed this morning.

I know I've been warned.. and I have tried hard.. honestly.. I really have, but I get so much thrown at me, so many things I try hard to achieve on my own, but a new door opens with mud slinging again, each time, I move on. My home life is a disaster, the plans I have for the tearoom just keep going backwards.. and I'm just lost!

I'm not enjoying my home anymore, something we worked passionately hard for, built up a great caravan site to keep us going and have a great social life, but recently we have had to close, due to complaints of noise, swearing, (its not us) and of course, the dreaded dementia and alcoholism that haunts him in doors.

He actually knows nothing.. cant retain the information, so I don't bother telling him anymore. What's the point in upsetting his little world!

My quiet rural home, that we worked so hard for, is now blighted. We no longer have that peace and quiet, have lots of things thrown in our field under the trees, things that have caused damage to Hope, made her react to the things she is eating, so damaging to her health in those dis-guarded bags of, god forbid some sort of food. Oh not from here.. of course not! I can no longer let her off lead in her own home, because i don't know what else she will drag from under those trees and eat.

So i reinvented the wheel and decided to turn it into a learning space, holidays for disabled adults, and time out for carers. Yes, I was to move there too. Get me out of the house, to find some peace to reenergise, but those that like to meddle, cause trouble, have no other life than one to interfere with others lives have put a blockage on that. Id like to meet you face to face, but your a coward and always do things underhand.. hide behind those emails ,and phone calls and feel smug that you are yet causing me another headache. How sad are people that do that.. those that report you for no reason than to feel relieved themselves over their sad little lives.

The sky is crying for me today.. if not I would cry myself.. my smile is painted and I'm ready for a rest! My body hurts as well as my heart and I wonder, why. ..

I know, I'm fighting for adults who have terrible treatment because of their disabilities, I've seen the devastation they have suffered, again, people with sad lives, who like to belittle others. Have something wrong with themselves, and go for an easy target... that's why I do what I do. I have seen them, spoken to them, lifted them up with life is confusing and unfair for them. .. and that's why.. I'm ging to take a little time out.. regather my strength and keep fighting.

So many things to fix, just me... each time, I think I've fixed something.. something else breaks.. its never ending. Of course, I would love loads of money, to get it all done.. finish it all and relax and enjoy it.. but I'm not one for grant grabbing.. I'm only a small entity and can only reach those who are local to me, where there are many people in the country who need those grants.. we've made it this far, without.. with your help,.. your donations your kindness, that I'm not going to let you down. So forgive me for taking a bit of time out.. ..... yes, pencilled in, we are closed 14th 15th and 16th.. but that's lights camera action..

But I'm going to take at least a week off, bank holiday week. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet.. if my little camper is up and running, it may be a quick get away.. oh don't worry about Sam, she is great and living a happy life and being as independent as she can. Jamie along with that, is supporting her and they are working together.

Yes, we are open, with a lovely Cherry and frangipane tart.. a raspberry Victoria sponge, zucchini and lime cake and some rocky road. .... that sort of is how I'm feeling.. having a rocky road.. but don't we all.

So there you have it.. me, being open and honest.. I really don't care, those that read this and are part of the trouble.. fill your boots!! I will never change and will come back fighting harder.. i will get the tearoom finished.. it will have its workshops, they are here ready to be converted.. I will provide holidays for those that need them and I will still fight for those who don't have there own voice, because the world is alien and people are so cruel.

i don't do this for money.. I don't get paid.. but I do it as a passion and because I can.. because no one else does.. they are all grabbing money for themselves.. looking after themselves.. but until my dying day.. I will never give up fighting for those less fortunate, who are never heard and are always forgotten.

Sunday we are at the Skegness Carnival, thank you to those so far who have helped put together our float decoration.. it starts at 1pm and we leave from the back of Tesco's at that time.. Its our first.. and hopefully we will do more. We cant collect money, that's not what its about.. its bringing something to Skegness for entertainment and hopefully, highlighting ourselves in the area.

Friday, is also an important day for us, here in the tearoom... I'm not saying anymore about that at the moment.

Hope has just slid onto the floor and is now sleeping upside down. She doesn't have a care in the world.. that's how a disabled dog should be.. happy.

Now its time for me.. to shake off my headache and get back to finishing the tearoom for the day..

The tree has been made safe and all branches removed.. although i have a big pile on the front lawn.. If someone has a big chipper, your welcome to it all.. mine was damaged by the rogue builder all those years ago.. lol.

Right.. see you later.


Good morning. Ever had one of those mornings that you think you should go back to bed and start again! or perhaps run away to some mountains where no one can find you.. well that's me today.

Im sitting down for a moment, as I'm a bit shaky trying to move the tree and cut branches off to make it safe on the road. As for the entrance, I need to find my chainsaw before I can tackle that bit. But for now, the road it safe apart from one branch, that if you didn't notice a tree, you would see a milk carton, on the top, warning drivers not to come too close. I'm just gathering my energy, as I'm burnt out on moving the first part and quite shaky.. so a coffee is in order.

So I thought the weekend would go well. had lots of things planned, but as usual, in my life.. it all went wrong.. Well, I suppose, if I looked on the positive there were some achievements.

I managed to power wash my car and one of the statics, which has been there for umpteen years and its decking. You don't see that one, as its close to the house and surrounded by trees. That's the problem, the trees make it turn green in the winter. So its been bugging me for a while, but I set too yesterday, whilst the weather was dry. Hope loved the spray from the washer, so played in it.. but got in the way of the debris coming off the decking.. ooo she looked like a spotty dog!! She didn't care, she was just enjoying the moment.

The pond was playing up too, but I managed to save the day and made sure the fish were all present and correct. Its never been right, since it was flooded when the d**e was blocked some years ago. But the fish are fine and happy. Just so much work to still do around the pond. Seems a never ending job... And Elder trees.. OMG.. they pop up everywhere.. I'm sick to death of the darn things.. The one tree, that is hard to remove from the root.

Its when you pull them, and you end up loosing against the darn thing and end up on your rear end. That happened several times. Legs flailing in the area, doing criss-crosses, as If you were at some sort of fitness class. Well, I'm sure it looked good!!

So the next job was to cut the front lawn to the house.. All was going very well until a wasp nest appeared then just as I was aiming to avoid it.. the steering on the mower went.. just like that..I was headed straight over the top of it.. not a desired move. So I braved the wasps, stopped the mower and ran for dear life to avoid them. They were not best pleased.

I'm not a fan of wasps and often do the wasp dance, but I thought id brave them, had some petrol.. (now look away if you are a member of the save the wasps group and dont like killing wasps nests), but yes, I poured some petrol down the hole as it was in the lawn, pushed some dry fur tree branches down there, and p**f, off it went.

The wasps were not very pleased and lots came back to the nest to see what was happening. They flew close to the hole, but couldn't get near as i fanned more flamed into the hole.. but nope, i didn't feel sorry for them.. I know they are part of the echo system, but not in my lawn!

I'm going to go out after this blog and have a look if I succeeded or, if they have my face marked down now as a target!

So that was the end of the big work for me.. no mower to finish the front, near the road.. which is very annoying.. yet again!

I have other things, i have attempted to fix this weekend, but I'm failing miserably..

so this morning.. i get up and notice both drive entrances are blocked with a willow tree! Now im pretty sure there was no wind last night.. The branch looks healthy, but its huge... So no tearoom today!! But I will look at the cameras and see how it came down.

I will be back open tomorrow, I'm determined to get it moved. So I've been out this morning. tugging, pulling, chopping and doing as much as I can, to clear the road, which is now all ok apart from one branch, which I have stuck a milk carton over, which is close to the edge. If you drive on the edging, you will get a bit of a scrape, but it is on my edges, so hopefully, no one will be daft enough to drive on my curb! it looks so much better than it did this morning. Its just the big branches that I need to cut down.

So I'm just regaining my strength, getting rid of the shakes and I will be back out there, attempting to cut the large branches down.

I'm lucky, all the cakes are done, so will be all ok for tomorrow. Or perhaps I shouldn't say that..

Anyhow.. just a coffee and I'm off outside again, with my trusted sword, to fight the good fight!!! ha ha

See you tomorrow.

Photos from Grandma's Pudding Co's post 05/08/2024

Due to an unsafe fallen tree. (Have no idea how it came down as no bad weather last night. Will check cameras later) We will not be able to open as it covers the entrance way. Apologies..another day in the life of me. 😭. Now time to get the saws out.


Thought, id draw the numbers before we start the day.

3rd no 57 MB
2nd no 9 SW
1st no 46 PG

Congratulations. envelopes in the safe.


Good morning.

I'm just doing some pastries, but not as biggest variety this week, due to the fact, I'm a little bit preoccupied with a bit of pain this morning.. don't ask! So will have the orange and hazelnut pastries, cheese twists and hopefully i will get the almond croissants out, Bischoff muffins and triple chocolate muffins.

They are just going in the oven, so fingers crossed, I don't mess those up. lol.

My evening was quieter than usual, mostly due to falling asleep! lol.. but I got back up and had a go at a few things that I needed to try and fix. I didn't succeed, so I'm going to have another go. tonight. So glad the weekend is upon us, as I have so much to do and seem to be running backwards with it all.

As I see it at the moment, we will be closed 14th to 16th August inclusive, whilst I troop on down to London!!! eeeek. Its pencilled in, so not totally confirmed yet. I've been given the date, but it could change.

Hope is still coming out with rashes.. fingers crossed, its only something outside, rather than something ingested. I've given her a different anti histamine this morning. to see if that will work. Whatever it is, she is struggling with it and its itches.. she's up in bumps all over her. She's totally covered on the creepy crawlies, and there is nothing on her fur. I've never had a dog with allergies before, but I guess with her disabilities, she has other issues too. Funny little dog, but full of personality, cheekiness and mischievousness and of course, very loving.

I need to see if I can get her spayed earlier than what the vets say these days as she has the double merle gene in her and obviously, would never allow to to have pups! What a nightmare thought! I've never been into breeding pups, there are so many in the rescue centres. Much more fun rescuing those. I managed to adopt Hope, through being matched to a dog. I've never done that before, usually, you walk around the dog pounds and sadly choose one. I know it works as that's how I've mostly done it before, but its so difficult as you are leaving all the other ones behind. Apart from 3 dogs, which I have been asked to take, this would be the normal way, however, Hope was matched to me and she is perfect. Taking on a deaf and blind dog is a bit challenging, but she's worth it and I love her for it.

There is no doubt a dog is a tie, I never leave Hope alone.. I cant with my living arrangements, but if I go away, Angus looks after her for me, which she loves, when she's playing with his other dogs; Two who were in the same rescue. .

The wood arrives today.. woohoo Tim will be pleased. thank you RDR Timber Products LTD. So we can carry on with the self build shed which will house the cold room, have a coat handing area, have all the freezers and cleaning products in and a dry walkway for our assistants to get to their retreat room, especially in the winter. We just have to build the ramp for that to enable easy access.

The money from the daily running tombola will pay for that.. thank you so much to those who play it, when they come in.. lots of winners and to us, much needed money to pay for our developments. Also Irene and our Monday team who keep it all going and up to date.. that reminds me.. 100 club draw today.

Will announce that later.

right, I'm off to check on the oven.

see you later.

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Videos (show all)

Good morning. We are getting excited on having a cake and pastries day, on a Friday, where we will make extra items and ...
We are at the friskney show with my our much prized sausage rolls made from Porky Wrights sausage meat, who are also her...
Good morning.. well.. i did lots yesterday!!Had my first ever experience of using a weighbridge yesterday... Thank you D...
For those who have not see it. Courtesy of my nephew..
What happened a couple of weeks ago. I had to keep this quiet.
Good morning. Sam and I are out having our hair cut, but all food prepped this morning and the afternoon teas.  So hopef...
Good morning. After only what can be described as a whirlwind end of the week, we are gently floating back down to earth...



Opening Hours

Monday 10:30am - 3:30pm
Tuesday 10:30am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 10:30am - 3:30pm
Thursday 10:30am - 3:30pm
Friday 10:30am - 3:30pm

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Pilgrim Cottage Cakes Pilgrim Cottage Cakes
Boston, PE202BU

I help couples to bring their dream wedding cake to life Boston Lincs & surrounding areas 5☆ hygiene

G”Cakes G”Cakes

Fresh cakes and sweet treats for any occasion 🫶🏼

RaZza’s Bakery RaZza’s Bakery
Boston, PE216BY

Classic cakes, mousse cakes and mini desserts � Boston

The Cupcake Lab The Cupcake Lab
Boston, PE20

The Cupcake Lab, new small business, located in Bicker.

Kim’s Cakes and Bakes Kim’s Cakes and Bakes
Boston, PE21

Hey I’m Kim � spreading the love, one bake at a time. A range of customised bakes and so much more..

H&R Bakery H&R Bakery
Boston, PE217NJ

Luxury bespoke cake design studio based in Lincolnshire and covering surrounding areas

ChloBakes ChloBakes
Boston Road
Boston, PE201

Treat House UK Treat House UK
Punchbowl Lane
Boston, PE203SB

Weekly delivery! Every Friday 5-7:30 UK Wide Postage!

Wishing Well Bakes Wishing Well Bakes
Boston, PE220SA

Home baking business in Sibsey. Floral cupcakes and bouquets, boxed cupcakes, celebration cakes.