Yoga Flow

Yoga Flow

Yoga & Meditation teacher,
Reiki ( Master & teacher level)
Actress. I am a British Wheel qualified Yoga teacher. . The aim of my work is to uplift and inspire.

Before embarking on my spiritual journey -tho perhaps let's not say 'embarked' ...more like dragged - kicking and screaming!! :) I was a successful professional actress. Whatever age you are or ability you have - or not (beginners more than welcome) you are assured a warm and friendly welcome and a relaxed class setting, I prefer a light hearted approach to everything!


Love this - This we can do ❤️

Amidst all that’s out of my control, I can breathe. I can love. I can show up and do my best. I can be gentle with myself, my family, and my friends. I can always breathe and begin again. This is my practice.

The Therapeutic Power Of Ginger 05/07/2021


The Therapeutic Power Of Ginger The therapeutic power of ginger and how this simple inexpensive ingredient can be used to maximise your health benefits!


Can’t recommend this highly enough!! 12 minutes of your time to learn vital stuff! Alternate nostril breathing would be excellent to do 😊 x


Herbs 🙌❤️



"O mundo inteiro é uma galeria de arte quando você está atento. Há coisas bonitas em todos os lugares e elas são gratuitas."


Plus it feels wonderful! 🤩




We have more power than we realise to uplift everyone ❤️

The spirit of a time is an incredibly subtle, yet hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of the mentality and spirit of all individuals together. Therefore, the way you look at things is not simply a private matter. Your outlook actually and concretely affects what goes on. When you give in to helplessness, you collude with despair and add to it. When you take back your power and choose to see the possibilities for healing and transformation, your creativity awakens and flows to become an active force of renewal and encouragement in the world. In this way, even in your own hidden life, you can become a powerful agent of transformation in a broken, darkened world. There is a huge force field that opens when intention focuses and directs itself toward transformation.


Excerpt from his books, Benedictus (Europe) / To Bless the Space Between Us (US)
Ordering Info:

Lough Inagh, Co. Galway / Ireland
Photo: © Ann Cahill



There Is A Force Within Which Gives You Life...
Seek That!

Rumi 06/06/2020


China reports zero new local coronavirus cases for first time since outbreak began 19/03/2020

Just a reminder that the current troubles Will Pass. Stay positive - breathe - remember deep breath out = tension out - holding the breath in = keeps tension in - do some yoga or any exercise to get your energy moving - Breathe in well being. Breathe in vitality. Breathe in calm. Breathe in love. I’ll be posting soon a short immune boosting routine to assist doing this ❤️

China reports zero new local coronavirus cases for first time since outbreak began Across Asia, attention turns from preventing local infections to stopping international travellers bringing new cases in




True ❤️

You're so hard on yourself.
Take a moment,
Sit back,
Marvel at your life,
At the grief that softened you,
At the heartache that wisened you,
At the suffering that strengthened you.
Despite everything,
You still grow.
Be proud of this.


Yoga’s not just for ‘hippies’ - Power couple, Karen and Richard ... Karen - Accountant and Richard - Business man ... fabulous people, amazing practitioners and soo much fun! 🤩❤️



Timeline photos 01/02/2020

Trace down from the shoulder to armpit and then into chest ❤️

No More Headaches, Fatigue or Anxiety: 5 Pressure Points That Will Instantly Lower Your Blood Pressure 16/01/2020

Here's the head point we were working with last night - think of a line drawn from ear over head to ear - right in middle of top of head :) x

No More Headaches, Fatigue or Anxiety: 5 Pressure Points That Will Instantly Lower Your Blood Pressure In America alone, one in 3 people have high blood pressure (32% of adults), and only 54% of them have their problem under control. And this problem can raise its head very unexpectedly, so it is crucial to know at least some quick fixes — like acupressure points — to lower your blood pressure.



"You begin by letting thoughts flow and watching them. The very observation slows down the mind till it stops altogether. Once the mind is quiet, keep it quiet. Don't get bored with peace, be in it, go deeper into it."
— Nisargadatta Maharaj

Timeline photos 06/01/2020

This is excellent and soo simple to do .... highly recommend the teacher. Prune Harris - she offers many free tools and not unlike some of the work we've done in class.🥰

Next time you feel that your ‘get up and go’ has got up and gone, try this simple technique; it won’t solve all of your tiredness or time-management issues, I know you have super busy lives, but it will help to begin to restore your energy. Not only that, it will begin to repattern your energy so that you can move through your day with more and more of your natural energy available to you, no matter what you need to do.

Bringing Your Energy Levels UP UP UP!
Place both hands on the very bottom of your belly, towards the p***c bone.
With both hands, deeply smooth up the midline of your body, until you get to the top of your breastbone.
From here, smooth the left hand over the top of the left breast/pec and back down towards the bottom of your belly as the right hand does the same on the right side at the same time. It will be like you are making big heart on your body. You are bringing energy from the battery centre of the body that is housed in your lower abdomen and literally spreading it into your heart centre and your lungs. From there it can be carried around your whole body system with more ease and more juiciness.
Repeat as many times as you feel is needed.

Starting today! Sign up now and get ready for your best winter ever!

Blue spaces: why time spent near water is the secret of happiness 06/11/2019

Lucky we live so close to the sea 🌊 😊🥰

Blue spaces: why time spent near water is the secret of happiness Coastal environments have been shown to improve our health, body and mind. So should doctors start issuing nature-based prescriptions?



Nikki Luna and Theo are excited to share that 'Time of the Sixth Sun Series' will rise again...

The Movie and 8-Part Docuseries will be available again online for FREE.

Relaunching Wednesday 6th November 2019 - register now to watch for free - and we'll send you the links to watch a few days before the relaunch.

If you watched the April/May release, please would you share a short review in the comments below so others can read of the effect the movie and/or docuseries had on you?



Timeline photos 04/10/2019

Perfect visualisation 🥰

A visualization to help you feel new and well


The Arsenal football team know how to unwind!

Top athletes know the importance of Yoga for building strength, staying flexible and relaxing too. Yoga is for everybody and every body 🙏🏼💛

✨ Yoga Flow ✨


“Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment - the key to all inner transformation.

Whenever you are conscious of the breath, you are absolutely present. You may also notice that you cannot think and be aware of your breathing.

Conscious breathing stops the mind.”

~ Eckhart Tolle


Ginger-Featured Herb - Angie's Wisdom Wellness 19/09/2019

Marvellous stuff!! 🥰

Ginger-Featured Herb - Angie's Wisdom Wellness Ginger is a food that is also an amazing herbal remedy. Like garlic, it is an all-around support tool that every herbalist uses.

Photos from Yoga Flow's post 16/09/2019

Some fantastic, strong power poses from our Wednesday morning class! An Over 50’s class of fab women ...including the amazing Peggy who will be 91 this year ... more about her soon!! 😁

Our classes suit all abilities, ages and experience levels too. We strongly believe that yoga is for everybody and every body🧘🏻‍♀️ 💫 💛

✨ Yoga Flow ✨


Introducing! The first video in a little series I’ve been making with my students - talking about what yoga does for them, why they come to class and how it’s changed their lives. 🧘🏻‍♀️

Yoga isn’t just for one type of person, it is for everyone and that’s why I started Yoga Flow, my classes are as diverse and varied as they come and I love learning with and from all of my wonderful students 💛✨

Today we hear from our lovely Jennie on why she comes to yoga...




