BASICS Dorset, Bournemouth Videos

Videos by BASICS Dorset in Bournemouth. BASICS Dorset is a charitable organisation providing highly trained volunteer doctors to provide lif

Happy New Year to our supporters and our great big #999Family.

This clip rounds up the Annual Report to trustees on our activity for the 12-month period.

This has been the busiest year since starting operations in East Dorset, supporting @swasFT by giving lifesaving, time-critical care to those patients who need it most.

Our volunteer medics offer their time freely, but we need funds to train, equip and supply them. If you value the work we do please visit our website to make a donation.

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Happy New Year to our supporters and our great big #999Family. This clip rounds up the Annual Report to trustees on our activity for the 12-month period. This has been the busiest year since starting operations in East Dorset, supporting @swasFT by giving lifesaving, time-critical care to those patients who need it most. Our volunteer medics offer their time freely, but we need funds to train, equip and supply them. If you value the work we do please visit our website to make a donation.

Three years ago this weekend, our BASICS doctor, EB01 answered their first emergency call here in Dorset. Since then we've responded to over 350 incidents and provided enhanced care to 300 patients. Many thanks to all our supporters who've helped us achieve this. This year is on track to beat 2020 in terms of patient numbers in the next few weeks. We need public support to keep our life-saving service running. Please donate if you can or tell your friends and family about us. Help us to save save lives in Dorset