The Medicine Woman

Health hacks and natural medicine alternatives.


I’ve been given a new nick name….


I’m glad it’s working 🫶🏻


As part of my Medicine wheel training, we embark on a journey of what I thought was shamanic and indigenous healing practices.

In essence it is but so much more. It is a valuable tool box for everyone not only for fundamental practices for life but a journey of self discovery beyond anything I could have imagined.

Within these practices we are told that we are called and invited in, not by a person but by a knowing within ourselves.

As I currently stop over from the south direction on to the west into my third year. I reflect on the journey so far and how far I’ve grown and how much I’ve learnt.

There’s been moments of great sadness and also real ahha moments. Becoming self aware of self limited beliefs and actions.

Learning that we cannot help everyone or teach everyone. The lessons come with discernments and carefully depicting where your energy is directed.

My journey has played out some huge stories and behaviours that have been huge lessons to me as well as life lessons that will shape my future in so many ways.

You may see me at times in my vunerable state, you will also see the highs and how wonderful things are going. This is all part of the journey. They are not negative or positive moments they are lessons to learn or to be grateful for.

I’m so grateful for certain people that came in to my life and instigated without knowing, great change. With these growing synchronicities we change the world.

I often talk about practices and plant medicine and how in my heart I wish the world would experience theses most amazing things. Many have joined and many have talked great negativity which understand comes from fear of the unknown. It’s important to at time step out of our comfort zone and see the world from a different perspective.

7 years ago I had an Airbnb guest from Aus, a musician who came to stay Cameron Morgan. I was on my path but our conversations on music and cymatics spark more interest which I guess has led me to become and sound therapist and the great effects on the body using the right frequencies. I thank you Cameron for our distant friendship that continues. 6 years ago I met a fellow medicine woman Alex from Ta**ra temple Brighton

She mentioned an indigenous medicine that changed my life. Ayahuasca! They say you are called to sit with the medicine. I was. I then embarked on the Medicine wheel of lessons and initiations.

I’m so grateful for these encounters that have shaped my life. Never see my vulnerability as a weakness but a part of me that is shedding and a part of me who’s growing. We are all human and the quicker we learn life’s lessons and heal past trauma and our ancestors trauma the sooner we are free.

These are just two people that have changed my life without knowing. There are many more, I thank you, I love you and I’m grateful 🙏🏻 ♥️

Ta**raTemple Alexandra invites you to her sacred Temple to Reconnect to your soul and your body. Transformational


This weeks bihacking alchemy rabbit hole triggered by Easter is the correlation between frankincense, myrrh and gold. As well as but not limited to monotomic gold and plasma GANS. Not only for healing but also altered spiritual states. I’m interested in anyones experience with these products for healing and spiritual practises/rituals. ✨


Experience "Soul Serenity" - A Monthly Journey for Spiritual Nourishment and Mood Rest with Augustine and Vicky.

Join us for a transformative gathering, where you can discover deep spiritual nourishment and restore your mood.
1. Immerse yourself in the enchanting practice of light language channeling, as sacred sounds and vibrations awaken your inner wisdom, promoting tranquility and growth.

2. Enhance your mood through hypnotic meditation, allowing yourself to unwind and find inner peace.
Our sessions are thoughtfully designed to uplift and revitalize your spirit.
At Soul Serenity, we honor and embrace each person's unique journey. There is no advice given, only the power of sharing and witnessing. Connect with like-minded souls in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Don't miss the opportunity to nourish your soul and foster authentic connections. Join Augustine and Vicky for Soul Serenity gathering, that will renew and inspire you.
Reserve your spot now and embark on this transformative journey.

Jon Hopkins with Ram Dass, East Forest - Sit Around The Fire (Official Video) 12/03/2024

The first baby steps have begun. I’m ok 🙌

✨ My healing journey has definitely reached new heights and I’m so very grateful for the journey, the people and guides who have helped me get there.

The masking of so many things was unknown, the spiral of several events over the last few years, months and days had finally cracked me open and what was lurking in the depths had spilled out not only in my self but all over Facebook.

Regardless it’s a kinda process in its self to show vulnerability that we are all human and we far too often “put on a brave face” to not appear weak. However I’m a brave, almost fearless human at times with my own flaws that I have been working on for sometime. My spiritual path of healing and becoming a facilitator in healing has played huge role in my progression. This stage is just another bend of the path. “Shedding the skin” in shamanic terminology. You cannot help another before you have helped yourself.

Friday however after the death of my house mates dog and seeing his grief it had totally broke me down. I could feel it to my core and I couldn’t hide it anymore, during my healing session I was suddenly aware of so much grief I had been holding on to for so long that I didn’t even know was there and it all came out. I feel light again. Quiet and calm. I’m going gentle with a new sense of confidence that I know where I am going. Everything happens in divine timing 🙏🏻

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who called, messaged, liked, visited, hugged and held me at my lowest. It means more than you can ever imagine and shows me just how much love there is even when we too often feel alone in an ever growing detachment and separation in the world, take off the masks we hide behind. I’m truly grateful for all the love and support, aho 🙏🏻♥️

Jon Hopkins with Ram Dass, East Forest - Sit Around The Fire (Official Video) Jon Hopkins with Ram Dass, East Forest - "Sit Around The Fire", out now on Domino. Taken from the album 'Music For Psychedelic Therapy,' out now (digital / C...


I was blessed in given the name Ama at birth, in the Cherokee Native American origin, it means "water," giving baby the fluidity and strength to become whoever they hope to be. Water in Native culture and myths are representative of the origin of life, abundance, and fertility. ♥️

Keto and MCT for Alzheimer's, One Doctor's Family Journey 02/03/2024

So alzheimer's has played a role in my family and I am sure for many people I know. This video has helped my family. Please take a look if you know someone it may be useful for and go out and get your coconut oil.

Keto and MCT for Alzheimer's, One Doctor's Family Journey Dr. Mary Newport saw first hand the beneficial effects ketones can have for Alzheimer’s dementia when her husband experienced dramatic cognitive improvements...


Anyone going to burning man this year?


Never have I ever been so excited about buying campervan windows and water tanks 🤣


♥️We are the ones who are learning.
♥️We are the ones feeling.
♥️We are the ones healing.
♥️Without healing we continue through many life time cycles of pain and trauma.
♥️Are you ready to let that go?? To truly heal? To live in peace in your heart 🙏🏻
Case studies are being booked in now.
♥️I have 6 spaces left for one on one shamanic healing sessions. These are donation based sessions normally upwards of £150.
These will go quickly so please get in touch so I can book you in asap. 🙌
With love ♥️


Do I Know anyone who makes Plasma GANS?

Photos from The Medicine Woman 's post 16/02/2024

Frequency therapy. It’s a real thing and it’s works. That’s why sound therapy is so healing for the body. Get your frequency on 🤩

How to Run a Crystal Healing Session Step-by-Step - FREE Video Training - Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy 15/02/2024

How to Run a Crystal Healing Session Step-by-Step - FREE Video Training - Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy Learn How to Confidently Run a Crystal Healing Session… Awaken your Inner Healer, with Crystals! Learn my step-by-step crystal healing method to help heal your friends, family, and even clients! Get your FREE video training series … Read More

HO'OPONOPONO MANTRA - 108 Repetitions for Deep Healing 23/01/2024

“You are too outspoken” “too opinionated” “ too loud” “too strong” “too independent”

These beliefs come from people that are struggling with their own identity, insecurities, beliefs, guilt, shame, wrong doings. It’s easier to deflect things back at others when you are not facing your own demons and distrust for your self or others.

Too many sit with the every day not wanting more, not learning, not healing, not nurturing and loving yourself or others. It’s easier just to forget, shut down, step back, dismiss, avoid and blame.

That doesn’t heal anything.

“Its always their fault” “always someone else”

Then the negative self talk “my life’s a mess” “I’m so broke” “I’m so depressed” “I’m so traumatised” I’ve got that illness I’ve got that” “I’m unable to do that” these statements I hear a lot and find it hard to hear and be around the negative that seems to be all around at the moment.

Looking for the light in all of us. The people with I can attitude. Creating magic, the manifested. The builders. The community gatherers.

I’m so grateful for the connections I continue to make. The synchronicity of kind, like minded people, who support, listen, understand. Comfort, encourage, lift you up. When at times others were not. Which in turn makes it hard to step away but sometimes it’s a must.

I have to learn to forgive and let go (for they do not know what they do) 😅 and maybe ate just not my people.

I’m not a Netflix and chill kinda girl.

In a world where there seems to be so much unkind words and feelings towards others.

(I’ve at times been guilty) I’m human.

I get triggered, I’m learning. I’m also healing and I’m also helping others to heal. That is where the work inside truly takes form. That’s my purpose, those who seek, receive.

Listen without judgement, listen without an alteria motive, understand, be a support, help others. Comfort someone and most of all be kind.

If you are not being of service to humanity, why is one here ?

When you understand life is hard it makes the journey easier to deal with.

Thank you to those who continue to support me and my journey to becoming the best version of me, I’m truly grateful 🙏🏻

Ho oponopono

HO'OPONOPONO MANTRA - 108 Repetitions for Deep Healing this guided exercise I repeat the Ho'opono Pono mantra 108 times this exact number of repetitions will assist and support...


✨Be the change….not the wounded healer🫵

I’ve come along way on my journey. But I’m only at the beginning. There’s been moments that were unbearable and wondered why I’m here at all and what my purpose is and other moments I will cherish forever 🙌

♎️ As a libran, I am the loyal, trusting, peacemaker. That sees beauty in everything. There has been many times throughout my life I thoughtlessly jump into a firing line without thinking. To save friendships between people, family and relationships. It hasn’t always gone so well. I try to be the glue that holds people together, that magnetic energy that draws people close, the light that atttacts the moths. I have been there to help change situations for the better but only when it is aligned and when they are ready…

So why is it no matter how hard you try?….some just want to see you as something completely different…..🚷 Fear….

Fear of rejection. Fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of being wrong, fear of what people may think, fear of getting old, fear of not reaching their goals. We all have them in some way.

Because their vibration is on so low 🌀their energy just isn’t aligning. So instead of the peace I so long to bring. It is like the wrong end of a magnet 🧲 repelling the very thing I so desperately want to help.

What’s the lesson here? There has to be one because there are certain people I continuously try to help and still get the same reaction over and over. Like sticking my finger in a plug socket expecting it not to give me a shock every time. You cannot help people that are not ready to step on the same path and help themselves. It’s wasted energy. They will always see you as part of the problem if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time and getting in “their” way. Their time will come and they will reach out when they are ready and when they are tired of their own bu****it and (if) they can put the ego side. Which only comes from fear.

Let’s talk about projection….
This time of year can be very hard for many, there’s lots of family feuds, work stress and illness. There has been times where all of this has been projected on to others and that why we have to protect ourselves with compassion, oh and boundaries 😅 We all say things at times we don’t mean but we also need to change that debilitating habit. As it only causes the wound to deepen and strengthen the trauma and worsen the story that usually is wrong or only one person’s perspective.

This journey had been long and I am definitely grateful for the lessons I have learned no matter how hard it is sometimes or how long it’s taken for me to understand what the lesson was. For brief moments it cuts like a knife and yet I have to remind myself that it’s not my story. It’s someone else’s. Not my problems, not my anger, not my sadness, not my regret, not my pain. Not my own trauma and people only truly change when they want to. Not because I try and jump in to save them.

My thoughts for the present that I gift myself this Christmas and going forward are protect your sacred energy life force. Do not let others suck it from you or project their hurt and pain on to you. Own your boundaries.

This last month alone I have held several circles and have had the most magical moments with my soul sisters that remind me what my purpose is and why I do the work I’m doing. Not only for others but for myself. I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful for being seen by you. I’m grateful for feeling your love and kindness. I’m grateful for those that open up to me and trust me.

I will continue to hold safe, sacred, space for people to come and be heard. I will continue to offer an ear when someone needs it as a friend. I will continue to be kind and loving even when something else is being projected at me. (This is hard, Im not perfect but I’m learning) I will always be here with open arms when you are ready to receive and you’ve let go of the old stories in your head and are ready to create new happy memories. I will always be your soul sister here waiting for you to step in to the light.

I’ve always been here, I never left, longing for you to be ready for some thing greater ♥️
I love you ♥️

If you are alone this Christmas or are having a tough time. Please reach out. Do not suffer in silence. You can’t always choose your family or circumstances but you can choose love and support from your soul tribe 🙏🏻✨♥️ stay strong and go gently, with love this Christmas Eve. ♥️


For all of you men and ladies who leave things to the last minute like I do, I have to perfect gift to get you out of trouble :)



Yesterday someone pretending to be me text my mum saying my phone was broken and she could talk on the phone but I couldn't reply as the microphone was broken, they were listening to my mum down the phone and asking her to repeat out loud what they were typing. This is so they can use her voice, luckily my mum's pretty clued up and told them to F' Off. They said I needed emergency funds so I could get my phone sorted as I need to register with a doctor asap. As my mum knows I don't use that thieving "business" she knows it wasn't me haha. I can heal myself thanks, beware of all thieves :)

Photos from The Medicine Woman 's post 10/12/2023

Another amazing day starting with the STIP Lancing group ❤️then to Barbara’s Goddess Garden event for a talk on gut health and treated myself to some beautiful channelled pieces from Barbara Collins herself. Thank you so much and I look forward to my 121 with you on Thursday 💓🙌

Photos from The Medicine Woman 's post 07/12/2023

Preparing for a good nights sleep 🍄 next time you see these mum, pick them 😅


I know I am boring the hell out of you all but it is all just too exciting not to share. So we have the very special Mulled Cacao Ceremony and New Moon Gathering next week. Very limited spaces for this one. Cannot wait it's going to be very special :)

MULLED CACAO CEREMONY & NEW MOON GATHERING ~ SOUTHWICK ~ BRIGHTON WED 13TH Community is key for keeping connection alive!! Let this magical mulled cacao ceremony & new moons energy fill your evening with joy!

The Goddess Garden 06/12/2023

If you want an afternoon of pure bliss at the Goddess Garden, with xmas gifts and guest speaker please book your spot with Barbara Collins

The Goddess Garden A monthly space to nurture your inner goddess with heart-lead, soul inspired products, healing therapies and workshops, created with love...


My second half day WINTER SOLSTICE, Sound Bath and Sauna is now in the diary for the 22nd of Dec. Limited to 4 spaces :)

WINTER SOLSTICE LUXURY SELF LOVE SOUND BATH & SAUNA - BRIGHTON 22ND DEC Join us for a blissful morning of self-care and relaxation, as we indulge in an intimate luxury sound bath experience in Southwick/Brighton

The Business Club for Soulful Women - Laura Beddoe Membership 29/11/2023

A REMINDER TOMORROW: 9:30 - 11:30 at Rockwater Hove

Business Meet-up for female leaders. We have a special guest Kahreela An-Ra who will be leading a healing session focused on transforming your relationship with money.

As you may recall, this is a space for female entrepreneurs to connect, address generational trauma and societal conditioning, and powerfully share your ideas and services. It's a community where you are celebrated for the leader you are, without judgment or limitation.

In this week's meetup you can look forward to:

• A healing session to rewrite limiting beliefs around money and unlock your earning potential

• Networking and connecting with like-minded, soulful female founders

• A 20-minute training on becoming more visible online and enhancing your soulful business

• Breakout sessions for more intimate networking

If you're ready to earn more money in a sustainable way, become more visible as a leader, and be in a community where you can shine brightly, I highly recommend joining us.

Facilitated by award-winning hypnotherapist and TEDx speaker Laura Beddoe - Collins, this group provides the motivation, inspiration and empowerment you need to create real impact.

I hope you're able to attend this transformational event. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Please pre-book to avoid disappointment:

The Business Club for Soulful Women - Laura Beddoe Membership Standing together we are stronger. This is The Business Membership for female leaders that want to connect and break down generational trauma and societal conditioning to create a massive impact with their ideas and services.


When you say to yourself and others it’s hibernation season and then put twice as many things in the diary 😅


Chickens just hanging out in the sunshine. Sh****ng on everything 😂 joy 😒

Photos from The Medicine Woman 's post 30/10/2023

About last night …. Samhain celebration with goddesses. Thank you Kahreela 🙏🏻💓


The soulful, spiritual coffee morning with Laura and the amazing ladies. Such a beautiful morning. Next on me next month be sure to join us 💓


I am so pleased to say I'm almost sold out of all 3 events, only a few spaces left and 2 more dates added as requested. Please check out my new event here:

INTIMATE LUXURY SOUND BATH - SOUTHWICK BRIGHTON - Tues 7th Nov 4 spaces Join us for a blissful evening of self-care and relaxation, as we indulge in an intimate luxury sound bath experience in Southwick/Brighton


My new intimate sound bath sessions are now getting booked up and more dates being added, check out and follow my Eventbrite account for all upcoming events :)

INTIMATE LUXURY SOUND BATH - SOUTHWICK BRIGHTON - Thurs 2nd Nov 4 spaces Join us for a blissful evening of self-care and relaxation, as we indulge in an intimate luxury sound bath experience in Southwick/Brighton

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Videos (show all)

✨Todays magic ✨I go to bed content after a magical day. As we feel more connected to ourselves and the inner work we do,...
#newchapter #newyear #newbeginnings
Love your life. I’m so grateful for the life I have. ♥️ #plantmedicine #soundhealer #medicinewoman #witchwork #selflove ...
#soundhealing #soundtherapy #aoundbath #soundbath #frequencyhealing frequency #sound #gongbath #gonghealing #paradise #s...
#growyourown #allotmentsofinstagram #pumkin #ButternutSquash #selfsufficient
Love yourself more 💓 sound baths and sauna. Something a bit more special 💓
Last nights full house 🌈💓
A happy balance of work and play 🌸



Brighton And Hove

Other Alternative & Holistic Health in Brighton and Hove (show all)
Linda Belcher Healthcare Linda Belcher Healthcare
Maritime House, Basin Road North
Brighton And Hove, BN411WR

Holistic Health Treatments and Systematic Kinesiology Training

Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
Ewart Street
Brighton And Hove, BN29UP

I am Christina. Healer, teacher, soul guide, card reader and light language channel. How can I help?

Christina Mills Therapy & NLP Coaching Christina Mills Therapy & NLP Coaching
Hove Therapy Practice, 69 Church Road
Brighton And Hove, BN29ZG

For 25 years, Christina Mills has helped people all across Sussex and beyond to overcome their blocks and achieve greater well-being and happiness.

Purple Turtle Therapy Purple Turtle Therapy
1st Floor, Old Slipper Baths, Barrack Yard, North Road
Brighton And Hove, BN11YA

Purple Turtle Therapy in North Laine, Brighton. Therapies include Massage, Reflexology and Organic V Lift Facials. Venue and Studio hire available for Classes, Workshops & Courses...

Aether Bios Aether Bios
108 Rodmell Avenue
Brighton And Hove, BN28PJ

I believe that one tool is not enough to listen to your body's story, so I use an integrated approach

Natural Reiki Emma Natural Reiki Emma
Brighton And Hove, BN18TU

A Natural Reiki Practitioner & Teacher based in Brighton, practising both distant & in-person healing

pip cards tarot pip cards tarot
Brighton And Hove

welcome to pip cards tarot, a reflective, inclusive, and grounded service that brings tarot and oracle cards into conversation with the everyday.

Cosmic Haven Cosmic Haven
23 Kensington Gardens
Brighton And Hove, BN13LP

Aromatherapy seminars Aromatherapy seminars
Ship Street Brighton
Brighton And Hove, BN11AF

Interactive seminars in Brighton and Hove starting January 2023. Aromatherapy for the Immune System.

The Shamanic Coach The Shamanic Coach
Brighton And Hove

I offer rune readings and shamanic journeying in Brighton. Visit my insta account @runecraftzsussex for my homemade rune hangings. I take commissions and each piece is made with...

Earth·Mind·Body Earth·Mind·Body
Brighton And Hove

Workshops, retreats and courses to enrich connection to self, community and the natural world.

Balance and Bloom Balance and Bloom
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Ayurveda and sound therapy. An inclusive safe space for everyone to transform, heal and feel better. I offer soothing massage and sound therapy treatments using ancient wisdom. All...