
Equally fascinated by the human body and the divine; searching and creating magic in everyday life.

Photos from WombHeart's post 20/07/2024

Tried and tested, never failing, the
best nervous system regulation tools:
going out
vitamin HUG
venting to your friend about something that pi**ed you off
dipping into the sea
exposing the skin to the sun
(having a juicy strawberry🤤🍓)

And you’re sorted.

Photos from WombHeart's post 21/05/2024

RUCH zapoczątkował moją fascynację tym cudnym mechanizmem jakim jest nasze ciało!

Najpierw joga, później TRE i jego naturalne drżenia neurogenne, poprzez ruch somatyczny, taniec intuicyjny i każdego rodzaju świadomy ruch sprawiły, że zakochałam się, a ciało odżyło; ba, odżywa każdego dnia, zmienia się, mięknie, spina, znowu mięknie, jest łagodne i szczęśliwe bądź twarde i niezadowolone.
Już wiemy, jak rozmawiać ☺️
Ciało ludzkie. Fascynacja i miłość.

Do tego niedawno doszedł DOTYK!
Magia ciała, a w zasadzie w wypadku masażu- magia dwóch ciał, pogłębia tylko moją relację z tym perfekcyjnym i niesłychanym urządzeniem.

W dotyku dopiero raczkuję, ale na raczkowaniu się nie skończy😌
Uczymy się i czujemy.
Teraz w tańcu rąk z drugim ciałem.

A tak było w zeszły weekend podczas kursu Funkcjonalnej Terapii Trzewi w Warszawie
Nabyte umiejętności pięknie wplatają się w masaż majański 💫 ́ć


This beautiful event is a fundraiser for our lovely Tabather, who often supports all of us with her own events, classes, her wisdom and teachings.
Due to a needed operation she will be out of action for a few months;
Here is the Cacao and Sound Session for the support of our amazing friend!

Please join if you can! It will be magickal 🙃💫
Friday 10th May
7:30-9:30 pm
@ energy for life


Photos from WombHeart's post 30/04/2024

Rzadkie są moje występy publiczne tutaj w mediach społecznościowych, ale tak już mam- lubię przebywać w swoim świecie wewnętrznym, uwielbiam spędzać czas sama ze sobą, nie jest to w mojej naturze by często wychylać się i uzewnętrzniać.
~Jestem introwertyczką 🤷‍♀️☺️
Ale jak mnie już coś zainspiruje i zawoła do podzielenie się, to stawiam się!

Właśnie odniosę się do introweryczności tak króciutko, gdyż byłam świadkiem pewnej rozmowy wczoraj, gdzie ktoś coś wspomniał o synu introwertyku, który nie lubi przebywać za bardzo z ludźmi.
Na to odzew, „że może ma coś do przerobienia, ‚przepracowania’, skoro tak nie lubi do tych ludzi?”

Na świecie istnieją dwa główne podziały ludzi, na introwertyków i ekstrawertyków.
Nie sądzę, by było coś do przepracowywania u osoby utożsamiającej się z introwertyzmem (odnośnie introwertyzmu);
jeśli nie lubimy do ludzi, to po co nas zmuszać, lub co gorsza insynuować, ze coś z nami nie tak i jest potrzeba uzdrawiania?

Zauważyłam taką tendencje u niektórych, że spędzają większość swojego życia na przepracowywaniu pewnych swoich „wad” i ciągłym uzdrawianiu, tracąc na chwili tu i teraz, i BYCIU, poprostu.
Bez analizy i dłubania czy takie i takie zachowanie pochodzi z mojego rodu, czy też z innego wcielenia może, czy to z traumy z dzieciństwa…
Ciagłe skupianie się na uzdrawianiu wskazuje na to, że ciagle z nami coś nie tak.
A jakby tak zaakceptować to kim jesteśmy, owszem, pracować nad sobą i ulepszać, ale nie zapominać o prostych, cudownych chwilach i cieszyć sie życiem?
Jesteśmy idealni tacy, jacy jesteśmy ❤️

Ja na przykład teraz, kocham się z promieniami słońca, i jest mi błogo 🥰
Jestem w moim ulubionym parku, do którego za wiele osób nie przychodzi, jest puściutki!
Raj dla introwertyczki 😉😌

Skorzystam z okazji by zaprosić Cię na masaż majański łona, jeśli już naprawdę bardzo chcesz coś przepracować! 😉
Bo podczas masażu i po, wchodzimy głęboko w nieświadomość.

Napisz do mnie jesli jesteś ciekawa ❤️😘
Jestem w Polsce 🇵🇱

P.S a tymczasem spróbuj wyciszyć się i pokochać z promieniami słońca… 🤫🥰🌞 jest bosko ❤️

Photos from WombHeart's post 25/03/2024

An evening of deep nourishment, self care and love, where movement, touch and sound weave in together and create magic ❤️💫

Learn the ancient art of Mayan womb massage, gently and organically move your body landing and discovering what is in the present, and let yourself be taken on a journey with the healing sound of a gong bath ❤️

29th March in Brighton, for life.

Your questions and DMs welcomed!💫❤️

With love ❤️
Anna & Tabather 🌺


13moons for £13 discount 🤫

Photos from WombHeart's post 25/02/2024

It’s coming! 😍 29/03/24 in Brighton 🔜 Mayan abdominal self massage workshop ❤️
With somatic movement to start with, and gong bath to finish, by beautiful Soulomorfi 🥰 👏

Connect with your life force energy that resides in your abdomen and womb & tap into your feminine energy through all dimensions!

During this workshop we are going to deeply nourish our body-mind-soul through gentle movement, loving touch and powerful sound.
We will start with gentle somatic movement to connect with our body and to land into its inner landscape of what is felt and present, focusing on our pelvis area.
You will learn about the origins of this ancient art of Mayan Abdominal Massage, its power, and benefits of implementing this technique into your healing self- help toolkit.
You will then be guided into loving, caring and nourishing self womb massage, deeply connecting with your body and the stories it holds.
At the end of our journey, while tucked in comfortably and warm, you’ll be taken away into the world of the sound through a powerful gong bath.

*workshop is open to all women including post hysterectomy ❤️

*Bookings through eventbrite


Feel free to get in touch with us if you have questions 😘

Photos from WombHeart's post 06/02/2024

I fell
But fell with full awareness of falling
I allowed myself to fall
For my higher self knew I’m gonna come back

I fell back then
But I’m standing strong now
And I will be standing

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 26/10/2023

Almost home, but still on the road 🚶‍♀️❤️🌎❤️

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 28/09/2023

Part 3

It took me a few days to allow certain realisations to leak through into my consciousness. Those two ceremonies on the cacao plantation with over 40 people in each one made me realise of my own light.
That I can INDEED inspire others and help them open their hearts.
I’ve been looking through the pictures from the past few days and couldn’t recognise myself, who I have become, who I am constantly becoming.
For the first time I think I really allowed myself to admit my inner light; the energy I’m spreading and affecting the hearts of others.

I have been deeply affected by this experience, my soul has been touched profoundly. My whole body felt it. Perhaps the most beautiful, bountiful and rich part of my year long journey has just happened in San Andres del Rio, Tachira.
There was joy, abundance, warmth and full heart. I felt full and complete. Cup of cacao drunk underneath the exact tree that it comes from - I have never dreamed of that! what a gift.

The residue of this experience is still lingering around, creating butterflies in my stomach for all the possibilities and opportunities that are yet to come….🙏💫
The doors to the new have been opened, seeds planted.
Patiently, with trust and hope, awaiting the growth;
awaiting the harvest of fruits that are meant to come…

Forever grateful for my journey and life 🙏❤️🙏

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 26/09/2023

Part 2

Cacao is medicine

I’ve been working with cacao for a few years now and am in love with participating in cacao ceremonies and events that involve drinking this nectar of gods; sipping on this thick, dark and bitter sweet heaven before my practices.
Yoga, meditations or moments when I want to connect deeper with my higher self are enriched by mama cacaocita.
That has become my habit, my ritual.
It was never my intention to take initiative and lead others through the magick of drinking cacao, never really thought about leading ceremonies.
But the universe is lovingly serving me on a golden plate the most tasty opportunities posible.
Nudging me to share my light and the benefits of celebrating the life and all the gifts of nature through a tiny cup of cacaocito drunk in ceremonial manner, blessing its power and Mother Nature itself.

Walking around the plantations raises the vibration.
One feels lighter, one feels gentle and soft, love spreads from cacao trees like vapour all around us and through, touching the heart, softening the body and tickling the soul for her to fly and dance in joy.
Unbelievable power and indescribable love emanates from those plants. And if one is sensitive to energy it can feel like busking in those magic frequencies, as if walking around the clouds.
We have been honoured and so blessed to walk on this land, connecting with the plants deeper, and with its people.

It takes a lot of work for us to enjoy the end product of pure cacao drink. It takes a lot of energy and love from people directly working with the plants, from germinating through planting to harvesting; my heart warmed up when I heard the stories of locals sharing their connection with the land and plants, that they talk and sing to them for tastier chocolate and better harvest❤️
They were opened to get to know the other side of cacao, the spirit of the plant.

I have deepened my love and appreciation for the nature and her gifts.
With even more gratitude I kiss the Earth and bow my head to her. With more respect and humbleness.
For her power, strength and unmeasurable love she shares.

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 17/08/2023

We may see beautiful smile, yet nobody knows what’s inside… ⁣

Jeff Foster says: ⁣
The word “depressed” is spoken phonetically as “deep rest”. We can view depression not as a mental illness, but on a deeper level, as a profound, and very misunderstood, state of deep rest, entered into when we are completely exhausted by the weight of our own identity.’ ⁣⁣

I came across this quote just in perfect timing when I was battling with my own shadows and darker corners of my mind. ⁣
⁣I have heard many times in my life about how brave I am, what a wonderful life I live, that my wings are spread wide and potential at its peak. ⁣
Yet not many know that among those smiles, adventures, experiences, I often lie down on the floor, overwhelmed by my busy mind, old programming and patterns that come out of the blue, leaving me in a state of fear, helplessness, bouncing between anxiety and depression… ⁣
I just wanted you to know, you know ☺️ ⁣

Not all is always beautiful, suffering is part of our life, talking about our mental health states should be more common and allowed. ⁣

Authentic expression is recently a grounds I’ve been exploring. Trying to analyse, unpack, understand what it means to me, observe, learn and live by. ⁣
Talking about our mental health is as valid as sharing beautiful experiences. ⁣
It’s humanly. ⁣

And perhaps it’s a part of authentic expression and being true. True to oneself, and to others. ⁣

So, when I felt depressed and overwhelmed, I tried to tell myself, that I entered this state because I was ‘completely exhausted by the weight of our (my) own identity’⁣

Re-emerging now🙏❤️ ⁣
There are always profound learnings and expansion present after time in tension and darkness. ⁣Daylight always comes back after the night.



Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 16/08/2023

Can you hear the breath of our Mother Earth? ⁣
When profound silence is allowed she also breathes and that is what you can hear. ⁣
When stimulus from our busy and loud life decreases, you can hear Her breath, and you can breathe with her. Have you ever had a chance to quieten down like that? Going beyond all the sounds of life? Over there, in the silence, there is her breath heard… ⁣
In and out, slow and calm. And when you join Her, you become one. ⁣
Because her breath is your breath and your breath is hers. ⁣
You inhale her exhale and when you breathe out she inhales ⁣
🌬 ⁣
And you can experience that, you can become one. ⁣
Only if you go beyond all human life sounds, even those m your own mind. ⁣

🌳🌬 👣 #🌍 #🙏


‘We’re all just walking each other home’ ~ Ram Dass. Always amazed by how the universe sends our way those guides, teachers, kindred souls… just to help us make next steps, inspire to make new decisions, shine light onto our paths 🙏


Roraima Trek 🇻🇪
‘Venezuela’s lost world’

A week long hike with indigenous Pemons, conscious vegan food, yoga and massage! 🤗🧘‍♀️

September 2023


TRE method (tension and trauma releasing exercises) is practiced to reboot our nervous system and feel more grounded.
We are turning on neurological tremors (fancy way of saying ‘shaking’!) through which tension, stress and various blockages are released, body and its systems come back to homeostasis.
This drop in on-line class is for all who have practices TRE before.
Price £8
Message me to book and receive a ZOOM link.


Curious mind is what I’m asking for, releasing all the fear and doubt. Trusting the Universe and its perfect plan. Letting go of control, allowing pure and free flow…


Bhakti Yoga is not a devotion to an outside being or a force that is separate from us; rather it’s a devotion to truth and unity that resides in us. To our own divinity. This particular practice on Lalita was precious, beautifully captured moment. Meditation on Lalita/Tripura Sundari, goddess of beauty, playfulness, sensuality.

Photos from Evolution Energy  Pilates's post 21/04/2023

Full on weekend! 😍
💃 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️ 💃
Evolution Energy Pilates

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 17/04/2023

Cumbre del Bienestar Femenino~
~ Woman’s Wellness Summit!
Excited to be sharing my knowledge and experience with Venezuelan audience during this beautiful event in in Caracas😍

Will be co facilitating Cacao Ceremony, teaching my beloved TRE method and yoga for women ❤️

We can’t wait 😍🙏🙏🙏


💫 An invitation for you to join us, if you feel the call, for this unique Bufo and yoga Retreat in Mexico 🐸🧘‍♀️
JUNE 2-9

💫We will be working with Bufo Alvarius (toad medicine, psychedelic), yoga, somatic movement classes and other body work to merge spirit and the body profoundly.
💫~Finding formless (aka soul) within the form (our body)~

💫 On the desert of Sonora and right by the coast, far from noise and chaos of cities, to help us journey within ourselves deeper;

💫 With indigenous wisdom of Conca’ac tribe, collaboration with respected and well known shamans and healers, who are also the guardians of Bufo medicine.

💫Get In touch with us if you’re interested in this alternative 7-day deep immersion into healing and finding your true self, if you’d like to chat, or have any questions!

Here is link with more information and to save your spot 🍀



Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 24/02/2023

➡️➡️➡️ EDIT: new date!
2-9 June

💫Dreams are coming true in one’s life, things can transform, wishes and desires DO manifest.
We can be anyone, we can live life as we really want to;
If we really believe and take steps towards our hearts desires ( not the expectation and desires of family/ friends/ society) then miracles happen.
I’ve always dreamed to travel, teach yoga around the world, organise healing retreats (among many other dreams 🤪)

I keep dreaming and dreaming until just now I realised that I’m living my dream🤯
Especially now when I embarked on my big life journey and worked with sacred plant medicines things are transforming, changes seem to ride on the 5th gear!
- gratitude spreads from my heart for those teachings and insights 🙏❤️

And with this little note, and full realisation now of what is actually happening, I wanted to share with all of you (who bother to read my posts 🤭) about my first retreat I’ll be a part of! I’ll be teaching Yoga & TRE during our unique Yoga and Bufo retreat, to double it up, with my beloved one 🥰 (and my great great teacher🙏)
We will be working with sacred medicine of Bufo Alvarius and deeply connecting with our bodies through variety of movement classes, body work and therapies.

If you’re feeling like making a last minute trip to Mexico 🤭 we’ll be honoured to have you and guide you through your transformation and manifestations of your dreams.

If you think someone might be interested, you’ll help us immensely by sharing this post too🙏☺️

I am so humbled by all this, excited greatly, and looking forward to what’s going to be unfolding for all of us in April in Mexico 😌🥰

Link to the event on Facebook ⬇️⬇️⬇️


And also on GuruRetreats ⬇️⬇️⬇️




Gabor Mate
A human that has been inspiring me greatly, opening eyes to what’s authentic and not; in me and around.
To what’s real, what’s really going on with humanity, with our society, with our minds, projections, perceptions…
And Yoga

A practice that has been unfolding my authentic self, layer after layer, revealing what’s beneath social conditioning, believes, judgments…

Finding inspiration and knowledge from different sources, people, traditions widens our perceptions.
Sticking to one and only one way, narrows it down.

An open mind is to allow ourselves to learn and be guided by diverse sources or cultures

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 26/01/2023

When we eat food that has been locally sourced at the place we’re eating it, we connect with that part of the Earth; whether you feel it or not. We become one with her, she permeates us, we merge; she’s feeding us, giving us strength, vitality, health. Food or drinks blessings have became important part of my daily practices. Yesterday I went on a coffee tour in Colombian small farm. Finding out how coffee grows and is produced for us to drink gave me more appreciation for this delicious morning beverage. Same with cacao, heart opening medicine, blessed be 🙏 Praying before having my meal or my magic drink increases my gratitude, make me eat slowly, enjoying every mouthful, eating more consciously, being grateful for all the ingredients Mother Nature gives us, hands that worked hard to prepare that meal for us; beautiful landscape that we’re surrounded with or a company, if we eat with someone. Appreciating your meal and the work that came into preparing it can be the most sacred part of our day. If we make it 😉❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 22/01/2023

All experiences, tastes, people I have met, smells, hugs, laughs, kisses or tears;
It all left a forever imprint on my soul, mind and heart; widening the horizons of my sight.
Growing and evolving, changing the approach to life.
It feels as if I was asleep, dreaming, travelling on the terrain of my inner world, diving deep into my core.
Time and space for deep processes, seeing myself, getting to know.
Peru has been a time and place of suffering as well. Especially when working with sacred plant medicine. Or within human interactions, relationships, when things are not easy. Seeing myself through the lens of another human being.
Because not everyday is a blissful day, even though one might seem to have fun while travelling the world around.

When the eggshell is broken by an outside force the life ends; when it’s broken by an inner force - life begins though.

It feels today like my shell has been broken by an inner force, together with this potent and powerful new moon > beginning a new cycle, feeling a fresh breeze, seeing a new path ahead 🥰

Excitement at its peak!

Closing up some chapters and periods of time, having space for opening up to the new.
Unfolding and unpacking it all;
allowing fun, excitement, new and unknown to enter, flow, permeate me all.
Here is to the new! To our beautiful Super New Moon, to the new part of Pachamama, on which I have a privilege to walk.

To allow all experiences, tastes, people I’ll meet, smells, hugs, laughs, kisses or tears…



Photos from BeWell in School's post 11/12/2022
Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 08/12/2022

Salutations to the Sun from the Sahara land 🌞🕉🌞 #🕉

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 07/12/2022

Yes, Yoga anywhere, anytime 🙏
But man… under the palm trees ?!🌴😍🤩😍

Photos from Yoga & TRE anna rabiej's post 02/12/2022

Sahara seems to be holding many secrets nobody would’ve dreamed about. Powerful. Mysterious. She’s a refuge for a busy mind. Sand seems to be helping the thoughts to fly away with the blowing winds leaving the mind clear, calm, nostalgic. Feet sinking into the warmth of the sand feel like they’re being hugged by her. She’s gently holding our beings, massaging our skin whenever she’s touching one’s body. Her vastness leaves one in awe. The beauty of the dunes constantly in motion moulded by blowing wind from all directions. And no direction. Feeling privileged and honoured to be able to step my feet on our Mother Nature astonishingly diverse terrain. Different element dominates. Different energy. Serenity. Sahara. Secrets holder.



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Videos (show all)

A little bit of creative self-expression through spontaneous poem about the fear that I just wrote ☺️It came out while j...
See you soon! I’m coming back and bringing some lovely events with me 💫 more information soon 🙃  #workshops #workshopbri...
#practising #teaching #learning #venezuela Evolution Energy  Pilates #gratitude 🙏
social constructs being brought up into conscious mind, noticed, are called to shed their skin, drop down, away, making ...
Gabor Mate A human that has been inspiring me greatly, opening eyes to what’s authentic and not; in me and around. To wh...
Salutations to Lord Shiva 🧘‍♀️ ‘the auspicious one’                             #OM #yogapractice #yogalife# #myyoga #wo...



Brighton And Hove

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