Blossom and Bloom Hypnotherapy

Helping you achieve all your goals in order to live a healthier, happier and more balanced life


It was lovely to see and help our mums get a comfortable at our breastfeeding clinic yesterday. I absolutely love what I do!

We discussed the importance of positioning and attachment and if things aren’t feeling right go back to basics and follow the C.H.I.N.S. acronym remembering the following important principles:

C – Close (baby’s chest is really close against your body)
H – Head Free to tilt back (hold back of neck and shoulders with your hand)
I - In-line (head, shoulders and body in a straight line)
N – Nose to ni**le (line the nose up with the ni**le, ni**le enters mouth last and needs to reach the junction of the hard and soft palate at the back of the throat
S – Sustainable (comfortable and sustainable position for both of you). These principles apply to all positions for feeding.


Keeping track of your period helps you learn more about its frequency and length. It can also help you see patterns in mood changes. Being in tune with your body and understanding the different hormones involved in menstruation can help you navigate your monthly cycle better. It's not just about PMS. Hormonal changes throughout the menstrual cycle have been suggested to cause changes in mood like irritability, anxiety, or feeling more affectionate, but a definitive link between mood and the menstrual cycle is still under study and debate. Not only will these changes help you when it comes to your cycle but by understanding the rhythm of your cycle will help you prepare body and mind and ultimately better manage life.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your cycle and PMS symptoms please get in touch to find out about all the wonderful and magical advantages Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with.

Photos from Shades of Jade's post 22/04/2023

We have been discussing this in my postpartum circle a lot recently and I absolutely love this illustration…

Get in touch to join our next postpartum circle. Whatever your journey looks like I’ve got you ❤️


My therapy room is located within the beautiful grounds and venue of .

For a full immersive experience why not take a stroll and allow yourself to fully relax in it’s fabulous garden.

More and more studies show that connecting with nature can have a positive effect on our health and wellbeing so I am so excited that my clients will be able to benefit from it’s therapeutic haven.


Be kind always ❤️


As I read Molly Mae’s breastfeeding journey, I can’t help but feel really sad…. She thought she wasn’t producing enough milk because little Bambi was cluster-feeding for hours at a time. Why did nobody tell her this can be a very normal part of newborn life especially when babe is having a growth spurt? Someone also recommended to stop feeding her 10-week-old after an 11am feed, until 7am the next day. Why did nobody tell her that night feeding is essential for maintaining your milk supply. Molly’s experience just goes to show just how unhelpful and unsupportive breastfeeding advice can be not to mention how our obsession with routine can actually bring breastfeeding to a premature end. Like so many mothers before and many more to come, I am so sorry that you were not better informed and supported. It is impossible to make an informed and empowered choice if you are not adequately informed and supported.


Something exciting is happening…


Brain Changes
When the child is born, their brain is 25% of the size it will be when that child is an adult.That means it has a LOT of growing to do, and most of it is in the child's first three years of life. Just as tomato plants need optimal growing conditions to produce optimal results, so too does the human brain. Fortunately, neuroscience has shown us (quite literally, with brain scans and imaging), what works for optimum brain growth and development, and what gets in the way of it. In a word, what is super food for growing brains is Nurture. The baby-toddler-child flourishes with empathetic emotional nurture within the bonded relaltionship with the parent.

‘You will get it wrong … but you can’t make it worse’: 16 ways to talk to people who are grieving 08/01/2023

“It’s OK to find it hard to talk about death. It’s OK to feel frightened or nervous. It’s OK to get it wrong. What matters is that you try. We need to get better at being uncomfortable, at not knowing what to say and admitting that we’re scared. It isn’t easy to help someone in grief. But only when we attempt (and possibly fail) to help, will we learn what’s needed”

Read this. It’s helpful and great and v human.

‘You will get it wrong … but you can’t make it worse’: 16 ways to talk to people who are grieving Comedian Cariad Lloyd has spoken to hundreds of bereaved people for her award-winning series Griefcast and a new book on dealing with loss. She shares the lessons she has learned


“Shout out to all the mamas
showing up and doing the damn thing
Despite the pain
Despite the grief
Despite the anxiety and stress and sadness and the sickness
and the heavy weight of it all...

All the mamas
Who are missing their mama, or the mama they never had
Those who feel so far away from home,
Those navigating divorce or single parenthood for the first time
Loss or lay offs or unexpected life changes

All the mamas who had dreams of a chubby baby in christmas PJs
or bump selfies in front of the tree
Who have empty arms and an empty belly
And the NICU mamas who ache so desperately for the comfort of home
Only to go home and ache desperately for their baby

Mamas swimming upstream
against mental health challenges
or a scary diagnosis
or financial hardship
or relationship turmoil
or just the crushing weight of being a human being
raising human beings
in an unfair world

The most wonderful time of the year
Can also be the heaviest time of the year
And you are not alone
And the darkness will lift,
(as impossible as that truth may feel)
And you are beautiful and powerful and worthy
Amidst it all”

Beautiful repost words and image 💕💕


Just going to leave this here 💚

Photos from Blossom and Bloom Hypnotherapy's post 22/12/2022

Yesterday was the winter solstice

The shortest day and longest night of the year.

A time of year to snuggle up, keep warm and nurture ourselves and our family.

Night time parenting is tough. And the nighttime is even longer at the moment. It can seem very lonely, like you are the only one awake. But know that there are parents all over your town, all over the country, all over the world who are doing exactly the same thing. We are all looking at the same moon whilst feeding, settling, rocking, cuddling, bedsharing, nurturing. A connection. Take a moment to feel the connection with all those breastfeeding their babies back to sleep.

Or just snooze because you're too tired to think about it!

Just posting this to say I see you. You are doing a wonderful job. And your child is not broken for needing you at night. And they really and truly do all sleep eventually.


Yesterday was the winter solstice

The shortest day and longest night of the year.

A time of year to snuggle up, keep warm and nurture ourselves and our family.

Night time parenting is tough. And the nighttime is even longer at the moment. It can seem very lonely, like you are the only one awake. But know that there are parents all over your town, all over the country, all over the world who are doing exactly the same thing. We are all looking at the same moon whilst feeding, settling, rocking, cuddling, bedsharing, nurturing. A connection. Take a moment to feel the connection with all those breastfeeding their babies back to sleep.

Or just snooze because you're too tired to think about it!

Just posting this to say I see you. You are doing a wonderful job. And your child is not broken for needing you at night. And they really and truly do all sleep eventually.


That’s it from me for 2022 - A huge thank you to all of my wonderful clients ✨

I’ll be back on Wednesday 4th January

Wishing you the most wonderful Christmas, celebrated in just the right way for you

Warm wishes Sarah ✨

This time of year can be beautiful AND/OR it can be challenging. For some of you reading this your feelings and emotions may feel overwhelming and if that’s the case please know there are trained listeners out there that want to hear from you and will be there for you. Please use these numbers 💚

👉🏼Cruse Bereavement Helpline is 0808 808 1677.

“Our Helpline is run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.
We’ll give you space to talk about your feelings and how you’ve been coping. Our volunteers are completely non-judgemental and won’t share what you’ve told them with anyone else, unless you are in danger”

👉🏼SHOUT text 85258

“Shout is a free, confidential, 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope.
To start a conversation, text the word 'SHOUT' to 85258. Our trained volunteers are here to listen at any time of day or night, and messages won't appear on your phone bill”

👉🏼The Samaritans call 116 123

“Call us any time, day or night
Whatever you're going through, you can call us any time, from any phone for FREE”

Much love to you all and thanks for reading 😘


As much as it’s all festive and sparkly, making it through this time is never easy with children but there are with things we can do to make it bearable or hopefully enjoyable; have a routine, give as much warning as possible when there is change ahead, be really prepared with calming activities, allow for even more wind down time and have a plan. Then when the meltdown does happen (and it probably will) try to stay calm yourself so that you can help your child regulate and work through their emotions.


Making it through this time is never easy but there are things we can do to make it bearable or hopefully enjoyable; have a routing, give as much warning as possible when there is change ahead, be really prepared with calming activities, allow for even more wind down time and have a plan. Then when the meltdown does happen (and it probably will) try to stay calm yourself so that you can help your child regulate and work through their emotions.


What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is bringing your attention to the present moment with an element of nonjudgment and acceptance. It is noticing when we get caught up in thoughts about the past or the future, and returning our attention to the present — the only reality. 🙌🏽

The perception of the holiday/Christmas season can build an unrealistic expectation of what this should look like. So take a look at some tips for being mindful this holiday season. ☀️

Remember the best present, is your presence.🌸

What are your favourite mindfulness rituals?

Set intentions, not expectations.
We tend to be bombarded with Christmas ideals, making us believe we should feel a certain way.
The reality, however, can be very different and complex. So, to enjoy the festive season to the fullest you and choose to let go of all expectations. Instead, you can be mindfully present in your communication and interaction as they take place.

Let go of judgement
The stress of the holidays can spark conflict.
When you feel frustration rise, take a step back and let thoughts arise without getting caught up in them.

Balance the 'shoulds'
There are often many obligations during these holidays, but you don't need to please everyone.
Check in and balance them with your own needs, and observe how these expectations affect you.

Practise self-compassion
With so much going on, its important to take care of yourself.
Take time to relax, and do activities you enjoy. You may find taking care of yourself helps you be kinder to others.


This is ❤️


Are mood swings, painful periods and irritability making it hard to cope?

Are you feeling the weight of mum load? Afternoon sports and activities taking all of your free time? Are you struggling to connect with your partner?

You don't have the time to be feeling miserable.

You need an easy to follow plan, to get your mood stable , regulate your PMT and get energy back in balance.

Are you fed up feeling exhausted causing you to feel moody, low and snappy? Does it feel worse before your period?

I can help you feel stronger, more confident and cope so much better with life!

Get in touch to book your FREE initial consultation now

Life can be better.



Because the baby’s being taken care of -
fed, snuggled and given all the love in the world. ⁣
by not only the mother,⁣
but her partner, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends.⁣

But the mother,⁣
may have gaps in her mind from lack of sleep,⁣
may be mechanical in her motions as she’s healing,⁣
may feel more like a mess than a mother,⁣
may be sitting in bed, crying, feeling overwhelmed in her body and life,⁣
may be full of mum guilt because in her mind, "she's not good enough,"⁣
and she’s bleeding, recovering, swollen and emotional.⁣

And the mother’s that baby's whole world and needs to be seen, so she doesn't disappear into that postpartum fog.⁣

So, hold the mother, not the baby.⁣

A mother agrees that her baby matters more.⁣
But she’s hurting, while she’s the person behind the baby,⁣
in the background, making it all happen:⁣
feeding her baby at all hours,⁣
snuggling her baby close to comfort newborn cries,⁣
and being that baby’s everything.

So, it’s the mother who needs your love.⁣

And a mother will remember who held her up.⁣

So instead of “I’m coming to see the baby,”⁣
try saying, “I’m coming to see you 𝘢𝘯𝘥 meet the baby, too.”⁣

Because the mother needs to be held more.⁣



"Today, my therapist was talking about how the smallest bits of self-care — even making yourself a mug of warm tea — are a way of recognizing your own worth, and how meaningful they are when you really dislike yourself. “After all,” she said, “I don’t know about you, but I don’t often make tea for people I hate.”

And that really hit me, especially because I’m an acts-of-service kind of person and tea is one of my go-to ways to show people that I’m thinking about them, care about them, and hope their day could be a little better. So maybe when I make tea for myself, I’m saying that to myself, too, that I’m thinking of my own needs, caring for myself, and trying to make my day a little better.

And that’s really important to me because a lot of days I struggle to do basic things to keep myself going and just feel like I’m self-destructive, only ever making things worse… but most days I still manage to make myself a mug of tea or two. And it’s good to know that that matters." —

artwork by



“If our sense of who we are is defined by feelings of neediness and insecurity, we forget that we are also curious, humorous and caring. We forget about the breath that is nourishing us, the love that unites us, the enormous beauty and fragility that is our shared experience in being alive.” ~ Tara Brach
Art by Catherine Alexandre


I know you’re tired and feeling frustrated Mama but please try and remember that it’s biologically normal for your little ones to wake frequently and more importantly YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Take a deep and restorative breath of patience and exhale those frustrated heavy feelings.

You’re doing an amazing job ❤️

Some perspective in case you need it today ❤️
Thank you LMJ Infant Feeding Support


You are NOT making a rod for your own back… repeat this sentence.

Attachment, for a baby, means security abd love. In attachment parenting we trust the message that our babies give us, and attend to their needs until they are met.

Since humans have been on this earth, we have reared our babies in this way, and it has worked because it is what babies, and their mothers, are adapted to; hormonally, physiologically, and developmentally. We are not a caching species, designed for long absences from our mothers in nests and burrows. Such animals do not cry (or they would attract predators) and their milk is extremely high in protein and fat to sustain the young for long periods. We are in every way much closer to the continuous-feeding, carrying mammals, as were our stone-age ancestors, and our babies remind us of this when they cry to be carried, to be fed frequently, and to be nestled up against our bodies in sleep.

In fact continuous carrying (usually in specially designed slings and carriers), frequent and extended breastfeeding, and mothers co-sleeping with their babies are the norm in most non-western cultures, as they were in our culture 150 years ago. US paediatrician and author Dr William Sears has coined the phrase “attachment parenting” which describes both the style and the outcome when babies are cared for in this way. Attachment, for a baby, means security and love. In attachment parenting we trust the messages that our babies give us, and attend to their needs until they are settled.

Contrary to ideas of spoiling, research has shown that babies whose cries are quickly attended to are more contented and cry less as they grow older.

In a society that is obsessed with individualism and independence, ideas that are completely foreign to small babies, it is reassuring to know that developing a secure attachment with your baby in infancy leads to emotional security and independence in later years. And those years arrive sooner than you’d dream of, as you’re feeding you’re baby to sleep, again, at four am.


Yes, you are! 🤍

Tag your mum friends.

Stuck doing all the household chores? This practical guide can help : Life Kit 24/10/2022

A 2 min read regarding the Mental Load, the Project Management, the Emotional Load etc.

(This is a common theme in therapy for many clients)

Stuck doing all the household chores? This practical guide can help : Life Kit In four steps, experts Eve Rodsky and Jacqueline Misla explain how to fairly split domestic work with a partner or roommate. Don't forget to print out the handy zine!


There's something no one tells you about grief, and that's how desperately silent it can be. How unexpectedly it can entirely wipe you out years, even decades, later.

That's why I think we've all been a lot more affected by the death of Her Majesty and it’s possible that the Queen’s death will act as a trigger for people who are going through their own process of grieving or those who have never had time or space to deal with any suppressed feelings of loss.

We're not simply mourning the death of a woman we've never met. We're mourning familiarity. We're mourning endings. We're mourning the loss of a figure of stability amidst the chaos of today and we're grieving for everything, and everyone, that that represents. 

Grief can be really, really lonely and when someone like a public figure dies it can bring up a sense of uncertainty. We might have periods where we are feeling really strong and together and then we come across news stories like this and it takes us back to those moments of loss and the grief can reemerge.

For those feeling overwhelmed following the Queen’s passing give yourself time and space to find your own path. Whether that's sitting in front of the TV and watching all of the documentaries about the Queen or limiting yourself to just the 6pm news.

Empathy is also something that is positive and can help, you might feel stronger sending a card to the palace or plant a tree in her honour, buying some flowers - whatever works for you.

There's no right and no wrong, no set pathway. We all express grief in a way that matches our personalities and our needs.

If you are struggling to cope with grief, Cruse Bereavement Support is a charity helping those suffering with loss. Its National Bereavement Helpline (0808 808 1677) is open today until 10pm for anyone affected by the news.


Queen Elizabeth after her fourth Homebirth

Her Majesty was the first royal woman to have her husband accompany her at childbirth when she welcomed her fourth child Prince Edward with Prince Philip present.

"The Queen, by then aged 37, had asked him to be there; she'd been keenly reading women's magazines that stressed the importance of involving fathers in childbirth and had become fascinated by the idea. Thus Philip became the first royal father in modern history to witness the birth of his child.”


We all experience stress to some degree. Some stress can be good, it can push us to
work hard. But too much stress can make us feel overwhelmed, and prolonged stress can eventually lead to problems. The stress bucket is a way to visualise this. Above the bucket are clouds – the things that cause you stress. These rain into the bucket and gradually fill it up. You release the stress by doing things you enjoy or that help you to stress less.

Imagine there’s a bucket you carry with you which slowly fills up when you experience different types of stress.

Sometimes you feel strong enough to carry a lot of stress, but it’s important to find activities which help you lighten the load.

What clouds are raining into your bucket?

What helps you reduce stress?

How can you keep those activities going when other pressures build up?

Did you know hypnotherapy can help empty your stress bucket and create more space and order in your mind.

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Solutions with Sarah - Solution Focused Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

Welcome to my Page!

My name is Sarah and I am a Hypnotherapist, specialising in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and HypnoBirthing I am currently training at The Clifton Practice in Bristol (an accredited centre of excellence in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy).

I hold a DBS licence and I am fully insured. As a member of the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapists (AfSFH) and National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) I am presently able to see clients at a reduced rate.

I discovered Hypnotherapy a couple of years ago, and it changed my life and I am now, in turn, so excited to be able to help and show others that life can be better. It fills me with so much joy to watch my clients flourish, visibly seeing results week on week. Hypnotherapy is such a rewarding process, we focus on the positives together to create brighter futures full of colourful possibility.




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