Bloom Yoga Bristol



*SPECIAL OFFER* - to be used within the next 4 weeks, starting today!

I don’t usually post offers but I’d LOVE for you to join me to rest and reset before I take a break during the summer holidays (pregnancy classes will continue) - women’s yoga will be back with a bang from September.


My yoga for women’s health class is designed for you 💜

My classes are designed based on what you share in the hello circle each week, it’s tailored to your needs.

Hundreds of you have shared so openly with me throughout the years and I truly feel I know what we need as Mums when it comes to gathering together to practice Yoga ✨

Usually we will include some flowing movement, breathing techniques, pelvic floor exercises (strengthening as well as learning to relax), specific exercises to restore the core, restorative poses and a Nidra - always making time for you to feel seen and heard.

My postnatal training and pelvic floor awareness means that no matter where you are in your postnatal journey, I’ve got you ✨

I support lots of mums with Diastases Recti (tummy gap), pelvic floor strengthening/releasing, prolapse) - I think the more we can talk openly about pelvic health, the better!

Valid on Mondays or Wednesdays starting this week until 17th July.

4 class for £35
3 classes for £30

Redland, Mondays 7.45-8.45pm
Horfield, Wednesdays 8-9pm

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 18/06/2024

I’m VERY excited to announce that our guest speaker at the The Pause Retreat is Liz Brown - a Pelvic MSK Physiotherapist and founder of

Anyone who knows me or has come to any of my classes will know how much I talk about the pelvic floor and I believe the more we can talk about it, the better!

We will be discussing how the fluctuating and decrease of hormones (oestrogen & progesterone) can effect our mental, emotional and physical health….which will lead perfectly onto the pelvic floor and Liz will talk all about the pelvic floor and menopause.

It will be a safe space to ask questions ✨

I will then guide you through a yoga practice designed to help ease menopause symptoms with a relaxation at the end.

You’ll then get to enjoy two dreamy hours in the outdoor spa!

Come along and meet other like minded people / £60 per person / or bring a friend and you both pay £50

July 7th

To book your space contact


Menopause Yoga & Spa Retreat | 7th July | 2-6pm | held at

This retreat is for you if you are perimenopausal or post-menopause - or perhaps you’re not sure where you are on your journey but would love to learn more on how to navigate this (what can be, transformative) part of your life.

How can we thrive, rather than just survive?

This is open to all, whether you have practiced yoga before or not! This is an INCLUSIVE retreat, all welcome.

We will focus on breathwork, restorative poses, gentle stretches and a yoga Nidra (relaxation) and you have a choice at all times in what movement or breathwork feels right for you.

We will begin with a ‘hello circle’ a chance for everyone to share and an opportunity to learn from others experiences.

We will discuss how the decline of oestrogen effects the whole body and what we can do to support this transition (including guidance on how to support your pelvic health).

Learn tools and techniques to manage symptoms through yoga 🧘‍♀️

We will then head to the gorgeous outdoor spa for refreshments, light snacks and deep relaxation!

My hope is that you will leave feeling held, nurtured, restored and empowered!

Goodie bag of discounts and treats included!

A little about me: I’m 35 years old and I’ve gone through the menopause. I was diagnosed nearly 9 years ago with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency! It has been a rollercoaster of a journey and I have learnt so much! I feel passionate about sharing evidence based information to support others. I trained with to offer these brilliant classes and workshops and I have also supported people with early menopause or other fertility issues with fertility yoga (to support the menstrual cycle). I also support many parents who are navigating raising small children and the menopause (myself included!).

If you have any questions please pop me a message here or email [email protected]

Sunday 7th July
Westbury Park Bristol @
(Opposite Waitrose/next door to little shop & pantry)


New term of Mum & Baby Yoga begins NEXT WEEK!

This will be THE LAST TERM running until September!

These classes are very relaxed and welcome you just as you are! Anything goes in class - it is a friendly and safe space for you and your baby ✨

We focus on educating and connecting back to the pelvic floor and core through breath awareness and movement, whilst also easing away any aches in the body and ending with a relaxing yoga Nidra.

Here’s a lovely review I received recently 🥰

“Kate’s postnatal yoga was one of the highlights of our week. It felt a really safe space to be with my young daughter and other mum’s in a similar headspace. Kate was not only a great yoga instructor she was also great with the babies, meaning mum’s could actually get some time doing something for themselves! I whole heartedly recommend the classes and hope to rejoin Kate for her evening classes once bedtime allows!”

- Lauren E, Mum & Baby Yoga

HORFIELD - Tuesdays, 10.30-11.30. Begins next week!
REDLAND - Wednesdays, 10.30-11.30. Begins next week!


Using alllllll the bolsters for my ‘Yoga for Women’s Health’ class last night at Alma Physiotherapy

As soon as they eased themselves into the support of the bolsters I heard ‘aaaaahhhh this is so comfortable’ before they drifted off for a guided meditation.

The class is always tailored to those attending and is so beneficial for any phase of life you’re in, but particularly for:

~ supporting fertility
~ peri to post menopause (including premature, early and surgical menopause)
~ beyond postnatal (6+ months)

We aim to move the body gently, building strength with moments of deep rest weaved in.

I’m pelvic floor informed and will tailor any pranayama (breathwork) to your needs (particularly suitable if you know you need to relax your PF!). We explore the breath, how it feels in our body and noticing holding patterns.

If you’d like to try a class pop me a DM or comment below and I’ll send you a link with more info on the class 🤗

Mondays - 7.45-8.45pm in Redland


It’s my birthday 🎉

So I thought it would be a great opportunity to ask…

If you have attended any of my yoga classes, birth prep sessions, or trauma release sessions and would like to gift me a google review for my birthday, I would very much appreciate it 💜 each and every review helps my little business 🥰 THANK YOU!

I will pop the link in my stories!


Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 20/05/2024


Next 6 week term is now available to book online!

Classes held in Redland (swipe to see the cosy studio) & Horfield!

We focus on exploring the breath and pelvic floor connection, movement to ease away any aches and pains, gentle strengthening exercises, with moments weaved in to relax and rest, all with baby by your side.

Just as important as strengthening, we learn tools and techniques to relax and let go ✨

I love babies and we welcome allllll of the noise (so please don’t ever worry if your baby cries) and you’ll usually find me teaching whilst holding a baby or looking after a few at a time! And as much as I love your babies….I must say that my classes are all about YOU! I hold space so you can connect back in to your body and create opportunities for rest which is so so needed 💜

If you have any questions about my classes please do pop me a message 🤗

Book via or comment below and I’ll DM you the link 😘

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 13/05/2024

You’ll see in the news today lots about The Birth Trauma Inquiry which heard evidence from more than 1,300 women. The findings will be presented to ministers on Monday, before Ms Atkins is expected to set out the government’s response.

It is estimated that 30,000 women a year, in the UK alone, have suffered negative experiences during the delivery of their babies. One-in-20 develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

So much needs to be done to provide the level of care that birthing people and their families deserve and hopefully this will be a step in the right direction.

If this is triggering for you then it’s okay to switch off the news today and take care of yourself 💜

I recently qualified to offer Birth Awareness and Trauma Release sessions, sometimes referred to as 3 step rewind.

It is a gentle and safe way to help you lift any heavy feelings and symptoms that can remain after a difficult or traumatic experience. I support experiences of fertility, birth, postnatal, breastfeeding, or any other trauma or phobia.

Or perhaps you haven’t even given birth yet, but are feeling fearful or anxious?

If so, this offering could be for you ✨

Please do get in touch for a chat if you think this is something you’d like to know more about. My inbox is always open 💜 you don’t even need to share your experience with me if you don’t want to, the process will still work in releasing the heavy emotions and symptoms, creating a future that you deserve.


✨ Yoga Classes for Women’s Health ✨

Received this lovely review recently for the weekly women’s yoga class that I hold at Alma Physiotherapy Clinic

Suitable for all, whether you’ve practiced yoga before or you’re a complete beginner!

What to expect?

Each class begins with a hello/sharing circle - a chance for us all to check in and see how you are. It is a very safe and supportive space and a lovely way to meet new people 🤗

Then we will go into some gently movement for releasing any aches or pains, easing away tension or stress and includes some restorative poses (poses held with support from bolsters, blankets and pillows). Pranayama (breathwork) and a yoga Nidra to finish that’s usually 10-15minutes!

This class is for you if you’re:

✨ feeling frazzled
✨ feeling stressed or anxious
✨ trying to conceive and looking for movement to support
✨ beyond postnatal and would like to focus on your core and pelvic floor
✨ peri to post menopause and would like a supportive space and movement to help ease symptoms
✨ high tone/hypertonic pelvic floor and would like to focus on breathing optimally, releasing and letting go.

Classes held in:

Redland, Mondays 7.45-8.45pm

Horfield, Wednesdays 8-9pm

If you enjoyed pregnancy yoga then you’ll love this!

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 25/04/2024

✨ A F F I R M A T I O N S ✨

This week in Pregnancy Yoga we discussed birth mindset and affirmations.

It’s so important during labour that we protect our birthing space and in turn our mindset.

~ where our mind leads our body follows ~

✨ Affirmations require regular practice and they need to resonate with you! ✨

Notice which ones resonate, which ones feel strange and which ones we repel. Remembering that everything has it’s place, and it can tell us a lot about ourselves.

Once you’ve chosen your affirmations, you can print some, buy some or be as creative as you like and make your own!

This pic is from one of my students who after our pregnancy yoga class made her own affirmation cards with her children which is such a lovely way to include them in birth prep 💜✨

Pop them up around your house so you can read them every day 🤗

We also spoke about how labour can sometimes feel like a marathon. You may have moments where you feel you can’t go on, or when our mind tricks us that we can’t, but know that we have this magical power and strength in labour where we have no limits.

Some people may just focus on their breath as they try to let go of any thoughts, some will repeat their affirmations e.g ‘I can do this, I am doing this’, ‘I am safe’, ‘I am releasing, I am opening, I am softening’.

If you have affirmations that you’ve been working with throughout your pregnancy, share with your partner so they can read them out to you!


I’d love for you to share your favourite affirmation in the comments below!!

Share any you love, you plan to use, any that helped when you gave birth, any for planned c-section mamas too!


I teach pregnancy yoga in Horfield & Redland and would LOVE for you to join our lovely community of pregnant mamas & parents!


🌸 Calling ALL women! 🌸

Join us for our ‘Yoga for Women’s Health’ class designed specifically for you.

This class focuses on improving your overall health and wellbeing ✨

From easing aches and pains, relieving tension held within the body and pelvic floor, to reducing stress and anxiety, this class offers a wide range of benefits including improved flexibility, strength, and most importantly to restore your energy and reset your nervous system.

This class:

✨ is completely tailored to your needs
✨ provides a safe space for you to connect with others and share how you are 💜
✨ educates you about your pelvic floor health and hormones
✨ is pelvic floor informed. Need to strengthen your pelvic floor? Need to relax a pelvic floor with high tone? Prolapse? Let me know and the class will be tailored to support your pelvic health. (I always recommended checking in with a pelvic health physio if you’re not sure what’s going on with your pelvic floor! It’s important to know that it’s not a one size fits all approach and knowing what your individual body needs is essential for looking after your PF! My classes can help you to become aware of your holding and breathing patterns which is an essential part of looking after your pelvic health!).

I combine all my training in this class to support fertility, menstrual health, pelvic floor and core, menopause (including early menopause, POI, surgical menopause) - all welcome!

Pop a message below with a 🧘‍♀️ emoji if you’d like more info!

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 17/04/2024

Are you feeling exhausted? In need of some TLC?

Why not dive into deep relaxation and join the Spa & Yoga Mini Retreat THIS SUNDAY!

Spa & Yoga Mini Retreat
Sunday 21st April, 4-7.30pm
@ Sensate Spa & Yoga Studios, Westbury Park

Spa & Yoga Mini Retreat is the perfect way to take some time for you; to ease away any tension, rest, recharge.

The Spa is hidden away behind beautiful old temple doors within a secret garden. Enjoy a hot tub, sauna and if brave, take a dip into the cold plunge pool.

Whilst you are in the outdoor spa, someone will be on hand to serve you with a delicious selection of herbal teas, hand picked from the garden, plus a selection of healthy snacks.

Then you’ll float into the yoga studio to settle into your mat with a herbal tea as we open with a ‘hello circle’ – a chance to pause and connect with your self and others.

The class with then be designed based on your individual needs and you can enjoy a slow flowing, restorative and pelvic floor informed yoga class.

We focus on soothing the nervous system, restorative poses for relaxation, gentle movement to ease away any tension, with a guided relaxation and yoga nidra at the end of each class.

A lovely review from the last retreat:

“Spent two hours in the hot tub and then the sauna with some amazing friends I made through Kate’s pregnancy yoga classes and then had a rejuvenating, relaxing yoga session (with some excellent chocolate truffles) and a yoga nidra wind down. Wish every Sunday could be this relaxing! Thanks so much, Kate.”

Book your space through



With effect from 15th April this will be the class schedule!

Key changes are:
✨ a NEW women’s yoga class in HORFIELD!
✨ all pregnancy yoga classes changing to 75mins
✨ all Mum & Baby Classes changing to 10.30-11.30am
✨ Pregnancy Yoga Redland 6.15-7.30pm
✨ Women’s Yoga Redland 7.45-8.45pm

There’s only TWO Spa & Yoga mini retreats planned for the rest of the year at the moment, be sure to save your spot as they are bloody lovely if I say so myself 🤗

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 19/03/2024

Are you or your partner looking to overcome a trauma or phobia?

I am offering a unique opportunity to experience the transformative power of the 3 Step Birth Awareness & Trauma Release Process. As a trainee, I am seeking TWO case studies to complete my accreditation.

The usual price for this session (once I receive my accreditation) will be £190, but I am offering this for only £30 in exchange for your valuable feedback.

The 3 Step Birth Awareness & Trauma Release Process is a gentle and safe way to help you to lift heavy feelings and symptoms that can remain after a difficult or traumatic experience. You do not have to share your experience with me for the process to work.

It is not a therapy but a step by step process which takes place over 3 sessions (in person or online via zoom) using guided meditations where you are fully in control. The process guides the brain to re-code the memory; you keep the wisdom from the experience but you let go of any heavy emotions or symptoms. Activate your own self healing and begin to move towards the future that you desire.

This process is suitable for you, if you have experienced:

✨ a difficult or traumatic birth
✨ a difficult or traumatic postnatal or breastfeeding experience
✨ any other perinatal trauma
✨ anxiety or fear as you prepare for birth
✨ a phobia or unwanted automatic emotional response to certain triggers (it doesn’t need to relate to childbirth) that you’d like more choice in how you respond.

This is a powerful and very effective process for all kinds of trauma, as demonstrate extensively by its creators when used with post-war veterans suffering with complex PTSD.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the life-changing benefits of the 3 Step Birth Awareness & Trauma Release Process.

I only have TWO spaces at this discounted rate so please DM me if you would like one of them (you will need to commit to 3 x 1hr sessions).

📩 DM or comment below to save your spot
😘 Feel free to send this to a friend who you feel could benefit from this process


Happy Mother’s Day!

🌸✨ In celebration of Mother’s Day, we are offering you to try your FIRST CLASS FOR FREE in March just for you!

I believe whole heartedly that yoga can help to support you throughout your motherhood journey and it is so important to carve out time for self care and to connect with yourself.

Try your first ‘Pregnancy Yoga’ or ‘Yoga for Women’s Health’ class for free in March using code MOTHERSDAY

✨ Pregnancy Yoga
✨ Yoga for Women’s Health

These classes feel so special to teach and it’s such a lovely way to make new friends too!

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to treat yourself this Mother’s Day! 💖🧘‍♀️


Happy International Women’s Day!

How can you ?

I feel VERY passionate about women’s health.

The UK currently has the largest gender health gap in the G20, and the 12th largest globally.

“Less than 2.5 percent of publicly funded research is dedicated solely to reproductive health, despite the fact that one in three women in the UK will suffer from a reproductive or gynecological health problem”.

This needs to change! Current examples…

✨ In France the government provides all women with la rééducation périnéale — up to 20 sessions of physiotherapy to restore the postnatal pelvic floor and retrain the abdominal muscles following the birth of a child.

What care to we receive in the UK? A 10min GP appointment asking us what contraception methods were using. No pelvic floor check. No care after major abdominal surgery. Rather than preventing issues, we only act once there is an issue. Once there is an issue there is then a long waiting list to be seen by a women’s health physio. The other option is booking in with a private pelvic physiotherapist but we must note that it is a privilege to be able to afford to do this. However we shouldn’t be paying up access this care, especially when in other countries it comes as standard!

✨ There is FIVE TIMES MORE research conducted on erectile dysfunction (which affects only 19% of men) than on premenstrual syndrome (which affects 90% of women!!!!).

✨ Maternity Care is in crisis. Not enough funding. Not enough midwives. As a result there is no continuity of care to support better outcomes. Lack of solid research to base policies and guidance on. Soaring increase in c-sections yet no decrease in neonatal mortality. We need women centered continuity of care that we all deserve and this has been shown to increase better outcomes for mum and baby.

✨ Menstrual Cycles and the Menopause - all women experience this and yet many do not understand their hormones and the impact this can have mentally and physically. Su***de rates are at its highest around the time of the menopause. We need more education and support!


Preparing for two antenatal sessions this week with two different birth teams that feeling super blessed to be part of as their Doula 💜

Both sessions will be completely different as both have different individual needs (as does everyone in birth, which is why individualised and continuity of care is so important- but that’s a whole other topic to cover!!) but I do love using this beaded birth line as a tool for discussing the phases of labour and deep diving into how we can support our physiological and emotional needs during each phase.

I offer in person and virtual doula support, you are more than welcome to comment below or DM me if you have any questions or would like to book a free call with me to discuss how I could support you (and your birth partner).

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 28/02/2024

Today I received two messages from two people who had positive births!

A second time mum who had a home birth, a totally different experience from her first in hospital! I will be adding her birth story and video to my blog so keep your eyes peeled!

A first time Mum whose birth took an unexpected turn but using all of her tools she had a positive birth on the Central Delivery Suite in Southmead.

It’s always such an honour to hold space each week for these incredible women who navigate their pregnancies and birth with a sense of empowerment, feeling informed in the choices they make.

If you’d like to join my pregnancy yoga class I teach in:

Redland at Mondays 6-7pm

Horfield on Wednesdays 6.30-8pm


For this week only - I’ll be running an online Mum & Baby Yoga class!

This class will be focused on YOU whilst we include baby in some of the movements ✨

The class will be live via zoom and you will be able to keep a copy of the recording to practice as many times as you like!

If you can’t make the live class, you can still book to receive the recording to practice in your own time.

What’s included:

✨ breathwork and pelvic floor connection
✨ gentle exercises to restore your core
✨ movement to ease away aches and pains
✨ tailored movement for any pelvic floor, Diastases Recti and c-section recovery.
✨ restorative pose
✨ yoga Nidra

If you’d like more information on booking please comment below or pop me a DM 🤗

Suitable from 6 weeks vaginal / 8 weeks abdominal birth.


✨ Yay! I’m so honoured to have been invited in to support another family on their journey ✨

It always feels special to connect with someone and to be invited to walk alongside them as they navigate the twists and turns of pregnancy, birth and postpartum!

As doulas, I think of us sometimes as a ‘google filter’. We know exactly where to find evidence based information that can help people to feel empowered and informed in their choices. We filter out all the s**t!

We provide emotional support to the pregnant person AND their birth partner. We work as a team 🤗

I am completely led by YOUR needs! Emotional support, exploring birth place options, birth wishes and preferences, antenatal sessions, comfort measures for birth, top tips, postpartum planning, practical support….the list goes on!

My virtual doula package is a great option for you if you:

live far away but would still love for me to support you during your pregnancy and birth
you would like the benefits of having doula support throughout your pregnancy and do not require my physical presence at your birth
you are looking for a more affordable alternative to in person doula care.

If you’re interested in virtual support you can find out more on my website or comment below and I’ll dm you for a chat 😘

If you are interested in my IN PERSON support, I’m available for postnatal care AND I offer shared care for pregnancy, birth and postpartum alongside the wonderful Clair at

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 18/02/2024

It’s a new term and I thought I would share what classes I have on offer!

I’m a doula and yoga teacher specialising in fertility, postnatal recovery, women’s health and the menopause.

I feel so passionate about sharing evidenced based information to help you to feel informed and empowered on your journey. Support and community is what I strive to create so that you know you’re not alone and you have a safe space to meet like minded people.

If you have never practiced yoga before, this is a great place to begin!

Photos from Bloom Yoga Bristol's post 31/01/2024

The Monthly Women’s Yoga Circle (& Spa!!) is back on this Sunday!!

You have the option to join us for a 90 minute yoga class that includes:

✨ women’s sharing circle
✨ Pranayama (breathwork)
✨ Gentle flow
✨ Restorative Poses
✨ Yoga Nidra
✨ Mini neck and head massage
✨ Chocolate truffles

There is the option to spend 2 hours in the beautiful outdoor spa before the class (additional £35) to really sink into relaxation mode! A lush place to meet other people and have a natter about anything and everything - it’s a very friendly and relaxed place.

Yoga Circle 6-7.30pm - £20 (book two dates for £30, saving £10!)

Spa & Yoga package 4-7.30pm - £55 (book two dates for £100, save £10!).

If you have any questions please pop me a DM!

Comment below for the booking link or head to my stories to book 🥰


I’m taking tiny steps in curating my postnatal doula offering ✨

Yesterday I registered with the council as a food business and will be completing my food safety and hygiene training 🙌

Anyone that knows me, will know that I spend a lot of time at my allotment growing lots of fruit and veg!

All my home grown veg is no-dig which essentially means healthier soil and veg. Also no air miles so better for the 🌎

I’ve doubled my allotment space and this year and I’m excited to create lots of delicious meals with my home grown food.

Something you may not know….is many years ago I used to have a food blog! Based on veggie and vegan food! So this feels like I’m inviting a previous version of myself into the birth world!

I know from having my own children how important it is to have nourishing food available in those early few days, weeks, months (years!!!!).

So at some point this year I will be launching a postnatal food package as part of my doula offering - visualise veggie broths, warming stews and sweet treats!

The perfect gift for yourself or a loved one 💜

📸 This photo is a quick snack from todays lunch (last nights left overs!) of a simple red lentil and chard (from my allotment!) dhal, slow roasted spiced sweet potato and my favourite chilli & cumin h**p seed pickle!

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Videos (show all)

Mum & Baby Yoga in Horfield & Redland! Return to exercise with baby by your side in a friendly and relaxed space - class...
Woweeee full birth story is up on my blog ~ link in bio! Thank you @marniejjohnston for allowing me to share your beauti...
Monthly Spa & Yoga with @bloomyogabristol & @sensatespaandstudios Here’s a few snaps from yesterday’s Spa & Yoga Women’s...
YOGA & SPA - REST & RESET WOMEN’S CIRCLEThe next circle is Sunday 3rd December! This is a monthly yoga circle with the o...
A little snap shot from the Mamas Mini Retreat that I held a couple of weekends ago! It was such a beautiful afternoon a...
Here is a sneak peak of the Mini Retreat I’m running in July!! I’m so excited to have @roselight__practice joining me an...
Planning or thinking about having a home birth? Worried about the mess or effort to set up a pool? It’s so quick and eas...
Heidi Birth Story continued…Hughie then came back home, covered in mud and clutching some little white flowers that he h...
THE KEY TO YOUR POSTNATAL RECOVERY IS…..HOW YOU BREATHE!Firstly, postnatal recovery isn’t about ‘bouncing back’ or the w...
Is anyone else feeling totally down and overwhelmed at the moment?! I just want to lay in bed and hibernate until it’s a...




Opening Hours

Wednesday 7pm - 8:30pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm

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Kutumba - Yoga Classes, Events, Retreats Kutumba - Yoga Classes, Events, Retreats

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