Be Complete Massage

A highly experienced and passionate Sport, Remedial and Holistic Therapist + Osteopathy student! 😁


Why not?!! When we're in need of a Remedial or Holistic massage for example, our mind and body doesn't discriminate as to when this need appears.

For example, I pulled some muscles around my left shoulder recently, and I desperately wanted a massage on a Sunday, but I couldn't find a Therapist who was working. I obviously understand that everyone needs a day off though and that a Sunday is an pivotal day, especially for those who have partners, children and family! ❤️

The pain around my left shoulder did go away eventually and with some stretching, I believe, but this is mainly why I want to open on Sundays.

Anyway, in the meantime, I hope your all having a lovely Sunday and maybe see you on a future Sunday! 😃 x


Hello everyone, I hope your having a good day 😊

I've been wanting to offer a discount for a while, but as I'm wanting to keep it inclusive of everyone, I've decided not to offer a discount for a specific category (for example a student or an NHS discount) because I feel that would leave some of you out. I feel that due to the increase in the cost of living and as it's coming up to Christmas, everyone deserves a bit of a break!

I've therefore decided to give anyone a discount for a 60 minute massage and in return, I would be very grateful if you can write a Google review.

Reviews are like gold dust to us public service practitioners, I believe (well, they are for me anyway), but I understand how busy you are and that it takes time to write a review.

To book, please contact me directly, or you can book online the usual way.

I hope to see you soon and thank you!

Lucy x


This is why I haven't posted on Social Media for a while, as I've been so busy studying, giving treatments, catching up with a very important social and family life and relaxing (when possible! Haha)

I hope you are all well and get a chance to relax this weekend too as well as having fun!

I will be in touch soon with some discounts for treatments I will be offering, but before then, ta-ra and speak to you soon!!

Lucy # # #


This is such an old quote, but I honestly believe that the oldest quotes are the best, because they have stood the test of time.⁣

It can be hard work to apply though, such as making sure we consume nutritious food, getting enough exercise and sleep, as well as making time to enjoy ourselves! A lot of us also have to work hard to earn money and so it's understandable why sometimes we don't eat properly, exercise or get enough sleep. I have experienced this and I haven't felt good. ⁣

I believe that we should try our hardest to look after ourselves, as without our own wellbeing, I feel we cannot do a lot.⁣

Anyway, I'll stop rabbiting on now and say, I hope your having a good week! 😂 x


I hope you've been feeling not too hot!! To be honest, I've been finding it difficult giving treatments in this heat and have been feeling tired and irritable at times.

The only thing I've wanted to do was to be in cool water and that hasn't happened yet. I've even felt envious of ducks at times 😂.

Tomorrow though, I feel lucky, as I'm intending to go to the sea to have a dip. I'm really looking forward to it!

I hope you all have a good weekend, whatever your doing, whether you have similar plans to myself or you have other fun things your going to do.

I hope you find the time to stay hydrated and cool enough and also possibly enjoy the heat! 😁



Currently, as well as 'Holistic Massage' treatments, I also offer 'Sport and Remedial Massage' treatments.

So, what is Sport and Remedial Massage?
It is the manipulation of soft tissue (muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons for example) to help to relieve pain which may be caused by many things.

The causes can be:

> Physical injury (even a historic injury)

> Psychological stress

> Lack of physical movement

> Overuse/underuse of certain muscles which can develop compensatory patterns (such as when sitting at a desk for hours or long distance driving)

During the initial consultation, I will talk to you and listen to you in order to ascertain what may be the cause of your issue. Everyone is different and it is frequently a variety of factors that come into play.

I utilise various hands on techniques to help to relieve your pain, such as deep tissue massage, effleurage, muscle energy techniques, stretches and positional release to name a few and I also conduct postural assessments and mobility tests before your treatment.

After the treatment I provide you with thorough after care advice in order to help you to make sure the problem doesn't return and to aid you in your recovery.

Often, one session isn't enough to help you to fully recover though, but I will let you know after the first session as to if further treatments are needed and the frequency and number of them.


Thank you Adam, for this amazing review, it's very much appreciated! I helped Adam (who came to me from 'Classpass') with some awful neck pain he was experiencing. Poor thing. I gave him a couple of treatments and also some after care advice and it did help to relieve the pain and in his recovery.


I hope you all have a good weekend! x

I couldn't resist in telling you that in 4 years time, fingers crossed, I will be one of the clinicians who I sometimes advise my clients to see when their condition or problem isn't in my remit. I cannot wait to continue learning by doing this amazing course whilst still work as a massage therapist in Bristol. I hope be able to locate the root cause of the problem for many more of you.

A few years ago, I thought that Osteopathy would be out of my league, due to not applying myself in Science subjects at school and also from meeting who appeared to be very clever Osteopaths. I went to school 30 years ago though, so since then I have changed greatly! 😂

I worked very hard to complete a Science Access course (equivalent to A-Levels) in 2020 in order to do this degree and I now know that, yes, intelligence and brains are needed to become an Osteopath, but passion for the subject counts for an awful lot, including wanting to help others and the ability to empathise with others too.

I have 'followed my gut instinct' which I would advise anyone to do, even if it feels 'scary' and you may get out of your comfort zone 💪


Just a reminder...we are all unique and if we are experiencing any problems physically, this can be caused by an amazing variety of things, from what we are eating/drinking to a past injury!

In my treatments, I prefer to get to the root cause of your problem and I focus on the 'whole' of you. I am limited though obviously in what I can diagnose and I may advise you to see a qualified Osteopath, or even a qualified Counsellor for example. If the cause is soft tissue related though, I can probably help to relieve some of your pain and get you on the road to recovery ❤️


I hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend, whatever your doing; whether your working, chilling, clubbing, drinking, eating or simply doing nothing!

I will be taking a break from giving treatments, but will be back on Tuesday, so see you then!! Goodbye for now x

Photos from Be Complete Massage's post 24/08/2023

Sometimes acceptance is enough and hard enough to do on its own ❤️


Some people ask me; "What is Holistic Massage?"

Holistic Massage, as the name suggests, looks at the 'whole' of you, your psychological, emotional and your physical health. As you probably know, and as I have already stated, our psychological and physical systems are interconnected and what we feel as being a physical problem, may be mainly caused by our psychological self and vice versa.

A Holistic Massage can help you to completely relax mentally and 'be in the moment', if it is felt that stress or anxiety is the cause (or partly the cause) of your problem. It can therefore help stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system (which is in charge of relaxing you physiologically) and deactivate the sympathetic nervous system, which does the opposite.

Various techniques such as 'holds', effleurage or stretches may be utilised in the treatment, as well as after care advice. This can also help to eradicate physical tension in your body.

Most of the time there is not only one cause of pain though and so I may conduct a postural assessment, mobility tests and physical assessments to try and find the cause and I may also refer you to other professionals, such as an Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or your GP, if need be.

Seeing a Counsellor or having Psychotherapy may also be an option for you.

Click the to book a slot with me, or to find out more information 😃


‘Everyone's experience of pain is different and unique and so as manual therapists, we need to look at the 'whole' person and also take their life experiences into account’ 😊


Hi everyone,

This morning I am at the beautiful, peaceful and tranquil ‘Practice Rooms’ in Stokes Croft, Bristol!

Click the link here to book a slot 😀❤️


I love this quote.

When giving a Holistic Massage, I feel it allows myself, as the practitioner and you as the client, to completely relax and therefore be in the moment. I believe our worries and self criticism evaporate therefore and in that moment, we can completely be ourselves ❤️ 😊


I feel it's so important to frequently keep a bit of time for ourselves to relax.⁣⁣ Life is too short I believe!
If we don't find the time, there is plenty of evidence suggesting physical as well as mental health problems can be created and also we won't be able to function properly, which isn't good!
How do you like to relax?⁣ Do you like to read a book, hang out with a good friend, watch TV or listen to music? Perhaps you prefer a walk in the countryside or meditation?

Whatever you have planned this weekend, please make sure you try and make some time for yourself and have fun! 😊 🙏


Such a great review and very much appreciated!

Thank you to one of my clients who wrote this last month! This particular client came to me through the company 'Classpass' who get me customers.

I love giving treatments and because I want to give the best session I can for every client and everyone is so different, I work very hard to keep learning, as there is always more to learn!


Hi there to all my lovely followers. As it has been a long time since I last posted, I thought I would re-introduce myself to you all …..

My name is Lucy Dawkins and I am the owner of Be Complete Massage.

In 2008, I started working as a Health Care Assistant, caring for people with Mental Health problems. However, it wasn’t until 2012, that I decided to use my empathetic and intuitive skills further. I enrolled in a Level 4 Holistic Massage and Bodywork Diploma with The Bristol College Of Massage and Bodywork (BCMB)

From then, my passion and fascination for the anatomy and the workings of the body continued to grow. After completing the course that year, I began the Level 5 Diploma in Sports and Remedial Massage with BCMB, which I completed in 2016.

l love yoga, walking and cycling and often incorporate yoga stretches and strengthening exercises into the advice I give to clients.

I really feel like I tune into what my client needs are during a Holistic Massage Treatment, and can create an incredibly therapeutic and relaxing treatment for them. I am continuing to grow and learn as a Remedial and Sports Massage Therapist. I have courses with the highly experienced Osteopath John Gibbons (Body Master) lined up to do this year. I also attend monthly supervision sessions and learn from reading books and from other highly qualified and experienced therapists on social media and the Internet.

If you would like to find out more information about me and how I may be able to help you, then click the link here

Photos from Be Complete Massage's post 26/03/2023

Good morning to you all! I hope your all having a great weekend!

I thought I'd let you know that I'll be using another space to offer my treatments at in a couple of weeks. It'll be 'The Practice Rooms' in Stokes Croft, Bristol! Lucky me, because as you can see from these photos, the therapy rooms are amazing and I can't wait. I love them and I hope you will too.

I'll be changing my address soon and giving you more information, so please watch this space. Thank you!! Lucy xx


Thank you for this review L, it's amazing and very much appreciated.

I'm glad I've been able to help this very kind and hardworking lady. She's been worried her 'Achilles Tendinitis' condition will never get completely better and it's been so painful for her. It will do though, with time. She needs to do some exercises everyday and also self massage on the areas we discussed.

Cold at home? That could be good for you 04/10/2022

I love this, so interesting.

Central heating was created by human beings and only began to be used in the 60's and 70's. I therefore believe being unnaturally warm all of the time isn't good for us.

It's thought that being cold in the autumn/winter months can speed up our metabolism, help our bodies build resilience and burn calories!

Very importantly, it can also help us to save a lot of money currently! 😂

Cold at home? That could be good for you Lower gas bills aren’t the only benefit to turning down the thermostat a couple of degrees. It can boost metabolism, concentration and fitness, says John Naish

Timeline photos 30/09/2022

I think this would be easier said then done if we're experiencing mental health difficulties, such as depression, anxiety or/and low self esteem.

I'm lucky, as currently I feel good and I'm generally a very positive person. I want to believe though, that if we're not feeling good, this technique can help.

Having a positive outlook on things will change your life 🧘


Thanks for this The Physio Clinic, so true.

A lot of the time knee pain is actually caused by muscular dysfunction and caused by weakness in the muscles.

I'm the past, I've struggled with pain in my left knee. Since getting rid of my car though, I cycle and walk a lot and this has caused my knee pain to completely disappear! Cycling has had the largest influence, I believe.

Often pain can feel like there's a serious issue, when in fact, we may only need to exercise and move our body in the right way.

Concerned about knee pain?
General non traumatic pain may be caused by something as simple as muscle tension. A 30minute massage could start you on your pain free journey 👍
Book quickly and easily online at


"Watch This Space!"

We'll be updating you in a couple of days with the exact location. Yay! 🎉

We hope you are all well and good 😊

Photos from Be Complete Massage's post 16/09/2022

I'm beginning the 'Red Ribbon' 10k walk around Bristol for the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) as it's 40 years since THT began.

I've been voluntarily giving treatments for clients who have HIV with THT since 2013 and it's been so rewarding because it has helped them mentally, physically and emotionally a lot. I've loved doing it.

There's been a lot of progress over the years regarding HIV and with today's medication, it is so great that noone can 'pass it on' by any means a tall. ❤️ Lucy.


Unfortunately we've had to move out of our lovely premises inside C1 Chiropractic due to the building being sold 😔. BUT, when one door closes, another opens and we're excited to be relocating to another area, South Gloucestershire, on the edge of Bristol! 🎉

Exact location coming soon. Please watch this space. 🙏 x

Photos from Be Complete Massage's post 11/05/2022

I did my first full days course last Saturday since before the pandemic and I loved it.

I completed this course in 2013, but with a different teacher and it was great to refresh my existing skills and learn new ones too.

I honestly would highly recommend this 'Chair Massage' course for any body work therapist. This is also because the teacher Peter Kramer is not only really talented at what he does, but he also makes you feel at ease and explains everything well.

A Chair Massage treatment can be done when the client is simply sitting in a standard seat and it can release tension from shoulders, back, neck, head, arms and hands. It is usually incredibly relaxing too and NO OIL IS NEEDED!!😄

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Ergonomics and your posture



The Practice Rooms, 34 Upper York Street, St Pauls

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 9pm
Tuesday 11am - 9pm
Wednesday 11am - 9pm
Friday 11am - 9pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - 6pm

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