

Nicola Lilley, Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist, BA (hons), MBACP, MNCPS (Accredited).

Offering face-to-face/online/outdoor and walking therapy appointments.

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The Karpman Drama Triangle, developed by Stephen Karpman in 1968, is a social model of human interaction that maps out a type of destructive interaction that can occur between people in conflict. The model identifies three roles that people often take on in these interactions: the Persecutor, the Victim, and the Rescuer.

# # # The Roles

1. **Persecutor**:
- **Characteristics**: Blaming, critical, controlling, oppressive.
- **Behavior**: The Persecutor attacks or criticizes the Victim, exerting power and control.

2. **Victim**:
- **Characteristics**: Helpless, oppressed, powerless, and often passive.
- **Behavior**: The Victim feels oppressed or mistreated and often seeks sympathy or help from others.

3. **Rescuer**:
- **Characteristics**: Over-helpful, enabler, often neglects their own needs.
- **Behavior**: The Rescuer tries to save or help the Victim, often without being asked, which can perpetuate the Victim's dependence and prevent them from solving their own problems.

# # # Effects on Relationships

The Karpman Drama Triangle can have significant negative effects on relationships, including:

1. **Conflict Escalation**:
- The dynamic of blame and rescue can perpetuate and escalate conflicts rather than resolving them. Each role reinforces the others, creating a cycle that can be hard to break.

2. **Dependency and Enabling**:
- The Victim may become dependent on the Rescuer, which can prevent personal growth and the development of self-efficacy. The Rescuer, in turn, may derive their sense of worth from helping, neglecting their own needs and perpetuating the cycle.

3. **Loss of Empowerment**:
- None of the roles are empowering. The Victim remains powerless, the Rescuer may feel overwhelmed or used, and the Persecutor often faces social backlash or internal guilt.

4. **Emotional Exhaustion**:
- Constantly engaging in these roles can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout, particularly for the Rescuer and Victim.

5. **Lack of Authentic Communication**:
- The interactions within the Drama Triangle often involve indirect communication, manipulation, and hidden agendas. This prevents honest and open dialogue, which is essential for healthy relationships.

# # # Breaking the Cycle

To move out of the Karpman Drama Triangle and towards healthier interactions, individuals can:

1. **Self-Awareness**:
- Recognize when they are playing one of the roles and understand the dynamics at play.

2. **Taking Responsibility**:
- Victims can work on becoming more empowered and taking responsibility for their own lives. Rescuers can set boundaries and focus on supporting rather than saving. Persecutors can learn to communicate more constructively and compassionately.

3. **Open Communication**:
- Encourage honest and direct communication to address underlying issues without resorting to blame, helplessness, or over-helping.

4. **Therapeutic Interventions**:
- Therapy can help individuals understand their roles within the Drama Triangle and develop healthier ways of relating to others.

5. **Developing Healthy Boundaries**:
- Setting and respecting boundaries can prevent the unhealthy dependency and control dynamics typical of the Drama Triangle.

Understanding the Karpman Drama Triangle and its effects can lead to more mindful interactions and healthier relationships, where individuals feel empowered and relationships are based on mutual respect and support.


New outdoor space created for therapy sessions 💚


So grateful to have this wonderful view from the therapy room 💚

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