Llais, Cardiff Videos

Videos by Llais in Cardiff. Cardiff’s International Arts Festival | Gŵyl ryngwladol celfyddydau Caerdydd

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“I’M SO PLEASED THAT THE LLAIS FESTIVAL HAVE GIVEN US A CHANCE TO DO THIS.” Dyma geiriau Kate St John. Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd If I Could Only Remember My Name - The Music Of David Crosby yn Uncut mis yma. Mae’r angerdd at yr albwm a’r sioe yn ein paratoi am noswaith arbennig iawn yn #Llais2024. Gellir ddarllen darn llawnach isod. Kate St John, the Musical Director of If I Could Only Remember My Name - The Music Of David Crosby speaking to Uncut this month. Her passion for the album and the show prepares us for a very special evening at #Llais2024. You can read a fuller excerpt below. HYDREF 11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-davidcrosby “In my early teens my friends and I were all listening to the CSNY solo albums. After The Goldrush, Stephen Stills, Songs For Beginners and If I Could Only Remember My Name. I think that the music you love as a young teenager gets burrowed in extra deep in your psyche. Something about hormones maybe but it smells, tastes and sounds richer and as you grow into an adult it entwines round you and follows you. The music in If I Could Only Remember My Name holds a special place in my heart. Not just mine either it seems. It is special for an awful lot of people. I have had the idea of realising this for years and have been playing around with ideas in my head. I’m not interested in a slavish reproduction; I want to throw it open to the singers and the band and for us to channel the spirit of the music. It is a record of voices, David Crosby’s music friends coming together and singing with him. It sounds like whoever was around, or popped into the studio could just join in. In this show I want to recreate that feeling of everyone coming together to sing, make it a kind of happening. I want to dispense with the usual, band and artist barriers and have all (or most) of the singers on stage all the time singing together and on each other’s songs. The second part of the show will be a selection of Crosby songs fr

LLAIS 2024 | Lein Yp Llawnach / Fuller Line Up A quick taster of everything you could experience if you join our congregation at ▲ LLAIS this year. A world of extraordinary music and voices making waves in Cardiff Bay, at a festival like no other! Rhagflas cyflym o’r profiadau posib sydd ar gael os ymunwch chi yn ein cymanfa yn ▲ LLAIS eleni. Byd o gerddoriaeth a lleisiau rhyfeddol yn creu tonnau cyffrous ym Mae Caerdydd, Gŵyl unigryw heb ei thebyg! 📆 Hydref 9 – 13 October 2024 AR WERTH NAWR / ON SALE NOW CYMRAEG ➜ https://www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais SAESNEG ➜ https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council/ Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Gŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru + Cyngor Caerdydd. Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru | This Is Cymru Wales

DIWEDDARIAD/UPDATE🎧 Have you been looking that summer soundtrack? Can’t wait for #Llais2024 and need your adventure of music discovery to begin NOW? Hold no fear and find that song for you with our updated playlist and ticket link to experience the same magic live! www.wmc.org.uk/llais2024 Wedi bod yn edrych am sŵn dy haf? Methu aros nes Llais 2024 i ddechrau’r antur o ddarganfod cerddoriaeth? Dyma dy gyfle, rydym wedi diweddaru’n rhestr chwarae. Darganfyddwch y rhestr a linc i docynnau i’w brofi’n fyw www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais2024 #Llais2024 #dinasgerddcaerdydd Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Gŵyl @dinasgerddcaerdydd Cefnogir gan @llywodraeth + @cyngor_caerdydd

LLAIS 2024 | TON NEWYDD/NEW WAVE! We have an exciting announcement of even more extraordinary music and voices to join the congregation in making waves at LLAIS this year. ▲ Across our multiple stages we’ll have: Newyddion cyffrous, mae gennym llwyth o gerddoriaeth a lleisiau gwych yn ymuno a’r gymanfa yn creu tonnau yn LLAIS eleni. ▲ Ar draws ein sawl llwyfan bydd: Squid and Geordie Greep (black midi) ▲ Lisa O'Neill ▲ Fantastic Racket ▲ Georgia Ruth▲ If I Could Only Remember My Name: The Music of David Crosby ▲ Bombino ▲ Porridge Radio ▲ Fabiana Palladino ▲ Rogue Jones ▲ Lock Off ▲ Gina Williams + Guy Ghouse ▲ The Breath ▲ BLACKSABBATHMODE ▲ Joe Boyd: And the Roots of the Rhythm Remain ▲Street Art Opera 📆 Hydref 9 – 13 October 2024 🎟️ Tickets on sale now / Tocynnau ar werth nawr ➜ wmc.org.uk/llais2024 ➜ http://wmc.org.uk/cy/llais2024 Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru + Cyngor Caerdydd. Wales Millennium Centre | This Is Cymru Wales

We’re having a reminisce today and looking back at previous Llais festivals, with some of our special moments from #Llais2022. Be part of this year’s congregation and see for yourself how our showcase of unique and unexpected performances is evolving. 9-13 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais2024 Edrychwn yn ôl heddiw ar wŷliau’r gorffennol, dyma rhai o eiliadau arbenig #Llais2022. Dewch i fod yn rhan o gymanfa eleni a phrofi i’ch hun sut y mae ein arddangosfa o berfformiadau unigryw ac annisgwyl yn datblygu. HYDREF 9-13 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais2024 #DinasGerddCaerdydd | #Llais2024 | #CardiffMusicCity

IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE - PROFIAD YMDROCHOL March 2 1955. Montgomery, Alabama. You've refused to give up your seat on the bus, you're thrown in jail. This isn't the story you think it is. This is Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin. Through AR, Claudette's becomes our story, her civil rights fight replayed before our very eyes. 1 OCTOBER - 3 NOVEMBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llaiscolored Mawrth 2 1955. Montgomery, Alabama. Rwyt wedi gwrddod rhoi dy sedd i ffwrdd ar fws, ac maent wedi dy thaflu yn y carchar. Nid hwn yw’r stori rwyt yn meddwl amdani. Dyma Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin. Drwy reality estynedig, mae stori Claudette yn uno i’n stori ni, ei frwydr hawliau sifil yn ailchwarae o flaen ein llygaid. HYDREF 1 – TACHWEDD 3 2024 ▲www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llaiscolored #CardiffMusicCity | #Llais2024 | #DinasGerddCaerdydd

MORE MUSIC FOR LESS! Make the most of our programme and discover new artists - all whilst saving money. Book tickets for 2 separate Llais events and save 10% Book tickets for 3 Llais events to save 15% That’s music to our ears 😉 Mix and match your 2024 experience here – www.wmc.org.uk/llais2024 (For online multi-buy packages, the number of tickets for each event must be the same. The offer will be applied in your basket. This offer excludes Welsh Music Prize and Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin. All offers subject to allocation and availability.) / MWY O GERDDORIAETH AM LAI O ARIAN! Gwnewch y mwyaf o'n rhaglen a darganfyddwch artistiaid newydd - wrth i chi arbed arian. Prynwch docynnau ar gyfer 2 ddigwyddiad Llais i arbed 10%. Prynwch docynnau ar gyfer 3 digwyddiad Llais i arbed 15%. Cynlluniwch eich ymweliad yma – www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais2024 (Wrth brynu ar-lein, rhaid i nifer y tocynnau ar gyfer pob digwyddiad fod yr un peth. Caiff y cynnig ei ychwanegu at eich basged. Nid yw'r cynnig yn cynnwys y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig na Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin. Mae pob cynnig yn amodol ar ddyraniadau ac argaeled.) Cardiff Music City | Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru This Is Cymru Wales | Cardiff Council

Llais 2024: Lein Yp / Line Up
LLAIS 2024 | Lein Yp / Line Up A world of extraordinary music and voices will make waves in Cardiff Bay, at a festival like no other ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais LLAIS returns with live music and extraordinary experiences across multiple stages ▲ Line-up includes/Mae’r lein-yp yn cynnwys: Cate Le Bon ▴ Joan As Police Woman Wedi'i Chefnogi Gan / Supported By Islet ▴ The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices - Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, Georgi Andreev + Quarto Quartet - The Chamber Musicians of Sofia ▴ Sweet Honey in the Rock▴ Gwen Siôn: Llwch A Llechi ▴ Iarla O'lionaird Gyda / With Cormac Mccarthy ▴ Ganavya ▴ Le Gateau Chocolat: Spirituals ▴ Lleuwen Steffan: Tafod Arian ▴ Gwobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig / Welsh Music Prize ▴ Sahra Halgan ▴ A Celebration Of Bay Jazz ▴ Colored: The Unsung Life Of Claudette Colvin (Profiadau Ar / Ar Experience) Bydd byd o gerddoriaeth a lleisiau rhyfeddol yn creu cynnwrf ym Mae Caerdydd, mewn gŵyl heb ei thebyg ▲ Mae LLAIS yn dychwelyd gyda cherddoriaeth fyw a phrofiadau rhyfeddol ar draws sawl llwyfan. Mae’r lein-yp yn cynnwys: 📆 Hydref 9 – 13 October 2024 🎟️ Tickets on sale now / Tocynnau ar werth nawr → www.wmc.org.uk/llais2024events Watch out for further line-up announcements coming soon! / Chadwch lygad am gyhoeddiadau pellach am y lein-yp yn fuan! Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Ŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru + Cyngor Caerdydd. Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru | This Is Cymru Wales

‘Llais is very very important for Wales’ Gwenno and her husband, musician/producer Rhys Edwards, spoke candidly before hitting our stage last year, and shared how it feels to perform at Llais, and what the festival means to Wales and to Welsh artists. ▲ Your 2024 line-up is almost here - sign up to our newsletter → wmc.org.uk/en/llais/about/llais-newsletter / Bu Gwenno a’i gŵr, y cerddor/cynhyrchydd Rhys Edwards yn rhannu eu profiadau am sut deimlad yw perfformio yn Llais, a beth mae’r ŵyl yn ei olygu i Gymru ac i artistiaid Cymreig cyn camu i'r llwyfan y llynedd. ▲ Mae rhaglen yr ŵyl ar gyfer 2024 bron yma - cofrestrwch i dderbyn ein cylchlythyr → wmc.org.uk/cy/llais/gwybodaeth/cylchlythyr Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government and Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Ŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru / Cyngor Caerdydd. This Is Cymru Wales | Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru

▶️ Opening Cardiff Music City Festival on September 27 Leftfield// Orbital// Utilita Arena Cardiff On sale now! ➜ https://cardiffmusiccity.wales Supported by Cardiff Council / This Is Cymru Wales --- ▶️ Yn agor Gŵyl Ŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd ar 27 Medi Leftfield// Orbital // Utilita Arena Cardiff Ar werth nawr! ➜ https://dinasgerddcaerdydd.cymru Cefnogwyd gan Gyngor Caerdydd / This Is Cymru Wales #cardiffmusiccityfestival | #visitcardiff #gwyldinasgerddcaerdydd | #croesocaerdydd

‘Singing has always been my refuge and my best friend’ Last year multi-instrumentalist Angeline Morrison enraptured audiences with her blend of storytelling and song, which she paints with powerful and nostalgic imagery. Here shares her influences and how she still gets nervous. Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear when the first artists are announced → www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/about/llais-newsletter Y llynedd gwnaeth yr aml-offerynnwr Angeline Morrison swyno cynulleidfaoedd gyda’i chyfuniad o straeon a chaneuon mae’n eu paentio gyda darluniau pwerus a hiraethus. Yma mae hi’n rhannu eu dylanwadau ac yn siarad am sut mae hi dal yn mynd yn nerfus. Cofrestrwch i gael ein cylchlythyr i fod ymhlith y cyntaf i glywed pan fydd yr artistiaid cyntaf yn cael eu cyhoeddi → www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais/gwybodaeth/cylchlythyr Angeline Morrison Music | Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru | Cardiff Music City


LLAIS: REWIND / LLAIS: EDRYCH YN ÔL | James Yorkston + Nina Persson
With just weeks to go until we reveal our 2024 line-up, we’re looking back at last year’s festival, with exclusive interviews. First up, James Yorkston + Nina Persson, who captivated audiences in Hoddinott Hall, talk about the art of performing and discovering your voice. Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear when the first artists are announced → www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/about/llais-newsletter Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru | Cardiff Music City Gyda dim ond ychydig o wythnosau i fynd nes i ni ddatgelu ein lein-yp ar gyfer 2024, rydyn ni'n edrych 'nôl ar ŵyl y llynedd, gyda chyfweliadau arbennig. Yn gyntaf mae James Yorkston a Nina Persson, a swynodd cynulleidfaoedd yn Neuadd Hoddinott, yn siarad am gelf perfformio a darganfod eich llais. Cofrestrwch i gael ein cylchlythyr i fod ymhlith y cyntaf i glywed pan fydd yr artistiaid cyntaf yn cael eu cyhoeddi → www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais/gwybodaeth/cylchlythyr

SAVE THE DATE! DYDDIAD I’R DYDDIADUR! ✨ We’re back! Join us this autumn for more music, more experiences and more incredible voices. Rydyn ni ‘nôl! Ymunwch â ni yr hydref yma am fwy o gerddoriaeth, mwy o brofiadau a mwy o leisiau anhygoel. Hydref 9 – 13 October 2024 Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear when the first artists are announced → www.wmc.org.uk/llais/newsletter Cofrestrwch i gael ein cylchlythyr i fod ymhlith y cyntaf i glywed pan fydd yr artistiaid cyntaf yn cael eu cyhoeddi → https://www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais/gwybodaeth/cylchlythyr Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government / Cardiff Council Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Ŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru / Cyngor Caerdydd

Cardiff Music City Festival 27 September – 20 October 2024 Imagine a city composed entirely of music for three glorious weeks. A city not just of fantastic venues and cultural places, but of streets that pulse with immersive music happenings, secret gigs and inventive pop-ups... Sign up for updates: cardiffmusiccityfestival.wales Supported by Cardiff Council / @walesdotcom #CardiffMusicCityFestival #VisitCardiff --- Gŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd 27 Medi – 20 Hydref 2024 Dychmyga ddinas llawn cerddoriaeth am dair wythnos. Dinas o leoliadau gwych llawn diwylliant, strydoedd sy’n ein swyno gyda digwyddiadau cerdd ymdrochol, gigs cyfrinachol a phop-yps dyfeisgar. Cofrestra am fwy o wybodaeth: gwyldinasgerddcaerdydd.cymru Cefnogir gan Gyngor Caerdydd / @walesdotcom #GŵylDinasGerddCaerdydd #CroesoCaerdydd

Cerddoriaeth yw curiad calon y ddinas… // Music is the beating heart of the city…