
Cardiff’s International Arts Festival | Gŵyl ryngwladol celfyddydau Caerdydd


Due to planned maintenance, we will be unable to take bookings online, over the phone or in person from 10pm on 10 September for approximately 24 hours. Our phonelines and webchat will still be available for general enquiries. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Oherwydd gwaith cynnal a chadw, ni fyddwn yn gallu cymryd archebion ar-lein, dros y ffôn nag wyneb yn wyneb o 10pm ar 10 Medi am tua 24 awr. Bydd ein llinellau ffôn a gwe-sgwrs ar gael o hyd ar gyfer ymholiadau cyffredinol. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra.


The Grammy award-winning Sweet Honey In The Rock come to shake the foundations of Wales Millennium Centre and Llais Festival this October. Don’t miss out on the 50th anniversary celebrations of one of the world’s most powerful performance collectives.

Mae'r cyn-enillwyr Grammy, Sweet Honey In The Rock yn dod i siglo seiliau Canolfan y Mileniwm yng nghwŷl Llais eleni. Peidiwch â cholli dathliadau hanner canrif un o gyfuniadau mwyaf bwerus y byd.

HYDREF 12 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ Tocynnau

Balch i fod yn rhan o Gŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd . Proud to be a part of Cardiff Music City Festival.

Photos from Llais's post 03/09/2024

Llongyfarchiadau / Congratulations.

A massive well done to artist Georgia Ruth on her album's nomination to the 2024 Welsh Music Prize shortlist! Georgia's performance at Llais will be the only one this year where the nominated album, 'Cool Head' will be played in its entirety and with the original string members from its recording.

Another special night at Llais in the making!

Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Georgia Ruth am enwebiad ei halbym i rhestr fer Gwobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig 2024! Perfformaid Georgia yn Llais 2024 fydd yr unig un eleni lle caiff yr albym ei chwarae yn ei gyfanrwydd gyda'r chwarewyr llinyn gwreiddiol o'r record.

Noswaith arbennig Llais arall ar y ffordd!

Hydref 10 October ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-georgiarut

Balch i fod yn rhan o Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Proudly a part of Cardiff Music City.


It’s difficult to find the words to describe Fabiana Palladino’s powerful pop, so we’ve decided you can listen for yourselves.
We’re so very excited to welcome her at . And you will be too.

Palladino’s father, Cardiff’s Pino Palladino, is one of history’s most famous session men: she learned from him the integrity it takes to work on other people’s ideas, and gradually understood how to apply it to her own work.

Mae’n anodd darganfod y geiriau i ddisgrifio pop pwerus Fabiana Palladino yn iawn, felly dyma cyfle i chi ei ddarganfod nhw eich hun.

Mae tad Palladino, Pino Palladino o Gaerdydd, yn un o’r cerddorion sesiwn enwocaf erioed: a ganddo fe y dysgodd yr uniondeb sydd ei angen i weithio ar syniadau pobl eraill, a dod i ddeall yn raddol sut i gymhwyso hynny i’w gwaith hi.
Rydym llawn cyffro i’w groesawu i Llais 2024. Mi fyddech chi’n hapus hefyd.

HYDREF 12 OCTOBER ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-fabianapalladino

Proud to be a part of Festival. Balch i fod yn rhan o Wŷl

Photos from Llais's post 28/08/2024


As well as performing last year’s Welsh Music Prize winning album, ‘Dos Bebes’ in its entirety, Rogue Jones will be returning to Cardiff for the first time since 2017 by welcoming 50 extra performers into the show with Côr Taflais joining the lineup. Special guests and surprises still to come!
Don’t miss what will be a unique evening at .
Saturday 12 October ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-roguejones

Yn ogystal â pherformio ‘Dos Bebes’ yr albwm â enillodd Gwobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig llynedd yn ei gyfanrwydd, mi fydd Rogue Jones yn dychwelyd i Gaerdydd am y tro gyntaf ers 2017 ac yn croesawu 50 perfformwr newydd i fewn i’r sioe with i Côr Taflais ymuno yn yr hwyl. Gwestai arbennig a chyfrinachol yn dal i ddod!
Peidiwch â cholli noswaith arbennig yn Llais 2024.
Sadwrn Hydref 12 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-roguejones

Proudly part of Festival. Balch i fod yn rhan o Wŷl .



Joan As Police Woman released the latest single from upcoming album ‘Lemons, Limes and Orchids’ this week.
will be your last chance to catch her in the UK this year.

Daeth y sengl ddiweddaraf o albym newydd Joan As Police Woman allan yr wythnos yma.
Llais 2024 fydd y cyfle olaf i’w weld yn y DU eleni.

HYDREF 11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ Tocynnau/Tickets http://wmc.org.uk/llais-joanapw

Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Yn falch i fod yn rhan o Gŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd.

Geordie Greep - Holy, Holy 21/08/2024

'Holy Holy' is the new single from blackmidi's Geordie Greep. Catch him at as he embarks on a world tour playing his debut album 'The New Sound'.

Tickets: https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/squid-geordie-greep


Geordie Greep - Holy, Holy ‘Holy, Holy’ from the forthcoming album ‘The New Sound’ out on 4th October. Pre-order or Pre-save here: https://geordiegreep.ffm.to/newsoundListen to ‘Holy, ...


Do you like mellow moods and psychedelic sounds? Discover Niger-born Bombino who infuses the essence of the Sahara with a modern muse.

Catch .official and other artists at this year's from October 9 - grab your tickets now from https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/bombino.

A ydych yn hoffi naws medal a sain seicadelig? Dargynfyddwch Bombino o’r Niger sy’n trwytho hanfod y Sahara hefo awen fodern.

Galwch ddal Bombino ac artistiaid eraill yng ngŵyl Llais eleni o Hydref 9 – gellir prynu tocynnau nawr o https://www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais/2024/bombino.

Photos from Llais's post 14/08/2024

Geiriau gwych gan gylchgrawn Songlines yn esbonio pam yn gwmws ddylech ddod i .

Kind words from Songlines Magazine explaining why exactly you should be coming to Llais 2024.

Tocynnau/tickets: https://www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais

Photos from Llais's post 06/08/2024

“Coming back to you, to Wales to sing, is really our way of coming back and using our voice to say thank you, to sing you a love letter of deep gratitude. You embraced us like family in 2022 and we can’t wait to see you and perform for you again.”

Gina Williams + Guy Ghouse will be singing their love letter to Wales at . Be a part of some more magical moments.
10 October ▲ https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/gina-williams-and-guy-ghouse

Mi fydd Gina + Williams a Guy Ghouse yn canu ei llythyr cariad i Gymru yn Llais eleni. Byddwch yn rhan o achlysur arbennig arall.
Hydref 10 ▲ https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/gina-williams-and-guy-ghouse

Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Ŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru + Cyngor Caerdydd.

Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru | This Is Cymru Wales



Dyma geiriau Kate St John. Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd If I Could Only Remember My Name - The Music Of David Crosby yn Uncut mis yma. Mae’r angerdd at yr albwm a’r sioe yn ein paratoi am noswaith arbennig iawn yn . Gellir ddarllen darn llawnach isod.

Kate St John, the Musical Director of If I Could Only Remember My Name - The Music Of David Crosby speaking to Uncut this month. Her passion for the album and the show prepares us for a very special evening at . You can read a fuller excerpt below.

HYDREF 11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-davidcrosby

“In my early teens my friends and I were all listening to the CSNY solo albums. After The Goldrush, Stephen Stills, Songs For Beginners and If I Could Only Remember My Name. I think that the music you love as a young teenager gets burrowed in extra deep in your psyche. Something about hormones maybe but it smells, tastes and sounds richer and as you grow into an adult it entwines round you and follows you. The music in If I Could Only Remember My Name holds a special place in my heart. Not just mine either it seems. It is special for an awful lot of people. I have had the idea of realising this for years and have been playing around with ideas in my head. I’m not interested in a slavish reproduction; I want to throw it open to the singers and the band and for us to channel the spirit of the music.

It is a record of voices, David Crosby’s music friends coming together and singing with him. It sounds like whoever was around, or popped into the studio could just join in. In this show I want to recreate that feeling of everyone coming together to sing, make it a kind of happening. I want to dispense with the usual, band and artist barriers and have all (or most) of the singers on stage all the time singing together and on each other’s songs.

The second part of the show will be a selection of Crosby songs from his career from The Byrds, CSN and his later solo records, where there are some hidden gems.
Kris Drever is one of my favourite singers. He has a noble, soulful voice. He is known for his band Lau but has wonderful solo songs and is also part of the beautiful project Spell Songs.
I heard Liam O Maonlai (Hothouse Flowers) at a Transatlantic Sessions show a few years ago and was blown away by his voice and his vibe, intuitive, free and mystical.
I worked with Mike Scott on the Waterboys on their Appointment With Mr. Yates tour and album. Mike really knows how to deliver a song. He is a brilliant bandleader and has the tough bluesy element in his singing that is there in Crosby’s style. Not many singers have that these days.

The Staves are a natural choice. Singers and harmonisers to die for and they have an obvious affinity with the music.
We have also the Cardiff based duo Zervas & Pepper. They are early 1970s specialists and have just the right sort of voices for the project.
We have two guitarists in the band, Neill MacColl and Robbie McIntosh. Ed Harcourt is on keys, Evan Jenkins on drums, Ben Nicholls on bass, Ernesto Marchiales on percussion and 3 core backing singers: Michelle Willis who worked extensively with Crosby in the Lighthouse Band, the wonderful Margot Buchanan and myself. There will be a few songs from this lot too.

I am so pleased that the Llais Festival have given us the chance to do this.”



So much to say about this one we’re not sure where to begin! Gymaint i ddweud am yr un yma, ond ble i ddechrau!

Lady Leshurr! Sara Pascoe! Irvine Welsh! Charlotte Church + Le Gateau Chocolat! Emma Dabiri! Hollie McNish! Nadine Shah + Callum Easter! Jackie Kay! Carys Eleri! Joelle Taylor + Russell Tovey! Norman Blake! Michael Pedersen!

All masters in their field with the reputation to match, but we can guarantee you’ve not seen any of them like this. All under one roof. Only at .
13 OCTOBER ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-fantasticracket

Pob un yn feistri yn eu meysydd, ac wedi gwneud enwau i’w hun, ond nid ydynt wedi’i gweld fel hyn o’r blaen. O dan un tô. Ond yn .

HYDREF 13 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-fantasticracket

Photos from Llais's post 25/07/2024

ISLET’s ever-enigmatic, limitless invention will hypnotise, bind and subsume those souls in attendance.
Only following a fierce urge to challenge, excite and liberate, they’ll wash audiences away with synthesisers, a rhythmic pulse, and volume.
Islet will be supporting Joan As Police Woman at . Join in this congregation of noise.
11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-joanapw

Mae dyfeisgarwch di-derfyn, bythenigmatig ISLET yn swyngwsgio, plethu a gogynnwys yr eneidiau sy’n mynychu.
Ond yn dilyn ysfa ffyrnig i sialensio, cyffroi a rhyddhau, mi wnewn nhw foddi’r gynulleidfa hefo syntheseiddyddion, pwls rhythmig, a sain.
Mi fydd ISLET yn cefnogi Joan As Police Woman yn . Ymunwch yn y gymanfa o sŵn yma.
HYDREF 11 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-joanapw

Proudly Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Ŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Llywodraeth Cymru + Cyngor Caerdydd.

Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru | This Is Cymru Wales


Y gân yw popeth. It's all about the song.

The deeply soulful, utterly engaging, stop-you-in-your-tracks voice of Ríoghnach Connolly – whether delicate and hushed or powerful and gutsy – coupled with Stuart McCallum’s understated brilliance that give The Breath's exquisitely crafted songs such emotional depth.

Don't miss out on the spectacular.

11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/the-breath

Llais eneidiol, dengar a chwbl syfrdanol Ríoghnach Connolly – boed yn dyner ac yn dawel neu’n bwerus ac yn ddewr – ochr yn ochr ag athrylith gynnil Stuart McCallum sy’n rhoi dyfnder mor emosiynol i ganeuon grefftus The Breath.

Peidiwch â cholli allan ar yr anghygoel.

HYDREF 11 2024 ▲ https://www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais/2024/the-breath


LLAIS 2024 | Lein Yp Llawnach / Fuller Line Up

A quick taster of everything you could experience if you join our congregation at ▲ LLAIS this year. A world of extraordinary music and voices making waves in Cardiff Bay, at a festival like no other!

Rhagflas cyflym o’r profiadau posib sydd ar gael os ymunwch chi yn ein cymanfa yn ▲ LLAIS eleni. Byd o gerddoriaeth a lleisiau rhyfeddol yn creu tonnau cyffrous ym Mae Caerdydd, Gŵyl unigryw heb ei thebyg!

📆 Hydref 9 – 13 October 2024
CYMRAEG ➜ https://www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais
SAESNEG ➜ https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais

Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council/ Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Gŵyl Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd. Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru + Cyngor Caerdydd.

Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru | This Is Cymru Wales



An evening celebrating the musical genius of American songwriter David Crosby featuring Mike Scott (The Waterboys), Liam Ó Maonlaí (Hothouse Flowers), Kris Drever (Lau), The Staves + Cardiff’s own Zervas & Pepper .

For the first ever live performance of David Crosby’s ‘lost' solo 1971 album If I Could Only Remember My Name, accompanied by a selection of his music with the Byrds and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-davidcrosby

Noson i ddathlu athrylith gerddorol y cyfansoddwr a’r Americanwr, David Crosby gyda Mike Scott (The Waterboys), Liam Ó Maonlaí (Hothouse Flowers), Kris Drever (Lau), The Staves + Zervas & Pepper.

Perfformiad byw cyntaf erioed o albwm unigol ‘goll’ David Crosby o 1971, If I Could Only Remember My Name, yn ogystal â detholiad o’i gerddoriaeth gyda The Byrds a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

HYDREF 11 2024 ▲www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-davidcrosby



Anointed as the creator of an entire genre of music, Bombino marches ever forward on his mission to use music to spread love, understanding, and the beauty of Tuareg culture throughout the world, and we are so very delighted to welcome him to .

11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ https://www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/bombino

Wedi'i glodi hefo creu genre llawn o gerddoriaeth, mae Bombino yn bwrw ati ar ei ymgyrch i ddefnyddio cerddoriaeth i ledaenu cariad, dealltwriaeth, a harddwch diwylliant Twareg ledled y byd, ac rydyn wrth ein boddau yn medru ei o’i groesawu i Llais.

HYDREF 11 2024 ▲ https://www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais/2024/bombino

Photos from Llais's post 14/07/2024

Who or what are BLACKSABBATHMODE?!

Rather than attempt to do justice to this magnificent, mind-bending and certainly unique sound and performance through static words, we’ve decided to give you a quick sneak peek. Feast your eyes and ears here and indulge yourselves at the show in October.

11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/blacksabbathmode

Pwy neu beth yw BLACKSABBATHMODE?!

Yn hytrach nag ymgeisio i ddisgrifio’r sain, anghyghoel, arallfydol a wir unigryw yma drwy geiriau ddi-fywyd, dyma ni hefo cipolwg i chi gyd. Llenwch eich llygaid a’ch clustiau a gwleddwch ar y sioe lawn ym mis Hydref.

HYDREF 11 2024 ▲ wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/blacksabbathmode



Have you been looking that summer soundtrack? Can’t wait for and need your adventure of music discovery to begin NOW?

Hold no fear and find that song for you with our updated playlist and ticket link to experience the same magic live! www.wmc.org.uk/llais2024

Wedi bod yn edrych am sŵn dy haf? Methu aros nes Llais 2024 i ddechrau’r antur o ddarganfod cerddoriaeth?

Dyma dy gyfle, rydym wedi diweddaru’n rhestr chwarae. Darganfyddwch y rhestr a linc i docynnau i’w brofi’n fyw www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais2024

Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Gŵyl Cefnogir gan +

Photos from Llais's post 11/07/2024

See more! Pay less!

Across we’re operating a multi-buy offer, allowing you to save money by opting to experience more of the wonders of Llais Festival!

Book tickets for 2 separate events and save 10% on both, book for 3 and save 15% across everything!

Use our clashfinder and plan your full Llais party here: www.wmc.org.uk/llais2024
(For online multi-buy packages, the number of tickets for each event must be the same. The offer will be applied in your basket. This offer excludes Welsh Music Prize and Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin, Lock Off, or Street Art Opera. All offers subject to allocation and availability.)

Ar draws eleni mae gennym gynnig tâl amryfal, yn eich galluogi i arbed a***n drwy ddewis i ymuno yn mwy o brofiadau Gwŷl Llais!

Archebwch tocynnau i 2 digwyddiad wahanol i arbed 10% dros y ddau, archebwch 3 i arbed 15% ar draws bopeth!

Defnyddiwch ein darganfyddwr gwrthdrawiadau i gynllunio hwyl eich gwŷl:

(Wrth brynu ar-lein, rhaid i nifer y tocynnau ar gyfer pob digwyddiad fod yr un peth. Caiff y cynnig ei ychwanegu at eich basged. Nid yw'r cynnig yn cynnwys y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig na Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin, Lock Off, nag Street Art Opera. Mae pob cynnig yn amodol ar ddyraniadau ac argaeled.)

Cardiff Music City | Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru
This Is Cymru Wales | Cardiff Council



We have an exciting announcement of even more extraordinary music and voices to join the congregation in making waves at LLAIS this year. ▲ Across our multiple stages we’ll have:

Newyddion cyffrous, mae gennym llwyth o gerddoriaeth a lleisiau gwych yn ymuno a’r gymanfa yn creu tonnau yn LLAIS eleni. ▲ Ar draws ein sawl llwyfan bydd:

Squid and Geordie Greep (black midi) ▲ Lisa O'Neill ▲ Fantastic Racket ▲ Georgia Ruth▲ If I Could Only Remember My Name: The Music of David Crosby ▲ Bombino ▲ Porridge Radio ▲ Fabiana Palladino ▲ Rogue Jones ▲ Lock Off ▲ Gina Williams + Guy Ghouse ▲ The Breath ▲ BLACKSABBATHMODE ▲ Joe Boyd: And the Roots of the Rhythm Remain ▲Street Art Opera

📆 Hydref 9 – 13 October 2024
🎟️ Tickets on sale now / Tocynnau ar werth nawr
➜ wmc.org.uk/llais2024 ➜ http://wmc.org.uk/cy/llais2024

Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by Welsh Government + Cardiff Council / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Dinas Gerdd Caerdydd.
Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru + Cyngor Caerdydd.
Wales Millennium Centre | This Is Cymru Wales



We’re almost ready to tell you some exciting news we’ve had to keep under wraps!😊

Find out who’ll be joining our congregation by keeping your eyes on our channels tomorrow!👀

Rydym bron a bod yn barod i rhannu’r newyddion cyffrous yr ydym wedi gorfod cadw’n dawel!😊

Darganfyddwch pwy fydd yn ymuno a’n gymanfa drwy gadw’ch llygaid ar ein sianeli yfory!👀

Proudly part of Cardiff Music City Festival. Supported by the Welsh Government and council l / Yn falch o fod yn rhan o Gŵyl . Cefnogir gan Lywodraeth Cymru / Caerdydd.

Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru |


We’re having a reminisce today and looking back at previous Llais festivals, with some of our special moments from .
Be part of this year’s congregation and see for yourself how our showcase of unique and unexpected performances is evolving.
9-13 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais2024

Edrychwn yn ôl heddiw ar wŷliau’r gorffennol, dyma rhai o eiliadau arbenig .
Dewch i fod yn rhan o gymanfa eleni a phrofi i’ch hun sut y mae ein arddangosfa o berfformiadau unigryw ac annisgwyl yn datblygu.
HYDREF 9-13 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais2024

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March 2 1955. Montgomery, Alabama. You've refused to give up your seat on the bus, you're thrown in jail. This isn't the story you think it is.

This is Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin.

Through AR, Claudette's becomes our story, her civil rights fight replayed before our very eyes.

1 OCTOBER - 3 NOVEMBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llaiscolored

Mawrth 2 1955. Montgomery, Alabama. Rwyt wedi gwrddod rhoi dy sedd i ffwrdd ar fws, ac maent wedi dy thaflu yn y carchar. Nid hwn yw’r stori rwyt yn meddwl amdani.

Dyma Colored: The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin.

Drwy reality estynedig, mae stori Claudette yn uno i’n stori ni, ei frwydr hawliau sifil yn ailchwarae o flaen ein llygaid.

HYDREF 1 – TACHWEDD 3 2024 ▲www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llaiscolored

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Photos from Llais's post 29/06/2024


Our dedicated space for immersive experiences and extended reality.
Bocs has been specifically designed for 360-degreee films and projections as well as XR experiences including augmented reality and virtual reality.

Bocs yw ein gofod pwrpasol ar gyfer profiadau trochol a realiti estynedig.
Mae Bocs wedi’i ddylunio’n arbennig ar gyfer ffilmiau a thafluniadau 360-gradd yn ogystal â phrofiadau XR, gan gynnwys realiti estynedig a realiti rhithwir.

HYDREF 9-13 OCTOBER 2024 ▲

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With a unique singing style that’s carried him to concert stages all over the world Iarla Ó Lionáird is joined by renowned pianists, composer and compatriot Cormac McCarthy – this supremely talented Irish duo will bring their traditions to the fore of a unique, beautiful performance in the BBC Hoddinott Hall.
12 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-iarlacormac

Gyda steil canu unigryw sydd wedi’i dywys i lwyfannau cyngherdd dros y byd, caiff Iarla Ó Lionáird ei ymuno ar pianydd, cyfansoddwr a chydwladwr Cormac McCarthy – mae’r deuawd hyno dalentog Gwyddelyg yma am ddod a’i draddodiadau i’r gweill o berfformiad, unigryw, hardd yn Neuadd Hoddinott BBC
HYDREF 12 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-iarlacormac

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Sacred songs excluded by men are shaken from their dormancy to be enjoyed and celebrated once more.
In Tafod A***n, renowned folk singer Lleuwen Steffan shines a new light on a trove of hymns once banned by the all-male chapel committees of our past.
Combining the plygain choral recordings with electronica and a range of acoustic instruments, songs covering topics of addiction, mental illness and the dark side of the psyche are delivered firmly in the present.
13 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-lleuwen

Siglo caneuon cesygredig a waharddwyd gan ddynion o'i ddrymgwsg i gael ei fwynhau a'i ddathlu unwaith eto.

Yn Tafod A***n, mae'r canwr gwering enwog, Lleuwen Steffan yn uwcholeuo trysor o emynau a gafodd ei wahardd gan bwyllgorau holl-wrywaidd ein gorffenol.
Yn cyfuno recordiau côr plygain hefo electronica am amrediad o offerynau acwstig, mae'r caneuon sy'n trafod pynciau megis caethineb, sâlwch meddyliol ac ochr dywyll yr enaid yn cael ei ddanfon yn syth i'r presennol.
HYDREF 13 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-lleuwen

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Sahra Halgan - Sharaf (Later... with Jools Holland) 20/06/2024

In case you missed Sahra Halgan on Jools Holland on Saturday night you can watch as she performs 'Sharaf' in all its might here. You can catch the full set on BBC iPlayer or even better experience the wonder of her powerful, serenading presence for yourself at in October.

13 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-sahrahalgan

Os feddoch chi Sahra Halgan ar Jools Holland nos Sadwrn gallech ei weld yn perfformio 'Sharaf' yn ei holl nerth yma. Allech weld y set llawn ar y BBC iPlayer neu, well fyth, profi ei phresenoldeb pwerus i'ch hyn yn Llais yn mis Hydref.

HYDREF 13 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-sahrahalgan


Sahra Halgan - Sharaf (Later... with Jools Holland) Sahra Halgan performs Sharaf on Later... with Jools Holland. Watch more Later... with Jools Holland on BBC iPlayer: bbc.co.uk/iplayer. Follow on T...


“Sweet Honey well know, the transformative effects of singing go much deeper than merely being a form of protest. Singing can help us understand how to transcend injustice.” NPR

The Grammy award-winning Sweet Honey in the Rock come to shake the foundations of Wales Millennium Centre and Llais Festival this October. Don’t miss out on the 50th anniversary celebrations of one of the world’s most powerful performance collectives.

12 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-sweethoney

Mae'r cyn-enillwyr Grammy, Sweet Honey In The Rock yn dod i siglo seiliau Canolfan y Mileniwm yng nghwŷl Llais eleni. Peidiwch â cholli dathliadau hanner canrif un o gyfuniadau mwyaf bwerus y byd.

HYDREF 12 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-sweethoney

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Have you listened to Joan As Police Woman's latest single yet?

Catch it live at

11 OCTOBER 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/llais-joanapw

A ydych wedi gwrando i gân ddiweddaraf JOAN AS POLICE WOMAN eto?

Gwelwch hi'n fyw yn Llais eleni.

HYDREF 11 2024 ▲ www.wmc.org.uk/cy/llais-joanapw

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Videos (show all)

LLAIS 2024 | Lein Yp Llawnach / Fuller Line UpA quick taster of everything you could experience if you join our congrega...
LLAIS 2024 | TON NEWYDD/NEW WAVE!We have an exciting announcement of even more extraordinary music and voices to join th...
We’re having a reminisce today and looking back at previous Llais festivals, with some of our special moments from #Llai...
IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE - PROFIAD YMDROCHOLMarch 2 1955. Montgomery, Alabama. You've refused to give up your seat on the bu...
Llais 2024: Lein Yp / Line Up




Wales Millennium Centre, Bute Place

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