Umbrella Art Collective

- Art For All -
Artist led. Community focused. Socially driven. Email: [email protected]


☔️ Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! 🌱

Welcome to a new year folks, but expect no transformative resolutions here. It’s very much still the thick of Winter and we’re continuing to rest, be slow and conserve our community’s energy.

However, our wonderful team are back with some fantastic classes, opportunities and socials:

▫️Tuesday - Pay what you can sewing social with - 5.30pm to 7.30pm

▫️Thursday - Pay what you can life drawing classes with .lifedrawing.umbrella - 6.00pm to 8pm

▫️Saturday - FREE clothes swap with - 2pm to 6.30pm

▫️Sunday - FREE self defence sessions with Rich and - 12.30pm to 2pm

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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TONIGHT 🍉 7-11 pm

Thank you to all the artists who donated through us and ♥️ You can buy all their work tonight at the event! Raising money for

Ticket link in bio, or on the door - pay what you can!

Photos from Umbrella Art Collective's post 28/11/2023

🎄TICKETS OUT NOW 🎟️ ***rclowncabaret & Umbrella are collaborating to bring you ANOTHER huge, q***r, clown Christmas party 🥳 Link in bio!

We’ve heard a rumour that Santa will be popping in! Expect clowns, comedy, drag, games, HUGE prizes… and much much more! Come dressed in your best party outfit. Fancy dress will be both ridiculed and awarded! 🏆

See you on Friday 15th December! Doors open 7pm (with very limited tickets on the door) so book now to avoid disappointment! All money raised will pay our acts. Venue is wheelchair accessible ☂️

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Join us tomorrow to open the CSAD MFA student’s first exhibition with us at Cardiff Umbrella ☂️ Open from 6pm - 8pm, we’ll be celebrating the new work from this group of impressive artists.

‘FORECAST’ is open 11am to 4pm this Friday, Saturday & Sunday 🌞


Photos from Umbrella Art Collective's post 30/10/2023

☂️Cardiff Umbrella joins more than 1,400 LGBTQIA+ individuals and organisations from around the world, including artists and representatives from political parties, universities, schools, unions, and medical bodies, among others, in standing up "in solidarity with the P@lestinian liberation movement", urging all governments "to demand an immediate ceasefire and to restore aid into G@za through any possible routes" and "an end to the occupation of P@lestine".

We believe that standing in solidarity with P@lestine is a q***r issue. We stand by our statement and with freedom from oppression and cOlonialism for all. Comments of these post are turned off as the collective wellbeing of our P@lestinian members and those affected are crucial.

You can add your name to this letter via the link in our bio. Please share far and wide and encourage your networks to sign - the more signatures we get, the louder our collective voice.

Follow + + ***rs.for.palestine for more UK-based info on direct actions + meetings points etc. for protests.

See you out there.



🐺 Penblaidd Village Council invites you to their annual Country Fair, hosted this year by Cardiff Umbrella ☂️

This year boasts a handsome array of fine arts and crafts (and we promise that, unlike last year, all loose mice will now be removed from the premises and unable to nibble the artworks)

Opening night is THIS FRIDAY from 6pm - 8pm 🎃 Please join us to find out who’s won the coveted ‘Penblaidd Prize’ 🏆 for best in show. (There will also be certificates for other categories; most horrific, most dangerous, most moist etc.)

Then following, Umbrella is open 11am - 4pm Wednesday to Saturdays, until November 11th. We can’t wait to see you there! (But by request, John asks no ferrets to be brought on site this year on account of his pending lawsuit)🥕

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Cymraeg i ddilyn!

Photos from Umbrella Art Collective's post 05/10/2023

☂️OPEN CALL🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

The village of Penblaidd have asked Cardiff Umbrella if we’d host their country fair this year! Unfortunately Fern Hammock burnt down the community centre this summer after ‘Toast Week’ and it’s still being rebuilt, so we’re happy to help.

To keep it simple, the judges have decided to trim the show to 6 categories:

- Giant and/or unusual vegetables
- Pies, cakes, scones and conjuration
- Dead pet portrait
- Themed decorative hats
- Rabbits
- Anything pickled.

We’re pleased to welcome everyone and everything to submit; you may enter work of any variety/medium/size/smell (as long as it adheres to the laws of gravity, your work will be in the show).

Please email Penblaidd Council or [email protected] with a picture (or conceptual description) of the work. You are welcome to submit to more than one category. Deadline for submission is 22nd October at 8ish. Maybe 9.00pm, depending on Gwyn’s availability. Awards will be presented on opening night🏆

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Gofynnir pentref Penblaidd os fydd Umbrella Caerdydd yn gwestai eu ffair gwledig eleni! Yn anffodus, llosgwyd y canolfan cymuned lawr gan Fern Hammock Haf yma ar ol ‘Wythnos Tost’, ac mae hi dal yn cael ei ailadeiladu, felly rydym yn hapus i helpu.

I cadw hi’n syml, mae’r beirniaid wedi dewis i cwtogi’r sioe i unig 6 categori:

- Llysiau anferth/anarferol
- Peis, cacennau, sgons a lledrith
- Portreuad anifail anwes sydd wedi marw
- Hetiau arddurnol â thema
- Cwningod
- Unrhywbeth wedi’u piclo

Rydum yn falch i croesawu pawb a phopeth i cyflwyno; gallech cyflwyno gwaith o unrhyw amrywiad/cyfrwng/maint/arogl (os ydi hi’n cadw at cyfreithiau disgyrchiant, fe fydd eich waith mewn ein sioe).

Os gwelwch yn dda e-bostiwch Cyngor Penblaidd neu [email protected] gyfa llun (neu disgrifiad gysyniedig) o’r gwaith. Croeso i chi cyflwyno i mwy nag un categori. Y terfyniad ar gyfer cyflwyniad 22ain o Hydref at tua 8. Yfallai 9.00yp, yn dibynnu os yw Gwyn ar gael. Fydd gwobrwyon yn cael ei cyflwyno ar noson agor🏆


🏙️ TOMORROW! Concrete Concepts

This group came together through painting on the street; forging connections that have developed over the past decade. As well as being visual artists there are crossovers into the other elements of hip-hop culture: djing, mcing and breakin'. These forms of artistic expression are both social and physical, contributing to their collective mental well-being.

Bringing the paint indoors and welcoming a different community to a gallery space, Concrete Concepts challenges what it is to be an artist working outside of conventional venues.


🏙️ YFORY! Concrete Concepts

Daeth y grŵp hwn at ei gilydd drwy baentio ar y stryd; gan greu cysylltiadau sydd wedi datblygu dros y degawd diwethaf. Yn ogystal â bod yn artistiaid gweledol, mae yna groesi i elfennau eraill diwylliant hip-hop: djing, mcing a breakin'. Mae'r ffurfiau hyn o fynegiant artistig yn gymdeithasol a chorfforol, gan gyfrannu at eu lles meddyliol ar y cyd.

Gan ddod â'r paent dan do a chroesawu cymuned wahanol i ofod oriel, mae Concrete Concepts yn herio'r hyn ydyw i fod yn artist sy'n gweithio y tu allan i leoliadau confensiynol.

Photos from Umbrella Art Collective's post 27/07/2023

We’re so pleased to extend SPAF Collective’s gorgeous show ‘Carry On Up The Valleys’ until August 11th! Join us on that Friday from 6pm to celebrate Umbrella’s longest running show ☂️

Expect music, a short film and some talk from the boys. They also will be selling their wares so don’t miss out! 💖

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Rydym mor falch i ymestyn sioe brydferth gan SPAF Collective, ‘Carry On Up The Valleys’ tan Awst yr 11eg! Ymunwch ni ar y dydd Gwener o 6yp i ddathlu'r sioe sydd wedi rhedeg y hiraf yn Umbrella ☂️

Disgwyliwch gerddoriaeth, ffilm fer a sgwrs gan y bois. Fyddent hefyd yn gwerthu eu nwyddau felly peidiwch â cholli allan! 💖



Come and celebrate our current show ‘Carry On Up The Valleys’ with us on Friday. There will be drinks, music and good friends… featuring a special preview of a short film from the boys. See you there!



Dewch i ddathlu ein sioe bresennol ‘Carry On Up The Valleys’ efo ni dydd Gwener. Fydd ‘na diodydd, cerddoriaeth a ffrindiau da… yn cynnwys rhagolwg arbennig o ffilm fer oddi ar y bois. Welsoch chi yna!


We are blessed to bring you ‘Carry On Up The Valleys’ from SPAF collective; our heroes in hand-sewn capes. This exhibition comes following the group’s recent residency in Umbrella HQ☂️

“SPAF Collective are a Cardiff-based Q***r Welsh Arts Collective comprising of Reg Arthur (Hunk Williams), Kazimir Redraven (Khazi), Aneurin Hughes (Haunted House Jones), and Tom Campbell (Tom). We make badges, zines, stickers, and prints collaboratively. Individually, we adopt varied approaches to making work and so essentially – we are up for anything.

We have a commitment to accessibility and community; adopting a DIY approach to making and producing art in the hopes of bypassing beaurocracy and making our work as affordable as possible. We aim to preserve and document outdated, obscure and unofficial folk history with a focus on authenticity and collaboration (both within our collective and wider communities).”

The show is open Thursday - Sundays, 11am to 4pm until 23rd July. We will be releasing a date to celebrate the exhibition’s arrival, and will be sharing the groups work behind the scenes 💙

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Cawn ein bendithio i ddod â chi 'Carry On Up The Valleys' o gydweithfa SPAF; ein harwyr mewn capiau wedi'u gwnïo â llaw. Daw'r arddangosfa hon yn dilyn preswyliad diweddar y grŵp yn Umbrella ☂️

“Mae cydweithfa SPAF a leolir yng Nghaerdydd yn Gydweithfa Celfyddydau Cwir Cymraeg sy’n cynnwys Reg Arthur (Hunk Williams), Kazimir Redraven (Khazi), Aneurin Hughes (Haunted House Jones), ac Tom Campbell (Tom). Rydym yn creu bathodynnau, sîniau, sticeri ag prints gydia’n gilydd. Yn unigol rydym wedi ymdopi dulliau amrywiol tuag at greu gwaith ac felly rydym yn fwy ne lai lan am unrhywbeth.

Mae gennym ymrwymiad tuag at hygyrchedd a chymuned; yn mabwysiadu dull DIY i greu celf mewn gobaith osgoi biwrocratiaeth ac yn gwneud ein gwaith mor fforddiadwy â phosib. Rydym yn anelu at cadwoli a thystio hanes sydd wedi goroedi, sydd yn aneglur ac answyddogol efo ffocws ar ddilysrwydd a chydweithio (tu fewn ein cydweithfa a ty hwnt mewn cymunedau pellach).”

(Continued in comments)


🌍 Presenting: Refugee Week 2023:

Non Place Collective (together with partners at Sub Saharan Advisory Panel, Amgueddfa Cymru, g39, Welsh Refugee Council, Women Life Freedom and Cardiff Umbrella) are joining us in organising a full week of special programmes, workshops and events that celebrate the resilience and unity of the local refugee communities.

Project funded by Arts Council of Wales


🌍 Yn cyflwyno: Wythnos Ffoaduriaid 2023:

Mae Non Place Collective (ynghyd â phartneriaid yn Sub Saharan Advisory Panel, Amgueddfa Cymru, g39, Cyngor Ffoaduriaid Cymru, Women Life Freedom ac Umbrella Caerdydd) yn ymuno â ni i drefnu wythnos lawn o raglenni arbennig sy'n cynnwys gweithdai a digwyddiadau sy'n dathlu gwydnwch ac undod y cymunedau ffoaduriaid lleol.

Prosiect a ariennir gan Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru


🧶Join us from 6pm to celebrate with the fashion students from Cardiff & Vale, tonight at Cardiff Umbrella☂️

‘Connection’ is open all weekend from 11am - 4pm, or pop down tonight and see some impressive work from this bold group of creatives!

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🧶Ymunwch a ni o 6yp i ddathlu efo'r myfyrwyr fasiwn o Gaerdydd a'r Fro, heno at Umbrella Caerdydd☂️

Mae 'Cysylltiad' ar agor trwy'r penwythnos o 11yb - 4yp, neu galwch mewn heno i weld gwaith anhygoel o grŵp celfyddwyr beiddgar!


💧Join us tonight to celebrate Cardiff & Vale student’s first exhibition with us at Cardiff Umbrella☂️

‘Artefact & Experience’ is open all day today or join us from 5pm - 8pm tonight to celebrate some impressive new work from this bold group of young artists.


💧Ymunwch a ni heno i ddathlu ein harddangosfa gyntaf gyda myfyrwyr Caerdydd a'r Fro at Umbrella Caerdydd☂️

Mae 'Arteffact & Profiad' ar agor trwy'r dydd heddiw, neu ymunwch o 5yp - 8yp heno i ddathlu gwaith newydd nodedig o grŵp artistiaid ifanc beiddgar.



We’re just so incredibly pleased to announce that Cardiff Umbrella is now officially a registered CIC ☂️

A Community Interest Company is a limited company that exists to benefit a community or social cause. This means access to bigger funding opportunities to keep Umbrella alive and any profits made will be re-invested back into the art community.

So very grateful for this forward step, and excited to see what the future holds for Umbrella and how it can serve you; it’s community ♥️


Rydym yn andros o fodlon i gyhoeddi fod Umbrella Caerdydd wedi cofrestru'n swyddogol fel CBC ☂️

Mae Cwmni Buddiant Cymunedol yn gwmni cyfyngedig sydd yn bodoli i fod yn fuddiol ar gyfer cymuned neu achos cymdeithasol. Mae hon yn golygu mynediad i gyfleoedd cronfa mwy i gadw Umbrella yn fyw a fydd unrhyw elw yn cael ei ail-buddsoddi mewn i'r gymuned celfyddydau.

Rydym yn mor ddiolchgar am y cam newydd yma ac yn cyffrous i weld beth sydd yn y dyfodol ar gyfer Umbrella ac sut gall gwasanaethau chi; ei cymuned ♥️

Photos from Umbrella Art Collective's post 02/05/2023

🧵TONIGHT! Sewing Social with 🪡

Join us for a drop in session from 5.30pm - 7.30pm at Cardiff Umbrella HQ in the Capitol Centre. All skills and abilities welcome!

All dates for this month’s sewing socials are:

2nd May
16th May
30th May
13th June

Materials can be provided if you don’t have any! Expect good company, and hot drinks ☕️


🧵HENO! Gwnïo Cymdeithasol gyda Karina 🪡

Ymunwch a ni ar gyfer sesiwn o 5.30yp i 7.30yp at HQ Umbrella Caerdydd yn y canolfan Capitol. Croeso i bob lefel o sgil a gallu!

Dyddiadau ar gyfer mis yma:

2ail o Fai
16eg o Fai
30ain o Fai
13eg o Orffennaf

Gall ddarparu nwyddau os nad ydych yn berchen rhai! Disgwyliwch gwmni da a diodydd poeth ☕️


INside 🟡UTside

We welcome the lovely Illustration students from ✏️

Open from the 27th - 30th April, 11am to 4pm, the illustration students take their first steps towards a professional art practice.

Join them for a closing event on Sunday from 4pm, where they will be showing off their wares and celebrating their hard work!


tu FEWN tu 🔺LLAN

Croeso i'r myfyrwyr darlunio hyfryd o ✏️

Ar agor o'r 27ain - 30ain o Ebrill, 11yb i 4yp, fe fydd myfyrwyr darlunio yn cymryd ei chamau cyntaf tuag at ymarfer celf broffesiynol.

Ymunwch a nhw ar gyfer parti cau ar Ddydd Sul o 4yp, lle fyddent yn arddangos eu cynnyrch a dathlu eu gwaith caled!


Event opening tonight from 6pm - 8pm!

This exhibition is platforming the work of Iranian & Welsh/Wales-based artists that explore the strength and power of women. Depicting women’s fight for equality, political struggle and feminism, the work is not only a call for change but an expression of joy and pride.

The term 'Woman Life Freedom' originated from Jin Jiyan Azadi, not only a slogan but a philosophy of the Kurdistan Workers Party. 1000’s of women have been martyred fighting facism and creating new ways of living that safeguard women, children and the environment.

Join us this evening as we celebrate with a community of inspiring people sharing their experiences and stories.

Open every day from 11am - 4pm until 28th April ☂️

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Agoriad heno o 6yp - 8yp!

Mae'r arddangosfa yma yn llwyfannu gwaith artistiaid Iranaidd a Chymraeg/lleolir yng Nghymru sydd yn archwilio'r nerth a phŵer o fenywod. Trwy lunio brwydr menywod am gydraddoldeb, ymdrechion gwleidyddol a ffeministiaeth, nid ond galwad am newid yw'r gwaith ond mynegiant o lawenydd a balchder.

Mae 'Women Life Freedom' yn dod yn wreiddiol o Jin Jiyan Azadi, nid ond slogan ond athroniaeth o'r Parti Gweithwyr Kurdistan. Cafodd miloedd o fenywod merthyru dros ymladd ffasgaeth a chreu modd newydd o fyw sydd yn diogelu menywod, plant ac yr amgylchedd.

Ymunwch a ni'r noswaith yma tra bod ni'n dathlu efo cymuned o bobl ysbrydoledig yn rhannu ei phrofiadau a straeon.

Ar agor pob dydd o 11yb - 4yp tan yr 28ain o Ebrill ☂️


🫱 Everything but the Kitchen Sink

We welcome students from Fine Art & Photography!

You’re invited to the private view on Tuesday at 5pm, or pop in the following day from 11am - 4pm to catch the show.

“This exhibition reflects the hard work made by Cardiff Met’s fine art & photography students over the course of their second year. The eclecticism of the work demonstrates a variety of mediums and concepts, ranging from personal and political identity, interpersonal relationships, horror and imagination.”

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🫱 Popeth ond sinc y gegin

Croeso i fyfyrwyr Met Caerdydd o Gelf Gain & Ffotograffiaeth!

Rydym yn eich gwahodd i olwg preifat ar ddydd Mawrth at 5yp, neu alw yn y diwrnod canlynol o 11yb - 4yp i dal i sioe.

"Mae'r arddangosfa hon yn adlewyrchu'r gwaith caled gan fyfyrwyr celf gain & ffotograffiaeth Met Caerdydd dros eu hail flwyddyn. Mae'r eclectigiaeth y gwaith yn arddangos amrywiaeth o gyfryngau a chysyniadau, sy'n amrywio o hunaniaeth bersonol a gwleidyddol, perthnasoedd rhyngbersonol, arswyd a dychymyg."

Photos from Umbrella Art Collective's post 31/03/2023

A huge thanks to everyone involved in the Mini Cardiff Animation exhibition & festival! We had an absolute blast showing off & celebrating your wonderful mini works.

We were pretty blown away with the submitted art and it’s been one of our favourite exhibitions to put on… we’ll definitely be doing another mini exhibition in the future. Huge love to the team! We absolutely love working with you all ♥️

For now, keep your eyes on our Instagram for regular workshops and opportunities ☂️

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Diolch enfawr i bawb sy'n rhan o arddangosfa a gŵyl Animeiddio Mini Caerdydd! Cawsom ffrwgwd llwyr yn dangos & yn dathlu eich gwaith bach gwych.

Cawsom ein syfrdanu'n eithaf gyda'r gelfyddyd a gyflwynwyd ac mae wedi bod yn un o'n hoff arddangosfeydd i'w rhoi ymlaen... Byddwn yn bendant yn gwneud arddangosfa fach arall yn y dyfodol. Cariad enfawr at dîm ! Rydyn ni wrth ein boddau yn gweithio gyda chi i gyd ♥️

Am y tro, cadwch eich llygaid ar ein Instagram ar gyfer gweithdai a chyfleoedd rheolaidd ☂️


🎂 TICKETS OUT NOW 🎟️ ***rclowncabaret & Umbrella are collaborating to bring you a huge, q***r, clown birthday party 🥳 Link in bio!

There will be puppets, clowns, comedy, drag, games, jelly shots, a piñata… and much much more! Come dressed in your best birthday party costume. Fancy dress will be awarded!

Doors open 7pm (with very limited tickets on the door) so book now to avoid disappointment! All money raised will pay our acts. Venue is wheelchair accessible and has a carpark with £2 parking after 6pm ☂️

Poster by .stains

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Mae ***rclowncabaret & Umbrella yn cydweithio i ddod a pharti penblwydd clown enfawr cwiar i chi 🥳 Dolen mewn bio.

Fydd yna bypedau, clowniau, comedi, drag, gemau, jochiau jeli, piñata... a llawer iawn mwy! Dewch wedi gwisgo mewn eich gwisg parti penblwydd gorau! Fydd gwobr i wisg ffansi!

Drysau'n agor am 7yp (efo nifer cyfyngedig iawn ar y drws) felly archebwch nawr i osgoi siom! Fydd gyd yr a***n codwyd yn mynd tuag at ein hactau. Mae'r adeilad yn hygyrch i gadeiriau olwyn ac mae gan maes parcio am £2 ar ôl 6yp ☂️

Poster gan .stains



This Monday we have our first guest workshop on 'Exhibiting outside of the gallery' from 6pm - 8pm at Umbrella HQ ☂️

If you’re bored of exhibiting within the walls of a traditional gallery space, Heledd C Evans will be leading a workshop exploring alternative exhibition sites and working site-specifically. Any and all art forms are welcome!

📷: Annie Fenton
💬 Message to book

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Dydd Llun yma rydym yn cynnal ein gweithdy gwadd cyntaf ar 'Arddangos tu hwnt i'r galeri' o 6yp - 8yp at HQ Umbrella ☂️

Os ydych wedi diflasu o arddangos tu fewn i waliau o galeri traddodiadol, fydd Heledd C Evans yn arwain gweithdy yn archwilio mewn i fannau arddangos amgen ac yn gweithio yn benodol i ardal. Mae croeso i unrhyw a pob ffurf o gelf!

📸: Annie Fenton
Negeseuwch i fwcio


📽️MINI Cardiff Animation Festival☂️

In collaboration with our lovely friends from , we are celebrating all things teeny tiny with our MINI exhibition during Mini !

Petite paintings, mini models and small sculptures galore, enjoy this celebration of all the small things. Open 11am - 4pm every day until Wednesday 29th March!

Also join us this Sunday at Umbrella HQ☂️ from 11am - 1pm for a little closing celebration party🎉

Work and image by Abi Trotman

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Ynghlwm ac ein ffrindiau hyfryd o Cardiff Animation Nights, rydym yn dathlu popeth bychan gydag ein harddangosfa MINI yn ystod CAF Mini!

Darluniau bach, modelau mini a cherfluniau rhagorol, mwynhewch ŵyl o bopeth bach. Ar agor 11yb - 4yp pob dydd tan ddydd Mercher 29ain o Fawrth!

Hefyd ymunwch a ni dydd Sul yma at HQ Umbrella ☂️ o 11yb - 1yp am barti cau fach! 🎉

Gwaith a llun gan Abi Trotman



Thanks to Cardiff Umbrella’s PONT project, and with support from , we are excited to announce 🧶

Clwb Crotchet will be every Wednesday from 4 - 7pm, pay what you can! Drop in or stay for the whole session. All skill levels welcome! Come to complete any projects, learn new things, make friends and just crochet 🙂

Every week Clwb Crochet will tour Cardiff’s finest creative hubs. This week’s being held at Cardiff Umbrella HQ in the Capitol Centre, starting tomorrow!

Wool & hooks can be provided if you don’t have your own. We can’t wait to see you there!

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☂️ YFORY 🌞

Diolch i brosiect Umbrella Caerdydd PONT, ac efo chefnogaeth o , rydym yn cyhoeddi 🧶

Fydd Clwb Crochet pob dydd Mercher o 4 i 7yp, talu be allwch! Galw heibio neu aros am yr holl sesiwn. Croeso i bob lefel sgiliau! Dewch i gwblhau unrhyw brosiectau, dysgu pethau newydd, creu ffrindiau a chrosio! 🙂

Pob wythnos fydd Clwb Crochet yn teithio i hwbiau creadigol gorau Caerdydd. Mae wythnos yma yn cael ei gynnal at HQ Umbrella Caerdydd, yn dechrau yfory!

Mae yna wlân a bachau gall ei ddarparu os nad ydych yn berchen rhai eich hun. Methu aros gweld chi yna!

Photos from Umbrella Art Collective's post 17/03/2023

PEST 🚬 One night only!

Stomp your way down to Umbrella ☂️ tomorrow (Saturday) at 7pm for a one night only evening of art & music at PEST!

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PEST 🚬 Un noson yn unig!

Stompiwch eich ffordd lawr i Umbrella ☂️ yfory (Sadwrn) at 7yp ar gyfer noswyl o gelf a cherddoriaeth at PEST!


OPEN CALL for our miniature themed exhibition, celebrating all things small!

We are looking for any kind of work from animators & all creatives alike! Deadline is Sunday 19th, so it’s a quick one… but all you have to do is send us a picture of your teeny object/world that you’ve created, and be able to drop off the physical work to Umbrella HQ before Wednesday 22nd!

No work is too small! Your piece will be included in the CAF x Umbrella ☂️ exhibition and there is also a little prize, awarded at Sunday 26th’s closing party! 🥳

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GALWAD ALLAN ar gyfer ein harddangosfa thema miniatur, yn dathlu pob peth bach!

Rydym yn edrych am unrhyw fath o waith oddi wrth animeiddwyr a pob creadigwyr! Fydd y terfyniad y galwad ar Ddydd Sul y 19eg, felly maent yn un gyflym... ond gyd fydd angen i chi wneud yw anfon lun o'r gwrthrych/byd bychan rydych wedi creu, a bod yn fodlon i ddychwelyd y gwaith ffisegol i HQ Umbrella cyn Dydd Mawrth yr 22ain!

Does 'na ddim gwaith yn rhy fach! Fydd eich darn yn cael ei chynnwys yn yr arddangosfa GAC x Umbrella ☂️ a hefyd mae yna wobr fechan, a fyddent yn gwobrwyo ar barti cloi Dydd Sul yr 26ain o Fawrth! 🥳


Hey! We’re back 🙂 We’ve been quietly working on important film-flam for Umbrella, so expect to see more from us now we’ve had a well deserved break. Hope you’re looking after yourselves!

Our weekly run down:
- Thursday 9th, 6pm - 8pm
Life drawing with Hannah
- Saturday 11th, 2pm - 6pm
Cardiff Community Closet
- Saturday 11th, 6pm - late
SPACECRAFT exhibition opening

We’re sharing a super cute OPEN CALL this week, so look out for that! See you at Umbrella HQ soon ☂️

— 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿—

Hai, da ni nol! 🙂 Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n dawel ar fflim-fflam pwysig ar gyfer Umbrella, felly disgwyliwch i weld mwy ohonom nawr da ni wedi cael saib. Gobeithio rydych yn edrych ar ôl dy hunan!

Ein gweithrediadau wythnosol:
-Dydd Iau’r 9fed, 6yp-8yp
Darlunio bywyd gyda Hannah
-Dydd Sadwrn yr 11eg, 2yp-6yp
Wardrob Cymunedol Caerdydd
-Dydd Sadwrn yr 11eg, 6yp- hwyr
Agoriad arddangosfa SPACECRAFT

Rydym yn rhannu GALWAD AGORED rili ciwt wythnos yma, felly edrychwch mas ar gyfer hynny! Wele chdi at Umbrella yn fuan ☂️


🪡 WE’RE BACK! The fabulous will be running her regular sewing social with us every other Tuesday again, starting from tonight!

Put on your coat and pop down to between 5-7pm to do some embroidery and make a mini banner!

The history of banner making is one rooted deeply in the working class and marginalised groups.  Whether it was the iconic banners of G**s and Le****ns supporting miners, the intricately made banners of the Womens rights movements or the bold imagery of the civil rights movement. At the heart of the practice is the stories of unions, communities and the working/oppressed classes making art with the philosophy of collective activism for social change.

Basic materials will be provided and this workshop will be a pay what you can system. You are welcome to bring your own fabric, embroidery hoop or stitching materials 🧵

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