Food Centre Wales

Canolfan Bwyd Cymru
Food Centre Wales
📞 01559 362230
📧 [email protected] Rheolir gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion / Managed by Ceredigion County Council

Photos from Cyng/Cllr Clive Davies's post 23/07/2024
Photos from Food Centre Wales's post 23/07/2024

Gwych gweld rhai o'n cleientiaid yn hyrwyddo eu cynhyrchion newydd arloesol yn y Neuadd Fwyd yn yr wythnos hon

Great to see so many of our clients in the food hall at the Royal Welsh Show this week

Photos from Food Centre Wales's post 22/07/2024

Be part of something exciting at Food Centre Wales!

⚙️ We're looking for an experienced Technical Manager to lead and manage our technical consultancy delivery service and the overall operation of our Innovation and Manufacturing Hub. If you have food manufacturing experience, a passion on for innovation and drive to develop a team - Apply Now:

👩‍🔬 Kickstart Your Career at Food Centre Wales! We are seeking an Assistant Food Technologist to join our team. If you are passionate about applying science to food processing and have a Food Technology degree, we would love to hear from you! Apply Now:

💼 We are seeking a dynamic Business Operations Manager to join our team. If you have senior-level experience in the food and drink industry, we want to hear from you! Apply Now:

✅ Food Centre Wales is seeking a Facilities Co-Ordinator to oversee our Innovation and manufacturing facilities and Incubator units. If you have experience in food processing and knowledge of food safety - Apply Now:

Photos from Food Centre Wales's post 22/07/2024

Byddwch yn rhan o rywbeth cyffrous yng Nghanolfan Bwyd Cymru!

⚙️ Rydym yn chwilio am Reolwr Technegol profiadol i arwain a rheoli ein gwasanaeth cyflenwi ymgynghori technegol a gweithrediad cyffredinol ein Hwb Arloesedd a Gweithgynhyrchu. Os oes gennych chi brofiad gweithgynhyrchu bwyd, angerdd am arloesi ac egni i ddatblygu tîm. Ymgeisiwch Nawr:

👩‍🔬 Rhowch hwb i'ch gyrfa yng Nghanolfan Bwyd Cymru! Rydym yn chwilio am Dechnolegydd Bwyd Cynorthwyol i ymuno â'n tîm. Os ydych yn angerddol am gymhwyso gwyddoniaeth i brosesu bwyd a bod gennych radd mewn Technoleg Bwyd, byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych!

💼 Rydym yn chwilio am Reolwr Gweithrediadau Busnes deinamig i ymuno â'n tîm. Os oes gennych chi brofiad lefel uwch yn y diwydiant bwyd a diod, rydyn ni eisiau clywed gennych chi!

✅ Mae Canolfan Bwyd Cymru yn chwilio am Gydlynydd Cyfleusterau i oruchwylio ein cyfleusterau Arloesi a gweithgynhyrchu ac unedau Deori. Os oes gennych brofiad mewn prosesu bwyd a gwybodaeth am ddiogelwch bwyd, gwnewch gais nawr!


Join us on the 16th October 2024 to explore the use of innovative technologies in your production and hygiene processes. This has vast potential across all sectors to reduce costs in energy, chemical use and wastewater treatment, together with the potential to prolong shelf life. Come along to discover how your business may benefit from a new approach to sustainability and cost management.

More information here:

Book your place here:


Ymunwch â ni ar 16 Hydref 2024 i archwilio’r defnydd o dechnolegau arloesol yn eich prosesau cynhyrchu a hylendid. Gyda photensial enfawr ar draws pob sector i leihau costau ynni, defnyddio llai o gemegau a llai o weithgarwch trin dŵr gwastraff, ynghyd â’r posibilrwydd o ymestyn oes silff, dewch i glywed am y ffordd y gallai’ch busnes chi gael budd gan ddull gweithredu newydd tuag at gynaliadwyedd a rheoli costau.

Mwy o wybodaeth yma:

Archebwch lle yma:


Llongyfarchiadau eto Monarchs Crisps! 🤩
Congratulations again Monarchs Crisps! 🤩


Diolch Ysgol Penweddig am ofyn i Mark ein Technolegydd Bwyd ddod i rannu ei wybodaeth a'i arbenigedd gyda'r criw Chefistry Bl.8! Roedd yn wych gweld pawb yn cymryd cymaint o ddiddordeb ac yn mwynhau cymryd rhan yn y broses gwneud caws.


Thank you Ysgol Penweddig for asking Mark our Food Technologist to come and share his knowledge and expertise with the Year 8 Chefistry crew! It was great to see the students so engaged and enjoy participating in the cheese-making process.

Mae criw dosbarth Chefistry blwyddyn 8 wedi mwynhau ymweliadau Gyrfaoedd dros yr wythnos diwethaf. Daeth Sara Jenkins o Laeth Jenkins i drafod y broses o basteureiddio llaeth. Gwnaeth y disgyblion fwynhau profi'r gwahaniaeth rhwng llaeth siop a llaeth peiriant, ac wrth gwrs cael blasu'r ysgytlaeth. Daeth Elen Jones i drafod yr amrywiaeth eang o 'yrfaoedd sydd gan y sector Bwyd a Diod i'w gynnig. Mae'r dosbarth hefyd wedi dysgu am y camau o greu caws gan Mark Jones drwy gael cyfle i greu caws eu hunain o laeth amrwd. Diolch yn fawr iawn i Sara, Elen a Mark am roi eu hamser a'u harbenigedd.

The year 8 Chefistry class have enjoyed Career visits over the past week. Sara Jenkins from Llaeth Jenkins came to discuss the process of milk pasteurisation. The pupils enjoyed experiencing the difference between shop milk and machine milk, and of course getting to taste the milkshakes. Elen Jones came to discuss the wide variety of careers that the Food and Drink sector have to offer and the qualifications and experiences required. The class also learned about the steps involved with making cheese from Mark Jones by having the hands-on opportunity to create their own cheese from raw milk. Many thanks to Sara, Elen and Mark for giving up their time and expertise.

Photos from Watson & Pratts's post 10/07/2024

Diolch Watson & Pratts am rannu eich ymweliad â fferm Harriet Ffynnon Wen Farm, a’r stori hyfryd tu ôl i Soft Joyce. Rydym yn falch iawn o fod yn rhan o siwrne gwneud caws Harriet. Lluniau hyfryd hefyd!
Thank you Watson & Pratts for sharing your visit to Harriet’s Ffynnon Wen Farm and the wonderful story behind Soft Joyce. We're delighted to be part of Harriet's cheese-making journey. We love the photos too!


Introducing another of our approved training providers:

Food Centre Wales is a dedicated food technology centre in West Wales, offering manufacturing facilities, technical services and training to the food and drink industry in Wales. Whether you are a business start-up, SME or a large food manufacturer, Food Centre Wales can provide support and guidance to help you develop your business.

Remember - eligible businesses can access up to 80% funding towards training courses delivered by any of our approved training providers. Contact us today to find out more!

Food Centre Wales


Cyflwyno un o'n darparwyr hyfforddiant cymeradwy eraill:

Mae Canolfan Bwyd Cymru yn ganolfan technoleg bwyd pwrpasol yng Ngorllewin Cymru, sy'n cynnig cyfleusterau gweithgynhyrchu, gwasanaethau technegol a hyfforddiant i'r diwydiant bwyd a diod
yng Nghymru. Os ydych yn fusnes newydd, busnes bach a chanolig (eu maint) neu wneuthurwr bwyd mawr, gall Canolfan Bwyd Cymru ddarparu cymorth ac arweiniad i helpu i ddatblygu eich busnes.

Cofich - gall busnesau cymwys gael hyd at 80% o gyllid tuag at gyrsiau hyfforddi a ddarperir gan unrhyw un o'n darparwyr hyfforddiant cymeradwy. Cysylltwch a ni heddiw i ddarganfod mwy!

Food Centre Wales

Funding competition – New Innovators in agri-tech and food technology 04/07/2024

*Funding Competition*

UK registered small and micro businesses can apply for a share of up to £400,000 for projects that grow their innovation activities in the agri-tech and food technology cluster in Mid and North Wales.

Competition closes: 17 July @ 11am:

Funding competition – New Innovators in agri-tech and food technology UK registered small and

Cystadleuaeth am gyllid - Arloeswyr Newydd ym maes technoleg amaeth a thechnoleg bwyd 04/07/2024

*Cystadleuaeth am gyllid*

Gall busnesau bach a micro sydd wedi’u cofrestru yn y DU wneud cais am gyfran o hyd at £400,000 ar gyfer prosiectau sy’n tyfu eu gweithgareddau arloesi yn y clwstwr technoleg amaeth a thechnoleg bwyd yng Nghanolbarth a Gogledd Cymru.

Cau 17 Gorffennaf am 11yb:

Cystadleuaeth am gyllid - Arloeswyr Newydd ym maes technoleg amaeth a thechnoleg bwyd Gall busnesau bach a microfusnesau s



Mae Canolfan Bwyd Cymru yn cynnig cyfleusterau heb eu hail i weithgynhyrchwyr bwyd ddatblygu cynhyrchion newydd. Ewch ar daith rithwir i weld beth sydd gan yr Hwb Arloesi a Gweithgynhyrchu i’w gynnig!
Food Centre Wales offers unrivalled facilities for food manufacturers to develop new products. Take a virtual tour to see what the Innovation and Manufacturing Hub has to offer:


Join us at the Carmarthenshire Enterprise Hub 'Starting, growing and scaling up in the food & drink industry' on Tuesday, 25th June.

> Gain useful industry facts and insights
> Discover funding and support information for new and existing businesses in the food and drink sector from Focus Carmarthen Hub, Food and Drink Skills Wales and Cywain
> Hear first hand experiences from Carmarthen Ham and Cameron Reardon
> Opportunity to network

10:00 - 12:00 focus on start-ups
12:45 - 14:00 focus on businesses willing to grow & scale-up

For more information regarding each session and registration, please follow this link:


Ymunwch â ni yn y digwyddiad 'Cychwyn, tyfu a chynyddu yn y diwydiant bwyd a diod' ar Ddydd Mawrth 25ain o Fehefin yn Hwb Menter Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Cewch glywed am:
> Ffeithiau a mewnwelediadau defnyddiol o'r diwydiant
> Darganfod gwybodaeth am gyllid a chymorth i fusnesau newydd yn y sector bwyd a diod gan Hwb Menter Sir Gaerfyrddin, Sgiliau Bwyd a Diod Cymru a Cywain
> Clywed sut y dechreuodd Ham Caerfyrddin a Cameron Reardon eu busnes.
> Cyfle i rwydweithio

10:00 - 12:00 - ar gyfer busnesau newydd
12:45 - 14:00 - ar gyfer busnesau sydd wedi'u sefydlu sy'n ystyried tyfu a chynyddu eu busnes

Am ragor o wybodaeth am y sesiynau a chofrestru, dilynwch y ddolen hon -

Photos from NFU Cymru's post 19/06/2024

Cofrestrwch ar gyfer y wers Saesneg neu Gymraeg - yn digwydd heddiw! 👇🍦🍨


Yn digwydd heddiw!
Happening today!


We were incredibly proud to see Monarchs Crisps recognized with the Innovation Award at the Wales Food and Drink Awards.

Monarchs Crisps' journey from start-up to award-winning business is a testament to their hard work and dedication. We're honoured to have played a part in their success.

We look forward to continuing to support innovative businesses like Monarchs Crisps. Congratulations again, Alex and Greg! 🎉👏


Roeddem hynod o falch i weld Monarchs Crisps yn cael ei gydnabod gyda'r Wobr Arloesi yn y Wales Food and Drink Awards.

Mae taith Monarchs Crisps o fusnes newydd i fusnes arobryn yn dyst i'w gwaith caled a'u hymroddiad. Mae’n anrhydedd i ni fod wedi gallu chwarae rhan yn eu llwyddiant.

Edrychwn ymlaen at barhau i gefnogi busnesau arloesol fel Monarchs Crisps. Llongyfarchiadau eto, Alex a Greg! 🎉👏


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿MARKET DAY TOMORROW!!!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
📍 Park Ave. (near Aber town football pitch, opposite Home Bargains)
⏰ 10-1
The place to get your local produce!!
Fresh veg, bread, cheese, meat, cakes, honey and crafts with hot food and drink while you shop!!

🤩Blaencamel Farm
🤩Cardigan Bay Honey
🤩Cothi Valley
🤩Cuckoo Mill Farm
🤩Defaid Dolwerdd Dairy Sheep
🤩Postance Poultry
🤩 Siop Botanica
🤩 Carn Edward
🤩 Sugarcane Artisan Crumbs
🤩 Cwmni Coffi Daffodil


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿MARCHNAD YFORY!!!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
📍 Coedlan y Parc (ger y cae pel-droed, gyferbyn â Home Bargains)
⏰ 10-1

Y lle i gael eich cynnyrch lleol!!!🥕
Llysiau, bara, caws, cig, cacennau, mel a chrefftau gyda diodydd a bwyd poeth ar gael tra'ch bo'n siopa!!!

🤩Blaencamel Farm
🤩Cardigan Bay Honey
🤩Cothi Valley
🤩Cuckoo Mill Farm
🤩Defaid Dolwerdd Dairy Sheep
🤩Postance Poultry
🤩Siop Botanica
🤩Carn Edward
🤩Sugarcane Artisan Crumbs
🤩 Cwmni Coffi Daffodil


Celebrate National Picnic Week with a Selection of Wales' Genuinely Iconic GI Food & Drink!

In honour of National Picnic Week, which takes place between 17 - 25 June, Food & Drink Wales proudly presents the Welsh GI Hamper, featuring six Welsh GI producers: Caws Cenarth Cheese, Caws Teifi Cheese, Carmarthen Deli Caerfyrddin by Albert Rees, Halen Môn Sea Salt, The Pembrokeshire Beach Food Company, and Blas y Tir.

Pre-order in time for National Picnic Week:

Get ready to roll out your blanket and make your picnic an unforgettable experience!


Dathlwch Wythnos Genedlaethol Picnic gyda Detholiad o Fwyd a Diod GI Gwirioneddol Eiconig Cymru!

Er anrhydedd i Wythnos Genedlaethol Picnic, a gynhelir rhwng 17 - 25 Mehefin, mae Bwyd a Diod Cymru yn cyflwyno’r Hamper GI Cymreig gyda balchder, sy’n cynnwys chwe chynhyrchydd GI Cymreig: Caws Cenarth Cheese, Caws Teifi Cheese, Carmarthen Deli Caerfyrddin by Albert Rees, Halen Môn Sea Salt, The Pembrokeshire Beach Food Company and Blas y Tir.

Archebwch ymlaen llaw ar-lein mewn pryd ar gyfer Wythnos Genedlaethol Picnic:

Paratowch i rolio'ch blanced a gwneud eich picnic yn brofiad bythgofiadwy!



Mae ein Cymorthfeydd i Fusnesau newydd yn digwydd heddiw ac mae’n profi'n boblogaidd, rhowch wybod os hoffech archebu lle ar yr un nesaf:
📆17eg Gorffennaf

Os ydych yn dechrau busnes newydd neu fod gennych syniad cynnyrch bwyd newydd, cysylltwch i archebu lle - mae'r Sesiynau am ddim ac yn cynnwys cyfarfod un i un gyda Thechnolegydd Bwyd, Cywain a Busnes Cymru.


Our Start-Up Surgery is taking place today and is proving as popular as ever, let us know if you would like to book yourself onto the next:
📆17th July

Whether you are starting a new business or have a new food product idea for your existing business, contact us to book a place - the surgeries are free and include a one to one meeting with a Food Technologist, Cywain and Business Wales:
[email protected]
01559 362230


Peidiwch anghofio cyflwyno eich cais ar gyfer rhaglen newydd Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales Cig-Weithio! Mae'r ffenestr ymgeisio yn cau ddydd Gwener yma, 7fed o Fehefin. Mwy o fanylion isod:


Mae heddiw yn nodi dechrau Wythnos Genedlaethol Gwyddor Bwyd a Thechnoleg 👇

Today marks the beginning of National Food Science and Technology Week!

The food system offers so many opportunities. The objective of National Food Science & Technology Week (NFSTW) is to shine a spotlight on these opportunities and celebrate the key role that the food sector plays in our society.

Between 3-7 June 2024, we will be championing the very best of food science and technology, with a different focus on each day of the week.

We'll be sharing case studies and interviews as well as key resources for students, graduates, and food science professionals. Read industry case studies on our Competencies for Graduate Food Careers page, search for live apprenticeships on our Apprenticeship portal and check out a wide range of other opportunities across the food system.

There's no better time than now to work in food; no matter your background, there is a role for you. From unique student perspectives to preparing for the unexpected on World Food Safety Day, there’s so much to learn about and explore with IFST across .

Keep up to date via our website and social media platforms and stay tuned for exciting content coming your way! Don't forget you can also use as a quick and easy way for you to get involved and share your thoughts and experiences during NFSTW.


✨Brooke's Dairy's wonderful testimonial✨

The Wales Food and Drink Awards featured 17 categories in total and attracted over 300 entries. Among the winners were several clients of Food Centre Wales, highlighting the support we offer to food and drink manufacturers in producing high-quality products within the industry.
Read more testimonials here:


✨Tysteb hyfryd Brooke's Dairy✨

Roedd Gwobrau Bwyd a Diod Cymru yn cynnwys 17 categori i gyd a denodd dros 300 o geisiadau. Ymhlith yr enillwyr roedd nifer o gleientiaid Canolfan Bwyd Cymru, gan dynnu sylw at y gefnogaeth rydym yn ei chynnig i gynhyrchwyr bwyd a diod wrth gynhyrchu cynhyrchion o ansawdd uchel yn y diwydiant.
Darllenwch fwy o dystebau yma:

Photos from Caws Teifi Cheese's post 29/05/2024

Gwych! Llongyfarchiadau mawr i chi! 👏
Caws Teifi Cheese
Fantastic! Congratulations to you! 👏

Want your business to be the top-listed Food & Beverage Service in Ceredigion?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Gwych gweld rhai o'n cleientiaid yn hyrwyddo eu cynhyrchion newydd arloesol yn y Neuadd Fwyd yn @royalwelshshow yr wythn...
🔎 TAITH RITHWIR / VIRTUAL TOUR 🔎Mae Canolfan Bwyd Cymru yn cynnig cyfleusterau heb eu hail i weithgynhyrchwyr bwyd ddatb...
Ail ddiwrnod prysur y Sioe! Busy second day of the Show! #FoodInnovationWales 📍Dewch o hyd i ni ar stondin Bwyd a Diod C...
Food Centre Wales Virtual Tour
Blas Cymru / Taste Wales 2023 ✅  Dau ddiwrnod anhygoel yn #BlasCymru gydag Arloesi Bwyd Cymru! Cawsom amser gwych yn tra...
🌟🏅🤩 Llongyfarchiadau mawr i’n holl gleientiaid sydd wedi ennill gwobrau yn y ‘Great Taste Awards’ eleni! Gwych i weld gy...
FOOD & DRINK EXPO(English below)Rydyn ni yn y ‘Food & Drink Expo’ wythnos yma fel rhan o stondinau Bwyd a Diod Cymru. Ym...
Today is #GlobalHandWashingDay ✋Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others.For hands t...
Mae'n Ddiwrnod Golchi Dwylo ✋Mae golchi'ch dwylo yn un o'r ffyrdd hawsaf o amddiffyn eich hun ac eraill.Er mwyn golchi d...
Innovation is critical to the food and drink manufacturing sector and we're on hand to support your company. Find out mo...
Mae arloesi'n hanfodol i'r sector gweithgynhyrchu bwyd a diod ac rydym wrth law i gefnogi eich cwmni. Darganfyddwch fwy ...



Food Centre Wales, Ceredigion County Council, Horeb Business Park, Horeb, Llandysul

Opening Hours

Monday 8:45am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:45am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:45am - 5pm
Thursday 8:45am - 5pm
Friday 8:45am - 4:30pm
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Ceredigion, SY233AH

#BwydMôrCymru #WelshSeafood

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