Making people fitter, stronger and healthier
Personal trainer based in Peter’s Village near Maidstone and Medway
Online coaching also available


Good vibes stash ✅
Movember tash ✅

And yes I will be milking this comp until I do another in like 5 years time ✌🏼


🔸 Here’s one for ya

🔸If your client wants to be a bodybuilder and has bodybuilding goals - have at it

🔸Chances are, most people want to look a little better, be fitter, be healthier. Guess what - chicken, rice and broccoli 5x a day isn’t necessary

🔸 Let’s actually try to focus on long term steady and sustainable changes over short term excessive loss


🔸 Let’s try and stop fear mongering clients into a difficult and unsustainable lifestyle

🔸The world of health and fitness is confusing enough without giving more barriers to people

🔸No you won’t gain more fat eating your carbs past 6pm. In fact, if you’re in a deficit, you’ll actually lose weight

🔸 I actually eat a LOT of carbs past 6pm but that’s neither here nor there 👀


🔸Honest, realistic, genuine results ✅

🔸 If you want to be the fittest, strongest, healthiest version of yourself, drop me message and let’s have a free consultation call 📲


Best day of our lives 🫶

Photos from JPFit's post 02/07/2023

🔸 Couldn’t have been happier to see and tie the knot on Friday 😍

🔸 Both have worked so hard in the build up and it shows! I can’t wait to see where we go from here - always onwards and upwards


🔸 This statement right here is why I think asking others how much they eat, how much protein they eat etc is useless. Here’s why ⤵️

🔸Take person A - a personal trainer, on their feet all day whilst squeezing in 2 workouts on top of that. They eat 3000 kcals a day and are so shredded you could grate cheese on their abs 🔪 (not me 👀)

🔸Person B - desk bound at work, no real movement outside of an hour in the gym 2x a week. Now this person could eat 3000kcals too, but I guarantee you they’re not shredded like Person A

🔸 So why is that? Person A is fuelling for the work required, both their NEAT (energy burn outside of specific workouts) and their EAT (energy burned in the gym) are much higher. Let alone the potential for what they are actually eating too

🔸Fuel yourself based on your goals, not someone else’s. If you want to lose weight, fuel yourself for it. If you want to bulk up or hit some PBs, fuel for it.

🔸If you want help knowing how to fuel your body for your goals - drop me a message, let me help 📥


🔸 Not some cookie cutter programming ❌

🔸 If you have a specific goal in mind, there should be specific training in place

🔸For example - not every session is burpee filled, especially if you want to build strength and some muscle mass

🔸Is there a big crossover between a lot of gym movements? Yeah sure. But specificity is 🔑

🔸 If you want a PT that tailors your needs and goals to YOU, drop me a message and let’s get started 📥

🔸 Oh and P.S - don’t ask me about basketball. Once you do that, there’s no point of return 😂


🔸Word playyyyyyy

🔸In all seriousness, I’m a big advocate for tracking calories/macros. It makes it easy for people to make good decisions about their diet and to be able to understand what is going into their bodies

🔸It is easy however (too easy) to completely disregard the micronutrient side of the diet in order to hit your macros

🔸Remember - not all calories are made equal. For example, a piece of fruit might contain sugar but it also contains high amounts of fibre, vitamins and minerals!

🔸 Micronutrients are key to a healthy lifestyle regardless of fitness levels. If you’re upping your training or ramping up for a comp micronutrients help support

1️⃣ Immune response
2️⃣ Hormone balance
3️⃣ Repair of muscles and recovery
4️⃣ Sleep quality

🔸Try to get those nutrients in through food, eating a range of fruit and veg in varying colours. If not, a multivitamin or a greens powder could help hit those targets or cover anything that is missed

🔸Want to see more posts like this? Drop a like and let me know 👍🏼

Photos from JPFit's post 01/06/2023

🔸 It’s time to stop thinking if you’ve gone over your calories for the day, you’ve lost.

🔸It’s very rare with anything, that one day’s worth of work will make or break your total efforts

🔸Look at the graph - the lines are calorie intakes. One line looks more controlled, more consistent. However the more sporadic line equals the same amount of calories across the five days

🔸 Some days we overeat, some days we undereat and that’s completely fine. You’re human, it happens.

🔸 Look at your calories across the space of a week and even yourself out there. It will help negate the daily pressure of not hitting your numbers but still help you hit your weight loss goals

🔸If you’re struggling with your fitness journey, drop me a message and let me help you 🙋🏻‍♂️📥


🔸 More client success 🫶

🔸Don’t get me wrong results are important, BUT, lifestyle and mindset changes are also huge wins! I’ve loved watching this client enjoy her sessions and shift away from purely weight based goals

🔸The gym doesn’t just have to be about physical goals, it’s somewhere to achieve all kinds of benefits both physically and mentally.

🔸If you think it’s time to change your outlook on fitness and exercise - drop me a DM and let’s get started 📥


🔸 Now I would imagine most people like to think they train hard - but let’s think about the difference between training hard and training smart/intentionally

🔸For example - if you’re trying to get strong. You’re going to need to be progressively overloading heavy weights, with longer rest periods through a range of lower rep schemes.

🔸 You could however pick a decently heavy weight and do a sh*t ton of reps with it and still feel ruined at the end of the session.

🔸 Both of these sessions are hard but only of them is intentional

🔸If you have specific goals in mind (strength, running, weight loss etc), make sure your training, diet and recovery is based around these goals too

🔸You can’t build a tank on a sports car’s chassis and vice versa. So don’t expect to be able to squat 140 if you won’t go above 45 for 3x12 every week. But also don’t expect to power lift daily then run an ultramarathon on the weekend

🔸 If you’re unsure on how to structure your programming to fit your individual goals- drop me a message and let me help 📥


🔸 Are you stuck in the limbo of whether or not to start exercising/start using a PT? Read this ⤵️

🔸There will never be a perfect time to start. You will always want to be fitter, healthier before you do. You will always struggle to find time because your day is busy etc. Problem is, it probably will never become easier.

🔸 Fitness is something that should work around your life and enhance it, not take over it (unless you want it to that is)

🔸 I love taking clients who initially struggle with time and therefore results and watching them grow into people who realise how important their health and fitness is and how beneficial it can be to all of those things you’re busy with

🔸A good PT will understand this and it’s our jobs to make it work for you - not the way that works/worked for us

🔸If you’re interested in making fitness easier - drop me a DM and let’s get started 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 22/04/2023

🔸 Good luck to everyone competing at the London Marathon tomorrow - here’s some tips for the big day!

1️⃣ Stay warm pre race - Be prepared to do some waiting around in some not so warm weather. Bring a jumper etc that you don’t mind donating to the ‘Start line jumper drop’ so you’re warm and ready to go!

2️⃣ Marathon day is NOT the day to try out some fancy warm up routine you found on instagram or the energy gel you’ve never had before. No one needs to Paula Radcliffe 💩

3️⃣ Enjoy yourself! You’ve done all of the hard work, make sure you take in the moments!

🔸 Best of luck 🫶


🔸 It’s Monday! Start your week right and keep chipping away at those goals 🫡

🔸 Have you started the new year eager to change but finding it difficult to understand the right things to do? You’re not alone, but I can help!

🔸 No matter your goal I can provide the knowledge and support needed to achieve those goals while keeping as much of your normal routine as possible!

🔸 So if you’re stuck in a limbo and unsure whether or not PT will help you, drop me a message and let’s have a chat 📥


🔸 Have you set yourself some hefty NY health and fitness goals but don’t know where to start?

🔸The gym can feel intimidating with people feeling lost, leading to them quitting their goals

🔸 I’m here to help! In the privacy of a gym studio with 121 or 221 PT sessions to help you get the most out of your training whilst learning to enjoy it

🔸Remember - the best diet and exercise plan is the one you can adhere to. It should fit your needs and wants whilst fitting in with your lifestyle 🕺🏻

🔸If you’re debating a PT to take the guess work out of the gym, drop me a message to get started 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 05/12/2022

🔸 Protein supplements are everywhere - especially if you workout. It’s still so easy to be confused, read below to see how it can work for you ⤵️

1️⃣ First things first, they are SUPPLEMENTS. They SUPPLEMENT your diet, not replace it. However if you need to increase your protein intake, what they can be is a high protein, low calorie alternative for you ✅
2️⃣ Protein supplements tend to be a cheap alternative (per serving) to your lean meats, chicken etc. So if you’re looking to save some money long term, supplements might help
3️⃣ They’re easy and convenient. Bringing a shake with you for day or a car journey etc is just easier and more logical than a medium rare steak

🔸 Like and share this to someone who you think could benefit from this and feel free to ping any questions you have my way 🫶


🔸 Should I take creatine? In short, yes. Here’s why ⤵️

1️⃣ Supplementing creatine helps produce more ATP (a short term energy system). Think of sprinting, jumping, heavy weights etc. More ATP = more short term energy
2️⃣ For the every day person, creatine has also showed benefits in reduction of degenerative diseases and general cognitive function. There’s wayyyy more to it than just being a better athlete
3️⃣ Creatine monohydrate is one of the most studied supplements out there. Don’t worry about spending tons on the “fancy” stuff here. Just simple creatine monohydrate will do 🔑

🔸If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a DM and let me help 📥


🔸I’d love to give a well thought out, informative post right now, but I don’t have one… (that can come tomorrow)

🔸But for now, enjoy me being scared of this pull bar ✌🏼


🔸 Are the habits you have for today in line with the dreams you have for tomorrow? Remember - success is not an accident!

🔸If you know your goal but are struggling to put together the pieces on how to do it - drop me a message and let me help 📥


🔸 Do you enjoy the gym? Like, actually enjoy it and not dread the thought of every session?

🔸 As much as we all want to see progress, training should be one of the best parts of your day!

🔸If you’re struggling to enjoy training for whatever reason (lack of progression or just training in ways you don’t enjoy), drop me a message and let’s try something new 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 18/10/2022

🔸 Want to PT with me but can’t get to me? How about online coaching?

🔸 I’ve been working with to help make him fitter and stronger. Read what he had to say about his programming! ⤴️

🔸Looking forward to our next training block to fit in with his rock climbing goals 💪🏼

🔸 If you’re interested in online programming - feel free to drop me a message and let’s chat 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 10/10/2022

🔸 Protein is one of your three macronutrients alongside fat and carbs that make up the bulk of your diet

🔸 By now, most of us know how protein helps build muscle (growth and repair) and that your average gym goer is probably necking protein shakes quicker than I can neck a pint… which isn’t difficult but anyway

🔸 Protein can help with a diet centred around losing weight despite a lot of people thinking it will make them gain weight. Read this ⤵️

1️⃣ Eating a lot of protein will not make you gain weight, your calorie intake will determine that. Protein has 4kcal per gram, compared with 9kcal per gram of fat. So you could argue you’re LESS likely to gain when eating a diet high in protein
2️⃣ Protein has a high thermic effect. This means, the body requires more energy to break down and digest protein than fats and carbs. Your body working harder = more energy used.
3️⃣ Protein is a very satiating nutrient. There’s a reason why you can eat tons of ice cream but not so much chicken breast. The more full you feel, the less likely you are to move on to more food!

🔸 Hope this helps you understand the importance of protein in your diet - whether losing weight or building muscle 💪🏼

🔸Any questions - feel free to pop me a DM and let’s get to work 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 05/09/2022

🔸 You still hear a lot of people say how they won’t lift weights as it will make them bulky… Unless your diet (a surplus at that), sleep, training and recovery is 100% dialled in to become “bulky” - chances are, it’s not gonna happen

🔸There is however a TON of benefits to lifting weights both short and long term ⤵️

1️⃣ Weight training is great for building tendon and ligament strength as well as bone density (trust me, it’s something you need)
2️⃣ Weight training helps build muscle. I’ve had plenty of clients over the years ask if I can help make them “more toned”. If you’re not weight training, that’s gonna be hard
3️⃣ Weight training in itself is a great calorie burner - you don’t necessarily need to prioritise cardio to lose weight. P.S muscle actually uses energy at rest too

🔸So if you’re still debating if weight training is for you. Drop me a message and let me help you 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 22/08/2022

🔸 Metabolic adaptation occurs when losing weight - our basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases. Your BMR is basically the energy you burn at rest.

🔸 Simply put - a heavier version of you will burn more calories than a lighter version of you

🔸 This is important to know along your weight loss journey as you may plateau on the scales sometimes and that is completely normal

🔸So if you’ve been doing the same thing but now you’ve stopped losing - don’t panic! Adjust your calories or exercise slightly and keep going. If you have any questions feel free to ping me a message 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 15/08/2022

More testimonials
More results
More reason to get started

Drop me a DM 📥

Photos from JPFit's post 01/08/2022

🔸 Perfect day last week for and ’s wedding

🔸 Spent plenty of time trying to out angle


🔸 NEAT = Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Sciencey. Anyway, NEAT means the calories burnt outside of your usual gym/exercise activities such as walking or standing

🔸 NEAT is a larger proportion of your calorie burn throughout the day compared to your gym based sessions. So increasing your NEAT = more calories burnt = higher chance of being in a calorie deficit!

🔸 Here are a few ways you can look to increase your NEAT to supplement your fat loss goals
1️⃣ Try taking a daily walk - which in itself has a ton of health benefits
2️⃣ Take the stairs instead of a lift or escalator
3️⃣ If you work at a desk, try moving or standing for 5 minutes every hour (your back and hips will thank you too)

🔸 If you’re looking to implement a better understanding of NEAT alongside your fitness and nutrition goals into a plan - feel free to drop me a message and let’s get started 📥


🔸 Client appreciation post!

🔸 has been training with me for around a year now and I couldn’t be more proud. In his words he’s turned from someone who despises the gym into someone who won’t let anything get in the way of his sessions - a complete mindset change!

🔸 Most importantly, it’s not just about the number on the scales (as good as it’s been!). He’s the strongest, fittest and healthiest he’s ever been 👊🏼

🔸 In his words “if he can convert me, trust me he can help you”. So why not drop me a message and see what we can do for you?!


🔸 Building Blocks

🔸Behind every bit of fancy programming or exercise variation you see are basic movement patterns

🔸 A plan with good foundations will allow you to squat, hinge, push, pull and carry in some capacity

🔸If you’re following a plan - make sure you’re building your house on good foundations. If you’re not sure, I offer in person or online coaching so drop me a message and let’s get started 👊🏼

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Videos (show all)

🔸 1 year of JPFit! 💪🏼 I’m grateful to be able to do what I love day in and day out 🔸Thankful to anyone and everyone who ...
🔸 23.2 ✅🔸 2 down, 1 to go @nwk_maidstone2.0 with the best crew of people 🔸 This one well and truly buried me 🙃 but happy...
🔸 Lunchtime session turned partner workout with @jimbmc today! 🔸 Part A 10 min EMOM : 5 TnG Clean and Press🔸Part B14 min...
🔸 Had the pleasure of working with @chaywoodmedia for my first ever promo video for JPFit! Making people fitterMaking pe...




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