Nata Movement Yoga&Dance
I offer hatha yoga classes with emphasize on joy of movement!
Learn belly dance with me - classes
Chcesz spróbować czegoś nowego? 😊
Dzięki uprzejmości Studio Tańca Onnea mam okazję przedstawić Wam swój autorski warsztat gdzie łączę jogę, taniec brzucha i techniki relaksacyjne a wszystko po to by czuć się dobrze w swoim ciele 🌸
Co w ofercie?
-podstawy jogi dzięki którym nauczysz się słuchać potrzeb swojego ciała, zwiększysz mobilność, elastyczność i poprawisz ogólną postawę ciała
-fundamenty tańca brzucha i praca z mięśniami których nie używamy w prawie żadnej innej formie tańca (np mięśnie dna miednicy, szczególnie ważne dla kobiet)
-intuicyjny taniec w którym pozwolisz sobie odpuścić kontrolę i podążysz za swoim wewnętrznym impulsem
Kobiece wydarzenie idealne w sam raz na dzień Mamy 💞🌺
Chakra - energetic wheels within our bodies that are non-visible centres in our energetic system placed along our spine. You can feel into every chakra and sense that each is responsible for different aspects of our life. Seven main centres start from root chakra, because it is responsible for grounding, physical health, safety and survival. That is our basic level of life if we didn't evolve spiritually.
Taping into your RED CHAKRA means you got the feeling of being rooted, standing on your feet, being financially stable and you're taking care of your physical body, that's why we need to be aware about this chakra if we want to cultivate our health and to have a safe ground for our growth.
This is the level of feeling secure in your own body and in your position in the world. I AM SAFE TO BE HERE
Eat nutricious food
Spend time in nature
Sleep well and take everyday activities that ground you in your well-being 🍉
You're definitely worth it ! 🧡💛💚💙
Have anyone experienced those benefits of yoga practice? Share in comments ☺️
I do love yoga and I know yoga loves me back
It was never a case when yoga didn't give me what I actually needed
Yet I don't do yoga all the time even if I know how much it benefits me
Why? I am human
The worst thing that can happen in life is us being not aware enough
With what are we doing, thinking, deciding.
Yet we do those mistakes all the time. We need to let them go and try again
We are human beings
Sometimes... the best thing you can do is to start breathing consciously. Like, really
The best you can do for your environment is to start from yourself
The best you can do to make a big change is to start from a single step
What is your 'best' available to you right now?
Where you can start from?
Who will be with us this Friday? 🍀
Got any questions? I'm here for you🪻
Essence of Yoga 💜🌌
Feeling great after our first yoga class today 🩷
And also... very greatFULL 🙏
This is such a blessing to be able to bring peace and blissful state of mind to your lifes
Energy is flowing differently when you share
Why not bring a friend to share ?
Especially when 1st class is free ! 🪬
☄️ We all have some kind of mission, here's mine ☄️
It took me many years of clarifying of what I want to offer to others. It still changes and evolves but I think the very core of my mission is this:
Hello Folks ❤️🧡
Soon we are starting a new course. I am very happy to teach a group! If you're more advanced you will also find a great challenge as I'm approaching everyone individually
Bring your own mat & join the journey 💛💚💙💜
I got some news after not being active here for a while 🥳
I found amazing studio to collaborate with and I will be running weekly yoga classes in Chester 🍀
I am so happy I found my place in this beautiful city and settled here (as a nomad soul it's not easy)
Hopefully we'll start progressing together soon
Handstand, yeah 😀
High five if you practiced yoga or your favourite bodywork today to boost your power 💓🙏
Namaste Squirells ! 🐿❤
We are enjoying the last rays of Autumn sunset 🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁
The good side of life is... to be a Yogi 🙂🌱
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