Colchester Wado Ryu Karate

Colchester Wado Ryu Karate

A family run martial arts centre based in Colchester We are a family run martial arts centre based in Colchester offering karate classes for all the family.

Classes are split into 3 different age categories; 4-8years; 9-14 years and 15 years and above. These age categories are used as a guide and each new member will be assessed to determine the most suitable class. We also offer other classes which promote getting and staying fit and healthy, Cage Fitness classes are currently running and we are soon to be looking at starting an indoor boot camp.. We

Photos from Colchester Wado Ryu Karate's post 21/09/2024

One of the many of my clubs success stories. It’s not all about winning trophies and glory, it’s more about celebrating each students journey whether it be a short time or a lifetime.

Keara is one of the clubs success stories stories.


🌟 Thought of the Day: Stances – The Foundation of Your Strength 🌟

Remember, your stance is the foundation of every technique. Whether you're performing a kata or defending in sparring, a strong stance gives you balance, power, and control. Take the time to perfect your stances, because without a solid base, even the best techniques can fall short. Strong stances lead to strong martial artists!


🌟 Thought of the Day: Your Growth Lies in the Effort You Put In 🌟

"Martial arts is more than just learning techniques—it’s about improving yourself, both on and off the mats. Every time you practice, whether in class or at home, you're not just building physical strength and skill, but also patience, discipline, and focus. The progress you make might not always be visible day-to-day, but every punch, every stance, and every kata practiced with intention brings you one step closer to your goals.

Remember, consistency is key. It’s not about being perfect today; it’s about showing up, putting in the effort, and trusting that with time, you’ll improve. Your personal development is a journey, and practice is what keeps you moving forward.

Stay committed, stay focused, and always be proud of the work you put in. The results will come, but it’s the effort that shapes you into the martial artist—and person—you’re meant to become. 🥋💪"


🌟 Thought of the Day: Progress Takes Time, But Every Step Counts 🌟

"Karate isn't just about mastering techniques; it's about mastering ourselves. Every punch, every stance, every kata we practice is a small step toward becoming the best version of who we can be. Sometimes progress feels slow, but remember, every time you show up and give your best effort, you're moving forward—even when it’s hard to see.

For our senior students, this is a reminder that perseverance is key. The black belt isn't just a symbol of skill, but of dedication and a journey that takes time. Whether you're fine-tuning a kata or perfecting your sparring, know that each challenge you overcome builds a stronger martial artist—and a stronger you.

And to our parents, we see the dedication your children put in. Whether they’re 4 or 64, each student here is valued, supported, and encouraged to find their own path in this journey. We're committed to helping everyone, no matter their age or ability, grow both in martial arts and in life.

Keep pushing forward, one step, one stance, one punch at a time. We’re proud of every single one of you! 🥋👊"


The True Meaning Of A Black Belt

There was a story about a student who had just finished his test for the black belt, and his Sensei asked him,

“Before I give you this belt, you must answer me this question.” He continued, “What is the meaning of a black belt?”
The student answered, “The reward for all my hard work at the end.”
The Sensei was not happy. He asked the student to come back in a year.

A year passed, and the Sensei again asked the same question, “What is the meaning of a black belt?”
The student this time answered, “The black belt symbolises the highest degree of achievement in the art.”
Still, the Sensei was not satisfied. Again, he asked the student to come back in a year.

Another year passed, the Sensei repeats the question, “What is the meaning of a black belt?”
“The black belt symbolises the beginning of a never ending journey of discipline and hard work, and pursuit of perfecting the art,” the student said.
The Sensei, upon hearing the answer realised that his student finally understands.

The black belt was never meant to be a symbol for the end, but the beginning of an even deeper understanding of the art.

That is the true meaning of the belt.


Author Unknown


The main attraction of martial arts like karatedo is its emphasis on self-defense. Children learn practical skills to protect themselves, which is an essential aspect of their overall safety and confidence.
Regular training in martial arts, such as traditional karatedo, improves physical condition. It's a full-body workout that improves strength, flexibility, and endurance, making it a superior alternative to traditional team sports.
Karate requires focus and discipline. Children who practice martial arts quickly learn the importance of concentration, perseverance and work to achieve goals.
Karate classes offer more than just fitness. They’re a social interaction platform that teaches children important life skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution.
By mastering new techniques and progressing on the belt ladder, children develop a sense of achievement and self-confidence. This positive reinforcement is crucial to your overall self-esteem.
Involving your child in martial arts is a decision that can have a profound impact on your life. Karatedo, a popular martial art, is more than just a physical discipline; it's a way of life that instills invaluable virtues.


Introducing Jen standing here with Lexi, her daughter.
Jen started karate at the Dojo after her daughter became a member.

Jen does a fantastic job of helping me run the junior classes and currently attends 2 karate classes each week and 2 Cage Fitness classes each week.

I am looking at introducing a Leadership programme which will be open to members aged 10 and above and who have reached Green Belt....


If you have joined this Page but are not a member, you live in the Colchester area, or near, then you could save yourself up to £125 by becoming a member or you child becoming a member by Friday 16th August.
Become a new member and your class fees will not begin until September.
To take advantage of this Summer Savings offer...
Book a FREE Trial Lesson Message or Whatsapp with the message 'SS125'
You will receive a call to book in the Free Trial Lesson.
You will also receive a
Free - Unlimited Classes for the rest of August
Free - Club Karate Suit
Free - Club Tshirt
Free - First Year's Club Licence.
Remember to message 'SS125'
New members only, limited spaces available.


In fact, the safety of our children is not a priority
It is an absolute.

As you have all probably seen, there was a sickening incident in Southport this week where three young children sadly lost their lives and a further five children were injured. Nobody yet knows as to why the 17 year old performed such an heinous act but of course this has raised concerns nationwide over the safety of children during organised events.It is my duty of care to ensure that all of my students are kept safe at all time while attending classes so I am currently looking into how we can make things even safer for our members while at the Dojo.There are a number of options but one is to stop open access to the Dojo during class times. We do occasionally have people walking in to ask about classes for themselves or for their children. This could be avoided by having a system where the door remains closed and have a buzzer for anyone wanting to enter the building.We would also like parents of the young children to drop their children off at least to the door and collect them from the door when they have finished class. We will not allow any of the children to leave the building until we know there is a parent/grandparent/older sibling at the door to collect them. We will not allow children to run to the car.The children are the parents/grandparents responsibility outside of the Dojo building so I would please ask that the children should not be allowed to run around, climb on things, ride around on bicycle or scooter etc, play with balls in the carpark/driveway or near the road as there can be careless drivers speeding up and down Davey Close and onto driveways.
In addition, if anyone smokes or v**es, this should be done away from the windows and doors of ythe Dojo Children and some adults do not ask to breathe in cigarret smoke or v**e vapour.
These are non-negotiables to ensure the safety of our students and your children.


Just finished teaching 25 children and a small bear


Yesterday, Keara was kind enough to give up her time to train alongside Lee. Thank you Keara, Lee really enjoyed having a training/sparring partner


This week we have had slightly smaller classes but still great classes .
This Thursday evening, the juniors worked hard and continued practicing for their next belts but more importantly continued working on their life skills.
For part of the lesson, each student was asked to think of their favourite karate technique and were offered the chance to stand in front of the group and teach their technique.
There was no hesitation as each one stood in front of their peers, named and demonstrated the technique they had chosen. They then counted in either English or Japanese while the other performed the instructed move.

A truly Amazing super proud moment.

These little ones are the future of Martial Arts and the future of Colchester Wado Ryu Karate.


I had a parent ask about classes for their child the other day but they were unsure as to whether they could afford our classes.
This was my reply...
..I understand but please remember that martial arts is an investment into children’s lives and futures.

We may not be the cheapests but you get what you pay for and we offer an abundance of benefits to all of our members.

Most of us want well rounded children, who are prepared for life, who are resilient enough to enter competitive arenas like further education, sports or career & who can hold down great relationships.

You have values that are important to you as a family?

It’s probably important that you make sure you put people in front of your children whose influence fall in line with your values, so the support outside of the home aligns with your household.

So, to make it really easy for you to know if who we are & what we do will support your child, emotionally, socially, mentally & physically, in a way that aligns with your values, Come and speak to our other parents, the very people who we love as being part of our community:

This is where our teaching supports our students in their daily lives:
1. Education
2. Leadership
3. Confidence
4. Cross training for other sports
5. Positive decision making
6. Manners, respect & kindness
7. Self control
8. Stress relief
9. Community & connection
10. Listening & learning
11. Commitment, responsibility & accountability

If this sounds aligned with you, your family & the kind of environment that you want to invest your child in - I’d say we’re probably perfect for each other.

Photos from Colchester Wado Ryu Karate's post 25/07/2024

Our new reception area.


At Colchester Wado Ryu Karate, we pride ourselves on our inclusivity. We offer a wealth of experience and knowledge to deliver high quality martial arts tuition.
We invite you to come down and meet us and speak with the students and parents.
Here are some of our amazing students, each and every one we value.


A very good example of Pinan Godan


Morning everyone,
You are never too young to begin learning the importance of responsibility.
It is important that all members regardless of age turn up for classes with their full kit. This include their Gi, Belt, Sparring Mitts and other safety equipment, water (no juices or fizzy drinks) etc. Given the children the task of making sure that their kit bag has everything in it gives them the sense of responsibility and understanding of the importance of being organised.
This of course can be all to tricky in the busy world we live in today but giving them this roll will not only help them take pride in what they can do and achieve but it also helps you. Try giving them a check list so that their Gi, when clean, their belts and their mitts are all in the bag ready to go for next class.
It is also important that everyone turns up with their uniform. Only under exceptional circumstances will students be permitted to train without a Gi. If this happens on more than one occasion then it is not exceptional circumstances and the student may not be able to participate in class.
I hope you all understand and agree with what I have written.
We are re-growing into an amazing martial arts school and people are beginning to see this. It is all because I have amazing students of all ages, and incredible parents.
Thank you all for your continued and invaluable support. Darren


Great class this evening. Well done to everyone for putting in 100% effort 👊


Our classes are suitable for all ages and abilities.
James and Marius are great student who both have sons who also attend classes with us.


Good Morning!

I feel it’s great to start your week with some clear focus and positivity.

Often we know we need to engage with our family, friends and people from the wider community, but worry about what to say.

Delivering kindness is a fantastic place to start.

When you spread gratitude, it creates a great environment - for you, your children, your family, your friends, for everyone.... It's good for us, them & the universe, so this is a win win.

Tell someone today thank you, I love you, I appreciate you.
Call them
Tell them you love them
Tell them why you love them
Say thank you

I appreciate you all.

Photos from Colchester Wado Ryu Karate's post 19/06/2024

Some photos of my incredible students


A great end to a brilliant class tonight.


I feel it is important to celebrate students achievements so will begin with Harley.
Here is Harley, he is a member of the junior class and never stops smiling.
Since starting karate he has made steady progress and will always be willing to answer questions, demonstrate he understands the moves and always gives his best.
Here he is just after being awarded his Red belt which he passed with flying colours. Well done Smiler.


We have had 6 new members join us so far this month and each have become an important part of the Dojo family and for the growth of the club.
Welcome to James, who has just joined us in the mixed age group on Tuesdays.


Very proud of my students this morning who graded for their next belts. You are all a credit to the club. More gradings to follow this week.


If your child said they didn’t want to go to school anymore would you say ‘ok not to worry, you don’t have to’? I’m guessing very rarely would a parent accept this.

This happens a lot in Martial Arts. The child is allowed to choose to stop attending classes when they want to.

The questions to the child should be…
Why do you want to stop now? (Especially as you clearly enjoy the classes).

What will you do during the time you would normally be doing classes? Could it be that they addicted to a screen of some description?
They are other questions, but these should be asked as open questions so they cannot give yes or no answers.

Remember that a child is only attending anything from 30minutes to I doubt any more than 3-4hours each week.

One week is 168 hours. On average, we sleep seven hours per night. We work six to eight hours per day on average, but only five days per week. Take the 168 hours in your week, minus the sum of your hours sleeping and working, and you're left with 79 hours remaining — or just over 11 hours per day.

There are so many life skills learnt from Martial Arts. Skill which should serve them well into adulthood such as resilience, perseverance.
Yes we always want the best for our children but would we be teaching them that as an adult, you can decide one morning that you don’t want to do that job any more so tomorrow you will start another? Then the following week you decide to do the same.

Life is hard, adult life is hard and we should setting our children up to succeed, not to fail.
Yes this is a thought provoking rant but also I worry for our children growing up into an increasingly difficult and troublesome world.

Photos from Colchester Wado Ryu Karate's post 21/05/2024

Busy evening at Dojo last night and amazing effort from everyone.


We learn best from making mistakes
If milk gets bad, it becomes yogurt. Yogurt is more valuable than milk. If it gets even worse, it turns to cheese. Cheese is more valuable than both yoghurt and milk. And if grape juice turns sour, it transforms into wine, which is even more expensive than grape juice. You are not bad because you made mistakes. Mistakes are the experiences that make you more valuable as a person. Alexander Fleming’s mistake led him to invent Penicillin. Don’t let your mistakes get you down. It is not practice that makes perfect. It is mistakes we learn from that makes perfect!



Every martial arts student needs to read this statement from Fumio Demura Sensei:

"The person you refer to as 'Sensei' is in that position for a valid reason. It seems today I hear a lot of former students or ex-black belts disrespecting their Sensei for a myriad of reasons. In order to better help you understand why a Sensei deserves, or let me put it a better way, demands your respect let me lay it out for you.

The Sensei is the one who has dedicated their life to the art they teach you. You will never have as many years of dedication in because you came after them.

The Sensei is the one who spent many days and nights opening their dojo, cleaning it, making it better…for YOU.
The Sensei is the one who has made sacrifices you will never understand just so you have a place to train, to learn and gain in your art.

The Sensei is the one who, often at great costs, has given up their free time, their family time…time they could be out doing many other things just so you can learn and train.

The Sensei is the one who has invested thousands of pounds in their own training just to learn how to teach you properly.

The Sensei is the one who has often broken bones, but still showed up to teach class. Torqued muscles, tendons and had strains but still showed up to teach class. Had a migraine, was sick, had a bad day…but still showed up to teach class. All these things are excuses why you miss class.

The Sensei often goes without so that the dojo and students will be taken care of. This means they give up having nice things at times, vacations, going out to dinner, hanging out with friends and family…all so you can learn Karate.

The Sensei has spent more time in a dojo than most of you that train with them have been alive.

The Sensei is the one who is always there for your training…
The Sensei quite often sees a need and fills a need for their students. They see that poor kid who has little of anything and needs sparring gear and they just go ahead and get it for them. They see the student who is struggling to come up with funds to buy their own weapons for Kobudo and just buys extras so they can participate. They see their adult students losing their jobs and says “Don’t worry about paying til you’re caught up”. This is the role the Sensei plays and it demands respect.

I can sit here and think of a thousand more reasons why you should never, ever disrespect your Sensei too…but, in all honesty, I shouldn’t have to. I shouldn’t have had to even write this blog…but, then again, people live in a shallow world these days. Perhaps we should step out of it, be bigger and better, and then the world will change.

Respect your Sensei, take care of your Sensei, honor your Sensei…because, one day, your Sensei will no longer be around."

- Fumio Demura

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19 Davey Close

Opening Hours

Monday 17:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 17:00 - 19:30
Thursday 09:00 - 11:00
17:00 - 21:00
Friday 05:30 - 19:30
Saturday 09:00 - 11:00