Bradley Curley Personal Trainer

Bradley Curley Personal Trainer

Personal trainer and online coach based in Coventry. A science based approach to your fitness, allowing you to move better, feel better, and be better


An oldie (not even that old tbf) but a goldie

It wouldn’t do this man any justice if it sat in my drafts

I’ll let the photo do the talking, as the results speak for themselves


Over 20 mins off his 10k time and down a stone 😮‍💨

Pete was completely new to the gym, had no idea how to use any of the equipment

He’d recently got into running just before we started together

And wanted to mainly focused his training towards improving his run times, getting better at football and also trimming down a bit

Obviously we smashes that out the water and in only 4 weeks we cut his 10k time down by over 20 mins 🔥

On top of that Pete has lost a stone in the process

Even whilst going on holiday to Spain the week after his run

He’s given 100% to this and never missed 🎯

If anything I’ve had to reign him back in to lower heart rate zones because he’s wanted to go balls to the wall 😂

This man is absolutely smashing it

Unreal levels of commitment

Just a perfect example of what can happen if you commit fully to the process

Massive well done Pete, roll on the next 10k and half mara 🏆


The first of many runs to build up to the Balsall Common fun run 🏃

Great start from the guys 👏🏼


The guy on the left spent far too much time on his Xbox

Downed a protein shake after his workout, thinking that’s all the protein he needed

(A workout which 90% of the time consisted of just training arms)

Didn’t track lifts

Ate like a child

- A chocolate gateau cake surrounded by breakaway bars (elite) every week

Wasn’t very active

Didn’t train consistently

Cared too much about what others thought

Was a massive people pleaser



I could go on and on…

But the day that I walked into my first uni lecture I told myself, I can’t keep being this way

That was one of the biggest moments in my life

That’s when I started to identify more like the person on the right

And started acting in line with that

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 08/08/2024

I Asked 48 Guys What They Struggled With The Most When It Comes To Sticking To A Workout Routine

These Two Things Cropped Up The Most…

Motivation and work schedule/routine

And I fully understand why

Work is your focus in life

(Which I respect a lot, every guy should have a purpose)

It means you’re exhausted at the end of the day

You do shift work or things crop up that pull you away from training

So you’re not in a routine of going regularly

Therefore you find yourself having to get motivated every time you plan on going to the gym

It’s a vicious cycle, but there is a solution...

And it’s something we covered in one of our team talks recently

If you’d like a copy…

All you have to do is DM me “motivation”

And I’ll send you the link.

Enjoy 👊🏼

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 07/08/2024

In just 90 days 😮‍💨

In our first chat this man wanted one thing in particular

His work had been very demanding of him

It still has been in the last couple of months

Trips to London on multiple days throughout the week

12 hour days

But he wanted, and needed, a better work-life balance

Whilst also regaining control of his body and his health

Which is difficult enough to do with a demanding job where you have to commute down to London

And even harder to do when your partner isn’t making the same diet and lifestyle changes as you

Yet here we are 🔥

Getting the gym in 3x per week

Nailing his nutrition

Adapting quickly when I recommended some changes to his diet

And being more active day to day

At the end of the 90 days he was actually disappointed that he’d “only” lost 4kg

When actually, he’s dropped nearly 4 inches off his waist

Meaning that he’s definitely lost more than 4kg of body fat

(As I’m sure you can guess from his photos)

But he’s packed on a considerable amount of muscle too

Which his weight isn’t reflecting

Even better…

This is only the beginning 👀

So keep an eye out for how things look in the near future

Because his results are going to be world class 🏆

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 06/08/2024

Some of last weeks wins from the online guys 🏆

We love to see it

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 04/08/2024

The Sunday round up 🤙🏼

The front wheels of the car are fu**ed, the inside of the tyres are bald

Which means the tracking is off and I’ve had to replace both of them

Before the tracking gets sorted because apparently that’s better to align them

As you can tell I know f**k all about cars

But choking someone unconscious or breaking a limb I can do with my eyes closed 😂

But in better news, this week we welcomed to the team!

Maz has already made some very quick progress with his strength

Plus he’s dropped 4cm around his waist in the last 4 weeks since he started on our online coaching trial 🏆

Absolutely buzzing to see how these guys get on in the next couple of months

Especially with the bingo challenge we’ve got going on atm

Some of the guys have already got 5 out of 24 things ticked off and we’re only on day 4 😮‍💨

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 30/07/2024

🔥 10kg DOWN 🔥

And gone for good

This is a guy who knows how to practice self control and delayed gratification

We had a chat the other day and neither of us watch much TV or have time to

His exact words were;

“I want to do things that are productive”

I said it before but Alfie has been the definition of coachable

He’s been open to what he can do differently to speed up his progress

When initially we didn’t see his weight move and he was getting a bit frustrated with it

But he was willing to make changes quick

And after some adjustments and his determination to keep pushing he started seeing the kind of progress that we expected

Absolutely hats off to you bro, you’ve done amazing these last 4 months

Now a final push to get in absolutely peak condition 🤜🤛


On 1st August we move to BCPT 2.0 👀

This is completely internal but I’m buzzing for it 🔥

No more Facebook groups

Who even uses Facebook anymore

Other than your mum stalking old school friends 😂

I think the last time I properly spent time using it

(that wasn’t for the community group)

Poking people was a thing

…showing my age here.

Once this gets launched we’re kicking things off with a challenge

All the guys are going to make August their bitch, just wait and see

Exciting things to come 👊🏼


I used to play a lot of call of duty and fifa 🎮

It brought me a lot of satisfaction being able to no scope mf’ers across the map

And being hot s**t with a sniper in general 🎯

(If I do say so myself)

I even used to record and edit clips of me running around with a sniper

I don’t normally have much creativity but this was something I found really enjoyable

Learning different video editing techniques

Playing around with different plugins

Making things look super slow mo

Which was hard because of how s**t the video quality used to be at the time

No 4k back in my day 👴🏻

But I got to a point where I thought

All the hours I’m putting into these games

But in real life I don’t have anything to show for it

Just bragging rights with my mates as to who’s better than who

I could be spending my time so much more wisely

So I have something real to show for it.

I still love playing Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch…

Or any arcade games in general 🕹️

I’ll play Mario kart with my mates in London whenever I go see them

But I started to realise

Instead of levelling up characters, their abilities, getting access to new unlockables

I could level up myself in real life with the gym

And that’s how I still see it whenever I see my lifts go up 📈

Levelling my strength and my body up in real life

And after a while I’ve realised that levelling myself up is a far far better investment

Than any amount of time I put into any game


Meet up with the guys on Sunday 💪🏼


Younger me would’ve never stood up and spoken in front of 100 people

I would’ve squirmed in my seat just at the thought

Stuttered and fumbled every single word if I had to attempt it

Don’t get me wrong

I felt calm until I stood up when I was in Glasgow

So still not a comfortable situation

Of course something I need to improve on

But that’s exactly why I’m pushing myself to do it more

Because it makes me feel uncomfortable

And I know public speaking is something I need to get better at

So my question to you is…

👉🏼 What are you shying away from doing?

👉🏼 And what are you leaning in to that makes you uncomfortable?

Because if you aren’t getting uncomfortable then you’re not growing

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 12/07/2024

😮‍💨 20 MF’ING KEGS DOWN! 😮‍💨

That’s nearly 3 stone for you dinosaurs out there 🦖

Charlie’s personal life has been jam packed the last 6 months

He’s had his own work to do as a researcher

Worked at Glastonbury and Download

Submitted a book proposal to Routledge! 📖

A non stop social life with many other commitments and responsibilities

Plus working on his personal development 🧠

To say he’s been busy the last 6 months would be a massive understatement

His productivity has gone through the roof as a byproduct of the discipline that comes with the program

(As you can tell)

And his quality of life as a whole is levels above what it was before

He’s no longer pulling his t-shirt down over his belly

No longer worried about taking a jumper off and having his t-shirt ride up

I’m insanely proud of what this man has achieved

He’s a grade A client

And we’re not even stopping there 🔥


When I first picked up a pair of dumbbells, I can’t lie I hated it

I grabbed my dads metal adjustable things out the garage one morning before school

Did a few bench presses and bicep curls getting a sweat on

“Why the f**k would anyone enjoy this”

I remember saying to myself

That was when I was around 12/13

I played football, but had two left feet

Only managed to get some game time because I was tall

And eventually I came back to those dumbbells, but in a gym

I still didn’t enjoy it

But, if someone like me…

Who was never that active

-I used to rinse COD and FIFA daily

And didn’t enjoy it to begin with,

Someone who was very conscious of how I looked

And of taking my top off on holiday

Can get into lifting weights and focus on my health & fitness

Making it a regular part of my routine

Then I have no doubt, with a lot of persistence

That you can too


If you’re a guy wanting to get to the place that you know you can be with your body

And your health and fitness as a whole

Then you need to start focusing more on solutions instead of problems

By that I mean;

You end up staying late at work one or two days in the week

-the days that you planned on training

(I get it, you should be grafting for your future missus and kids)

But then you end up getting annoyed and skipping it completely

This is focusing on the problem

Instead, if you focused on the solution

Like when that happens plan in a gap to train at the weekend, before you have any plans

Or even going after you finished work

Even if you’re absolutely knackered and it means you have dinner a little later

You don’t have to have an amazing workout

The main focus should be to just show up every day

So if you’re putting the focus on solutions instead of problems

You’re going to be less frustrated at yourself

Less pi**ed off

And you’re going to be making a lot more progress with your health and fitness


Class event today as always .mrr 🔥 IYKYK

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 03/07/2024

What do you actually get within the program?

You get all the things listed above

As well as a pile of clothes that don’t fit anymore

Send me a DM saying RESULTS if that sounds good to you 😮‍💨


Big things coming soon 👀


We do more than just training and nutrition

Something I’m absolutely huge on is mindset 🧠

Because ultimately what’s going to determine whether you achieve your goals or not

Is your mentality

Which is exactly why it’s something we cover a lot of on our team talks

We’ve spoken about perspective, belief systems, controlling your emotions, managing your stress, confidence…

All the things that would normally derail your progress if it’s not something that you work on

What we do is much deeper than just macros and workout plans

We work on building you up to be night and day different as a person from the you that starts the program


You won’t see this guy on my socials but he’s an utter grafter

Hasn’t missed a single beat since he started

Despite having to wake up at 4am

Despite travelling an hour each way for work

Despite having an inactive job he’s massively increased his daily activity

Every single workout hit without fail

Long drives back home feeling knackered after being up early to get to the gym and a full day of work

Tracked every bit of his nutrition even when his routine has been disrupted

Then when we’ve had to adapt things he’s implemented quickly

All his hard work has been paying off massively

He’s dropped 8kg since he started 7 weeks ago

He’s looking slimmer and slimmer in every set of progress photos

And his family are now starting to see the physical changes that he’s achieved 🤜🤛

Absolutely unreal level of commitment

One of the traits of a grad A client 🔥

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 26/06/2024

I get it, you’re exhausted from a long day grafting your arse off

Work is your focus in life

So jt makes it extremely difficult to stick to eating well because you’re so tired

I’ve got some tips that’s got you covered though 👌🏼


Some exciting things in the work for the future

The launch of something very big 👀

I won’t say too much about it right now but keep an eye out

It’s nice to finally feel like my lower back has gotten better enough that it’s not on my mind

And doesn’t give me little tweaks every so often

So I’m really looking forward to getting back to jiu-jitsu and keeping it light

But it does make me sad how England could only get a point against Denmark

Thank god Watkins, Eze and Gallagher came on to spark some energy into the game

I said from the start that I don’t think we’ve got good chances

How we were one of the favourites to win I will never know

But for some reason I still get hopeful when I watch us play

Call me optimistic 😂

I feel like there’s 2 types of people;

1️⃣ Someone who would rather not get their hopes up, and not be disappointed

2️⃣ Someone who would rather have the excitement of being hopeful and then facing that feeling of being let down

I’m definitely much more numero uno

Id be interested to know which number are you?


One of the things Jack said when he started was that he wanted a better work : life balance

Little did he know he was going to have an insanely hectic 6 weeks

He’s had to travel a lot for work

So he’s not been able to cook and it’s made it much more difficult to eat well

He’s also had social plans that he’s had to fit in - a concert he recently went to and didn’t get back until 3am because of road closures 😭

Despite this he’s managed to drop down 2 inches on his waist and regain a load of strength from when he was previously in the gym

So he’s doing great for someone who hasn’t had so much on in their life, let alone someone who has 😮‍💨

Amazing work from him so far 👏🏼

The next 6 weeks are going to be unreal

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 16/06/2024

The first week back has flown

The bathroom at home is getting done so going without hot water and a shower is a nightmare

Having to shower at the gym every day

Sometimes not even showering (grim)

It’s made me so grateful for having the ability to shower when I get it

Even just running water to fill up my bottle

And that’s probably the biggest takeaway from this week

Other than the massive dominos and Maccys chips I had when I got back 😂


For everything no matter how small

From a business point we welcomed .kaur and to the team this week!

Some big things to come from all of them, and absolutely buzzing to get them started!


Are you a guy who even deserves what you want?

To get to where you want to be you need to earn it

You need to become the guy that’s capable of achieving what you want

Which means actually changing who you are

You’re just not him YET

You need to start doing the things that he would do

Not what current you would

Going through difficult situations and pushing out your comfort zone

Build up the necessary qualities that future version of you would need to possess

Taking full responsibility for situations and not blaming anything or anyone else

Not allow minor setbacks to turn into longer issues than they are

Having the ability to rebound quickly after going off track

When you take on the identity of that person

And start acting like you’re already him

Then you’ll deserve the results you’re after

Photos from Bradley Curley Personal Trainer's post 11/06/2024

This is just 4 WEEKS progress 😮‍💨

Satnam is smashing it

And the scales don’t paint a full picture

We got rid of weighing himself

It was pi***ng Satnam off that the scales weren’t budging as much as he’d hoped

They would say he’s ‘only’ lost 2kg

But what’s more important is that his body measurements have changed drastically…

⬇️ 2 inches on his waist
⬆️ size on his shoulders
⬆️ size in his arms
⬇️ over 9 inches overall

Sat is a dad (with another one on the way very soon)

So making sure he has the most effective workouts is key 🔑

To ensure he’s spending the least amount of time in the gym as possible

Whilst getting the best from his workouts that he can

And we aren’t making this overly restrictive;

He’s just come back from holiday
And has another one planned in 5 weeks that we’re going to make sure he’s in the best shape for 🎯

Keep up this momentum Sat

Great work and even more to come 👏🏼


One thing we’re not…

We’re not the cheapest

Nor do we want to be

The last thing that you got that was cheap

How long did it last?


We are here to be the best

We want to provide the best quality service to our clients

So they have the best experience

And get the best results

That aren’t temporary

But last for the rest of their lives

So anytime you see these 8 week transformation challenges 🚩

Or someone who charges such an “affordable” amount per month 🚩

I’d question what kind of service they’re providing their clients

Is it just a cookie cutter training plan

A meal plan downloaded off google

And speak to you once per week through emails? 🤮

Some PTs still use this method of ‘coaching’ their clients

Which isn’t really coaching when you’re not meeting the person where they’re at

And that’s the exact opposite of what we do

So if you want to go for the cheapest then go for it

You’re probably not a good fit for us in the first place


Last few nights on holiday ☀️

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