Natalie Davies Accredited Hypnotherapist and Life Coach

Natalie Davies Accredited Hypnotherapist and Life Coach

Accredited Level 5 Elite Life Coach and GHR registered Hypnotherapist. Truly takes courage to talk!


"You will always be my home,"

I've had a lot of messages that I've gone quiet on here about my journey. Remember, I only share for 2 reasons.

1. My job is one of the biggest blessings in my life. I never want to show an unrealistic life. Clients who know me will know I don't mind sharing vulnerabilities if I feel it will be beneficial. It all made me become the type of professional that I am. I want to show that.

2. I hope it can be inspiring in some way, shape, or form.


It actually makes me so sad to see that left picture because I know what I was thinking and how I felt. That picture was taken outside the hospital, where I was full of steroids, due to all the pain. My face just blew up, and it all massively activated the eating disorder I was in recovery from. I unfortunately got a lot more heavy than this, as things seemed to get more challenging from that point.

But this is why it's so important to remember .Everything is temporary!

I managed to turn everything around, I mean look at that right photo 🥹❤️‍🩹 not so much the body change but look at that smile 🥳 It heals my heart even more to know now what I think and I how I feel now.

That is the same woman, but oh my, so different at the same time. Without the first version of me, I wouldn't be here now. So I am so grateful to that sad me in the left photo because she allowed me to become the woman on the right. I promise it's not the body transformation that healed me. It's all what was happening in my mind 🧠✨️

So if you take anything away from this post and you are a client of mine, you will know what I say about a bonus in life.

Eg. Go out and have fun. something else happens. BONUS
Eg. Fall in love with yourself, then when you fall in love with a significant other. BONUS
Eg. Start therapy and progress. Trust, and unexpected growth happens. BONUS

If you are a client of mine and would like to share in the comments what your bonus was from therpay that you just didn't expect to happen. That would be beautiful for others to see. However, you do not need to do it public, you can tell me ❤️‍🩹

Ultimately, I started to love and nurture myself. Let go of all the tough stuff I was carrying. BONUS - weight shed!



All my young clients have such potential to absolutely blossom and it excites me. Especially to start therapy before adulthood, it gives them a real chance to learn to understand themelselves and take all what they have learnt to use when life happens. It's all a rollercoaster. The confidence growth is always immaculate, and I love seeing them use their energy to shift it into their power 🔥

So so proud of all my young clients, it certainly encourages my inner child 🙏🏻


I always try to give extra time if I can, if you are running late but it's not always easy. Even though it was 20 minutes, those 20 mins were used wisely. ❤️‍🩹💐


Morning all ❤️‍🩹 all my younger clients are absolutely thriving ✨️ It's always so heartwarming to see their progress. Leaps and bounds have been made, and I am so proud of all of them 👏🏼💛


Good afternoon, everyone ❤️‍🩹

Change can happen at any age. This young client has done absolutely amazing, and I am so proud of her!

Photos from Natalie Davies Accredited Hypnotherapist and Life Coach's post 26/03/2024

I get told all the time that "I must have a perfect life" because of the work I do. Absolutely not. I have a blessed life, but I have my own struggles. Don't we all?! I never want to just promote the greatness but also the downs. They count for something to 🙏

Thank you for all the beautiful comments I've received recently. 💖

For those of you who don't know much about my journey.

For a brief description...

I've shed a total now of 8.5stone / 54kilos / 119ibs 🥳

8 stone I shed by healing my inner child. Therefore, my lifestyle changed.

*Eat like you love yourself
*Speak like you love yourself
*Move like you love yourself
*Behave like you love yourself
*Learn like you love yourself

I did that for 12 months to shed 8 stone. 🙉

The last 7ibs I lost by starting personal training. However, all before that was building healthy relationships with myself, food, etc.👏🏼

Personal training was the next best step for me, and I am forever grateful for that and the current efforts I am doing with it. (I do get asked a lot to post more about the movement/fitness side of things. Which I will do a separate post for)

I had to change my lifestyle first because...

1. Physical health detoriated
2. Mental health detoriated
3. Figure of 8 cycle
4. Enough was enough!

Only I could make the changes that needed to happen. It was not a smooth transition the whole time. But I promise it's always easier than you think. Challenges = Absolutely 💯 but blocks Absolutely not 💥 Perspective shifts

I love what I do wholeheartedly! I think social media is a great place but also has it downsides. I hope by sharing some vulnerability, reality, and truth. It can shed some light on the fact that I'm human, too. But life can really change when you are willing to put the effort in 🤍

The progression is outstanding that you are all making in your sessions! Heres to more vunerability, honesty, and growth 💃🩷




Afternoon all,

Hypnotherapy is such a complementary therapy alongside all the work we do. It is my favourite and always gets such good results.

Have an amazing day 💥❤️‍🩹



Everything is temporary! Nothing that you don't want to feel has to stay with intensity. If you are willing to adapt and trust someone else to support you. Life really can change 🤍


I am so blessed to meet such amazing people. This lady has the most loving nature, who would always do anything for anyone. I am so happy that she can now spread some of that love onto herself, and it's so truly deserving! It's beautiful to watch you grow into your confident self ✨️


We are so close to entering 2024✨️

As we can see, I'm still behind on posting reviews 😅

I am forever grateful to each and every one of you, who have embraced therapy this year. I am always inspired by you 💜

#2024 #2023


Afternoon everyone, this is a message I received a good few months ago from a mother who had seen her daughter absolutely flourish in her time with me.

I was and am still proud of all she achieved 🤍

It can be nerve-wracking taking your children to therapy. In this day and age we are in, I think it's so important that they have a safe space to offload and learn healthy habits. They will very quickly tell you if they are benefitting or if they have found the right professional they feel comfortable with.

For anyone seeking support, just know whether it's me or another professional. There is never judgement, just someone who has dedicated their time to support and care for your wellbeing. Someone to listen and emphasise. Someone to suggest and highlight great avenues for you. Whatever it is, you may find out of therapy. Just know it is transformational.


One thing I would like you to hold true is that as surprising as it may be. My job is not to please you.

I respect and care enough about each one of you, to say what needs to be said, whether it's comfortable or not for you. But that's respect! I do not people please because what would the point be. It has to feel real and a belief of mine.

I hold my truth, and it's your choice to accept or reject as always. You are in control in moments like that.

I also hold dear that those who have known me for a while know my genuineness, realness, and humanness, and I always try and show Natalie. Not just my professional title because we are more than what we do for a living. So please hold close what I say to you, because I only say how I feel. Not what I logistically would like you to think about yourself.


One day or DAY ONE 🤍

Starting your healing process can be the most challenging part. But also it is so beautiful. Finding the right professional for you makes all the difference. Therapy is phenomenonal, but if you don't find that person who you feel comfortable with, it would never work.

Therapy is an investment in you. Take value in the fact that everything that happens for a reason. If you are a client of mine, I am grateful to have met you and for you to trust me to be a part of your progression.


Evening 🤍

Hypnotherapy is such an eye-opener and an extremely relieving process of using your subconscious. Your 90% 💫🌸

This idea of peace is such a lovely concept, and imagine being able to consistently have peace with yourself. To allow you to heal and blossom and ultimately have self compassionate.

This could be you 💛

How peaceful do you feel right now? Take a moment to connect 🤍


Evening 💛

It is always so good to see you all in phase out sessions. Where we don't see each other for a period of time, and then we have check-in sessions.

Therapy tends to become a significant part of life once started. This is phenomenal because I believe it is one of the most valuable times in your life to have a whole hour dedicated to you and your wellbeing 💛

I had such a beautiful day with you all today. Unbelievable strength and inspiration from you all! 🙏


Morning, on this very rainy Sunday 💛

Is it okay to still be rocking sandals in this weather 😅 don't think I quite got the meno this morning.

Anyways, life is quite literally like a roller coaster. I know I will see this client again because she really got the idea of honesty and vulnerability with exploring the past and allowing great progression to happen. When you give yourself that permission to be happy, everything can change for the good. That's what this lady did, and I am so grateful for the sessions we did have, and I know she will take them and those ephinay moments with her!

Until we meet again. 💛

' I never felt as comfortable talking to anyone as I did with you'

This statement is beautiful, and I do hear it a lot. Therapy is team work, you are never on your own. We got this together!💛


This is one of the many reasons I post as honest and as raw as I can. It's so easy to compare on social media, and I have so many clients of all ages who look to me for guidence. So it's so important that the influence I have on social media is human, natural, and just me. So that it's shown my outside life is rocky sometimes too.

There is no such thing as a perfect human. Although I would say we are perfectly incomplete, there is always room for growth. Why wouldn't we?

Please, if you can, find inspiration out of your day, your past, yourself, the people around you, or the world. Whatever it may be, there is absolutely inspiration to be seen.

Have a wonderful evening 💜


Afternoon 💛

Of course my office is always open!

Anxiety is something we all have. However, there are some people who suffer from an intense version of anxiety. There is no reason it has to stay that way. It's just your brain's reaction to protect you, and that's okay. Until it's not. It is our response that counts 🌸

Response vs. reaction is so key 🔑 Of course, there are many attitudes to it, but simply the best way to not only become aware or acknowledge it but to understand more so that adapting becomes an ease. Therefore, letting go is something that becomes natural and appreciated by you! 🩷


Again, I'm catching up on posting all successes. But there are so many because you are all so amazing!!

It's always bitter sweet when your sessions come to phasing out or even ending. I am in awe of the progress and blossoming that I see every day. When you have such a great support network around you, sometimes it feels like they are on that journey with you, so all emotions can be felt with relief and such pride. Just like this, mum 💛

So unbelievably proud and even when those sessions phase out. They always hold onto those lessons and know I'm always here if needed 🌸💛


Evening, hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.

I completely forgot to post this screenshot of a message from a client who had anxiety that was very closely related to flying.

As we can see, she had a better experience and others noticed too. To top it off, she had a great holiday!!

Fear of flying is so much more common than you know but also a lot easier than you know to heal and improve!


Morning 🌄

Rapport is everything in therapy! From just one session, the young lady I started supporting, loved the session, she cried, offloaded, and gained understanding straight away. I could tell instantly that she relaxed and opened up well. To then finish the session, laughing, strengthing that rapport, and being on the same level.

The mum was so relieved and understandably!

I have a range of clients of all ages. Currently, it is from 10 to 68 years of age that I see daily. Age really is a number, and we all have our struggles. There is so much power and bravery in seeking support and learning how to manage and eventually how to let go. It's a challenging but empowering journey through sessions for everyone.

Every single client that I have had the pleasure of working with has always gotten to where they need to be and in all different time frames.

Reflect today on the progress you have made because we have so many wins a day, and sometimes we miss them 🩷


Another young client of mine, who has just absolutely flourished into such a confident, dedicated, and self loving lady. I am so beyond proud of how she manages her emotions now!

We are all human and experience all sorts of emotions. We have to just check in with ourselves to see if it feels natural or if there's an intensity there. So that we can adapt 🩷


From one end of a scale to another. It's truly phenomenal!

I do love to see how everyone is getting on in those longer phase out sessions. Intense anxiety/panic attacks/isolation to socialising/stepping outside of their comfort zone/ enjoyment and doing it with ease now.

Anxiety is needed. It protects us. However, we do not need it intensely. You are your manager. Once we learn to understand something, that's when we can adapt.

Have a wonderful week 🌸


Morning all, as I have said many times. I am trying to get better at posting reviews on here. I'm still delayed, but there is progress 🙏

This lady is beautiful inside and out. The untold potential she has excites me for her present moment and her dreams for the future. The progression she made is just wonderful, and that idea of loving yourself, she really created that ideal. It's such a blessing knowing her and being that support when she needed me.

Honestly, you all give so much value to my life, and I appreciate you choosing me to be that support. 💛


Afternoon 🌸

Here is another review. I'm still behind on posting them 😅

But this is another wonderful client of mine. Who's creativity and imagination is eye opening to me. She is truly a diamond, knows her worth, and is dedicated to her potential. Molly, you can now achieve all this without letting hurdles become blocks. Always amazed by progression and the rapid rate is phenomenal 💥

Wonder how many hurdles you have but have seen them as blocks recently?💛


Hey everyone,

An initial session is so powerful to not only become aware but really acknowledge what is happening. Therefore, we can open that door in our mind to learn to understand ourselves. Once we have done that, we can adapt and let go of any emotional stacking we have.

Have a wonderful Sunday 💛


Afternoon 💕

This client progressed so quickly in four sessions. Social anxiety and some fear led past experiences. To go to a wedding and have the best time with no fear, just JOY 👏

It was so wonderful to see. Therapy results happen at all different paces. It's beautiful each time!

This lady deserves all the joy, and I'm excited for her now to continue life without the intensity of anxiety. I'm so proud of her 🌸


Happy Tuesday 🌸

This is another wonderful client that I have so much admiration and time for. She is compassionate, courageous, and beautiful inside and out 💛 The effort and bravery in the vulnerability and honesty shared with me is powerful and lifechanging.

Clients always change my life in some way for the best. I will always hold onto those special moments that happened in sessions 🙏

So I thank you too 🌸


Evening, sun is out next week ☀️ Please bring water to your sessions 🌸

I always love hearing from clients. Checking in when going through the process of phasing out sessions is always important to me.

This client is such an intelligent, caring, and inspirational lady. Who has excelled in the time of knowing her, and I'm sure always will.

The potential in you all just amazes me ✨️


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Wise words from a wise lady 😍❤️
Create Yourself



Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 9pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 10am - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm

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