Age Connects North Wales Central

Independent local charity, serving the older people in Conwy County and Denbighshire.

We exist to provide a range of services for, and to uphold the interests of, older people (aged 50 and over) within the two counties. The main activities currently undertaken include: Information and Advice; Assistance; Social Prescribing; Reading Well; Advocacy; Leap energy efficiency; Older People’s Forums; Newsletter; our chargeable services are Toenail cutting; Home life. We also carry out lob

CVSC - Home 04/12/2023

Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a
Tel: 01492 534091 [email protected]
Web: CVSC are currently looking to identify workshop attendees for the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales (see below) and were wondering if you would be able to support us in helping to identify individuals, networks or representatives who may be interested in joining the workshops and, if possible, circulating the expression of interest below to them.

Managing Flood Impacts in Wales 2050 workshops:

Colwyn Bay, 5th December & Rhondda Cynon Taff, 7th December 2023

The National Infrastructure Commission for Wales (NICW) is undertaking a nationwide assessment into how, across Wales, we can manage flood risk and climate change, and support our communities and infrastructure to adapt and build resilience in areas prone to flooding and rising sea levels.

NICW was established in 2018 as an independent, non-statutory, advisory body, further details are available here:


Open call-out / expression of interest:

Would you like to be involved in an important conversation around how we can build a future Wales more resilient to flood risk and rising sea-levels due to climate change?

We are looking for participants to be involved in two creative and exploratory workshops in North and South Wales where we will explore a future vision for a flood resilient Wales. Please see further details below.

We would like to hear from:

A wide range of voices reflecting the community, those that have already experienced flooding, experts, local leaders, as well as those who have not yet been impacted. The sessions are open to Welsh and English speakers.
Individuals who would be willing to share ideas in a forward-facing workshop environment and have an open mind set when exploring what our futures in Wales may look like.

Please express your interest in participating by either completing this survey ( or responding to this email address - [email protected] or [email protected].

Once we have a register of interested participants, we will invite a range of voices to the in-person workshops and provide further information on the session. It is important there is a mix of experience and skills to each workshop, that is why there is a two- stage invitation process.

CVSC - Home We have been delighted by the interest in our Third Sector Conference which is taking place in Venue Cymru this Friday. All tickets have now been booked and our waiting list is full.


We are delighted to announce that the following groups have been awarded funding from the Voluntary Sector Key Fund.

Clwb yr Efail
Abergele Community Action
Aberconwy Care and Share
Capel Ty'n y Groes
Llanfairfechan & North Wales Croquet Club
Flintshire Disability Forum
Bangor and Holyhead Methodist Circuit
Cyngor Cymuned Betws Y Coed Community Council
The Joshua Tree
Conwy Mind
Llanfairfechan Community Town Hall
Citizens Advice Conwy
Bayside Radio Colwyn Bay
The Hummingbird Project North Wales CIC
Llanfairfechan Surf Life
Cwmni Addysg Rhyw - S*x Education Company
Together For Colwyn Bay
Llandudno Football Club
She Shed Abergele
Age Connects North Wales Central
Abergele Mens Shed
Hope House & Tŷ Gobaith
Girlguiding Aberconwy
TAPE Community Music and Film
Tenovus Cancer Care / Gofal Canser Tenovus
PLANT Home Education Support
The Kind Bay Initiative
Dwygyfylchi Crown Green Bowling Club
Making Sense CIO
Sioe Wledig Llanrwst Rural Show
Penmaenmawr Phoenix FC
Conwy Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
Clwb Rygbi Nant Conwy
Glan Conwy Scout and Guide HQ Committee

The CVSC Voluntary Sector Key Fund is part of our Capacity Building Fund which is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Conwy County Borough Council Robin Millar MP

Homepage 01/12/2023

Take a look at the new Vale of Clwyd Mind website (the Welsh version is just being finished). On this site you will find a “What’s On” page, for the DORIS calendar:

Homepage Welcome toVale of Clwyd MindSupporting you... About Us Supporting Mental Health in Denbighshire Our Services Find help and support for your mental health What's On Take a look at what's happening in


Mae Canser: Ffynnu a Goroesi yn gwrs i helpu pobl sydd wedi eu heffeithio gan ganser i gynnal eu hansawdd bywyd a'i wella drwy hunanreolaeth. Mae'r cwrs ar gael i unrhyw un sy'n 18 mlwydd oed a hŷn ac sy’n byw gyda chanser, yn derbyn triniaeth ar ei gyfer neu ar gyfer pobl sydd wedi cael gollyngdod o symptomau canser.

Mae pynciau'r cwrs yn cynnwys: rheoli poen a blinder, byw gydag ansicrwydd, newidiadau i'r corff, delio gydag emosiynau anodd a hwyliau isel, gwella cwsg, gwneud penderfyniadau triniaeth, gweithgaredd corfforol, bwyta'n iach, cynllunio gweithgareddau, datrys problemau a gwneud penderfyniadau.

Mae llefydd ar gael ar y cwrs ar-lien nesaf:
Dydd Iau 11/01/24 i 22/2/24 10:00 i 12:30

Am fwy o wybodaeth, neu os ydych yn dymuno trefnu lle ar gwrs, cysylltwch â’r Tȋm Hunanofal ar 03000 852280 / 852281 neu [email protected] neu edrychwch ar ein gwefan


Cancer: Thriving & Surviving is a course to help people who have been affected by cancer to maintain and improve their quality of life through self-management. The course is available to anyone who is 18 years old and over and living with, receiving treatment for or in remission from cancer.

Subjects covered include: pain and fatigue management, living with uncertainty, body changes, dealing with difficult emotions and ow mood, improving sleep, making treatment decisions, physical activity, healthy eating, action planning, problem solving and decision making.

There are places available on the next online course:
Thursdays 11/01/24 to 22/02/24 10:00 to 12:30

For more information, or if you would like to book a place on a course, please contact the Self-Care Team on 03000 852280 / 852281 or [email protected] or visit our webpage


Age Connects Wales are proud to be supporting . We are made up of six independent charities, each working to support older people in their local area. Find out more Age Connects Cardiff & the Vale Age Connects Morgannwg Age Connects NPT Age Connects Torfaen Age Connects North East Wales Age Connects North Wales Central

Photos from Age Connects North Wales Central's post 15/11/2023

You can leave your Gift box Appeal at Eirianfa Community Centre, Factory Lane, Denbigh LL16 3TS. The collection point will be on the ground floor on the table outside the Eirianfa office on a Monday between 10am – 2pm throughout November.

or For details of a local drop-off point near you, please visit Age Cymru website -

Thank you


We’re really excited to announce our Gift Box Appeal is back in 2023 🎁

This year, the Age Cymru partnership is delighted to be working with Age Connects Wales and Care & Repair Cymru. By working in partnership means we can reach out to more older people in Wales in the hope to brighten up this Christmas time.

We’re once again asking you to fill a wrapped shoe box with gifts in our aim to help make this Christmas a little brighter. Christmas can be a lonely time for many older people who have no close family to visit over the festive period, we hope that having a gift to open may make a huge difference. Your amazing gift boxes will be delivered to

• someone living in a care home in Wales
• someone who receives a friendship call from our Friend in Need telephone befriending service
• an older person who users one of the vital services delivered from the local Age Cymru partner
• a older person who uses the vital services of Care & Repair Cymru (i.e. those over 60 who own their own home or who privately rent in Wales)
• an older person who Age Connects Wales staff and volunteers have identified as most vulnerable and isolated living throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan who may be facing Christmas with little or no interaction with others.

How you can help 🎁

🎁 Find a shoe box - Wrap the box and lid separately in Christmas paper, or you can use a festive pre-printed box
🎁 Fill with gifts - suggestions on what you can include in your shoe box on our website
🎁 Attach a label marking whether your gift is for a male, female or generic
❌ Please don't include personal information about yourself.

Please ensure you deliver your boxes by Friday 1 December 2023. For details of a local drop-off point near you, please visit our website -

Please help us to make this Christmas a little brighter and support our Gift Box Appeal 🎁🎁 🤶🎅


Rydyn ni’n hynod o gyffrous i gyhoeddi bod ein Hapêl Bocs Rhoddion yn dychwelyd yn 2023 🎁

Eleni, mae partneriaeth Age Cymru wrth eu bodd i fod yn gweithio gydag Age Connects Wales a Care & Repair Cymru. Drwy weithio mewn partneriaeth rydyn ni’n medru cyrraedd mwy o bobl hŷn yng Nghymru gan obeithio bydd y Nadolig hwn yn gyfnod hapus iddyn nhw.

Unwaith eto, rydyn ni’n gofyn i chi lenwi bocsys esgidiau â rhoddion er mwyn gwneud Nadolig ychydig yn fwy llawen. Gall y Nadolig fod yn gyfnod unig i bobl hŷn sydd heb deulu i ymweld â nhw dros yr ŵyl. Rydyn ni’n gobeithio bydd derbyn rhodd i’w agor ar ddydd Nadolig yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr. Byddwn yn cludo eich bocs anrhegion i

• rhywun sy’n byw mewn cartref gofal yng Nghymru
• rhywun sy’n derbyn galwadau gan ein gwasanaeth cyfeillio dros y ffôn Ffrind Mewn Angen
• person hŷn sy’n defnyddio un o’r gwasanaethau hanfodol sy’n cael eu darparu gan bartner Age Cymru
• person hŷn sy’n defnyddio gwasanaethau hanfodol Gofal a Thrwsio Age Cymru (hynny yw, pobl dros 60 oed sy’n berchen ar eu cartref eu hun neu sy’n rhentu’n breifat yng Nghymru)
• person hŷn mae staff a gwirfoddolwyr Age Connects Cymru yn teimlo sy’n agored i niwed ac yn ynysig, ac yn byw yng Nghaerdydd a Bro Morgannwg a allai fod yn wynebu Nadolig unig heb unrhyw un i siarad â.

Sut medrwch chi helpu? 🎁

🎁 Dewch o hyd i focs esgidiau - lapiwch y bocs a’r caead ar wahân mewn papur lapio Nadolig. Neu, gallwch chi ddefnyddio bocs sydd eisoes â phatrwm Nadoligaidd arno.
🎁 Llenwch y bocs â rhoddion - mae awgrymiadau ar ein gwefan am beth allwch chi roi yn y bocs
🎁 Nodwch ar label os ydy eich bocs ar gyfer dyn, menyw neu os ydyw’n focs generig.
❌ Peidiwch â chynnwys gwybodaeth bersonol am eich hun.

Sicrhewch eich bod wedi dod â’ch bocsys erbyn dydd Gwener 1 Rhagfyr 2023. I gael gwybodaeth am le i fynd â’ch bocs, ewch i’n gwefan -êlBlwchRhodd

Helpwch ni i wneud Nadolig ychydig yn fwy llawen, a chefnogwch ein Hapêl Bocs Rhoddion 🎁🎁🎁 🤶🎅


Swayne Johnson Solicitors/Cyfreithwyr will be at The White Horse Rhaultt on Thursday morning 9th November see contact details below:


Age Connects NWC is an Age-friendly Employer.
We're delighted to have signed up to the
Pledge, a nationwide programme for employers who recognise the
value of older workers.

Community Christmas call companions 20/10/2023

We all know that December and the Christmas period can be a particularly difficult, and particularly lonely time for people everywhere – especially those who are older

This year, Re-engage launched their Christmas call companions service for people in this situation, and have over 350 volunteers signed up to the service and ready to speak with an older person

Community Christmas call companions is a free service for older people who are in need of companionship and feel they would enjoy a friendly weekly phone call throughout the month of December.

If you know of anyone aged 75+ who will be lonely or isolated this Christmas, please refer them through for community Christmas call companions. You can make a referral by clicking and providing some details

Community Christmas call companions Community Christmas call companions is a free service for older people who are in need of companionship and feel they would enjoy a friendly weekly phone call throughout the month of December.

Age Cymru ¦ Gift box appeal 19/10/2023

The Age Cymru partnership is appealing to you to fill a wrapped shoe box with gifts in our aim to help make this Christmas a little brighter.

We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Age Connects Wales and Care & Repair Cymru this year. By working in partnership, means we can reach more older people across Wales.

Christmas can be a lonely time for many older people who have no close family to visit over the festive period, we hope that having a gift to open may make a huge difference. Your amazing gift boxes will be delivered to

someone living in a care home in Wales
someone who receives a friendship call from our Friend in Need telephone befriending service
an older person who users one of the vital services delivered from the local Age Cymru partner
a older person who uses the vital services of Care & Repair Cymru (i.e. those over 60 who own their own home or who privately rent in Wales)
an older person who Age Connects Wales staff and volunteers have identified as most vulnerable and isolated living throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan who may be facing Christmas with little or no interaction with others.
How you can help

Find a shoe box - Wrap the box and lid separately in Christmas paper, or you can use a festive pre-printed box
Fill with gifts - see our suggestions below (list is not exhaustive)
Attach a label marking whether your gift is for a male, female or generic
Please don't include personal information about yourself
Please don't seal your gift box but place a rubber band around the closed box.
Suggestions to include:

Gloves / Scarves / Hat
Games / Puzzles
Puzzle Books
Photo Frame / Photo Album
Diary / Calendar
Treats / Sweets
Chocolates / Biscuits
A Special Christmas decoration.
Please don’t add any second hand / used items to your gift box.

What's the deadline for delivery of gift boxes?

The deadline for your boxes to be delivered is Friday 1 December 2023. Our offices will be open from Monday 27 November to Friday 1 December 2023 for you to drop your boxes into us.

Your local drop off point:

Age Connects North Wales Central, Eirianfa Community Centre, Factory Lane, Denbigh LL16 3TS. Drop off: times: on a Monday between 10am – 2pm.

Age Cymru ¦ Gift box appeal Age Cymru is appealing to the public to fill a wrapped gift box with items in our aim to help make Christmas a special time for older people living within care homes.

Photos from CVSC's post 13/10/2023
Learn CPR in 15 minutes for free with RevivR™ 13/10/2023

It’s Restart a Heart Day next Monday (16th October), which aims to increase public awareness of cardiac arrests and the number of people trained in lifesaving CPR and defibrillation.

We’re supporting along with and 🙌

Take 15 minutes today to learn or refresh CPR. You never know when you’ll need these lifesaving skills.

Free training here:

Hyfforddiant am ddim yn

Learn CPR in 15 minutes for free with RevivR™ Learn to do CPR and use a defibrillator in just 15 minutes on your mobile phone or tablet. Many of us will witness a cardiac arrest in our lifetime. Be ready for that day.

Mobile uploads 07/10/2023
Photos from Age Connects North Wales Central's post 28/09/2023

Happy Older People’s Day


Rebel. Poet. Proud Welshman. Come and learn more about Gwyl Dafydd ap Siencyn at

Rebel. Bardd. Cymro balch. Dewch i ddysgu mwy am Gwyl Dafydd ap Siencyn ar

Want your organisation to be the top-listed Non Profit Organisation in Denbigh?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Older Person's Awards Wales 2021



Eirianfa Community Centre At Factory Place

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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