Truly-You Magdalena Kupczak, Derby Videos

Videos by Truly-You Magdalena Kupczak in Derby. Welcome! As a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist, hypnotherapist and coach I can help you make significant and permanent changes to feel confident, motivated, have good self-esteem, achieve goals and life free of depression, anxiety and blockages

Happy International Women’s Day!

Other Truly-You Magdalena Kupczak videos

Happy International Women’s Day!

Wise words from Sigmund Freud.. Don’t be afraid to show and to feel your emotions #mentalhealth #wellbeing #nlp #lifecoaching

Wishing you all Happy New Year 2023 😊🥂

🎥🎥 Please watch my new video about how successful is hypnotherapy, how it works and what you can achieve. Hypnotherapy is known and used by many famous people, who were in need to change their life, their unhealthy habits or believes or just wanted to focus on achieving their goals. Hypnotherapy is for almost* everyone, who wants a change and is willing to experience hypnotic state. 🚑 If you would like to know more about whether hypnosis would help you to deal with your problem, please contact me. 🙂 Hypnotherapy is not magic, it is the ability to use your thoughts, imaginations, and the qualities of your mind to deal with your own weaknesses. It is a process that frees us from unfavorable beliefs, habits, fear and nagging thoughts - giving us back control over our own life and self-confidence. Hypnotherapy is not magic, but the changes you can achieve are truly magical. *There are some health conditions, when hypnotherapy is not recommended. Ask me for details or check on my website:

Have you ever thought about what HYPNOTHERAPY really is? Are you asking yourself the question: Is HYPNOTHERAPY real? Answers to those questions and more you will find in the newest video below. :) Watch and consider - maybe this is the method for you to help you with your issues.

8th March. Happy International Women’s Day. 😊

Take a nice deep breath … and slowly… calmly… breathe out… Repeat Breathing, something we have access to 24/7 and we do automatically, yet very often is ‘forgotten’ and underestimated. Conscious, calm, and slow breathing however has a great, healing impact on our entire body - our nervous system, its functions, and our mind. Conscious, calm, and slow breathing not only regulates your heart rate and blood pressure it also releases tension, stress and anxiety and anger. Stress keeps you in survival mode and slower, deep breathing helps to get out of the primal ‘fight- flight-freeze’ mode. It calms you down, relaxes, clears the mind, and helps you become more present in the current moment. When practiced regularly, it has the power to also improve your focus and sleep. You can do it anywhere, anytime, for as long as you need. You don’t need to wait for an empty and quiet space, you don’t need any special preparation. Everything that you need is your awareness of advantages and willingness to practice. Just at the beginning, because after you notice the benefits for yourself, you won’t need to be reminded anymore. There are many ways to breathe deeply. ->Try the square breathing: in for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four. ->Or my favourite, which I recommend to my clients is: 2/4, 3/6, 4/8. You take a deep breath through nose for two and slowly breathe out for four. Repeat 3 times and then breathe in, through your nose, for three and calmly and slowly breath out for six. Repeat three times and then in for four and out for eight. Repeat 3 times. If you’re in the ‘right’ place, never while driving, you can also close your eyes, to allow you to focus more on your breathing and enjoying your time. So, ready? Take a nice deep breath … and slowly… calmly… breathe out…

Have you ever thought about what HYPNOTHERAPY really is? When I meet people and I tell them, that I am a hypnotherapist, they are usually surprised and then they either go silent or opposite, out of curiosity and excitement ask me a lot of questions, which is great, because I am able to overthrow stereotypes and superstitions. Most common questions are: What is hypnosis? When to use hypnosis? Will hypnosis work for me? Could you hypnotise me? Is it safe, because I heard …? I understood that when people go silent, they often get confused, as many ‘know’ hypnosis only from stage or scary movies, which of course have nothing to do with therapy and helping people overcome their issues. Therapeutical hypnosis, which I practice, is a safe method to help people understand why they struggle with the issue they have and free them from their burdens, limitations, unhealthy beliefs, and often from their emotional or physical pain also. The potential is withing us and once we access it, life becomes easier. Please see my latest video, where I answer some of the most commonly asked questions and if you would like to ask more regarding hypnotherapy itself or you are curious if hypnotherapy could help you or maybe your family member, do not hesitate to get in touch. I am happy to help. You can find more information on my website: or on my youtube video channel: , where you find other videos about using hypnotherapy in treating different issues. #therapy #hypnotherapy #hypnosis #mentalhealth #emotionalfreedom #anxiety #addictionhelp #selfbelief

New Year’s Resolution and Habits! Habits! Habits! Do you have any unwanted habits? Do you have habits, that make your life difficult or uncomfortable? Habits, that whatever you do to change them, they always win anyway? Habits that make you give up and leave you feeling humiliated – you feel too weak to overcome them and live the life you dream of. Are you in urgent need to create new, healthy, empowering habits? Habits are “mental programs”. We think, feel, and behave in the same way over and over again. We continuously repeat the cycle almost like we’re on autopilot. No wonder, that when we decide to fight them, often we don’t get very far, as it feels so uncomfortable, so unfamiliar and for some people it’s even a ‘painful’ experience. Changing a habit needs a change in ‘mental programming’ – and that’s where hypnosis can help. As a natural, easy and safe modality you can quickly and easily change old and create new healthy, empowering habits. Watch the video for more details and contact me if you would like to keep to your New Years Resolutions and/or change your habits. Happy New Year! Make 2022 YOUR’s! Hypnosis can be helpful by overcoming the following habits: #drinkingalcohol #smoking #overeating #constantsnacking #lackofhealthydiet #lackofexercise #excessiveexercise #nailbiting #hairbiting #pullingouthairs #excessivecleaning #hoarding And more ..