Nicola Green Consultancy

I provide support and practical advice in the workplace and home relating to the menopause. I presen


My kids thought I was crazy, but that didn’t stop me ordering my own NGC🔥 Christmas jumper! Fabulously designed and printed by my local breast cancer support group charity
and the perfect outfit for a very rainy Monday morning!

Roxanne Gale - Thank you ♥️


So excited to be at the New Forest Business Awards tonight supporting the amazing Jo Hompstead who is a finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year.

Jo Hompstead Jo Bamford

Always a fab fab night with these two!!!


You may wonder what started me on the road of talking to workplaces about the menopause, and everything related.

I have never been embarrassed to share my story; it forms a huge part of my offering, and gives my work so much context.

I was 32 when I first went to the doctor to ask “Could I be going through a premature menopause?”

After years living with fluctuating symptoms, which had a very negative impact on me and my life, I decided at 38 that something had to change, so I started HRT. I have also learned over the years how to take stock and add self care into my life, to try and combat the ongoing symptoms.

My work has all stemmed from my own experience and this drives my continued passion to help change lives by providing ‘real life’ menopause support and education; whilst empowering all with knowledge and information for greater awareness and understanding.

I help open up the conversation and remove the taboo; whilst providing workplaces with a greater understanding and ability to support.
If you feel your workplace could benefit from my approach to this subject and the services I offer, then I’d love to help. Please visit my website to get in touch and we can discuss which of my services would be best for your business.


𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲, 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗦𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀

My Knowledge, Share and Support sessions are an opportunity to share, talk and listen to each other.

I facilitate sessions to provide an opportunity for those at varying stages of menopause to deep dive into the personal impact and, in particular, provide each attendee dedicated time to be listened to and share (if they feel comfortable doing so).

These sessions are designed to continue into, quarterly, topical sessions and are for those who wish to gain further information, share their own experiences and for me to provide insight, information and support in respect of other menopause related subject areas.

They are often the start of many more deep and meaningful conversations around this topic, and last for around an hour.

To book one of these sessions for your workplace, please visit my website and get in touch.


Loving the fact I’m supporting one of my ongoing clients with the support of my fabulous nutritionist today.

The next step in my ongoing knowledge share and support programme and such an important one.

We’ll be covering everything from questions relating to weight gain, energy, sleep, hunger and of course… blood sugar and the top tip of nuts before chocolate!!!


Beautiful Beaulieu was the start of my Thursday with a presentation to a people-first organisation with incredible employees.

Whilst in the area it was the perfect opportunity to meet a fabulous champion of my work for lunch and a delight to hear of her amazing work and fun!

I then headed off to Romsey to deliver an informal menopause talk to a wonderful group of ladies over afternoon tea!

Six presentations in two days and I’ve loved every single one of them!



We saw shared tears and laughter. We experienced a new level of empathy, understanding and support throughout a workforce. We tackled taboo topics with respect, removal of judgement, the understanding that we are all human and there is definitely no "one size fits all".

I've had the absolute delight to work with over the past few months to design their annual Health and Welfare Day and what a day it was!

Huge thanks has to go to the partners of for confidently supporting the presentations provided - Grief and Loss and Menopause in the workplace. We ran a morning session for support staff and an afternoon session for managers, fee earners and partners.

As always, it was a pleasure to work with the fabulous Jill Attree - Grief and Loss Specialist and present our joint Grief and Loss Presentation and witness the follow on support Jill Attree was able to provide within the room for individuals.

We knew we were bringing two very deep topics to the employees and therefore we ensured we ended with some fun! I think I must add 'Bingo Caller' to my CV!!

The greatest of thanks to Jackie Cuff for working with me to get this over the line and it is always a joy to support another LawNet Ltd member firm.


Training! What do you already have in place for the first quarter of 2024?

Getting training organised and booked in advance is crucial to give attendees plenty of notice, to allow for good attendance and preparation.

That makes NOW the perfect time to get your 2024 training calendar kickstarted, so perhaps you can introduce talking about menopause as part of your training schedule for next year?

I am taking bookings for January, February and March presently, so please get in touch with me and we can discuss what kind of training you are looking for in this area.


There is a generation of women who are trying to do it all.

They are generally middle-aged, raising a family, holding down a career, running a household, trying to exercise, attempting to socialise when they can and quite possibly caring for their own elderly parents.

Add the menopause into this mix. Stop and think about that for a moment.

If the above resonates with you, then it’s time to pause and do something that puts you first. Take some time in your day to rest. Make sure you eat well. Try and exercise or at least get outside for some fresh air, and if needed seek help for your menopause experience.

You can’t pour from an empty cup - put yourself first.


Yesterday was world kindness day, so today, I wanted to make sure that the message wasn’t just for one day only 🥰

It is so important to remember to be kind always, you have no idea what is going on behind closed doors.

For example, someone suffering and going through menopause will most likely be masking their experience a lot of the time, struggling through and doing what they can to get through the day. A kind word or gesture from someone could make the world of difference to their week.

The other person to always remember to be kind to, is yourself. Never forget that!


The perfect way to spend a Monday morning! Adding the finishing touches to our Grief and Loss presentation for next week’s client.

Jill Attree and I present together to raise awareness of the importance of understanding and supporting grief and loss in the workplace, whilst I continue to provide solo menopause presentations and workplace support.

It’s so humbling to help organisations comfortably address such sensitive topics and see the benefits doing so brings.

Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.


I thought it would be fun to give my followers the chance to get under the skin of Nicola Green, and ask me some questions…

It can be about anything menopause related - what is it that you really want to know?

I will try my best to give you open and honest answers, and help you where possible, and if I’m not able, then I will certainly try and point you in the right direction for guidance.

Simply pop a question in the comments, and I will answer it! ⬇️



If, like me, you rely heavily on getting outdoors to help lift your mood, then you might have found this last week since the clocks went back a bit hard to get used to.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the change in sunlight exposure can have a negative impact on our moods. "People can feel more tired with less light due to the neurochemical or brain hormonal changes that occur with a change of season or less light. A common chemical that regulates that is called serotonin," says Dr. Bracamonte. "Your mood may be off, your sleep may be off, the way you regulate your mood cycle — whether you're happy or you're feeling a bit down — can be off. And that can have a downstream effect just the way you feel in general," he says. (source, Mayo Clinic online, 1 Nov ‘23).

So, even though there are less sunlight hours available to us, it is even more important to try and make that effort to get outside to offset these negative feelings, it’s worth it!


Great to be back!!!

I first worked with Hall Brown Family Law last year when we started the conversation around menopause in the workplace with my informative and supportive presentation to all.

We’ve kept in contact and today I was delighted to return with my Menopause Champion Training for five incredibly supportive employees.

Hall Brown Family Law understand the need to keep raising awareness of this topic in varying ways and it was a pleasure to meet employees new to the business today.

Menopause Champions are not only created to support those going through menopause, but for individuals to be able to support the supporters.

Once again, an interactive and rewarding session and I look forward to continuing our working relationship into 2024!


My first ever commute by 🚃 today!!!

I arrived in Manchester yesterday in readiness to present to two fantastic law firms this week and today I attended Slater Heelis.

We started the morning with ⭐️ Menopause Champion Training ⭐️and what some incredible champions they are going to be! Huge thanks to Alison, Claire, Jenna, Louise, Zara and Richard for such an interactive and moving session. Sadly, LinkedIn won’t let me upload our selfie!

We followed with a ⭐️Managing Menopause Awareness Session⭐️ and again I was joined by such a supportive audience who will ultimately help make the conversation around menopause comfortable in their workplace and be able to support their teams.

Huge thanks to Phil Rimmer for asking me to present and to Slater Heelis for understanding the importance of raising this topic in your workplace.

Great to work with another LawNet Ltd member firm and to meet Elaine Dawson in person - thank you for following my work!

I look forward to supporting further in the future and building on the foundations we’ve created today Phil Rimmer


I was completely humbled to be asked to be on the judging panel for the Bristol Law Society Awards 2023.

Congratulations to all winners last night, those who were highly commended and all nominees. There were so many inspirational stories within the nominations and so much dedication to giving back to the local communities.

Over 6,000 was raised for the supported charity SARSAS, and what an incredible charity it is. We had the privilege of learning of some of the support SARSAS has been able to provide and the positive outcomes for so many individuals.

Edd and I worked together many years ago and he was one of the first people to reach out when I launched my business to ask me to support members of Bristol Law Society.

It’s been a delight to support Bristol Law Society ever since and finally meet Helen Read and Clair Ponting in person last night. Congratulations to you all for organising such a fantastic night.

Edward Thompson I don’t think we’ve aged a bit!


In my world, everyday is World Menopause Day.

I am of course so glad that there is an annual reminder for people, and that the yearly October date helps to raise awareness and create a buzz, but I always have a ni**le of worry that it dies down far too quickly, and people stop talking.

My job, along with other menopause advocates and advisers, is to keep the message loud, and spread it to as many people as possible.

So after the social media posts and news coverage has waned, I still want to be seen and heard advocating the importance of understanding and supporting this topic in the workplace and home, offering support to those that need it, and starting conversations in every corner of every business I can.

To find out more about the services I offer, please visit my website, and get in touch if you’d like to have a chat.


When I worked with Hart Brown Solicitors a couple of weeks ago, I ensured that the presentation I designed suited their needs, and it was a real pleasure to do this for the firm and their employees.

I’m pleased to report that the ‘informative and supportive presentation’ (“the door opener”) was a real success in getting the conversation started, as some of this feedback demonstrates.

A big thank you to Hart Brown Solicitors Hart Brown Solicitors for having me, and for being a people first organisation who are supporting the topic of menopause in your workplace.

To find out more about what I do and how I can help your organisation, please visit my website and get in touch.

Choices | Nicola Green Consultancy 31/10/2023

I usually have a theme for my monthly blogs... this month I was stuck. I had ideas, but I had no flow.

I considered telling you about what I am seeing and hearing within the workplace menopause world following World Menopause Day. I considered telling you that I have been spinning many plates in the last few months and one of them flew off! What I decided upon was a post about choices, and a word I use throughout my life and my work.

Maybe it's time to consider your choices?

Cheryl Hill thank you for the photography

Choices | Nicola Green Consultancy I’ve struggled to decide what to write about this month, but this morning’s webinar has encouraged me to write about choices.


Jill Attree - Grief and Loss Specialist provides incredible support to many and I adore working with her to open up the conversation around grief and loss in the workplace.

Jill Attree - Grief and Loss Specialist I guide people through grief & loss, caused by a significant emotional life event. To enable them to


In the recent 2023 CIPD report titled “Menopause in the workplace: Employee experiences in 2023”, one of the key recommendations highlighted is “Educate and Train Line Managers”.

In their words, “this is a crucial part of managing menopause
effectively, fostering a supportive culture and making sure employees are
supported practically. Line managers should be educated about and made aware of
menopause symptoms, as well as organisational support. They should be trained in
how to be approachable and to have sensitive one-to-one conversations.”

I can help in this area. I offer a range of services that can educate management in the workplace, but one of my most popular is the ‘Managing Menopause Awareness’. Designed for managers and business owners, this awareness session provides knowledge, understanding and practical guidance to support and manage individuals whose working life is, directly or indirectly, impacted by menopause.

To find out more about this and the other services I offer, please visit my website, and get in touch if you’d like to have a chat.


Genuine, knowledgeable, likeable, honest…just a few of the words recently used in a client testimonial to describe in my role as a menopause expert ✨

Created awareness, useful, informative, covered a sensitive issue well…phrases used to describe my presentation to those same people 🙏

This honestly is some of the best feedback I could expect, and I am so grateful that my work is having this kind of impact on the workplace, and that the positive way in which I am received allows me to deliver menopause awareness sessions with more ease, ultimately making the outcome as successful as it can be.

To find out more about what I do and how I can help your organisation, please visit my website and get in touch.


What an incredible week of presenting to organisations across the 🌎 and the finale being an in person presentation this weekend for Supporting the Unsung Hero

After a 5.5 hour drive on Friday, I finally arrived and spent the weekend with the most incredible individuals. I’ve learnt so much about military life and created lasting bonds with many attendees.

Supporting the Unsung Hero has been supporting Armed Forces Families since 2013 and we were celebrating their 10 year anniversary with over 2,000 individuals having completed the business start up course. An opportunity for partners of those in the armed forces to create their own business passion.

It was not only a pleasure to listen to the amazing speakers and learn of their business start up experiences, but also to have the opportunity to share my presentation and provide education and support to those in attendance.

I don’t have a military background, but every single person at the had two things specifically in common - the rollercoaster 🎢 of self employment life and a passion for their work.

Huge thanks to Sarah Walker for not only asking me to present, but for arranging such a fantastic weekend and to each and every incredible individual I had the pleasure of speaking to and spending time with.


This is a post to reassure you that experiencing menopause can be positive and even empowering!

It won’t necessarily be plain sailing, and you can absolutely sit in the hard parts, but believe me, when you overcome those parts, you understand your symptoms and how to manage them, you can get to feel like a new version of you.

It might take time and hard work, but please believe you can get there. I’m living proof 🔥


Pause and consider what one thing you can do to support you


A free cuppa on me?

To celebrate World Menopause Day on Wednesday 18th October I’d love you to join me at Coffee and Canines Shop Gillingham, Dorset anytime between 2.30pm-4pm.

I’ll be buying a drink for the first few people who come through the door.

I’ll be there to answer any questions, generally chat and share any knowledge that might support.

A simple gesture to give back on what looks like a wet Wednesday!

I look forward to seeing you there and we don’t even need to talk menopause!


When I started my business in 2019 there was quite a lot of push back from businesses with responses like… “We don’t have many women of that age working here” and “Why would we want to talk about such a personal issue at work.”

I respected their responses and I carried on.

In 2023 the push back has reduced. Many businesses are starting to understand the benefits of addressing and supporting menopause in the workplace. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t push back from attendees with comments like “I don’t need to attend, it’s not going to happen to me.”

Again, I respect the responses and I carry on.

I continue to stand behind the respect line, just like the one in this photo and I can do this because I know at some point in our lives we will all need to know about and support this topic.

So much work has been done by so many in the last few years to raise awareness and education of menopause at home and at work, but there is still so much to be done.


Please come and join me during the afternoon of World Menopause Day on Wednesday 18th October from 2.30pm to 4pm at Coffee and Canines Shop Gillingham, Dorset.

An opportunity to just have a cuppa, ask me any menopause related questions (no medical advice given). An opportunity to knowledge share, allow me to provide support and reassurance you are not alone.

An opportunity for empowerment and positivity!

No need to even talk about menopause - let’s just have a cuppa and catch up!

I look forward to seeing you there and on a side note… I won’t be bringing my 🐶 but you can!

Jennifer McDouall

Cycle of Change; Understanding Menopause 12/10/2023

The perfect reflection of this time in the lead up to World Menopause Day 2023 ❤️

Cycle of Change; Understanding Menopause How we talk about menopause has to change. We created Cycle of Change: Understanding Menopause, a short film to empower women and share real-life experiences...


𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐌 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩…

Nicola Green has been instrumental in keeping our management team informed of how to eradicate the taboo subject of menopause in the workplace and providing information, support and knowledge.

Nicola recently attended our office in Swindon to deliver a presentation for our Managers and Team Leaders face to face and online which is a feat in itself!

“This session was brilliant.”

“I think that Nicola’s way of delivering the session is at just the right pace and she speaks with confidence and in a matter-of-fact way that prevents any sense of awkward, ‘taboo’ issues being discussed that anyone should feel embarrassed about.”

“I really enjoyed the session and how to deal with and what others could be dealing with within their families in this situation.”

“Would like to say thank you to Nicola Green, it was very informative and I have a better understanding of the subject.”

TM Group

To book me for a face to face session or a webinar, please get in touch via my website.


𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭...

In the recent report on menopause in the workplace by the CIPD, there were some positive points made about finding a healthy culture in the workplace and how that will help individuals feel more supported.

They asked respondents why that was the case, and their responses were a variety of reasons, including working with female colleagues of a similar age, more awareness through sessions/training/counselling, management support and a menopause policy in place amongst others.

“We recently had a whole-staff training session with an expert who specialises
in the menopause; it was really useful.”

“My employers have a menopause policy in place and are very understanding.”

“My manager has talked to me and asked if there are any changes I need to my
working day.”

Comments like the above demonstrate that if you make this conversation comfortable in your workplace, you’ll naturally create a positive culture shift. Showing support will enable menopausal individuals to manage their symptoms much better at work.

Simply knowing this topic is supported in their workplace will take the weight off an individual’s shoulders and I see this first hand following my workplace support.


Making the uncomfortable, comfortable…

Before people attend my presentations they can feel a little uncomfortable about being part of an audience in their workplace discussing such a personal topic.

It is okay to feel this way, it is simply an acknowledgement of the topic and exactly why it needs to be made comfortable.

My objective is then to move everyone into a comfortable feeling, so they can tackle this subject with a new found attitude, respect and ultimately, ease.

Then the magic happens… empowerment, energy and emotion.

If you’d like me to guide your workplace through this process, please get in touch.


What can I do for your company?

This is a great question, and as the need for menopause awareness grows, so do my services.

There are a number of areas I cover, including the following:

Informative and supportive presentation - this presentation is bespoke for each organisation I work with and designed for employees of all ages and genders. It is for employees who wish to educate themselves for the future or any individuals who wish to gain more knowledge on this topic.

Managing menopause in the workplace awareness – again bespoke for each organisation, this session is designed for managers and business owners, providing knowledge, understanding and practical guidance to support and manage those whose working life is impacted, directly or indirectly, by menopause.

Support workshops – these workshops are for employees who are or have been affected by the menopause and wish to talk to somebody about how the symptoms are affecting their home and/or working life.

Menopause champion training – this is an opportunity to develop your own internal menopause champions and provide them with the necessary training.

Focus groups – I can facilitate workplace focus groups to ensure a greater understanding of the impact of menopause throughout the organisation; this will then go on to develop a menopause guide or policy for your workplace.

I am so passionate about my work because I’ve experienced how impactful it can be on an individual's career and I want to make sure others don’t suffer in the same way as I have in the past.

To book me to speak to your employees, please get in touch.

£37k awarded to office manager who was told: ‘Everybody gets menopause – just get on with it’ 03/10/2023

Sadly, I'm not shocked when another article similar to this one lands in my inbox. Earlier this month it was an article regarding a payout of £65,000.

Raising awareness, providing support and making this conversation comfortable within a workplace receives such positive response - I see it and live it everyday! It does not need to be difficult or feel uncomfortable and I fully support each and every client to ensure the work I provide wholeheartedly fits with their culture and requirements.

Within each and every presentation I provide, I tell real life stories similar to this one. Individuals trying to manage some of the most horrendous symptoms at work and the embarrassment that this can lead to. Many are shocked and others nod their heads. Why... because they have been there.

It's time to remove the embarrassment and in some cases 'shudder' around this topic and embrace the fact that we can try and avoid such future cases by starting to support now.

Please do get in contact to talk to me about how I can help make this conversation comfortable in your workplace.

£37k awarded to office manager who was told: ‘Everybody gets menopause – just get on with it’ Judge says tribunal ‘had no difficulty in accepting’ employee had been harassed and unfairly dismissed, while organisations are warned to be more proactive in supporting menopausal workers

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Videos (show all)

In the recent 2023 CIPD report titled “Menopause in the workplace: Employee experiences in 2023”, one of the key recomme...
Genuine, knowledgeable, likeable, honest…just a few of the words recently used in a client testimonial to describe in my...
If only I could bottle and share the energy from a workplace presentation and share it with you…#menopauseawareness #men...
When I see the men start to appear at my workplace presentations, I am not surprised.  In fact, I am delighted.While the...



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