Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa

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Tabula Rasa believe in a holistic approach to health and nutrition.

Join our community by delving into our free teaser course, brand mew E-Book “Total Groundwork” or our bespoke 1-1 Coaching Calls!


12-Week Course is now live!

Link in bio. 🚀🧠🌍

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 06/02/2023


Loving every second of your life is far from realistic.

Being content with your life and being happy all the time are 2 different things.

Society seeks easy experiences for a happy feeling.

Constantly taking the easy option will steal happiness from your future self.

Hard decisions real the biggest rewards.

The very first place to start is with your nutrition.

I will post my current meals that are consumed for me each days of the week soon, it’s relatively the same everyday of the week.

Sirloin Steak
5 Eggs
Raw Cheese

First post back for a while. Will be posting daily for the next few weeks so stay tuned for more posts coming.



We are currently working on an updated relaunch of tabula rasa.

We have a new and improved website on the way!

New content!

150+ New Exercise Videos and programs!

New Members Portal!

and much more!

We are very excited and will update with a date for relaunch as well as the nee features that will be available!

Jack and Jeni


Both and Jack | Strength + Fitness] have been working hard trying to improve the services offered at TABULA RASA]

We are excited to announce our website will be getting vamped up a little over the next few months. All our new services and courses will be available for all members once the website update has been complete.

Are you interested in what we offer? Message TABULA RASA] directly or one of our coaches or Jack | Strength + Fitness] for more information.


Burning yourself out can be just as much of an issue as not fulfilling your true potential.

While we sleep, eat, train and live as best we can for both our mental and physical health, sometimes it can get intense.

It’s never those habits that are making things to hard to bear but running businesses and constantly working can ruin relationships with your partner, friends and family.

With that being said we are trying to work on getting as much done in the week so that we can spend more quality time together and with friends & family.

Don’t forget yourself!

Your alone time is just as important.

Work smart and work hard.


We offer a range of different programmes to accommodate for everyone. We also offer personalised programmes too!!

Get in touch today via or either of our coaches or


January of this year and attempted carnivore month. We both realised a few things: meat is definitely a crucial part of human nutrition however carbohydrates such as fruit and honey have there place.

We will be attempting something very similar again. This time it will involve meat, egg, unpasteurised dairy, fruit, honey and maple syrup (the proper stuff not the flavoured syrups). We will also be consuming liver every single day and will not be consuming any caffeine.

We are starting this on 1st june 2022 and will be sticking to it until our trip away at the end of July.

Our diets mainly consist of this however at the weekend we sometimes indulge in processed foods.

Neither of us even see this as a challenge and are simply just excited to see how amazing we feel by the end of it!


Eggs are a super food. Do you agree?


“I don’t have time to train”
“I don’t have time to to prep my meals”
“I don’t have time to sleep”
“I don’t have time to read that book”
“I don’t have time to spend time doing the thing I should be doing”

Does this sound like you?

Do you spend hours each evening watching Netflix and scrolling on your phone?

Do you then tell people they’re ‘lucky’ to be able to sleep properly at night.

Why you should limit the topics in the photo:

1) Netflix
- Binge watching T.V when you have a passion or tasks you are dropping behind in, is a waste of your time. Watching right before bed but complaining of poor sleep?

Change your habit.

2) Social Media
-Limit your time. Don’t constantly switch between apps looking for the next dopamine hit. You need a break, you don’t need to like every single post that enters your feed and you definitely don’t need to be obsessing over constantly being up to date.

3) The News
-If something important happens then someone will tell you. The mainstream news is 95% depressing stories with suppressing narratives on events in the world. Focus on your own happiness and stop stressing about everything in the world that you have little to no control over.

4) Pessimism
-Looking at every situation in e negative manner is depressing to yourself and those around you. It doesn’t matter WHAT has happened, it’s about HOW you see the situation that determines whether it’s good or bad. Complaining is addictive, but also brings a lot of negative emotions alongside.

5) Partying
-If every week you spend the first half recovering and the 2nd half planning for your next night out. Your health will suffer and so will your passions.

6) Celebrity Drama, News and Topics are all changing day to day. You don’t need to read every article on a situation between 2 famous people. That’s a massive waste of your time. Nobody really cares unless they’re profiting so neither should you.

If this list offends you or makes you uneasy, then you’re probably using these as ways to escape your own life.

It you watch T,V, scroll on your phone, complain and gossip about celebrities, but at the same time make excuses about “no time” then… 🤷

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 20/04/2022

You shouldn’t need to escape your diet.

Before we receive the “but I need a cheat meal” comments.

Listen up.

if your diet is making you sick tired, moody, unproductive and causing you health issues, you’re not living your best life.

If you’re diet is already doing this to you and you and you think you need cheat meals, what are you cheating on?

What are you escaping?

This doesn’t mean that you can’t eat things that you think brings you temporary happiness but with health consequences.

That’s your choice.

If you want to thrive, perform at your best and restore your health, then cheat meals will be halting this progress.

For some people, one bad meal can put them out of work for a week.

You could be lowering your immune system, decreasing thyroid function and causing gut issues… all for 1 meal?

Another point to mention is, we have tracked clients food intake for a few weeks.

The client then says they went out for a “cheat” meal.

After looking at what their diet consisted of for the weeks prior to this cheat meal, we can clearly see they’ve not been eating anywhere as clean as they believe they have.

Everything that’s addictive is hard to stop, that’s the point.

Fast food places want you to come back again and again.

Breaking free of the chains, not following the norm and changing your habits for good can potentially add years to your life + tenfold your lift enjoyment.

Don’t just try and survive.

It’s time you thrive.

We have new documents being added to the new app for members with new recipes, videos, breakdown of how we eat and more being added each week!

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 20/04/2022

You shouldn’t be escaping your diet.

Before we get the “but I need cheat meals” messages, listen up.

If your diet is making you sick, tired, moody, unproductive and causing you health issues then you are not living your best life.

If you’re diet is already doing this for you and you think you need chest meals then what are you cheating on?

What are you escaping?

This doesn’t mean you can’t eat things that you think brings you temporary enjoyment with health consequences.

That’s your choice.

If you want to thrive, perform at your best and restore your health then chest meals will just halt your progress.

For some people, one bad meal can put them out of work for a week.

You could lower your immune system, decrease thyroid function and cause gut issues.. for 1 meal?

Another thing we have noticed with clients is that they believe they need a cheat meal after a few weeks of “eating well”.

After closer inspection of their diet, it seems the food they’ve eaten hasn’t been half as good for them as they think.

Everything that’s addictive will be hard to stop, that’s the problem.

Breaking free of the chains, not following the norm and changing things for good could revitalise your health and take you to another level.

Don’t just survive, it’s time to thrive.

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 19/04/2022

Do not underestimate the power of being organised and prepared.

Having a plan of attack and being well prepped will make taking action so much easier.

How many times have you simply just said you’ll get something done and then it doesn’t happen?

Did you have a well thought through plan? Did you prepare everything you needed to take action?

Both and have multiple notebooks to help them stay organised and on top of everything.

The second photo are main notebooks. One is for journalling, ideas and to do lists, one is for scheduling, one is for budgeting and one is for personal growth/ spiritual stuff. I ( ) have a few other notes books too but I use those ones less frequently.

Since writing down everything I need to do, when I’ll get it done, how I will take action… has significantly helped me become more productive. It has helped me achieve everything I need to do for work, set boundaries between work, social and alone time, to feel happier and less stressed…

If you want to find out more about how to efficiently plan, head over to and sign up. All members have access and support to all of this.

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 18/04/2022


Our feet are the first contact we have with the ground.

The health of our feet are so important for how we move, absorb forces and balance the weight above.

There are over 100 bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles in the feet that are working together to move us around on any surface without injury or falling over.

They are the hands of the lower body.

Now imagine you squashed your hands into small holes for most of the day, for 20+ years?

This would without a doubt cause hand, finger, elbow, shoulder and back issues…

So why is it normal in the present time to do this to our feet.

Taking a look around shoe shops you can see the types of shoes we are putting on our children. As adults we may have to wear specific shoes for certain purposes but this doesn’t have to be 24/7.

To avoid or reduce issues cause by the modern day shoe there’s a few things you can do to help improve the state of your feet.

1. Get toe spacers

Toe spacers help spread your toes allowing them to move apart, improve the ability to freely move the toes and stop them overlapping and squashing into each other.

2. Get grounded

This is probably the most important of the tips - get outside on the earth (beach of grass) in your bare fret and spend time moving about, walking or even running on this surface.

3. Spend less time in shoes or get barefoot shoes.

Now I am lucky I can work from home most days and I have the ability to walk about barefoot with toe spacers in.

This shouldn’t stop you.

Get a pair of toe spacers, wear them as much as you can (actually move about don’t just sit on the sofa) and try using your feet more.


We are improving Tabula Rasa every week and look forward to the new things that will be coming to the website/training application.

Regaining foot health will definitely be a big focus!



Fundamental Strength

How many of you females can perform an unassisted chin up?

It’s something that a lot of females look towards as a first goal in the gym?

But how many complete this goal?

Being able to do a chin up is a goal most people should aim for if they can’t already.

It’s a great test of basic bodyweight strength.

If you can’t do one then you have your first goal to work towards.

You’ll build muscle in the process and learn a lot about your body.

It may take you weeks or months to complete depending on your current strength, activity level and body weight.

Don’t let that stop you.

If you’re overweight and can’t do a chin up.

This is fine.

You just have another goal to work towards.

Want to learn how got her first chin up?

Our Basic Strength Program breaks this down as you build full body strength.


How you view the world is a reflection of yourself.

If you want to start seeing a positive change in your life, you have to take action to make it happen!

We all start out somewhere. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. We all have different life stresses.

Your journey is yours. If you want it, then you get it💪🏼


Your health is determined by more than simply how you look.

How well your body moves through it’s gait pattern, how nutrient dense the foods you consume are, whether you have learned any skills, if you set and stick to your boundaries, how much sleep you get, whether you do inner work… these are all variables which determine your overall health.

Getting into the gym and moving more will do your body good but it will not solely improve you health to its peak.

It can take a very long time to implement all the habits and get into a healthy routine you want but, if you start now, you will be closer to your goals tomorrow.

Your health is based upon your lifestyle.


Hi 👋🏼 I’m Jack!

I’m the other co-founder of Tabula Rasa.

I’m 23 years old, I’ve been a coach since I was 21 years old.

I currently work out of Enhanced Sports Performance in Dundee 📍

I love coaching, learning about coaching and knowing that I’ll always be looking to improve my l knowledge and understanding of the human body and mind.

Tabula Rasa is like a project that I will always look to improve and take further each year.

It’s in very early stages and we both have big plans, goals and aspirations for where we would like to take things.

My personal interests vary and change often. I do enjoy learning how to eat, train and live your life to be able to move and look at a peak level.

It’s all but learning how to thrive and push yourself, despite life’s constant challenges.

I hope you enjoy the content we have planned to come out in the furies and we pool forward to seeing you as a member in the future!



Bacon, Sausages & Eggs 🍳🥓

Tabula Rasa’s first cooking video is here!

This is the first video of our cooking series.

We will be uploading a small amount of the videos to the Instagram and our nee YouTube channel ‼️

The link to the YouTube channel will be in the bio!

Please subscribe for all the other videos we will be uploading there in the future!

Tabula Rasa members will have access to the full range of videos and of course all the exercise tutorials!

Let us know what you think!


Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 05/04/2022

Meat v Fake Meat 🥩

There’s always going to be a debate around this due to the amount of money poured into the propaganda surrounding fake meat.

A grass-fed, well raised cow will always trump the factory made, chemical filled “meat” you see increasingly taking up space in shops.

Whether you eat meat or don’t.

That’s up to you.

I eat it because it tastes good, is packed full of nutrients and keeps me healthy and happy.

If you’re anti-meet, that’s your choice. But don’t eat fake meat.

Eat pea protein or wherever the most human and environmentally friendly protein source is that you can find.

100% grass feed beef burger includes: beef.

Beyond meat burgers include: Water, pea protein* (16%), canola oil, coconut oil, rice protein, flavouring, stabilizer (methylcellulose), potato starch, apple extract, colour (beetroot red), maltodextrin, pomegranate extract, salt, potassium salt, concentrated lemon juice, maize vinegar, carrot powder, emulsifier (sunflower lecithin).

All the information is out there.

It’s down to us to use logic, reason and common sense to decide what we want to constantly put into our body.

My mission is to find each aspect of our lives and see what’s impacting our health negatively, why it became a habit for many of us and how we can get our health back on track.

and for performance?

As I’ve said before, health is performance. If you went to be thriving, not just surviving, then this is all relevant.


Hey, I’m Jeni! I am one of the cofounders of tabula rasa. I am a personal trainer (check out my page ).

I believe movement is such a crucial part of our health but, there is also so much more.

In order to be at your peak health, both physically and mentally, you have to learn how to gain balance in your life.

Balance between working and down time. Balance between socialising and alone time. Balance between exercising and resting. Balance amongst every aspect of your life.

I’m not saying any of this is easy. I’m still learning how to balance things when it feels like I’m juggling too much. But with practice comes improvement.

You’re never going to get everything right all the time but, that is how we learn. The closer to balance you get, the closer to genuine happiness you get.

Your lifestyle determines your health!


Hey there!

We are the founders of Tabula Rasa.

Our names are Jack and Jeni. We are 23 and 21 years old. We work as personal trainers in Dundee, Scotland working out of centre 📍

Tabula Rasa is our membership based platform focusing on providing people with health based content, training programs and routines, recipes, unlimited support, community and a constant updates lessening and understanding of the importance health provides for your physical and mental well being.

We offer different memberships for your personal needs and goals, these can all be viewed in more detail at or by clicking the link in our bio!

We have plenty of new things coming to the platform such as new programs, recipe tutorial videos, skill breakdown videos, daily habit videos and new shop content!

Finally, we have a very big announcement coming this Friday at 5pm so stay tuned and follow us to be the first to see this post!

Thanks for reading, before you go make sure to follow, like and share our posts, if you want to be notified of when we post to this account then you can press the bell on our profile to be notified!

Thanks 🙏 🧠❤️

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 29/03/2022

When people look at fat loss they tend to look for low calorie foods, cardio options and ways to drop pounds quick.

There’s then a ton of coaches who talk about the amount of clients who come to them with eating disorders and issues in the past with diets and solve this by telling them “here’s 3 macronutrient targets, track your weight, track every calorie and eat all the same foods just hit these numbers.”

That’s not sustainable or healthy.

If we want to reduce the growing population dealing with obesity and health issues then we must focus on daily habits, smarter food choices and understanding that food can control your entire body’s functioning.

Your gut, as I’ve said many times, is your 2nd brain.

If you sat and watched junk television all day, never read anything, didn’t sleep and always talked horribly to yourself, you would slowly breakdown.

Yet feeding ourselves junk food constantly, drinking heaps of liquid calories everyday and increasingly consuming seed oils each week is okay, as long as we do less within certain numbers and keep a track if it?

Thrive, don’t just survive.

You have the ability to see through the nonsense that’s out there and make a rationale choice.

The obesity pandemic is still ongoing, is getting worse and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Coaches, those who see through the propaganda and people who want to make a change have to help those who haven’t understood yet.

Because when it’s too late, it’s too late.


Sh*t happens.

Should only be 7- 10 days off from upper body training.

This is my hand I’ve broken before so I’ve had setbacks.

X-Ray showed no breaks.

Just put plans back a week or two.

We live and we learn.

The comeback will be a fun journey 💪🏼

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 28/03/2022

Community is the final focus in the pillars of health series.

We mentioned in this post as they have a great community of individuals from different walks of life who meet up and cold water dip every Saturday!

From this there has been new friendships, connections and memories created that make each week a bit easier as well as general support week to week.

A community can genuinely make or break some people.

That’s why CrossFit was so successful.

A group of people following the same workout together, all suffering the same on the same room each week is great for both your physical and mental health.

Find or create your community!

Send this to someone you wish to start a community with and get connecting 🙏


Skills pay the bills💪🏼!


Fajitas🔥all the taste without the carbs.

Interested in this recipe? Want more like this one?

Sign up to today and gain access to all of our tasty recipes!

Photos from Tabula Rasa's post 21/03/2022

Stress is the 4th instalment in the pillars of health series.

Stress can be a useful if managed correctly.

Having stress in some areas of life is a positive.

You need stress to build muscle, you need stress to help you push yourself, you need stress to understand when to relax.

Much like pain to the body, it can be treated and improved but if left to worsen it will break down every area of your life.

When you go to the gym, you break down muscles from stress and micro tears. You then go home and eat protein to build the muscles up and essentially repair the stress. Over time this causes growth to the muscle resulting in a larger and stronger muscle.

Stress to the mind is the same. You go into a stressful environment such as cold water. You spend 30 seconds in the water controlling your breathing. Each time you do this your mind learns to adapt to the stress allowing you to control your breathing quicker and remain in the water longer. If you didn’t control your breathing you would panic and the stress would worsen.

Life is much the same as these two examples.

If you don’t manage your stresses in life through your thinking, eating, breathing, learning and essentially all aspects of life, then you will become overwhelmed and the stress will build and build until you breakdown physically, mentally and emotionally.

It’s so important to take a step back and focus on the things you CAN control and forget about the things you CANNOT.

Here’s 5 daily tips to help elevate stress that has worked for us:

1) Daily Cold Showers 💦

2) Eating Nutrient Dense Foods (Steak,Organs,Fruit,Eggs) 🥩

3) Reduce and remove Seed Oils from your diet 🌱

4) Read More 📚Watch TV, Netflix and Social Medai less 📺

5) Exercise Daily 🏋️‍♀️

These don’t have to be the extremes of each and they certainly don’t need to all be done.

Start off with just 1. Improve each time you do it and remember - CONSISTENCY OVER PERFECTION!



A healthy diet.

Is one which supports optimum health.

If your diet is causing inflammation, pain, tiredness, digestive issues, chronic illnesses… it is not healthy.

Do you suffer from stomach pains after consuming certain foods.

Do you struggle to stay focused after having certain foods.

Do you feel lethargic after eating certain foods.

These are all signs that your diet is not supporting your health.

A diet full of nutrient dense foods will allow your body to run smoothly, the way it was designed too.

Stop blaming genetics or any other reason and take a look at the foods you consume first. It is most likely, that this is the real issue.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Bone marrow butter, it’s really that simple!
Get out of your shoes and get barefoot! 🦶
Bacon, Sausages & Eggs 🍳🥓 Tabula Rasa’s first cooking video is here!This is the first video of our cooking series. We wi...
Skills pay the bills💪🏼!
This is a small clip of just 1 of the exercise tutorial videos available to Tabula Rasa Members via their train heroic a...
We are working away at getting new programs treated for members.If there’s anything you want in particular as a member o...



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1 Wellbank Lane

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