Donn Ingram Health Coaching

Qualified Level 3 Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer.

Giving you the keys to unlock your best self, by providing solutions including exercise training and programming, nutritional advice and emotional support.

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 04/12/2023

🌟Client Spotlight🌟
lewis has gone from strength to strength in the last 9 weeks and these images are a testament to that fantastic progress! The side profile in particular shows the nice amount of muscle he’s managed to add in just a short space of time

Lewis is a very busy guy and we have to work his gym training around long working hours and the other sports he’s heavily involved in ⚽️🥊

On top of this a recurring shoulder injury has made it a bit awkward to find a comprehensive gym schedule that fits, but we have landed on 1 that hits the spot and now nothing can stop him!

Now 3kg lighter, Lewis is looking and feeling better, strength is way up, and his performance across his other sports is seeing a benefit as well 🙌🏾

Hard work clearly pays off, and as he said himself, even greater things are to come 💪🏾 WELL DONE!

If you want to be like Lewis and start investing in yourself today for who you want to be tomorrow hmu, don’t hold yourself back 👊🏾




What better time for you and a buddy to get ahead of the curve and set yourself up to fly in to a successful and prosperous 2024 across the board?

With a month to go until Christmas it is the perfect time to get stuck in to building/restoring those great lifestyle habits you know will have you looking and feeling your best both in the short and far in to the future!

If you really want self improvement, don’t put it off any longer - YOU DESERVE BETTER TODAY!

DM ASAP if interested. FCFS. Limited spaces.

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 15/11/2023

🌟Client Spotlight🌟

progress in just 12 weeks of training is absolutely outstanding and is an amazing example for anyone who has never been a gym trainer before, that everyone is capable of success and progress with a bit of good guidance!

Bethany had been a regular at my group circuit classes for quite a few months before we chatted about her goals and agreed getting in to 1-2-1 coaching would be a beneficial next step for her

Bethany was down 7kg through her first 8 weeks and has progressed so impressively through her weight training so far, becoming so strong and technically sound using the full array of equipment the gym has to offer. Progression all the way up to 70kg deadlifts for reps is just an example of the amazing progress she has made 🙌🏾

I’m so glad I could help Bethany realise what she’s capable of in the gym, and she’s only just getting started. Already an inspiration to other clients of mine, I couldn’t ask for any more from her as a coach and I’m so looking forward to seeing her continue to smash through more milestones and achieve bigger and better than she has already

Thank you for making my job so easy and well done B 💪🏼💪🏾

Let’s keep on keeping on 😎

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 21/10/2023
Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 20/09/2023


The numbers speak for themselves for this legend so I’m not going to waffle on as much as I usually do!

I’m just 5 months in to working with and he has lost an absolutely insane, incredible 48 (yes FORTY-EIGHT) pounds. That’s 21.7kg, or 3st6lbs 😮‍💨

Whatever conversion you prefer you know this is an absolute mega achievement for anyone, and one JP has absolutely deserved with the hard work and dedication he has continued to put in 🤌🏾

He’s come such a long way in the mirror, on the scales and on the gym floor as well, with his fitness, technique and strength coming on leaps and bounds as we’ve moved his programme through various phases as he’s developed 💪🏾

The work doesn’t stop now and we’ve got more goals to hit and heights to achieve but how far JP’s come so far should be celebrated he has crushed it!

Keep up the good work chief 🙌🏾

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 07/08/2023

Annual Holiday Body Improvement Review

My first properly programmed bulk was a sick experience and I learned so many new things about my body

3 months spent in a serious calorie surplus - 4 weeks 3,800 calories p/d then 4,100 calories p/d for the remainder. This was the most challenging part of the whole process as I’ve never stuck to an extreme calorie intake like this for an extended period. Now I know for next time round what I need to bring about a good growth rate - basically, a s**t ton of food 😂

My 4 week cut was super smooth sailing and I even enjoyed a couple of off plan nights out as I was really happy with my aesthetic progress along the way - I wasn’t obsessed with getting as lean as possible this year as looking back my face looked like I’d pushed it a bit too far in my opinion. I just wanted to reach a body fat % to give a nice level of definition this year

The last 4 months or so have set me up with some great experience to plan the next big picture development over the coming year(ish)

Time now to enjoy my favourite place on Earth with some of my absolute favourite ever people - looking and feeling class as ever. I love that so many of my friends are working hard af and striving to better themselves right now. It encourages me every day to do the same, and makes fun treats together like this mean a lot more

Work hard, and play hard when you can peeps

Stay blessed ✌🏾

Pics showing:
1 - The closest you’ll get any time soon to me posing
2 - End of bulk vs End of cut
3 - Last year final product vs This year (76.5kg >> 82.0kg)

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 12/07/2023

New logo 👉🏾 Let’s go!

Massive thanks to my guy Ryan for the design it’s a sick update on the original!

I’m loving the journey I’m on with the business so far. Q3 and beyond is getting its ass kicked by me and my legend clients 💪🏾

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 15/05/2023


Absolutely great work from here! 5kg (11 pounds) down in 10 weeks 👏🏾

I’ve worked with Dylan on and off over the last year and a bit and this time round he came to me for a programme refresh after hitting a bit of a slump. We also got him back in to tracking a high protein diet that cut out the treats he’d been a bit too generous with recently, to control calories (always the main driver of fat loss)

This was a fun project for us both. Dylan runs his own business on top of working a full time job Monday-Friday, and likes to enjoy himself as most people do on the weekend - which we all totally deserve when we work hard! So in his case we weren’t setting up a programme that would take over his life, just one that helps him look and feel a lot closer to his best self, in a reasonable timeframe, with some easy adjustments

As his coach (and friend) I know Dylan will absolutely nail everything Monday-Friday with no problem at all, so the nutrition put in place was a bit stricter than usual on these days to allow more fun to be had at the weekend out for food and drinks etc.

I love helping deliver this kind of application of fitness and nutrition for people. Here you can clearly see you don’t have to have a programme that takes over your life and restricts you from doing all the things you like and eating everything you enjoy for it to work - actually Dylan didn’t make any sacrifices like these at all. It was just about being a bit more diligent and aware for him, to go along with having a tougher resistance programme in the gym as he had risen to a higher level here

Well done my guy 😎

Keep up the great work 💪🏾



If you want to be in with a chance to win a whole free month of Personal Training and programming worth £155 to use yourself or gift to a friend or family member for Christmas then look no further!

To be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is like and share this post on your story, follow the page and tag your favourite gym buddy below 🏋🏾

With the prize you’ll receive 4 weekly one on one personal training sessions in , a personally designed training programme and nutrition guidelines to help you reach your goals and round the clock support over text 😎

I’m so excited to be in this great position to expand going in to next year, having grown my business steadily over the last 9 months with a team of great clients now on board! Looking forward to finishing this year strong and kicking on to bigger, better things in 2023. I hope you’ll come join me on this great journey 💪🏾


Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 09/12/2022

⭐️ Client Spotlight ⭐️

Number 2 for Megan and this is crazy!

The girl on the left weighed 68.7kg, and 8 weeks later the girl on the right weighs 69kg! An absolutely crazy body transformation 🤯 and all you need to see to stop caring about the number on the scales and just focus on how you look and feel!

Megan’s continued to go from strength to strength with her lifts and is really getting stuck in to “big boy weights” as she calls them - 65kg squats, 75kg RDLs, 22kg single arm rows and 130kg hip thrusts to name a few (that first pull-up is soooo close too!!)

Megan’s aesthetic and performance improvements are a textbook example of how consistency in specified training, diet and lifestyle habits will give phenomenal outcomes which become greater the longer you stick to them!

I’m so chuffed for Megan that she continues to gain confidence in and out of the gym, looking amazing and feeling her best as a result of great discipline and commitment to living life in a way that’s pushing her to always improve 🤩

Megan’s now started on her first gaining phase and is loving the weights flying up even faster than before and the energy boost she’s feeling in her sessions after being in a deficit for nearly 4 months - a lovely wee bonus going in to the festive period!

Can’t wait to keep helping you kick ass in 2023 and beyond 💪🏼💪🏾

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 03/11/2022

You can’t know what you don’t know. People who know what they’re doing with their training and nutrition were all clueless at 1 point and have learned either through a long, long process of trial and error or through educating themselves by one means or another

For you to be someone who’s getting what they deserve out of their time, effort and money you’re investing then take some time to make sure what you’re doing is right so you can feel and look the way you are trying to and deserve to

If it means doing a bit of research online in to training methods and nutrition, DO IT… If it means asking a coach in your gym for pieces of advice every time you’re in the gym, DO IT… If it means getting a PT because you know you deserve to feel & look your best and know it’s absolutely worth investing in yourself, DO IT!

The solutions are definitely there for you and it will be beyond worth it once you’ve found them

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 02/10/2022


Results, results and more results

Megan has been flying from the first session with me and is getting all the rewards she deserves from her hard work and dedication, not just in the gym, but in her lifestyle and diet every single day

In just 10 weeks she’s dropped from 75kg to 68.7kg (a WHOLE STONE!) which is better than even my best hopes were at the beginning 👏🏾

She’s hitting a new PB nearly every session. Hip thrusts are now up at 110kg from 40kg to begin with, to give just one example of the crazy progress in strength that Megan’s making too 🔥

Megan’s goals were to lose fat, get stronger and (most importantly to me) feel generally better in herself. All these have been delivered in abundance so far which is amazing!

Megan is a perfect example of how committing to consistency with positive changes in exercise, eating and lifestyle can help you be a happier, stronger, more resilient version of yourself that can do more and feel better in all aspects of your life. This is the core philosophy behind all the work I do with clients and myself🙏🏾

We’re only just getting started and I’m super excited to continue helping Megan continue to kick ass with everything she wants to achieve along her fitness journey - there is no target too great!

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 23/09/2022


After the hardest 4 weeks I’ve ever had from a training perspective and a mighty challenge with my calorie deficit I was super proud with everything I’d achieved, from both an effort and aesthetic perspective 😁

And getting to spend a week directly after it in my favourite place, with some of my favourite people looking and feeling the best I ever have was perfection 😎

I’ve never been one for running but giving myself a crazy target to hit that I could get really lost in was a ton of fun and probably is the most rewarding accomplishment I’ve ever had in my training life so far!

Yes this programme was mental and 27 days was plenty for me. It was a lot of mental pressure - far more than physical pressure - and I loved being so immersed in the challenge but it’s not for everyone and isn’t a way you should be living for an extended period. It was class though and I really look forward the next one when I figure out what that could be and the time is right

So the end results are as follows:

Targeted to lose 2kg and lost 4.4kg (2.5kg in the last week) ✅
Targeted to get my 45 minute run distance up to 10km from 8.2km and I made it there in 44:51 on my last run ✅
Targeted to lift 4 x 8 x 100kg on the bench press and fell 7 reps short - building strength in a big calorie deficit is obviously not going to be an effective method when you’re past your newbie gains so I was happy enough to fall a wee bit short here and I can pick back up with this goal and tick it off soon now I’m back and not so strict on my calories 🙏🏾

This 4 weeks was brilliant and I’m so glad I went on the journey. It’s an experience I appreciate so much and will draw on many things I’ve learned going forward in both my own training and what I deliver to my clients

This spell reinforced in me that loving the process is so important and with focus and determination you can do anything if your mind is set on it

Meditative thought that dragged me through on an occasion I was running without my earphones: “Greater mountains we are yet to climb”

Onwards and upwards from here to bigger and better things as always, let’s get it 💪🏾



Just a post to show my gratitude for my amazing clients who all continue to put in great work every week!

I love the little roster I’ve built up so far and as I’m always saying I can’t wait to see where everyone progresses to from here 😎

Thanks everyone who’s been part of the journey with me so far you are all stars ⭐️

A couple newbies have also joined the team since I’ve got back from holiday so and don’t have pics but they’ll make an appearance very soon

After a lovely break from going 1000000mph 24/7 for a couple weeks I’m feeling super refreshed and pumped heading in to Q4!

My training plan’s set, everyone’s on track and we’re ready to kick ass all the way to Christmas from now 💪🏾


P.S. my after post from the holiday cut is coming but I’ve been wanting to shoutout everyone for a while so this going up first was my priority :)

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 01/09/2022


Another star of the team on show today 😁

Only 10 weeks in to her programme, Emily has dropped from 54.1kg to 50.2kg!

I’m delighted that her confidence has improved a huge deal so far in how she looks and feels, as well as in her capabilities in the gym

Emily’s progress in training has been excellent so far moving the weights up quickly for all her lifts and easily passing through bodyweight for her hip thrusts a few weeks ago 🍑

I’m so glad her results have come this quickly so early, as it’s all she deserves! She’s committed to her nutrition, training and healthy lifestyle - while not forgetting to have fun as she goes - and it’s showing 💪🏻💪🏾

Even greater things are to come and I look forward to seeing them 😎

Keep up the amazing work Emily!

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 17/08/2022


Needless to say Andy has put in a lot of fabulous work since he started this new part of his fitness journey with me 8 weeks ago today!

So far he’s dropped from 79kg to 77kg and has moved up the lifting ladder across the board at an insane pace (this morning he was deadlifting 80kg for 3 sets of 8 🤯)

All of this progress with a tough week in the middle missed through illness where a lot of weight was put back on through no fault of his own, and also a few treats on some weekends here and there (which are totally fine!)

Andy’s knowledge of how to use a wide variety of equipment and techniques in the gym is progressing at a good level as well as his understanding of and relationship with nutrition and how to use both in alignment with his goals

The work so far has been excellent and as we can see - with the overall toning and slimming of his midsection (obliques are screaming through already 😎), slimming at the waist and bulking up to have fuller chest, back and shoulders - with consistency in attitude and performance going forward, more great things are to come

The sky is the limit for Andy. He’s been a joy to work with so far and we’re both really excited to see what the future holds as he pushes onwards

Well done to you mate!

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 11/08/2022

Here we go, time to go a bit crazy and push myself in different ways for the first time in a while with my training 😁

All we can ever do is give our best and let the results speak for themselves, and I’ll be doing my best to embody that attitude for the full 28 days of my cut!

I was going to set myself long slow fat burn runs to trim fat for the holiday and just continue my normal weight training but instead thought it would be really fun to challenge myself so kinda arbitrarily picked a 45 minute 10km run as my end performance goal to strive towards (I’ve not done any notable cardio since football finished in May)

I feel like I’m cheating on weight training already 😂 but the sense of victory after completing a hard run is making up for it a wee bit

I’m not too worried about the diet, so far my body’s adjusted fairly well but I know it’s gonna be very difficult to hit my performance goals. The runs this week have already felt like I’ve pushed myself to my limit so getting from a 5:30 down to 4:30 pace in just 12 runs may be beyond me but I’ll try my best and see how well I do! Also obviously reduced calories will hold me back slightly on the bench but I feel in 3 sessions time, if I tighten up my technique that was a bit sloppy on Tuesday, it will be doable

PLEASE NOTE I’m keeping protein intake super high to maintain the muscle I’ve built, this is possible in a cut

Taking some inspiration from on this one too with regards to really pushing myself with my runs. He’ll be starting his week 1 of my cut programme next week in prep for our holiday. We’ll be looking on fleek together in 4 weeks for sure 😎 The plan will coincide with his 4x4x48 challenge in his week 2 where he’ll be raising money for the wonderful mental health charity , if you’d like to donate or find out more drop him a message!

As always if you wanna join along with us, try the challenge out and let me know how you did or shout me and we can support each other along the way!

Photos from Donn Ingram Health Coaching's post 13/07/2022

Yo guys I’ve currently got 2 morning slots and 2 evening slots available during the week and have opened up time on Saturday mornings to take on new clients. If you’ve been hesitant about seeking help before, make today the day you invest in yourself by letting me help you become the best you can be!


Bit of a long one coming below so bare with me 🙏🏾

It’s been such a fun 4 and a bit months so far on my journey as a personal trainer. I’m so pleased with where I’m at right now and I just want to take a second to be grateful for how far I’ve come and show appreciation for the people who’ve helped along the way.

Thanks to all of you, my friends, who’ve referred me to people you know and liked, shared, reposted and all the rest on here. It’s made the world of difference 🙌🏾

Thanks to my amazing wee roster of clients I’ve built up so far. I’m so impressed with the commitment to developing you all have. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you all and love that I’m helping you get fitter and healthier, keep up the excellent work 💪🏾

Also thanks to role models in the industry and the squad for all the advice and help you’ve given, and support you continue to provide.

I’m looking forward to my first full week off since Christmas next week, which I’ll spend relaxing and recharging. Once it’s over I’ll be back to smash the second half of the year, where I look forward to continuing my growth as a personal trainer and giving my best to deliver high quality service

Peace and love ✌🏾


I’ve finally arrived! I can’t wait to start growing my gains family even more now that I am based in Pure Gym 😁 I’ll be accepting clients on a very limited basis due to availability so please if you want to become the best version of yourself with my help get in touch ASAP and we can get the ball rolling!

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