Dundee Airport

Dundee Airport

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Dundee airport is a licensed airfield open for scheduled, private and charter operators and is situated only five minutes from Dundee City Centre.

The airport is equipped to handle various sizes of aircraft to meet the customer needs. There is a small private lounge available for use by private passengers or crews. Please contact the airport for further information. Every day our operations teams handle a multitude of flights from the onsite flight training school to the scheduled services and the private operators using business and leisure


Passengers travelling through HIAL airports are advised that the Department for Transport has reintroduced restrictions on carrying liquids over 100ml in hand baggage. The restrictions have been made to allow for changes to be made to scanning equipment. Read more https://bit.ly/3XgLyrD


Calling all electricians, civil engineers, maintenance and building companies and other tradespeople!

We’re looking for businesses to tender for a range of maintenance contracts to keep our airports running efficiently and safely. From facilities management to building & civils, electrical to plumbing and mechanical work and more, we’re looking for businesses to fulfil a range of work contracts at a range of locations.

Interested? Find out more at https://bit.ly/3KwRzc8


Changes tomorrow – new security processes. We’re making changes to our security procedures – make sure you check out the latest guidance and allow plenty of time at the terminal: https://bit.ly/4arCxyU


Calling all Dundee locals and culture enthusiasts! Dreaming of exploring the art galleries, theatres, and historical landmarks of London? Dundee Airport offers flights to England's capital city, where you can immerse yourself in world-class art, theatre productions, and iconic sights.

Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a cultural excursion, London awaits with its vibrant energy and rich history. Book your flight now and embark on an unforgettable journey from Dundee to London! 🎭🌟


Enjoy easier travelling this summer with the new security regulations in place from 1 June. Make sure that you allow plenty of time to pass through security while we introduce the new procedures. Find out more: https://bit.ly/4arCxyU



Secure your last-minute Summer plans now! ☀️🛫

✅ Get 15% off on over 1 million seats.

Use promo code: SUMMER15

🔗 to book here - https://bit.ly/3VlecX6

Ends 5 June 2024. Travel from 28 June 2024.

*Subject to availability. Exclusions and T&Cs Apply.


Bringing your laptop or tablet with you on holiday this summer? From 1 June, you can leave all devices in your hand baggage for screening. More info: https://bit.ly/4arCxyU


🏞️ Dundee Airport: Where city meets nature. Touch down in the heart of Scotland's vibrant east coast and discover a world of culture, history, and stunning landscapes.


Did you know that from 1 June, you can bring liquids in containers of up to 2 litres in your hand baggage at HIAL airports? Find out more before you fly: https://bit.ly/4arCxyU


Our security processes are changing on 1 June – make sure that you check the latest guidance before you fly: https://bit.ly/4arCxyU


🎨 Dive into Dundee's cultural scene! From art galleries to waterfront walks, Dundee Airport is your starting point for an unforgettable urban adventure.


Planning your next flight? Don't forget to pack safety along with your essentials. From keeping an eye on your belongings to staying aware of your surroundings, here are some travel tips to ensure a safe and smooth journey:

✈️ Arrive early - Arrive at the airport well in advance of your flight to allow time for check-in, security screening and to relax ahead of your journey.

✈️ Follow security procedures - Pay attention to security guidelines and regulations. Prepare your carry-on luggage in accordance with regulations to make the security process quicker.

✈️ Keep important items handy - Keep your travel documents (passport or ID and boarding pass) and essential items (medications, valuables) easily accessible in your carry-on bag.

✈️ Be mindful of electronics - Follow airline regulations regarding the use of electronic devices during different phases of the flight. Ensure devices are switched to aeroplane mode when instructed.


Photos from Loganair's post 13/05/2024

What a great milestone to hit!


Join us at HIAL as the Head of Asset Management. Lead strategic initiatives, ensure compliance, and drive efficiency across our 11 airports. If you have a passion for aviation and relevant experience, apply before midnight Sunday 26 May 2024.

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3t3VHuH


✈️🌞 Rise and shine, travellers! Another beautiful day at Dundee Airport awaits. Whether you're jetting off to a new adventure or coming back home, we're here to make your journey smooth and enjoyable. Safe travels to all! https://bit.ly/3TUgCKv


We are looking for a Ground Security Operative to join our team at Dundee Airport. The right candidate would be able to answer yes to the following questions:

Can you work well as part of a team offering a warm welcome to our passengers and providing them with excellent customer service as they make their journey through our airport? Are you passionate about making your workplace a safe yet enjoyable place to visit?

Find out more https://bit.ly/3udHBYO


Don’t forget the clocks change tonight! We lose an hour of sleep but gain an hour of sun ☀

Daylight Saving Time in the UK will start on Sunday March 31 2024, at 1am.


Today marks the highly anticipated Spring Equinox, and with it comes thoughts and plans of ways to spend time in the sun.


Fly to London and Shetland from Dundee Airport.

What’s on this spring:

🐣London: https://bit.ly/3Tr1ww2
🐣Shetland: https://bit.ly/3VjkrLN


Happy International Women's Day!

There are many different opportunities within the aviation industry and women have an important role to play.

We're proud to employ women in key positions across the group – in Air Traffic Control, in our Airport Fire teams, in Airport Security Teams, in customer service, in management and support roles too.

We want to thank all the women working across the HIAL network, across all disciplines and departments.


HIAL is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Kelsall as CEO. Paul, who has a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience in the aviation sector will join HIAL on 20 May 2024.

Read more: https://www.hial.co.uk/news/article/155/hial-board-announce-ceo


As HR Advisor for HIAL you’ll be joining a friendly and supportive HR team providing advice and support to managers and staff across the full range of employee life-cycle activities. With demonstrable knowledge and awareness of current employment law and best HR practice, you will also have CIPD membership, ideally at graduate level. We’ll provide you with the training and knowledge to develop your skills working in the public sector and alongside trade unions. Find out more https://bit.ly/3udHBYO


Gus barrachd fiosrachaidh fhaighinn mun obair a tha HIAL a’ dèanamh gus taic a thoirt dhan Ghàidhlig agus a cultar thar an lìonra againn, leugh ar Plana Gàidhlig airson 2021 – 2026: https://bit.ly/3wef2uL

Anns an Aithisg Bhliadhnail againn airson Bliadhna a Dhà den phlana againn, tha sinn a’ cur cuideam air an obair a tha sinn air dèanamh gus cuideachadh le adhartachadh a’ chànain agus gus a cleachdadh san obair againn agus sna coimhearsnachdan againn. Am measg nan leasachaidhean a chunnacas bha:

☑️ A bhith a’ cur ri faicsinneachd a’ chànain le bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheilear a’ beachdachadh air a’ Ghàidhlig airson branndadh agus sgrìobhainnean iomchaidh

☑️ Soidhnichean dà-chànanach anns na puirt-adhair againn far a bheil Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn agus sa Phrìomh Oifis againn

☑️ Cùrsa Gàidhlig agus fiosrachadh air ar portal e-ionnsachaidh sònraichte do luchd-obrach

☑️ Tha sinn ag obair air sgriobtaichean fòn dà-chànanach airson ar puirt-adhair far a bheil Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn

☑️ Anns an aithisg agus sa phlana cànain, chì thu dè na rudan air a bheil sinn ag obair aig an àm seo agus na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh san àm ri teachd

Ma tha molaidhean sam bith agad air mar as urrainn dhuinn faicsinneachd agus cleachdadh na Gàidhlig àrdachadh anns na puirt-adhair againn, nach cuir thu fios thugainn: https://bit.ly/3PE3xmo


To find out more about the work that HIAL are doing to support the Gaelic language and culture across our network, read our Gaelic Language Plan 2021 – 2026: https://bit.ly/3I4MKWl

In our Year Two Report, we highlight the work we have done to help promote the language and use in our work and communities. Some of these include:

☑️ Improving visibility of the language by making sure Gaelic is considered for all appropriate branding and documents

☑️ Bi-lingual signage in place at our Gaelic speaking airports and Head Office

☑️ Gaelic Language course and info on our dedicated staff e-learning portal

☑️ Working on bilingual telephone scripts for our Gaelic speaking airports

☑️ In the report and language plan, you can see what items we are currently working on and what is lined up for the future

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the visibility and use of Gaelic in our airports, please let us know: https://bit.ly/3PE3xmo


Gus barrachd fiosrachaidh fhaighinn mun obair a tha HIAL a’ dèanamh gus taic a thoirt dhan Ghàidhlig agus a cultar thar an lìonra againn, leugh ar Plana Gàidhlig airson 2021 – 2026: https://bit.ly/3wef2uL

Anns an Aithisg Bhliadhnail againn airson Bliadhna a Dhà den phlana againn, tha sinn a’ cur cuideam air an obair a tha sinn air dèanamh gus cuideachadh le adhartachadh a’ chànain agus gus a cleachdadh san obair againn agus sna coimhearsnachdan againn. Am measg nan leasachaidhean a chunnacas bha:

☑️ A bhith a’ cur ri faicsinneachd a’ chànain le bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheilear a’ beachdachadh air a’ Ghàidhlig airson branndadh agus sgrìobhainnean iomchaidh

☑️ Soidhnichean dà-chànanach anns na puirt-adhair againn far a bheil Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn agus sa Phrìomh Oifis againn

☑️ Cùrsa Gàidhlig agus fiosrachadh air ar portal e-ionnsachaidh sònraichte do luchd-obrach

☑️ Tha sinn ag obair air sgriobtaichean fòn dà-chànanach airson ar puirt-adhair far a bheil Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn

☑️ Anns an aithisg agus sa phlana cànain, chì thu dè na rudan air a bheil sinn ag obair aig an àm seo agus na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh san àm ri teachd

Ma tha molaidhean sam bith agad air mar as urrainn dhuinn faicsinneachd agus cleachdadh na Gàidhlig àrdachadh anns na puirt-adhair againn, nach cuir thu fios thugainn: https://bit.ly/3PE3xmo


To find out more about the work that HIAL are doing to support the Gaelic language and culture across our network, read our Gaelic Language Plan 2021 – 2026: https://bit.ly/3I4MKWl

In our Year Two Report, we highlight the work we have done to help promote the language and use in our work and communities. Some of these include:

☑️ Improving visibility of the language by making sure Gaelic is considered for all appropriate branding and documents

☑️ Bi-lingual signage in place at our Gaelic speaking airports and Head Office

☑️ Gaelic Language course and info on our dedicated staff e-learning portal

☑️ Working on bilingual telephone scripts for our Gaelic speaking airports

☑️ In the report and language plan, you can see what items we are currently working on and what is lined up for the future

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the visibility and use of Gaelic in our airports, please let us know: https://bit.ly/3PE3xmo


Tomorrow, Thursday 22 February, is Say a Gaelic Phrase Day. This is an encouragement to try and speak Gaelic, or to use the Gaelic you already know.
To join in, all you need to do is choose and learn a Gaelic phrase, then say it!
For inspiration, here are some phrases you might hear at several of our airports:

🎤 Fàilte – welcome
🎤 Ciamar a tha sibh? – how are you?
🎤 Càit a bheil sibh a’ dol? – where are you going?
🎤 An do lìon sibh fhèin am baga? – did you pack the bag yourself?
🎤 Turas math leibh – have a good journey

What will you say?


Tha sinn a’ comharrachadh Seachdain na Gàidhlig air feadh HIAL an t-seachdain seo.

Tha HIAL ag aithneachadh gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig na pàirt bhunaiteach de dhualchas, fèin-aithne nàiseanta agus beatha chultarach na h-Alba. An robh fios agad gu bheil Gàidhlig air a bhith ga bruidhinn fad còrr is 1,500 bliadhna?

Thig còmhla rinn an t-seachdain seo agus sinn a’ coimhead air beagan abairtean Gàidhlig a bhios tric gan ràdh agus gan cluinntinn ann an grunn de na puirt-adhair san lìonra againn.

Bheir sinn sùil cuideachd air ar Plana Gàidhlig, a tha a’ mìneachadh nan amasan bliadhnail againn a thaobh mar as urrainn dhuinn taic a chumail ri bhith ag àrdachadh ìomhaigh a’ chànain air feadh na h-Alba.

Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh mu Sheachdain na Gàidhlig aig: https://bit.ly/3I5Ew0b

Tha an ceangal a’ gabhail a-steach tachartasan a tha gu bhith a’ tachairt san sgìre agad, agus goireasan gus do chuideachadh le bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig.


Across HIAL, we are celebrating World Gaelic Week this week.

HIAL recognises that Gaelic is an integral part of Scotland’s heritage, national identity and cultural life. Did you know that Gaelic has been spoken for over 1,500 years?

Join us this week as we delve into a few Gaelic phrases often spoken and heard at several of our networks’ airports.

We also have a look at our Gaelic Language Plan which outlines our yearly objectives in how we can support raising the language’s profile across Scotland.

Find out more about World Gaelic Week: https://bit.ly/3I5Ew0b

The link includes events happening in your area, and resources to help you learn Gaelic.


Make lasting memories with a family ski holiday. As the days grow slightly longer, it’s a great time for hitting the slopes and enjoying fun-filled après ski too.

Visit top ski resorts in France, Austria, the USA and even Canada. Fly via our connecting international hub, London Heathrow Airport.


HIAL is recruiting for a Senior Project Manager to join our Infrastructure Services team to lead the planning and ex*****on of strategically important projects within live airport environments. You will need experience in a range of capital/revenue construction projects with a clear understanding of project management.

Closing date for applications is 20 February 2024.

For more information or to apply, check out our Careers page https://bit.ly/3udHBYO


HIAL are recruiting for a Project Manager specialising in Mechanical and Electrical (M&E). You'll need experience of working with large, complex M&E projects and relevant qualifications plus excellent communication skills.

Closing date for all applications is 20 February 2024.

Find out more about the role and how to apply on our HIAL Careers page https://bit.ly/3udHBYO


Want to escape from this weather? Get some winter sun via our London Heathrow international hub connection.

Will it be South Africa, Mexico, Barbados, or Thailand? See the world from Dundee Airport.

Want your business to be the top-listed Transport Service in Dundee?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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See the World from Dundee. Fly into London Heathrow Airport and travel onwards to your heart’s content. Get your passpor...
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Dundee Airport
An interesting little visitor today. A Cirrus Jet aircraft. It packs a unique safety system inside itself. If all goes w...
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Happy St Andrews Day folks, here’s our Airport Fire Manager and Watch Manager getting into the Braveheart spirit 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿...
It’s cauld oot there ❄️❄️❄️
Trialling our battery LED approach light system in our visual runway. Reminds me of Top Gun!




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