Dave Hedges Movement Therapy

Movement Therapy, Injury Management & Fitness Consultancy


This weeks newsletter just out:

Should You Keep Neutral Spine? -
Click here https://mailchi.mp/davehedges.net/should-you-keep-neutral-spine
Or scan the QR code


Turkish Get Ups
If ever there was a lift that causes controversy, with some coaches over stating its value, others saying its useless.

There was a recent video of one coach saying its useless for BJJ

So what do I think?

Read here https://mailchi.mp/davehedges/are-turkish-get-ups-useless
Or scan the QR code


This weeks newsletter is all about me and my story
It's a bit personal, almost didn't hit send on this one


Why Tracking HRV Probably Isn't Going To Help You

Click this link- https://mailchi.mp/davehedges/why-tracking-hrv-probably-isnt-going-to-help-you
Or scan the QR code to read


"Normally it'd take weeks to feel better!"
This weeks newsletter on training and injuries, click the link or scan the QR - https://mailchi.mp/davehedges/stu-mcgill-says-dont-deadlift-what-does-dave-say-16874468


Stu McGill says don't Deadlift, what does Dave say?
Click the URL or scan the QR code to read: https://mailchi.mp/davehedges/stu-mcgill-says-dont-deadlift-what-does-dave-say


A Lesson from a Karate Kicking Fireman
Click the link or scan the QR to read


This weeks newsletter discusses how to Develop and Maintain Mobility, scan the QR code or click this link to read - https://mailchi.mp/davehedges/develop-and-maintain-mobility


Should You Swing Indian Clubs, or Mace, or both? -

Should You Swing Indian Clubs, or Mace, or both? "Topic for newsletter:  Mace or Indian Clubs?  The answer is always both, but why?  What does one offer the other does not etc... Unless you've already explored this topic.   Alistair "

WHO releases guidelines on chronic low back pain 08/12/2023

Low Back Pain recommendation from the World Health Organisation

This is great.
Advising against back braces and opioids, and for Exercise, Education and Physical Treatment.


Back pain is a contentious issue in the healthcare world.
My bias is movement, which could be targeted, specific movement as I give in my Movement Therapy service and then a well thought out and appropriate exercise plan that includes and supports this movement.
It doesn't need to be hard core training, it can be movement snacks, it can be 2-4 "gym" sessions per week or anything in between.

But it's really about the individual taking responsibility and acting on that that brings success.

WHO releases guidelines on chronic low back pain The World Health Organization (WHO) is releasing its first-ever guidelines on managing chronic low back pain (LBP) in primary and community care settings, listing interventions for health workers to use and also to not use during routine care.


Newsletter: Sleep & Minimum Standards - https://mailchi.mp/davehedges/0u6rz1yhgb-16860592

Building Thoracic Mobility & Pro Vs Amateur Attitudes 02/10/2023

Building Thoracic Mobility & Pro Vs Amateur Attitudes -

Building Thoracic Mobility & Pro Vs Amateur Attitudes I hope all is well. I’m going to stay subscribed thank you very much for asking. Had the old hip mobility handbook out recently and following every couple of days since.


Online Courses

This is an idea I've been toying for a while, the idea of abort, Online Courses.

The first of which has just gone live on my site.
It is the Resting Squat Course

The goal of the course is to get you as comfortable as I am in the image below.

To get you there you will have to clear out certain restrictions that you hold in your body.
And that's what this course does.
It guides you through the movements your body needs and in doiso the ability to squat better gradually manifests itself.

You end up with a better body that is more comfortable squatting.
Better hips
Better thoracic extension
Better ankles

It's simple, it's actually pretty easy.
It will take time.

If you're interested, follow this link:



This is an excellent description of why the kettlebell swing (and by extension the kettlebell sport lifts) are as useful as they are (via Dillon Beyer )


More from Dr. Pat Davidson on KB swings:

"The kettlebell swing is almost like the golf swing of resistance training exercises. It needs to be infused with strength and power, but also requires the athlete to be relaxed while performing it. One needs to let the bell swing itself to some degree. In other words, one needs to let the bell reach its proper position in the back swing, before generating high propulsion power just at the right moment during the upswing, and allowing the bell to reach its proper position in the follow-through.

These swing motions aren’t used to build a ton of muscle mass, or to reach the highest level of neurological synchronization and rate coding, or for maximal rate of force development training. Swings aren’t the best choice for getting people to be able to jump higher, run faster, or to get jacked. So why would anyone do these types of exercises?

Swings develop power endurance. Though this phrase might sound like an oxymoron, it’s not, and many sports require it for successful performance. Boxing, for instance, is a power endurance sport. The majority of punches that boxers throw are neither at full power, nor at an “aerobic” level. This is because each punch is a balancing act between exhibiting power and conserving energy. Boxers need to learn how to create the most amount of power that they possibly can while staying relaxed. Such punches are typically more accurate and sustainable, while still dramatic enough to knock out opponents.

Power endurance is more ubiquitous in sports than we may think. Though far less glamorous than the highlights, a crucial part of the game in most sports is wearing down the opponent(s), which means knowing how to stave off fatigue. Most popular sports to play and watch are fast, but not maximal speed. And, though we’re not talking marathon running levels, most require fatigue resistance. To put it another way, the majority of sports involve brief circa-max explosive efforts, followed by a recovery period, followed by more semi-explosive efforts, which cycle repeats over the course of sixty to ninety minutes of total game play.

Aerobic and phosphogenic physiological development is critical for most athletes, which, once mastered, just leaves proficiency at sport-specific movement tactics. The common thread that connects most athletic endeavors is that of learning how to be fluid while creating explosive actions, and learning restraint is critical for preventing excessive fatigue by this fluidity/explosiveness pattern. This restraint for periodically explosiveness movements amidst fluid ones is what kettlebell swing exercises are designed to teach.

Kettlebell swings reside in the no man’s land of physiological concepts. Somewhat nebulous and hard to categorize, they’re also tricky to measure in an empirical setting. But, be that as it may, anyone who’s participated in combat sports, tennis or many others will tell you about the near-maximally explosive efforts required at every exchange, and the vital role of stamina throughout the game. This stamina has to be learned. A phrase I’m fond of using to describe certain activities is “Two stones, no birds exercises’’. If my thinking was perfectly concrete, I might apply this phrase to swings. But, in reality, I believe that there is a lot of gray area in the world of training, that’s hard to fully appraise and appreciate. I believe that swing-type exercises populate the very cloudy, yet very real and useful, territory of power endurance."


Comparative efficacy of exercise therapy and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol for knee or hip osteoarthritis: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials 20/01/2023

Exercise shown to as effective as NSAIDS or Paracetomol

Motion really is lotion, movement and exercise is about as close to being a fountain of youth as we're likely to ever see.

Comparative efficacy of exercise therapy and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol for knee or hip osteoarthritis: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Objective Clinical guidelines recommend exercise as a core treatment for knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA). However, how its analgesic effect compares to analgesics, for example, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol—the most commonly used analgesics for OA, remains unk...


"Neutral spine does not exist in Grappling"

Nor throwing
Or sprinting

Or most human movement

Neutral spine is a "Squat Rack Rule"
You could say it is THE squat rack rule

Let's stop being afraid of spinal flexion.

Neutral Spine does not exist in Grappling
Often in traditional rehab all spine training is “core” training in neutral. Neutral spine has a role but in the world of grappling you will not find a perfect spine position. In my clinical opinion this is where returning a grappling athlete to the mats after a spine injury traditional rehab fails. Return to sport is about preparing the athlete for the demand of sport.
The most stable position for the spine is a neutral spine with braced / prepared abdominals. This is why when it comes to heavy resistance training that position is still the gold standard.
The least stable position for the spine: fully flexed spine without bracing. This is where the spine is less resilient.
The spine is a flexible rod that was designed to move (which is why it has movement potential in all planes of motion). When attempting to overcome a load (ie lifting) for training purposes having the spine in an optimal position is ideal. Yes it is still better to deadlift with a stable neutral spine then to attempted from a flexed position. However I would also recommend athletes prepare their spine for non-optimal positioning as well.
If the athlete is forced to go into a position they are unprepared for is when injury is more likely to occur. When they are forced to go into a flexed position like this then their spine will be more resilient to the force they are overcoming.
You can’t move where you can’t move.
You can’t build strength in positions you can’t move.
If you can’t build strength then you will have less ability to absorb force which means your spine will be less resilient in those ranges of motion.
Feel free to DM me if your spine cannot tolerate jiu jitsu

Physical Therapist Shows How to Walk Correctly 15/01/2023

How out of touch and misinformed do you have to be in order to become "the most famous physiotherapist ls on the internet "

This video is 2 years old.
The information within it is about 200 years old.

No bloody wonder people don't trust physio.

If you're having issues walking, come see me. I'm not a physiotherapist, I'm a coach.
A movement coach, a fitness/S&C coach.

This means I don't fix you. I help you learn how you can fix you.

Coaching > Therapy

Now, how do I change the name of this page to get rid of the "Therapy" term?

Physical Therapist Shows How to Walk Correctly Physical Therapist Shows How to Walk CorrectlyYoutube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/physicaltherapyvideoWebsite: https://bobandbrad.com/Bob and Brad ...

Resolving Anger 15/01/2023

Superb post on Anger from the ever excellent Gary Turner :


Anger issues?


Here’s a response I gave on a thread on a traumatic brain injury forum, and I hope people find it of use.

If you want to learn more, here’s an online course I’ve designed, to help people understand and resolve anger, whether for themselves, a loved one, understand it in the workplace, or are a therapist helping others. Link below.

If you want me to work to help you change your behaviour, please get in touch.

“OK, snappy/aggressive...and you say temper.

Likely related to the TBI, though doesn't sit alone. If we have a biological, physiological, or psychological need, emotions are increased. (Think 'hangry' when you’re hungry). The results of the TBI may have affected these. The TBI itself may have affected the RAGE neurological circuit, on which anger operates. Also common with TBI is a reduction in impulse control. Add them all together, we have live s**t, operating system s**t, hardware s**t...more likely to express and experience s**t...

Anger is not an emotion - it is a personal rule break. I kick you in the shins, it'll probably break your rules. I like those who know their rules, you know where you stand

The emotion is the experience and behavioural expression of anger - on a sliding scale from 'mildly miffed through to downright furious' (irritated, frustrated (anger held within), temper (externally directed anger), rage (uncontrolled but directed towards target) and fury (uncontrolled and directed everywhere!))

The purpose of anger expression is to protect, correct, and right your rules.
So you can be happy! Yay!

The trick is to stay calm and in control. Find the easy route. We're men - efficient. (Ladies just call us lazy and simple) remember that everyone has their own perspective, and everyone is 'right'. Find their perspective...

Some small rule break - make like Elsa, let it go...as The Rock says, "IT DOESN'T MAAAATTTERR!!" with trademark eyebrow raise...make like the Penguins of Madagascar "smile n' wave lads"...

General rule break, just respond rationally, objectively, simply to resolve the rule break.
Major rule break involving life or death fight for survival type stuff, "be nice, until its time not to be nice" like Dalton in Roadhouse

Practice what you'd have done in those past times, to have got things right.

Practice what you'd do in all future rule breaks, to get things right.

Imagine your kids are watching, and will copy - let that guide your morals snd ethics...

Whatever the state of the hardware, change the thoughts, lessen the behaviour. Change the thoughts by practicing - regularly - the above.

It can indeed be that simple. Don't over complicate matters- just imagine that s**t differently

Hopefully this made you smile. Yet it is also accurate advice, please follow it! I really hope it helps!”



Resolving Anger A comprehensive course on resolving anger


Talking about warm-up for Suples UK & Ireland

Timeline photos 14/01/2023

An excellent infographic from BJSM on when exercise can become unhealthy.

Like all things, too much or even the right amount but done for the wrong reasons is potentially harmful

But take it for what it is.
It's either a replacement for activity we wouldn't do otherwise or it's a tool of performance increase.

Done well, you are not just benefiting now with increases in strength, mobility and endurance, but you are paying into a physical retirement fund. Increased bone density and muscle mass, a faster responding CNS and a strong cardiovascular system should keep you punching long into old age.

Over do it, and you may be preventing yourself being able to punch

⚠️ When exercise is not medicine ⚠️

This NEW looks at unhealthy exercise and how it can be identified in athletes 🏋️‍♂️

➡️ https://bit.ly/3Wd0EtW


Breathwork, better than mindfulness?
No longer the realm of the hippy tree hugging brigand the snake oil salesmen?

Damn right!

Learn about breath and you learn about you. Here's the references from my former WG-Fit lads:

Matt's advice:
"Take a step back, breathe in via the nose, exhale for double the time you breathe in. You'll survive life"

I think we can all take from that!

And the two links:

Brian's scientific article:

Mike's Guardian newspaper article is actually a podcast episode:

If you have questions, leave a comment or drop a message


I'm an Owl, always have been.

Despite trying to become a Lark for a several years, ot just doesn't work.

Thankfully J am flexible enough to be able to get up and go at pretty much any time of the day or night.

What are you?

Everyone talks about how much sleep you should get, but no-one talks about when you should go to sleep!

There is substantial evidence that genetically there are two broad categories of sleeper!

‘Larks’ who prefer to go to bed and rise early

And then there are the ‘owls’ who prefer to go to bed and wake up later… which I most definitely belong too!

Its estimated that around 10% of the population are early larks, eg those who go to sleep at 9pm and wake at 4am, and about 20% who are real night owls, eg going to sleep at 1am and waking at 9am, with the rest fitting somewhere in between

This diversity in sleeping may have evolved in humans to ensure someone was awake during the darker hours of the morning and night to watch out for predators!

But there is often a stigma attached to us night owls, who are often considered to be lazy, undisciplined, or slovenly when in fact our genetics just predispose us to going to sleep and waking up later

And lets not forget that when those larks are fading and falling asleep us night owls are just beginning to come alive and I for one am at my most productive in the evening!

And as much as I’ve tried to change and become a lark it has just never worked

If I go to bed early I usually just lie their awake bored and frustrated AF, and if I wake early… we’ll let’s just say you’re best avoiding me until I’ve had at least 1/2 gallon of coffee

And again research has shown that it’s very difficult to change your sleeping patterns due to your genetic predisposition to lark-ness or owl-ness

So embrace it and don’t stigmatise those that are different from you!

And if you are an owl like me please ignore the gurus and advocates promoting the virtues of early morning routines and exercise and just roll over and get those delicious hours of early morning sleep guilt free!

Heres to all my night owls out there 🦉


I'm bringing back the One Minute Tutorials that I used to do the time before reels......

A one minute video means brevity, no time for fluff or filler.
It's fast talking and direct.
It's a test of verbal and non verbal communication.

And I love that challenge.

Today, stretching the lats.

Tight lats are commonplace, especially in the lifting and overhead community.
This stretch, done with the movement as shown will not only help you find length, but potentially increase the activity/usability of the back musculature.

Try it before training, after training or both.

Let me know how it goes

If you constant tightness, this may help, but then it may not.
Your best option in always to come in for an assessment, drop me a line and we'll book it in.


Lu raise

Named after the Chinese Weightlifter who popularisthe move.
Lovely drill to warm the shoulders up with.
Or to use as a training exercise late in the session after the main work.

This falls into the category of lifts that serve as rehab/prehab while still being fun and interesting.

Try them.


Reaching for better shoulders

This is a simple concept you can take away and play around with.
And I do mean play.

Your body will love the variety that comes from playing, so don't be afraid. Stick to the simple idea that pain is a warning, if it hurts, maybe do something different.
If it doesn't hurt, then crack on.

Play around, and let me know what you find out

Asthma breakthrough uncovers key mechanism behind airway thickening 13/12/2022

New info for Asthma

Asthma breakthrough uncovers key mechanism behind airway thickening New research from the La Jolla Institute for Immunology has brought a novel, long-term treatment for severe asthma a step closer. Building on a decade of work, the new findings present a potential way to block the thickening of airway muscle tissue seen in chronic asthma patients.


"It didn't make it into my practice, but it made it into my life"

More thoughts on .breathe.live podcast episode 1 with Robert Ehrenbrand.

That one sentence has opened a can of worms in my head.
That one sentence sums up the message I've been trying to deliver my whole training and coaching life.


"It didn't make it into my practice but it did make it into my life"

Great sentiment there from Robert Ehrenbrand on the .breathe.live
I've probably paraphrased a little as I was out walking to an appointment while listening.

But, long story short, if your training/learning/experiencing/practicing doesn't translate into your everyday, are you simply spinning your wheels?

If you meditate but still road rage, have you really benefitted?
If you lift but you're not your buddies first call when they move house, why not?

If you've "rehabbed" your knee after surgery but still can't run, is it really rehabbed?

We train FOR life.


Any questions?


What a tune to come on at the end of the training session!

with the epic Kiowas


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Videos (show all)

Half Kneeling Presses are a great lift, they feature strongly in many of the programs I give athletes, and they'll appea...
1 hour of nasal breathing Skipping 2min on, 1 min off x 5 (with intermittent bouts of air guitar)8 x 1 min on 1 min off ...
Getting it done while Son no 1 and the boys have their Hurling training Bag supplied by @bagsandgrit  #onlinetraining #s...
Manage Hay Fever Symptoms with a Simple Breathing Protocol
Morning sunlight exposure ✔Nasal breathing ✔Shoulder health & mobility ✔Indian Club Swinging is still one of my top choi...
Shoulders Tight muscles cannot demonstrate their strength.They may pull the joints into suboptimal position for loadingA...
The hamstrings A set of three phenomenal muscles on the back of the leg.Their main role is to decelerate the forward swi...


Box 7, The Cube, Dungannon Enterprise Centre

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 7pm
Tuesday 6am - 7pm
Wednesday 6am - 7pm

Other Dungannon gyms & sports facilities (show all)
Dungannon Swifts FC Dungannon Swifts FC
Far Circular Road
Dungannon, BT716

Dungannon Swifts FC is a Semi Professional FC playing in the Sports Direct Premiership, in N Ireland

Todds Leap Activity Centre Todds Leap Activity Centre
30 Todds Leap Road
Dungannon, BT702BW

www.toddsleap.com. EAT SLEEP & PLAY Todds Leap offers AMAZING FUN EVENTS for ALL!

Ardboe O'Donovan Rossa Ardboe O'Donovan Rossa
Kilmascally Road
Dungannon, BT715BJ

CLG Uí Dhonnabháin Rosa, Ard Bó - The official page

Vault Krav Maga Self Defence - Dungannon Vault Krav Maga Self Defence - Dungannon
Circular Road
Dungannon, BT716BH

Vault Krav Maga classes every Wednesday 7:30pm - 9pm Address: Dungannon Leisure Centre Circular Rd, Dungannon BT71 6BH

WIP Health and Fitness WIP Health and Fitness
194 Unit A, Killyman Road, Co
Dungannon, BT701

Yoga with Nuala Yoga with Nuala
9 Corrycroar Road
Dungannon, BT703DY

Sharing my passion for Yoga

Sam Greenaway Personal Trainer Sam Greenaway Personal Trainer
The Fitness Shed
Dungannon, BT716NB

AFC Dungannon AFC Dungannon
Drumcoo Playing Fields

We are a football team playing in Lonsdale League Division 1.

Dungannon Junior Netball Club Dungannon Junior Netball Club
21 Gortmerron Link Road
Dungannon, BT716LS

Netball training for juniors from P4 - U15s

Black Dragon Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Dungannon Black Dragon Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Dungannon
Dungannon Leisure Centre, Circular Road
Dungannon, BT716BH

BJJ club located in Dungannon Leisure Centre.. Head Coach - Ray Coleman - (De La Riva) Black Belt

Ubuntu Fitness Ubuntu Fitness

I’m here to help you get the best out of yourself with food and exercise, home or gym based plans.