Carland Presbyterian Church, Dungannon Videos

Videos by Carland Presbyterian Church in Dungannon. A congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Building on a heritage of faithful Christian w

πŸ“– The Biggest Story πŸ“–


This autumn we are going to be starting a new sermon series - The Biggest Story. Even though the Bible is made up of 66 books, from different genres, with different authors, it’s all one big story. In fact, it is the biggest and most important story you’ll ever hear.

Join us at Carland as we explore it together!

Video property of Crossway publishers

Other Carland Presbyterian Church videos

πŸ“– The Biggest Story πŸ“–
πŸ‚ THIS AUTUMN πŸ‚ This autumn we are going to be starting a new sermon series - The Biggest Story. Even though the Bible is made up of 66 books, from different genres, with different authors, it’s all one big story. In fact, it is the biggest and most important story you’ll ever hear. Join us at Carland as we explore it together! Video property of Crossway publishers

Here's the 'photo-album' that was shown as part of our Harvest service on Sunday morning. Thanks to everyone who submitted photos and videos, and thanks also to Grace and Robyn for providing the lovely soundtrack!

Update regarding the reopening of our churches

1/2 Something to brighten your day! One of Mrs Montgomery's Sunday School class reminding us of God's promise to never destroy the earth by a flood (Genesis 9:13-16).

A message for the congregation from our minister, Rev Brownlow.

'Tides' daily devotional resource
β€˜Tides’ is digital tool that will help you develop your daily devotional time. Subscribing to 'Tides' is easy. Just go to and fill in your name and email address, and very soon you'll receive a daily passage to read, a few thoughts to reflect on, and suggestions on how to respond. There's also a Twitter feed that you can subscribe to @tidesdaily