Tomari Budokai Durham
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Welcome to Tomari Budokai. If you're interested in the use of Japanese swords, please come and visit us in our Durham City dojo.
After many years of training in Japanese sword forms, swordsmith Genrokuro Matsunaga decided to develop a style based on the philosophies and values traditionally associated with Japan's samurai class. Together with a group of people who had been training at his home dojo in Arao, Matsunaga sensei formalised the style of Shodai Ryu in April 1999. The Tomari Budokai Dojo based in Durham, UK was est
熊本・荒尾の刀工房訪日客次々 受け入れ40年 刀匠・松永源六郎さん 「伝統への理解広げたい」 | 西日本新聞me 日本刀の美に海外からも熱視線-。熊本県荒尾市川登の刀匠、松永源六郎さん(75)の鍛冶工房に、インバウンド(訪日客)の見学者が次々に訪れ...日本刀の美に海外からも熱視線-。熊本県荒尾市川登の刀匠、松永源六郎....
An enjoyable evening tonight, covering a little karate, some naginata, lots of sword word and a little maintenance.
荒尾市の刀鍛冶工房、訪日客の見学復調 刀匠の松永さん「コロナ前に戻った」|熊本日日新聞社 新型コロナウイルス禍を経て、荒尾市の「松永日本刀剣鍛錬所」を訪れる外国人旅行客が増えている。ようやく暑さが収まった10月に入り、ヨーロッパからの見学者が相次いでおり、刀匠の松永源六郎さん(75)は「コロ.....
A little karate to start followed by preparations for this year's festival at Teikyo UNIVERSITY~Durham~ .
I've known Roland Wingert since 2003, when we were studying at Kumamoto University together and training at Genseikai under Matsunaga soke. He's a stand-up guy and could do with some help keeping his small business afloat. If you're able please visit his Go Fund Me page and help support a struggling gym in these difficult times.
Neues Fitnessstudio freut sich über Unterstützer, organized by Roland Wingert Hallo, ich bin Loki und bin das Maskottchen eines relativ neuen Fitne… Roland Wingert needs your support for Neues Fitnessstudio freut sich über Unterstützer
Neues Fitnessstudio freut sich über Unterstützer, organized by Roland Wingert Hallo, ich bin Loki und bin das Maskottchen eines relativ neuen Fitne… Roland Wingert needs your support for Neues Fitnessstudio freut sich über Unterstützer
Rob, one our senior members, managed to spend a few days with Matsunaga soke and members of Genseikai during a recent trip to Japan. Our headmaster, as always, was kind and generous with his time, knowledge and hospitality.
Due to a double-booking, we had an unexpected but very pleasant outdoor training session tonight.
A casual session tonight (no hakama).
We're training this Friday.
Beginners are very welcome...and the first session's free!
We've had a delayed start to 2023 but training starts again this Friday. New starters welcome!
Here's an article (in Japanese) about Matsunaga soke's New Year ceremony.
1年の作業安全祈り、打ち初め 荒尾市の刀匠・松永源六郎さん|熊本日日新聞社 熊本県荒尾市の刀匠松永源六郎さん(74)が3日、1年の作業の安全を祈って弟子らとともに正月恒例の打ち初めをした。
Happy New Year
Here's another video about Matsunaga soke.
日本刀ができるまで、1000本以上の日本刀を作り続けてきた75歳の刀匠 👁 松永日本刀剣鍛錬所- 0968-68-2250💌 お問い合せ : [email protected]📸 Copyright(C) 2022. Processx. all...
When one stand just isn't enough!
Some photos from today's enbu at Consett Martial Arts Academy.
Setting up for our enbu at Consett Martial Arts Academy under the watchful eye of 大山 倍達先生.
A couple of videos from our enbu at Teikyo University at thee weekend.
Setting up for Teikyo University's Festival - our first enbu in 3 years. We're on at 1:00 so come along and see us.
When there's no tatami...
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Opening Hours
7pm - 10pm |
Maiden Castle, Stockton Road
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Vane Tempest Community Centre, Maynards Row, Gilesgate (OTHER CLUBS IN DURHAM INBOX FOR INFORMATION)
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We welcome adults, families and children 5+. Clubs in Framwellgate, Croxdale, Gilesgate & Merryoaks
Master Andrew Chaney is teaching traditional martial arts and self defence
Durham, DH11TH
Duk Moo is a Korean Martial Arts school that teaches self defense through various disciplines such a
Abbey Road
Durham, DH15DQ
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