Burghead wildlife trips, Elgin Videos

Videos by Burghead wildlife trips in Elgin. whale,dolphin wildlife trips

Other Burghead wildlife trips videos

Here's a short video we took onboard today of the basking shark Come and see these magnificent creatures, They only her for so long, Spaces available tomorrow at 12pm

Plenty of basking sharks around today, around 10-15 , We do have some spaces available on our 2.5hr wildlife trip tomorrow at 12pm. If you would like to join us Visit my website where you can purchase tickets Morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

Whilst out fishing last night we had a.minke whale swiming around our boat, My daughters first minke sighting, She was very excited, We have some spaces available tomorrow, Saturday 3rd August at 6.30pm until 9pm if you would like to join us, Visit my website where you can purchase tickets, Morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

Hi folks, Here's a short clip from Monday afternoon wildlife trip, We have 3 spaces available for tomorrow morning at 9am, If you would like to join us, Visit my website where you can purchase tickets @followers Morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

On today's wildlife trip, everyone had the pleasure of seeing a feeding minke whale, Lots and lots of different birds, We do have some spaces available on tomorrow's morning trip, Trips also available daily, If you would like to join us Visit my website where you can purchase tickets Morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

As we left the harbour today, we came across dolphins almost instantly, A few groups of feeding dolphins, Some came over to our boat, Tail slapping, leaping out of the water, Fantastic show for everyone onboard. If you would like to join us for a trip, Visit my website where you can purchase tickets morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

This morning myself and 12 passengers headed out on a 2.5hr trip, The plan was to head up towards lossiemouth, But that soon changed, Not long after we left burghead harbour , We came across some bnd dolphins, All spread out, some cruising, And some on a mission, They weren't hanging around, Looked like they were heading towards Nairn direction. And we avoided rain all day, If you would like to join us, Visit my website where you can purchase tickets. morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

Another great dolphin encounter today, Myself and 7 passengers, headed out towards lossiemouth, As we passed lossiemouth, dolphins were spotted in the distance, heading our way. So we switched of the engines and waited for them, As they approached, it was obvious that they were feeding, chasing fish, tossing the fish in the air. Then shortly after a few more dolphins appeared, These dolphins were moving faster, leaping in the air, as we moved off, they came over to the boat and swam alongside, for a while. Then it was time to leave the dolphins . And head back to burghead, Trips available daily, also I will be adding some evening trips, in the next few weeks, Keep your eye on my website calendar,for availability. If you would like to join us for a trip Visit my website where you can purchase tickets. morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

What a fantastic way to start a Saturday, As we headed out on our 2.5hr trip, we only made it a few miles down the coast towards covesea, when we had an awesome encounter with some dolphins, which were in a very playful mood, They followed us all the way back to burghead, Everyone on the boat was mesmerised by the dolphins antics, bow riding and jumping out of the water. Just fantastic 🤩 If you would like to join us on a tip Visit my website and check out the availability calendar Where you can purchase tickets. morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

Here's another short video from yesterday's encounter with some dolphins 😍

The weather is looking good for tomorrow, We have spaces available on our wildlife trips, Today I was out fishing, some 5 miles out from burghead, and I came across some dolphins, Between 20-30 all spread out, These came over to my boat and stayed with me for some time, Bow riding my boat, There was some other type of dolphins which didn't come to the boat, they were definitely a different type to these bottle nose dophins If you would like to join us visit my website where you can purchase tickets morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

Whilst out fishing today, we had around 5-6 minke whales feeding around the boat, most of the day, Hopefully they'll be more and more everyday, As this time last year, we were seeing lots daily. We have a trip planned tomorrow morning, Monday 6th may at 9am. If you would like to join us visit my website where you can purchase tickets morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

2023 was definitely my best season for wildlife in the morayfith, orcas are definitely my favourite, Here's another short video taken back in June. Already looking forward to 2024 , hopefully it will be even better than this season.

With the weather not very nice ,too windy for trips, Been going through my pictures and videos, Thought I would share this one with you, This video was taken a few months ago Hopefully we will be back out soon,

On today's wildlife trip, everyone was lucky enough to see basking sharks, lots of different sea birds, and seals, If you would like to join us for a trip please visit my website where you can purchase tickets. morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

Two amazing trips today On the wildlife trip everyone was lucky to see 24 basking sharks, and 8 dolphins On the fishing trip everyone caught some mackerel,then we all decided to go see the basking sharks, more than 10 still feeding in burghead bay, If you would like to join us for a trip visit my website where you can purchase tickets morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk

Short video of a basking shark, good size around 30ft in length.

Whilst out fishing today,we had another sighting of common dolphins, around 30+ That' must of been the same pod we see a couple of days ago on a wildlife trip, Still no sign of basking sharks,but they have been seen, hopefully we will see them soon We have some spaces available for a wildlife trip Wednesday at 3pm, If you would like to join us, Visit my website where you can purchase tickets morayfirthfishingcharters.co.uk