Enfield Osteopathic Clinic



As summer ends and work routines return, do you find yourself struggling to regain balance?

The transition from relaxation to hustle can be overwhelming, can't it? What if you could make this shift smoother with a little support?

Easing into your routine gradually and prioritising your wellbeing can make a world of difference.

Scheduling regular osteopathic treatments can help alleviate stress, reduce tension, and improve your overall sense of wellbeing. These sessions can become a vital part of your self-care routine, helping you feel more grounded and balanced.

How do you prioritise your wellbeing amidst the demands of daily life?


Do you dread travelling for long periods of time over the summer because you start feeling muscle tension or stiffness?

It’s a horrible feeling, isn’t it? Especially when you should be feeling at ease and excited about your adventures!

Sitting for extended periods can cause muscle stiffness and tension, particularly in the neck, shoulders, back, and legs.

Did you know, osteopathy offers effective solutions to help you travel comfortably and fully enjoy your journey?

Osteopathy aligns your body, releases muscle tension, and promotes optimal circulation, reducing the risk of discomfort during your journey.

If you’re worried about experiencing physical or emotional discomfort or unease as your well-deserved holiday approaches, please do reach out to The Enfield Osteo team. We offer a free consultation to assess your current health and take the time to really get to know you and your needs. Your health and wellbeing are our top priorities, we will help you have a summer filled with vitality and adventure!


Ever felt like your head is going to burst open mid-flight? It’s one of the worst feelings ever, isn’t it?

Why does this happen? Changes in air pressure, inadequate hydration, and travel-related stress can trigger headaches and migraines.

How can osteopathic treatment help you?

If you're prone to travel-induced headaches, osteopathy offers gentle techniques to release tension in the neck, shoulders, and head. Your osteopath can also provide advice on hydration and stress management.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation. Let’s make sure you’re 100% ready to enjoy this summer to the fullest!


How do you keep your tummy happy when you’re away on holiday? Do travel snacks throw your digestion off balance?

Irregular eating patterns, dietary changes, and stress can disrupt digestion, causing bloating, indigestion, and constipation, which is the last thing any of us want or need when we’re exploring new places, right?

Booking in a few osteopathic treatments before you go away on your adventures could really help you. Your osteopath can address your digestive issues by working on the muscles and tissues around your digestive system. They can offer dietary recommendations, gentle manual therapy, and stress management strategies to support digestion.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation. Let’s make sure you’re 100% ready to enjoy this summer to the fullest!


Are you excited about your upcoming travel plans but worried about how they might affect your body? Whether you’re flying, driving, or taking the train, long hours of sitting can lead to discomfort and pain. It’s enough to make even the most adventurous traveller think twice, right? Fortunately, osteopathy offers effective solutions to help you travel comfortably and fully enjoy your journey.

As part of your pre-travel prep, consider scheduling an osteopathic treatment before your trip.

Osteopathy offers a holistic approach to address travel-related issues, ensuring you can explore new destinations with ease. Osteopathy aligns your body, releases muscle tension, and promotes optimal circulation, reducing the risk of discomfort during your journey.

Travelling should be an exciting and enjoyable experience, free from pain and discomfort.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation.


The summer season, with all its joys and challenges, doesn't have to be a source of overwhelming stress for busy parents like you. By incorporating osteopathic care into your routine, you can reduce stress, improve relaxation, and enhance your overall well being.

As well as recommending you incorporate osteopathic care into your routine this summer, here are a few practical tips that’ll help you manage any unexpected stress:

🔵Create a schedule
🔵Prioritise self-care
🔵Delegate responsibilities
🔵Stay active
🔵Stay hydrated and eat well.

If you’re experiencing physical or emotional discomfort or unease that’s impacting your daily activities, please do reach out to The Enfield Osteo team. We offer a free consultation to assess your current health and take the time to really get to know you and your needs. Your health and wellbeing are our top priorities, we will help you have a summer filled with vitality and adventure!


What would it mean for you to go through the summer feeling physically strong and resilient?

With your kids off school and summer holiday planning in full swing, regular osteopathic treatments can boost your immune system by improving your circulation, helping you stay healthy during this busy period. If you’re not feeling your best, who will ensure the kids are where they need to be, that your work deadlines are met, and that you still have time for self-care? Prioritising your health with osteopathy means you can keep everything on track and enjoy a stress-free summer.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation. Let’s make sure you’re 100% ready to enjoy this summer to the fullest!


While summer promises fun and relaxation, it often brings challenges that can heighten stress and tension for busy parents.

Osteopathy is a fantastic way to ensure you’re taking care of your emotional and physical wellbeing in between the summer madness.

Osteopathy takes a whole-body approach to wellness, focusing on how your body’s structure and function are connected. Unlike regular exercise or conventional medical treatments, it goes beyond just addressing symptoms. Instead, it looks at your overall posture, joint health, and even how well your body fluids are circulating. This makes it a great complement to your usual wellness routine, helping you achieve a more balanced and holistic sense of wellbeing.

For parents navigating the summer juggle, osteopathy can provide several benefits, one of them being reducing stress and tension.

Osteopathy looks at the whole body, identifying and treating underlying causes of stress and tension rather than just the symptoms. Imagine how much more enjoyable your summer could be without the constant aches and pains.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation. Let’s make sure you’re 100% ready to enjoy this summer to the fullest!


As summer rolls in, parents everywhere brace themselves for the exciting yet demanding task of juggling work, family life, and the extra responsibilities that come with school holidays.

Have you found yourself scrambling to find activities or childcare solutions at the last minute?

Summer is often seen as a time for family holidays and memorable experiences. However, with your children at home, it's easy to start feeling pulled in multiple directions, trying to be both an effective employee and an attentive parent, isn’t it? Not to mention how finding time for your own self-care and relaxation can become increasingly challenging. It's common to sacrifice your own needs to ensure your family is well taken care of, leading to heightened stress and exhaustion.
Hit the link in our bio to check out our latest blog where we explore these challenges and discuss how osteopathic treatments can be a valuable tool for reducing stress, improving relaxation, and enhancing your overall wellbeing.


How are you planning to keep your muscles happy, stay hydrated, and avoid injuries for a fantastic summer?

By incorporating osteopathic care into your summer routine, you can optimise your muscle health, enhance your performance, and enjoy your favourite activities with confidence and comfort.

If you are experiencing chronic pain or discomfort that is beginning to impact your daily activities, please do reach out to The Enfield Osteo team. We offer a free consultation to assess your current health and take the time to really get to know you and your needs. Your health and wellbeing are our top priorities, we will help you have a summer filled with vitality and adventure!


Engaging in summer activities like swimming, walking, and outdoor sports can lead to overuse of certain muscle groups, increasing the risk of strains and sprains.

Incorporating osteopathic-based stretching techniques into your pre and post-activity routine is a fantastic way to improve your muscle flexibility and reduce tension. This type of therapy focuses on gentle, controlled movements that target specific muscle groups, promoting optimal range of motion and reducing the risk of muscle strain.

Your osteopath can assess your muscle imbalances and biomechanical issues that may contribute to overuse injuries. Through manual therapy and corrective exercises, we can help restore proper alignment and function, reducing the risk of overuse injuries.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation. Let’s make sure you’re 100% ready to enjoy this summer to the fullest!


It's essential to understand how the summer heat can impact your muscles and overall wellbeing!

Did you know sweating is actually our body's natural way of cooling down? Still, it can often lead to fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance, which can contribute to muscle cramps and fatigue. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after outdoor activities.

Osteopathic treatment can enhance the body's ability to regulate hydration by improving fluid dynamics and optimising organ function, such as the kidneys and lymphatic system. This type of care focuses on optimising your body's natural healing mechanisms, including hydration regulation.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation. Let’s make sure you’re 100% ready to enjoy this summer to the fullest!


How can you ensure a summer filled with muscle comfort, hydration, and injury prevention?

Beyond its effects on the skin, prolonged sun exposure can lead to muscle fatigue and discomfort. The heat from the sun can cause muscles to become tense and rigid, contributing to stiffness and reduced flexibility. Utilising cooling strategies such as cold packs or damp towels can help to alleviate muscle discomfort and reduce inflammation.

Osteopathic treatment can complement cooling methods by addressing underlying muscle tension and promoting relaxation, enhancing the effectiveness of cooling therapies. Through gentle manipulation techniques, osteopathic treatment can help release tension in muscles affected by sun exposure, restoring balance and promoting relaxation.
Get in touch today to book in your free consultation.


As well as the many physical benefits osteopathy has, it also supports mental and emotional wellbeing, which is essential for those of you who love exploring the great outdoors during the warmer months.

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall mental health. Osteopathic treatments, which focus on releasing tension and promoting relaxation, can further enhance these benefits, helping you to achieve a sense of balance, tranquillity, and connection with the natural world.

By nurturing both your body and mind, osteopathy can empower you to fully immerse yourself in outdoors experiences, and will help you to savour each moment and embrace the joy of exploration.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation.


Though your long walks and hiking adventures fill you with the best feel-good vibes, does lower back pain or discomfort often ruin your highs?

Long hours on the trail can lead to fatigue, muscle soreness, and joint stiffness, making it essential to prioritise post-hike recovery. Osteopathic treatments, such as lymphatic drainage, myofascial release, and gentle stretching, can help alleviate post-hike discomfort, promote circulation, and expedite the body's natural healing process. By incorporating osteopathy into your post-hike routine, you can accelerate recovery, reduce inflammation, and minimise the risk of overuse injuries, allowing you to maintain your active lifestyle and continue exploring the great outdoors.

Osteopathy is a fantastic way to enhance recovery and reduce the risk of injury during and after your hike. Get in touch today to book in your free consultation.


Will you be spending this summer making the most of exploring the great outdoors?

One common complaint we hear from hikers is lower back pain. This is often caused by the repetitive motion of walking long distances with a heavy backpack.

Osteopathy can provide relief by targeting the underlying causes of back pain, such as muscle tension, spinal misalignment, or sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Through gentle manipulation and corrective exercises, your osteopath will alleviate discomfort, improve spinal alignment, and restore balance to your pelvis and lower back. By addressing these issues proactively, you can enjoy a more comfortable and pain-free hiking experience, allowing you to keep your focus on the beauty of your surroundings rather than an aching back.

Get in touch today to book in your free consultation.


With the days growing longer and the temperatures slowly rising, as an outdoor enthusiast, you must be eagerly anticipating the opportunity to hit the trails and explore the beauty of nature, right?

Hiking offers a perfect blend of exercise, adventure, and breathtaking scenery, making it a favourite pastime for people of all ages. However, there can be a downside to your love of hiking and exploring, can’t there?

The repetitive movements, uneven terrain, and physical demands of hiking can take a toll on your body, leading to discomfort, fatigue, and even injury. Fortunately, osteopathy offers a comprehensive approach to supporting hikers just like you and enhancing their outdoor experience.

Osteopathy is a fantastic way to enhance recovery and reduce the risk of injury during and after your hike. Get in touch today to book in your free consultation.


ESWT is a non-invasive treatment that boosts blood flow, aids your body's natural healing process, and really helps to eliminate the pain or discomfort you’re facing.

What are the benefits of ESWT?

🔵 It’s non-invasive
🔵 It’ll speed up healing
🔵 It’ll provide long-lasting pain relief
🔵 It’ll improve your functionality.

If you're experiencing chronic pain or discomfort and haven’t yet responded effectively to other treatments, please do reach out to The Enfield Osteo team to find out more about this style of treatment.


Is chronic pain or discomfort impacting your daily activities?

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy could be what you need!

ESWT is offered to patients who have not responded effectively to other treatments, such as exercises, injections, foot orthoses (insoles), rest, ice therapy and pain relief. It is a minimally invasive treatment that is carried out on an outpatient basis, which means that you can go home the same day. ESWT can offer relief from pain and other symptoms.

If you're experiencing chronic pain or discomfort and haven’t yet responded effectively to other treatments, please do reach out to The Enfield Osteo team to find out more about this style of treatment.


Have you heard of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy?

This is a non-invasive treatment that utilises shockwaves to target areas of chronic pain and tissue damage. This type of treatment has the ability to change your life.

Your ESWT will be carried out by your osteopath, who has undertaken special training to carry out the procedure. Some patients may experience some pain or discomfort during the procedure. Please don’t worry though, you can inform us of your pain experience as we go along and we will adjust the treatment to allow you to manage the experience more comfortably.

If you're experiencing chronic pain or discomfort and haven’t yet responded effectively to other treatments, ESWT could be for you. It really is a minimally invasive treatment that has many benefits.

Please do reach out to The Enfield Osteo team if this style of treatment, or any other treatment we offer is of interest to you.


At The Enfield Osteo clinic, we're always on the lookout for innovative ways to ease your discomfort and bring you relief, and ESWT is one method that's been making waves in the world of pain management.

What is ESWT?

It’s a non-invasive treatment that utilises shockwaves to target areas of chronic pain and tissue damage. It's been gaining momentum as a highly effective option for conditions ranging from plantar fasciitis and tendonitis to various musculoskeletal issues. ESWT is offered to patients who have not responded effectively to other treatments, such as exercises, injections, foot orthoses (insoles), rest, ice therapy and pain relief.

If you're experiencing chronic pain or discomfort and haven’t yet responded effectively to other treatments, ESWT could be for you. It really is a minimally invasive treatment that has many benefits.

Please do reach out to The Enfield Osteo team if this style of treatment, or any other treatment we offer is of interest to you.


Have you ever felt the impact of burnout?

Prioritising self-care is a crucial step towards breaking free from the clutches of burnout and rediscovering a sense of balance and wellbeing. Considering holistic approaches like osteopathy can be a game-changer for you. By addressing the physical and emotional aspects of burnout, osteopathy provides a path toward rejuvenation and resilience.

Here is an exercise you can practise in the comfort of your own home today to help reduce any tension you might be feeling…

Neck and shoulder self Massage

🔵 Gently massage your neck and shoulders using circular motions with your fingertips
🔵 Pay special attention to areas where you feel tension
🔵 Continue for 5-10 minutes, focusing on relaxing the muscles.

If you're experiencing symptoms of burnout that are impacting your day-to-day life, don't hesitate to reach out to The Enfield Osteo team. We offer a free consultation to assess your current health and take the time to really get to know you and your needs.


Did you know osteopaths provide you with exercises and breathing techniques to practise in the comfort of your own home during your treatment?

Here is a diaphragmatic breathing exercise you can try today…

🔵 Find a comfortable seated position
🔵 Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand
🔵 Exhale slowly through your mouth, focusing on a controlled and relaxed release of breath
🔵 Repeat for 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the duration over time.


The relentless stress, both physical and emotional, caused by burnout can take a toll on our wellbeing. In the quest for relief, many are turning to holistic approaches like osteopathy to address burnout.

What are the benefits of osteopathy for burnout?

🔵 Stress reduction
🔵 Improved sleep
🔵 Enhanced emotional wellbeing
🔵 Balancing the nervous system

Osteopathy focuses on restoring balance within the body.

If you're experiencing symptoms of burnout that are impacting your day-to-day life, don't hesitate to reach out to The Enfield Osteo team. We offer a free consultation to assess your current health and take the time to really get to know you and your needs.


Have you ever experienced the impact of burnout?

Burnout isn't just feeling tired or stressed; it's a state of physical and emotional exhaustion, often accompanied by a sense of detachment and reduced performance. Osteopathy, a holistic healthcare approach, recognises that the body and mind are interconnected, making it a fantastic form of treatment to address the multifaceted nature of burnout.

Osteopaths understand that chronic stress and burnout can manifest physically, leading to tension, pain, and a range of other symptoms. By employing a variety of hands-on techniques, osteopathy seeks to alleviate physical strain and promote overall wellbeing.

If you're experiencing symptoms of burnout that are impacting your day-to-day life, don't hesitate to reach out to The Enfield Osteo team. We offer a free consultation to assess your current health and take the time to really get to know you and your needs.

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How we can help you

Enfield Osteopathic Clinic is a North London-based practice founded by John Yeboah. With over 20 years’ experience in treating issues such as sciatica and slipped discs using osteopathy, Scenar Therapy and IDD Therapy, your body will be in the best hands.

If you have been struggling with back, joint or muscle aches and pains for a long period, perhaps now is the point in time to consider positive steps, as well as look for help with a good osteopath.

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93 St Mark's Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm

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